Daming Shuanglong Biography

059 [dry fire] full

The volunteers and a group of soldiers rushed north, ate and slept all the way, and arrived at the seaside more than ten days later.

"The sea to the east here is Jianghua Island. It is a certain distance from the coast, and it is not easy for the Japanese to find us." As he spoke, Jin Qianyi ordered the volunteers to cut wood and build ships. These ships were all transport ships, because they could not build warships in a short time. Moreover, Seoul was also a certain distance from the coast, and the warships were useless. While building the ship, he asked Cangkong to scout the enemy and sent some people to buy some food in nearby villages. Everything went well. A few days later, dozens of speedboats had been created, and Jin Qianyi led the volunteers to Jianghua Island.

Jianghua Island is desolate and uninhabited, but there are still many fruit trees, which have also become snacks for volunteers. When you go to Jianghua Island, you must first bury the pot to make rice, eat enough, and then start to build a volunteer base. Of course, they are the simplest tents, but this can also become a treasure place for defense. The only thing missing is arable land, otherwise you can be self-sufficient and have a long-term struggle.

In the past few days, wisdom has become more and more concerned about Ye Da, and completely arranged Ye Da's food, clothing, housing and transportation. They never eat the big pot of rice in the barracks. They are all cooked by wisdom themselves. Sometimes some friendly volunteers come here to get free meals. Of course, they all envy Ye Da very much. The first is him. Marrying such a beautiful wife, the second is that only he can take his family to join the army. It's not to blame Ye Da. He wants to leave, but Jin Qianyi won't allow him, so he gave him a special case to accompany his family, but he just can't leave here.

Everything is ready, and the next step is to launch a guerrilla war. The specific method is as follows: first detect the direction that often appears in the Japanese army, then send a team of people to ambush on the only way, leave a team to answer on the ship, and run away after the fight. If conditions permit, grab some military supplies. If conditions permit, close them. The purpose is to try to annihilate the enemy's living power as much as possible to scatter the enemy. People are the master. Here, the role of the sky is extremely important, because it can transmit military information without being detected.

Of course, there will be no Jin Qianli and Ye Da among the soldiers sent out. Jin Qianli is in charge of the command. Ye Da, because Jin Qianli doesn't trust him and is afraid that he will escape, so he let him stay on the island and don't want to go anywhere.

Ye Da still wanted to go back to Daming, but the death of Jin Qian baht made him feel a little guilty. At the same time, he was a little suspicious of his own thoughts. In addition, Yu Ye Da has completely entered another state - love! The two of them have been flirting with each other all day. Wisdom really likes Ye Da, because Ye Da's handsome, although he is young, he has some sharp maturity in his eyes (who let him go through so much). Moreover, he seems to know everything and seems to be able to predict the future, but he is not sure whether it is true or false. In fact, the main reason is that her grandfather had betrothed her to Ye Da at that time, so she decided that Ye Da, and she had no relatives. Ye Da was already her only relative. Ye Da was in a state of love for the first time. After all, he didn't fall in love with Tong Xiaoxing before. Now the two people and wisdom stay together day and night, and gradually get to know each other and have a good impression. Moreover, in the face of such a beautiful woman every day, which man will not be moved?

Two people have been in the same room for a long time, and it is inevitable that there will be some embarrassment. After all, there are differences between men and women, but wisdom doesn't care at all, because he has determined that Ye Da is her husband, and sometimes he even deliberately let Ye Da look at him when he takes off his clothes and sleeps, wanting to** Ye Da. Ye Da blushed and had a heartbeat at first, but later he was relieved and stared at him every time. Wisdom was a little puzzled. She also knew about men and women, but she felt that Ye Da was facing her every day and sometimes watching her take off her clothes. Why was she not moved at all? Are you not beautiful enough? Or Ye Da is not interested in himself at all. She didn't know that Ye Da was enjoying the process of falling in love. He was not excited. It was not that he had no feeling, let alone no reaction, but he felt that everything still needed a process. He couldn't be too hasty. It would be boring if it was too fast.

Although this woman is very beautiful and sometimes shy in Ye Da's eyes, she seems to be closer to women in modern society, but what he doesn't know is that wisdom is only like this to him and rarely talks to other men!

But after all, lonely men and women are like dry fire, and neither of them can stand it. Finally, one night, the two broke through the last bottom line, and Ye Da rushed to wisdom like a hungry wolf. Wisdom only symbolically twisted his body twice and made a slight resistance, and then completely surrendered. It is inevitable that both of them will not find a direction for the first time, but in this kind of thing, human beings are both smart people. Gradually become proficient and familiar with the road.

After that, the two people became closer, and everything was in silence.

By the way, the team sent by Jin Qianyong can always have some harvest, sometimes some grains, and sometimes some Japanese military lives. Such small quarrels have not attracted the attention of the Japanese troops stationed in Seoul. They thought that some exiles robbed and killed their compatriots.

Once, Jin Qianyi got a relatively important news. A group of Japanese troops came from Longren in the south. The number was not much. It seemed that they were delivering food and supplies to the defenders in Seoul. This is a great good news. Now it has entered winter, and this batch of supplies are determined to be cold clothes. If it can be a smooth disaster Killing this group of Japanese troops will be a serious blow to the Japanese army in Seoul! Jin Qianyu will arrange personnel immediately, and this time he will fight in person!

Ye Da has been here for a long time, and it's too boring to stay on the island all the time, so he found Jin Qianye: "Let me go too!"

Jin Qianyong did not answer. Ye replied knew what he was thinking, so he continued, "Let my wife stay here. Are you still afraid that I will run away?"

Jin Qianyong thought it made sense, so he nodded in agreement.

Before leaving, Wisdom tied the button to Ye Da and said with concern, "You must return safely. I will wait for you."

Ye Da was moved and pulled his wisdom into his arms and said gently, "Don't worry, I will bring you a gift when I come back!"

"Let's go!" Under Jin Qianyi's order, except for leaving dozens of volunteers to guard them, all the people boarded the transport ship, and all the ships sailed all the way southeast to the shore between Seoul and Longren.

"Each ship leaves a soldier, and the others go ashore with me!" Jin Qianyong released the sky to investigate the exact position of the enemy, and then took people to the road by himself.