Daming Shuanglong Biography

058 [Eagle King Qian Yi]

Wisdom was very worried about Ye Da, but it seemed that Ye Da was dominant in form, so she became excited and shouted to cheer for Ye Da. Inspired by the beautiful woman, Ye Da was refreshed, and his flexibility improved another level. While Jin Qianyi had no way to fight back, Ye Dage blocked Jin Qianyi's arms, let him expose his central chest, and then beat him with a broken fist. Jin Qianyi was beaten and retreated several steps. Ye Da did not give him any chance. Then he pulled his arms to get close to him, and at the same time slapped Jin Qianyi with his palms. The last kick of his head kicked Jin Qianyu out.

Jin Qianyi had a chance to take a breath. He wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and scolded, "I have two strokes!" Then he attacked again. At this time, Ye Da had fully mastered Jin Qianyi's attack routine. He quickly dodged the attack and counterattacked quickly, and finally kicked Jin Qianyi out with another kick.

"General, take the hammer!" The two soldiers threw the black meteor hammer to Jin Qianyong's side. Jin Qianyong copied it and turned it over to Ye Da.

"You..." Ye Da was going to say that you were not trustworthy, but the meteor hammer came so fast that he quickly moved his body to barely avoid a blow. The place where Ye Da was stunned just now had been smashed into a big pit. Shit, this meteor hammer is covered with black nails, and it will kill you if you are hit.

Jin Qianye, who got the meteor hammer, completely turned from passive to active. Ye Da hid desperately, but his physical strength would soon be exhausted.

The mood of wisdom also changed from ease to anger. She took the knife from the hand of a soldier and threw it to Ye A: "husband, continue."

Ye Da jumped and took the knife, but Jin Qianyong took advantage of this time to throw the meteor hammer over. Ye Da couldn't dodge, so he had to hurriedly block it with the knife in his hand, but the meteor hammer was too strong and directly bombarded Ye Da with the knife. Ye Da rolled to the ground. Fortunately, a knife body blocked the nail of the meteor hammer and was not pierced, but he still spit out a mouthful of blood. After this, with another hammer, he could no longer hide.

Ye Da pressed his faintly painful chest and said directly, "If you want to kill or scrape, just come."

But Jin Qianying did not attack. He threw the hammer aside and said, "Your kungfu is really good. If I don't kill you, you will win this game, but you will stay and help me kill the enemy in the future. My brother said he can't let you go, so you don't want to leave me. Let your wife help you treat your wounds. And!" Jin Qianye said and turned his eyes from Ye Da to the soldiers: "Which two gave me the meteor hammer just now? Drag me down and hit the 20 boards!"

"Ah," no one expected that Jin Qianying would do this, and the two soldiers just now were scared enough. If these 20 boards continue, they will at least lie down in ** for a month.

"Jin Qianyong is still a man, trustworthy!" Although Ye Da was injured, fortunately he saved his life.

Wisdom has different opinions: "If you are trustworthy, he won't take the meteor hammer and hammer you to injury."

"Yes, but he thinks that I killed his brother. This hammer can also help him dispel this anger, and it's worth it!"

"Don't say that. If you don't think about your own body, you should also think about me. We are husband and wife now!"

Ye Da laughed and said, "That's nominal, but actually it's not."

"What did you say?" Wisdom said angrily, "Then we will let him actually do the same tonight."

Ah? I'm joking with you!" Ye Da didn't expect that this * ancient woman could say such a thing. To be honest, she was not prepared for that.

"Hmm! I'm joking with you too!"

Ye Da took a breath. This woman is too simple. Her ability to make such a joke shows that she is a more personalized person. On the other hand, she may have fallen in love with herself, or both.

"Why are you laughing so badly!" Wisdom looked at Ye Da and said angrily with a malicious smile.

"no, no." Ye Da hurriedly explained that in fact, he was quite happy.

"I told you not to say it!" Wisdom said and pressed Ye Da's injured part hard, and Ye Da grinned for mercy.

After a few days, Ye Da has fully recovered. At this time, he has time to observe Jin Qianyi's volunteer base. This base has no warship by the sea, but it may not have been built because it is not necessary.

"Can all your soldiers swim?" Ye answered Jin Qianyong.

"They are all fishermen who grew up nearby, and their water quality is good."

At this time, the sky that went out to explore the enemy's situation came back. It seemed to be very anxious to call Jin Qianyong, and Jin Qianyong's face also began to change greatly: "No, a large number of Japanese troops appeared near us, as if they were searching for something, and they will soon find us here."

"Did they follow the bodies of the last dead Japanese soldiers?"

"There is a great possibility. Hurry up, tell everyone to evacuate quickly."

Ye Da thinks it's incredible that an animal can convey so many messages to a person. The volunteers began to pack up in a panic.

"Don't take those useless things, take weapons and dry food, let's go north!" Jin Qianyi shouted loudly that the volunteers were not regular troops, and there was no discipline when they encountered something. Fortunately, everyone is ready one after another.

Jin Qianyi released the sky and continued to spy on the enemy, and retreated north with the volunteers.

The sky circled and came back, leading everyone in the right direction. Not long after walking, when the team came to a higher hill, it could already hear the voice of the Japanese army. Everyone lay on the hill and looked down. The Japanese army had arrived at the volunteer base.

"Fortunately, we walked fast, thanks to the sky saving our lives." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"There are a lot of Japanese soldiers, two or three thousand people. If we fought with them, we would only have a few hundred people."

"I know them. They are soldiers in Qingzhou City. It seems that they have found us here."

"The base is no longer safe. We have to get out of here."

"Then where are we going?"

"Bear the map." Jin Qianyong opened the map and said, "We are going north now. Why don't we just go near Seoul? If we can restore Seoul, the king will at least make us a general."

"But where are we going?"


Ye Da also came over at this time: "Let me have a look."

The map shows a small island near Seoul, surrounded by water on all sides, and the sailors here are very good at water. Isn't that a godsend?! Moreover, if you use this island to fight guerrilla warfare, it will also make the Japanese army worse! The great Chairman M once led us to defeat Japanese D nationalism with guerrilla warfare, and now the same tactics should still work against the same enemies.

"Jianghua Island? Ye Da, you really have one! My brother didn't misread you! Jianghua Island is the place where the Goryeo royal family took refuge and resisted when Mongolia invaded the Goryeo Dynasty. Jin Qianyong was extremely excited, because he also felt that Ye Da's idea was really wonderful!" Let's go to Jianghua Island!" At this time, the Japanese army found that the volunteers in the base had disappeared, so they retreated with nothing.