Daming Shuanglong Biography

051 [on the way home]

Jin Qianbaht tried to get some of his purpose from the messenger, but the messenger said that he would not see Li Shunchen, and he would not say it, and said that it was a very urgent military situation, and he did not dare to tell others. In fact, this was taught to him by Ye Da. Ye Da wanted to force Li Shunchen to come out by himself!

Jin Qianbahi had no choice but to tell Li Shunchen about the matter first. Li Shunchen said helplessly, "Forget, it's not a way to hide like this. Besides, this battle is not over yet. I'd better go straight back to the camp!"

It turned out that Li Shunchen hid in Shuntian City. In order for a subordinate to do this, it seems that Li Shunchen really appreciates Ye Da!

Jin Qianbah returned to the camp: "Let's go, General Li will summon you"

"Finally, it's not fun to hide and seek!"

Three people came to Li Shunchen's camp.

Ye replied with a smile, "I haven't seen you for more than 20 days. General Li seems to have gained a little weight."

Li Shunchen didn't look at him, but asked the messenger, "What's the matter? Say it."

"My general got reliable information that the Japanese army was reunited into a joint fleet and was gathering in Busan. It is said that the number this time is very large, and it may be all the remaining warships of the Japanese army."

"We are not afraid of many warships!"

"My general said that three days later, at dusk, we would meet on Gard Island, and General Li Yiqi also sent someone to inform him!"

"Okay, I see." Li Shunchen turned his head to look at Ye Da and said helplessly, "What do you have? Just say it directly."

Finally, it was Ye Da's turn, but Ye Da seemed to be embarrassed. For several months, he and * sailors have been living and dying together and establishing a deep relationship. When it comes to leaving, he is still a little reluctant to leave. But to borrow what Chen Lin said in the Three Kingdoms: arrows have to be fired on the strings!

"General Li, as we agreed before, I want to go back to Daming now

Li Shunchen sighed and said, "I know that I have no reason to stop you this time, but I hope that after the victory of this war, you and I can meet again as old friends."

When it comes to parting, Ye Da is also a little sad: "It will definitely be, and..." Ye Da's impression seems that the war has been going on for several years and has been fought twice. Maybe it won't be long before I will meet you again as a Daming soldier.

"I asked Jin Qianbah to walk with you. He was born in the north and will lead the way. You should not encounter many difficulties." Li Shunchen waved his hand to Ye answered out, "You go!"

"Thank you, General Li, then..." Ye Da saw that Li Shunchen no longer looked at him, and he also withdrew from the account.

"What? Teacher Ye, are you going back to heaven? The messenger asked Ye in surprise.

"Well, I've been away from home for several months, and now I'm a little homesick."

"But we need you very much here!"

Ye Da patted the messenger on the shoulder and said, "I will come back. Tell General Yuan to thank him for not killing at the beginning. We will see you later."

Jin Qianbah was actually very unwilling to leave the water army camp, but Li Shunchen gave him such a task, and he had to accept it.

Hearing that Ye Da was leaving, the sailors came to see him off.

"Teaching Ye, don't go"

"We will miss your head, Teacher Ye."

Ye Da is also a sentimental person. He suddenly has the idea of not leaving. The main reason is that he doesn't have a home when he goes back to the Ming Dynasty. Everything has to start from scratch. There are so many friends here, and he can completely regard this place as a home, but after all, the feeling in his heart is different. This is what people do. There will be no racial and geographical differences, and there will be feelings of cherishing their homeland.

"Golden baht! Let's go!" Be ruthless, turn your head, stop! * sailor! Farewell! Li Shunchen!

Ye Da and Jin Qianbaht picked up their luggage, took Li Shunchen's hand, and left Li Shunchen's sailor base. The two walked to Shuntian City, and this was their first stop.

"Teaching Ye, I really don't understand why you have to leave. Whether we need you here or not, the big man should be ambitious in all directions. How can he be hindered by his hometown?" Although Jin Qianbah accepted the task of escorting Ye Da, he still didn't want Ye Da to go back so easily.

"I'm not from your time, and I don't think much like you. Our era was a peaceful era without war. And there are some special reasons, and you won't understand it. The special reason is that Ye Da believes that if history will not change because of his arrival, then what he does will not change any result, then what he does is meaningless, because he already knows that Japan will be defeated in the end. If history changes because of his arrival, there is only a reverse result. * If the country is subjugated, it will be self-defeating, so it is better to let history develop according to the original trajectory. If you can't change history by traveling to the past, it's better to do something you like to do, so you don't have any need to stay here. In fact, no matter what you do, it is the same. Once you know the result of the matter in advance, or make efforts, it will make things go to the bad side, and the people who do things will lose the motivation to do things.

"Actually, I also have an idea that there are always some differences between you and us, such as speaking and ordinary things, but I can't say where it's different. Anyway, it feels very strange."

"Maybe it's because we are not from a country." Ye Da thought to himself: You are quite**.

The two went to the city to buy two batches of good horses, bought some forage for the horses, and then went all the way north out of Shuntian City.

"Where are we going to the next stop?"

"Ask for gifts"

Ye Da was actually riding a horse for the first time, and he felt very excited. He held the horse's mane tightly and had a heroic feeling in his heart. This is the horseback life across the world. This is the real BMW, ultra-high speed! Super exciting!

Compared with the attack speed of the Japanese army sweeping the fallen leaves in Qingsang Province, Jeolla Province suffered much less losses due to geographical reasons, but few busy farmers can be seen on the way out of the city. People hide at home when they have nothing to do, because they are not sure which day the enemy will attack here.

All the way, I went to sleep in the city at night, rushed to the road during the day, and arrived in Jinshan in a few days.

"In front of Jinshan is Zhongqing Road. There may be more Japanese troops in Zhongqing Road. We should be careful. And Qingzhou has been occupied by the Japanese army, and we should take a detour.

With Jin Qianbaht, a person who is familiar with the terrain, can guide the way much better than a map with arrows. It should be right to follow him!

"Actually, my brother has recently organized a powerful volunteer in Zhongqingdao. We may have a chance to meet him."