Daming Shuanglong Biography

052 [on the way home]

"Yes, your brother is quite powerful. What's his name?"

"Jin Qianyong, his kung fu is also very good, and the meteor hammer is also invincible. If you have a chance, you can learn from it."

"Listen to what you said, I don't think I can beat him. I don't know how to use weapons."

"In the last naval battle, weren't you quite skilled at playing with knives and killing a lot of enemy troops?"

"Well, it's also because I have some roots. Besides, the Japanese army was in chaos at that time, and it was easier for us to kill."

"Actually, my brother also has a nickname."

"What nickname?"

"Eagle King!"

"Real awesome X!"


Of course, ancient people can't understand modern terms.

"It's okay. I mean, why did you get this nickname?"

"Ha ha, he has a good friend named Cangkong, who can communicate in language. Cangkong often detects the enemy for him and can also attack the enemy.

"Is the sky an eagle?"

"Yes, the sky is very human, and I have a good relationship with it."

"What a strange person. I really want to see your brother and this sky when there is a chance."

The two of them talked and laughed, and it was not too boring along the way. Soon they arrived near Qingzhou City.

"We can't get through the city. We have to go around the villages near here. There may also be Japanese troops in the villages. Let's be careful."

Two people walked through the mountains near Qingzhou City and came to a village. At present, it's a little dark, and it's already dusk. There is no one quiet outside the village, giving people a sense of silence.

"It's getting late. Let's not hurry. I think we should stay in this village for one night."

"Well, I'm also a little thirsty. Go in and ask for a bowl of water."

Two people led their horses to the door of a farmer in the village. Jin Qianbaht knocked on the door and shouted, "Is there anyone?"

There was a sound of walking in the room. An old man looked out through the crack of the door. What he saw was Ye Da's eyes looking in, which scared the old man to take several steps back. Who are you?" The old man asked in an unusually hoarse voice.

"Old man, don't be afraid. We are not Japanese. To be honest, we are sailors of Li Shunchen, the right envoy of the Quanluo Water Army. If you have something important to do, we will go to Yizhou and pass by here and want to stay with you for a night."

"General Li's soldier?" Jin Qianbah spoke louder in order to let the old man hear clearly. It was heard by other farmers in the village. Originally, they were afraid that the two were Japanese soldiers, but now they both opened the door and came out. The old man also opened the door: "Are you really General Li's soldiers?"


"General Li is a hero of our nation!"

"General Li's soldiers actually came to us!"

"Tell us the story of your defeating the Japanese."

"Yes, let's talk about it!" The villagers suddenly surrounded Ye Da and the two of them in the middle and asked.

Jin Qianbaht smiled and said, "The story of our defeat of the Japanese army has come to you. Ha ha, can we have a sip of water first?"

"Come on, I have it here." Two large bowls of water were handed over quickly.

Jin Qianbaht solved a large bowl of water, and then said, "Listen to me, we have an emergency and have to go early tomorrow, so we have to live here today. Can we tell you the story of defeating the Japanese army when I come back after I finish my work?"

"The two military masters must have something important to do. Don't ask, military lords, come to my house to live in my house." A villager invited enthusiastically.

"Come to my house, come to my house!" Everyone is not willing to lag behind.

Just now the old man had been speechless. Now he hurriedly knocked on his house with a stick. Everyone suddenly became quiet and looked at the old man.

At this time, the old man said angrily, "They knocked on my door first. Of course, they want to live in my house!"

"Oh, old man, there is a big girl in your family. It's not convenient. Just stay at my house!"

"Became in my house! Live in my house!" Everyone began to fight again.

Ye Da said helplessly, "You people are too enthusiastic. I think we are about to become works of art."

"I didn't expect it to be like this," Jin Qianbah said with a wry smile.

The old man was angry, picked up the stick and began to beat those who robbed him: "You don't know that you come first, and you don't know that you respect the old and love the young!" The person who was knocked had no choice but to fight back, so he had to cover his buttocks and run away: "Dead old man, I won't argue with you."

In the end, no one dared to rob the old man again, and they all went back to their respective homes.

Ye Da looked at Jin Qianbaht and said to himself, "The old man has a strange temper."

Jin Qianbah replied with a smile in his heart, "The people in this village are really interesting."

drove away the others, and the old man happily let them into the room: "Two military masters, please come in. Although the house is cold, you will stay for one night."

Two people walked into the room, and the old man greeted his granddaughter: "Wisdom, cook for two guests."

"No, we have people with dry food." Ye Da didn't want to bother the old man and said hurriedly.

"No trouble, no trouble. My granddaughter is very good at craftsmanship. You can try it. He"

At this time, a woman dressed in white and with a red waistband came out of a room with curtains inside and walked towards another room. When she left, she looked at Ye Da and smiled charmingly.

Ye Da was a little stunned. He hadn't seen a woman for months when he traveled to ancient times, and this woman named Wisdom had beautiful eyebrows, white face, and a pair of curved moon-like eyes revealed a thousand charm. The smile just now was mixed with a little shyness. What is this? Feeling? Classical beauty! This is the classical beauty that can no longer be found in modern society!

"Hey, why are you in a daze?" Jin Qianbaht called Ye Da back to reality.

"Nothing" Ye Da hurriedly covered it up.

"Hey, you don't like other girls, do you?"

Ye Da looked around in horror: "Shh! Be quiet. Fortunately, the old man is not here, or I should have kicked you out.

"It seems that you really like it. By the way, you haven't got a family yet, right? Why don't you two make a match?"

"Don't mess with me"

"Why don't you get married here, and then don't go back, just treat this place as your home." Jin Qianbah is still trying to make Ye Da stay here.

Ye Da shook his head: "I can't give up my heart."

At this time, the old man brought out a pot of tea, "Two military masters, please have tea. This is the good tea I treasure here."

"Old man, I didn't expect you to have tea here?" Jin Qianbah was surprised.

"This is the tea of my son who captured the Japanese pirates when he joined the army for some years." The old man's eyes showed a little sadness when he spoke.

Jin Qianbah took a sip and asked, "Which army is your son in?"

"I used to be in Zhongqing Road, but later died in battle." As the old man said, he continued to water the golden baht.

"Sorry, we don't know..." Ye Da hurriedly comforted the old man.

The old man said calmly, "It doesn't matter. Over time, I'm used to it. Besides, he sacrificed his life for the country, which is worthy of my pride."

At this time, wisdom came out with a plate serving vegetables.