Daming Shuanglong Biography

062 [Guerilla warfare]

The others flocked to the uniform of Nakagawa, and then tied him up with a rope. At this time, Jin Qianyong also killed other Japanese soldiers with men and horses.

"What's your name?" Ye Da asked him

Nakakawa was only 24 or 25 years old. Although he was captured, he showed no sign of begging for mercy. He was surprised that Ye Da could speak Japanese, but he refused to say a word.

Jin Qianying said angrily, "Don't say it. If you don't say it, let you go to see the king of the fire!" With that, he sleaked the meteor hammer in his hand.

Ye Da's heart thumped. Jin Qianyi's meteor hammer was too bloody, and Zhongchuan's head was definitely going to become paste.

He quickly stopped him and said, "Just wait, let me ask again."

"Looking at your dress, it seems to be a little different from others. You are at least a little general."

Nakagawa still doesn't say anything.

"I boldly guess that the Japanese friend in front of us should be the general of Seoul, isn't it Mr. Nakagawa?"

Nakakawa's face changed at this time. He scolded, "Ba Ga!"

Ye Da stepped forward and took off Nakagawa's waist card, and then shook at him and said, "It's this waist card that betrayed you." The waist card has four characters of Nakagawa Hidemasa on the front and four characters of the right guard captain on the back, with lowercase Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

"Your boy has a good life and married Oda Nobunaga's daughter." Ye Da has read Japanese Warring States novels and knows this relationship.

"You, you, how do you know so much? Who the hell are you?" Nakagawa's face turned a little pale.

Ye Da approached his ear and whispered, "I'm from the future. I also know that you lost this war, and Toyotomi Hideyoshi died later." However, he found that there was no need to do this, because * people couldn't understand what he said in Japanese.

"Then tell me who was in charge later?"

"Tokugawa Ieyasu!"


"He is useless" Ye answered the order to be killed.

A * soldier cut off Nakagawa's head with a knife.

"What are you talking about?" Jin Qianyong was curious about the conversation between Ye Da and Zhongchuan just now.

"I asked, this man is the general of Seoul's name is Hidemasa Nakagawa. I think we can hit the morale of the Japanese army this time!"

Is that right? I didn't expect to make such a great contribution this time. If the king knew, he should have appointed me a general to do it.

"I still have an idea to throw Cangkong with Nakagawa's head to Seoul, which will be more powerful for the Japanese army!"

"Good idea, Sky!"

The sky has been on Jin Qianyi's shoulder. It already knows what to do. It picks up Zhongchuan's head and flies to Seoul.

"The power of the sky is quite strong."

"He has been trained since I was a child. Let's go back." Jin Qianli greeted the soldiers to clean up the battlefield, clean up the booty, and then return triumphantly.

Nakagawa Hidemasa's head suddenly fell from the air, and the soldiers defending the city were so scared that they thought that the enemy was about to invade, and they were nervous for a while. Nakagawa's death reached the ears of the Ukita Xiu family, which made the Xiu family extremely angry. Nakagawa Hidemasa was his general, and he handed over the most important Seoul to him. Now that he died, he still has to find a new candidate who can defend Seoul. Now the Xiu family is attacking the convex mountain near Seoul. * General Quan Li led troops into Gyeonggi Province and was forced to go to the convex mountain by the Xiu family.

Xiujia thought for a long time and left some troops to continue to besiege the mountains. He led his troops to retreat to Seoul, and then sent multiple troops to search for this volunteer army that gave him a headache! The last search failed. This time, we must put on a carpet search. Quan Li's regular army is not terrible. After all, they are in the bright place. This volunteer is his big trouble. This time it is Hidemasa Nakagawa who died, and it may be his turn next time.

Although Jianghua Island is very hidden, it is still exposed under the meditation of the Xiu family. After all, Nakagawa Hidemasa and the last transport team were ambushed in the northwest of Seoul, where they have been searched except for villages and forests. There are no suspects, only Jianghua Island is the most suspicious geographically. In order to prove this inference, the Xiu family immediately ordered shipbuilding to go to sea, and it was known at Jianghua Island.

Because the Japanese army has arrived in Seoul with lightning propulsion since the attack*, Xiujia is not equipped with sailors and corresponding warships, so if he wants to go to sea, he must build his own ship. Of course, his shipbuilding move has been discovered at the first time by the sky that came out to scout.

"Is it possible that the Japanese army has found here?" Jin Qianyong said worriedly.

"I don't think so. The news brought back by Cangkong is that the Japanese are building a few warships. It seems that they just suspect that we are here this time and have no plans to attack yet." Ye said after thinking about it.

"We can't hide here anymore. We can't simply kill these shipbuilding soldiers and let them form a scale!" Jin Qianyong held the meteor hammer tightly and said.

"This is the only way for the time being. It's better for them to be unable to build ships. If they can't hide, they can't hide." Ye Da is right, because they have lived on the island for so long that the traces left can't be erased in a short time.

Because he didn't expect to be found by the Japanese army, the volunteers did not build warships here. Jin Qianyi could only send a few transport ships and picked dozens of soldiers with good water. It all depends on their performance in the water.

"Leave it to me!" Ye Da took the initiative to ensure that he would complete this task. He set sail with 10 ships, stopped at a place where time and distance were calculated (just in a place that was not found by the Japanese on the shore), and then let everyone go into the water, with a thin tube in his mouth, and then quietly approached the shore.

The number of Japanese troops on the shore is small. In addition to more than a dozen soldiers who are struggling to build ships, there are more than a dozen heavily armed soldiers guarding next to them. However, because they have nothing to do, they all sit on the ground and put their weapons aside. Their lazy appearance is in sharp contrast to the shipbuilding soldiers who are working hard.

Ye Da took people to pick up the soil in the water on the shore. With Ye Da's order, everyone jumped to the shore in an instant with their hands. They all held knives in their hands. At the same time, they attacked the lazy sentry soldiers.

The Japanese soldiers were not prepared for the arrival of * soldiers. They picked up the Japanese knives placed on the ground in a panic to prepare for the battle, but some Japanese soldiers who responded a little slowly had been cut off their heads by the soldiers who rushed up.

Ye Da also rushed to the side of a Japanese soldier at the first time. As soon as the Japanese soldier grabbed the knife placed on the ground, he was stabbed into his chest by Ye Da, and his blood splashed on Ye Da's face. Ye Da simply wiped it and threw himself into other battles.