Daming Shuanglong Biography

061 [guerrilla warfare]

Nakagawa Hidemasa said excitedly to his subordinates, "Today's prey is more valuable and difficult." With that, he took out the bow and arrow, pulled it hard, stroked in the direction of flying into the sky, and then shook his head and said, "It doesn't seem to be enough."

At this time, one of his subordinates suggested to him, "General, we can lure it to the bait!"

Nakagawa Hidemasa asked in surprise, "How to seduce?"

"Animals are nothing more than looking for prey to fill their stomachs. We put a live rabbit to give it. If you don't believe it doesn't hook, just give it an arrow when it flies low!"

"Good boy, it's a good idea, but where did we get the rabbit?"

"Then we have to catch a live rabbit first"

In fact, Cangkong has seen the group of Nakagawa Hidemasa, who circled in the air a few times and flew back to Jianghua Island.

Jin Qianyong nodded after listening to Cangkong's report and said, "The number of people is relatively small, but there are still some value, but they need to insist on hunting, so that they will not be empty. Explore again!"

Nakagawa Hidemasa focused on catching a few live rabbits this day and prepared to catch Cangkong the next day.

The second day, both sides seemed to have agreed to go to the place where they met yesterday, but this time Nakagawa Hidemasa ordered all his men to hide. In order not to let the sky be found, they deliberately lay in the grass. Xiuzheng put a few live rabbits on the open space. The rabbits ate grass leisurely and did not know that the danger was coming.

Although Cangkong is human and smart, it is also an animal. Animals need to eat. Moreover, Cangkong has not eaten fresh flesh and blood for a long time. These days, it can only eat food like the volunteers. Although it is aggrieved, it has to endure it! Now when you see the lively prey, how can the sky not be excited! However, Cangkong is still extremely cautious. She understands that the goal of coming here today is to observe whether yesterday's group of people have arrived at the appointment on time today and has decided whether to set an ambush to arrest them tomorrow.

The sky hovered several times in the air and did not find the enemy hidden in the grass. It was sure that the prey was quite safe, so it looked at a rabbit and swooped down from the air with a hiss.

The hiss was heard by Hidemasa Nakagawa, and the rabbits also heard it. The rabbits knew that their natural enemies were coming, so they fled in panic. How could they give up such a good opportunity in Cangkong? He looked at a rabbit with a slow movement, stretched out his sharp claws and rushed over.

By this time, Hidemasa Nakagawa had already sneered. His bow was full, and the arrow pointed to the sky rushing down from the sky. The sky did not realize the danger, and it desperately spread its wings and flew towards the target. The rabbit didn't know what to do and just ran. The sky is chasing closely, the height is getting lower and lower, and it is getting lower and lower, and slowly reaching a place close to the ground.

Nakagawa Hidemasa finally waited for the opportunity to take action. He shot his Japanese feather arrow at the moment when he was about to catch the rabbit in the sky.

The arrow came quickly, but after all, Cangkong has the experience of different battles of different sizes. Although it did not turn back, it knew that the arrow had caught up from behind it and was about to touch the sky. In the face of Cangkong's only one-minute choice time and almost no choice questions, Cangkong was not a vegetarian, but it suddenly turned over and fell to one side at the last moment of the dive. However, because the arrow speed was too fast, the wings of the sky were still scratched, but it didn't seem to be a big problem. The eagle dodged, but the rabbit suffered, and the arrow penetrated directly into the rabbit's body.

"Quick! Shoot the eagle, come and catch the eagle!" Hidemasa Nakagawa stood up from the grass with all his buried men, and they all rushed to the sky.

Cangkong did not dare to chase any more rabbits at this time. It quickly waved its wings and rose into the air, so that the Japanese army could not reach him. The sky flew higher and faster. It didn't forget to look back and flew to Jianghua Island with regret.

"Damn, it's a little worse. My archery has regressed!" Hidemasa Nakagawa shook his head.

"The sky! Why did you hurt your wings!" Jin Qianyong quickly greeted the doctor in the team to wrap the wound for the flying back sky.

"They are going to hunt you? Do you think of you as a prey?" Jin Qianyong scolded, "Little Japan! Do something perverted!"

Ye answered suggested, "Since they didn't succeed this time, there will be another time. We might as well set an ambush in the place where Cangkong meets them, so that we can capture and kill some Japanese troops, and revenge Cangkong!"

"Do it!" Jin Qianyong, led by Ye Da and some capable soldiers, rushed to the foot of the mountain at dawn the next day.

Jin Qianli and Ye Da carefully observed the place. They decided to hide all the soldiers in the valley, leaving a small number of people led by Ye Da to hide in the grass to cut off the back road of the Japanese army, if everything goes well.

And when Nakagawa Hidemasa returned to Seoul, he was quite unhappy: "It's about to succeed!" Just a little bit!"

"It doesn't matter, General. I believe the eagle will still come back."

"Will you?" Xiuzheng was a little suspicious: "If I suffer a loss, I won't come back again!"

Xiuzheng did not come out to hunt for several days, because he felt that Cangkong did not dare to come back, and there were many gains in the last hunt, but he still couldn't give up the desire of the falcon.

Jin Qianyi wasted a day in vain, and they didn't even see a personal figure.

"What's the problem? Why didn't the enemy come out!"

"Maybe the enemy feels that Cangkong will not come back here again"

"What should I do?"

Ye Da was silent for a while and said, "This matter has to rely on Cangkong. Only Cangkong can lure Japanese soldiers out of the city again."

Jin Qianying shook his head and said, "That means that the sky will be closer to Seoul, which will be more dangerous!" Cangkong used to travel outside the city, mainly because it was unsafe over the city, and there was no need to expand the scope of reconnaissance to the city. Anyway, it was a guerrilla war.

Ye Da advised him: "If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you get the tiger son!" In order to attack this small-scale Japanese army and avenge Cangkong, I think this is the best way to do it!"

Cangkong is a good friend of Jin Qianyong! Sometimes he is even more intimate than his brother Jin Qianbaht! He doesn't want to take risks in the sky, but there is no reason why he can succeed without taking risks!

"All right!" Jin Qianyong summoned the sky and released it into the sky: "Go! The sky! Lure the enemy out!"

After receiving the order, Cangkong waved his wings and flew towards Seoul. At this time, Nakagawa Hidemasa was patrolling the city wall with his own soldiers. He looked listless. Suddenly, he heard the deepest sound he wanted to hear in his heart, the sound he had heard several times - the eagle's cry! He looked into the air excitedly, that's right! It was the last eagle! The sky deliberately circled high above the city wall, one to minimize the danger, and also to lure Nakagawa Hidemasa out of the city.

"Baby, I thought you didn't dare to come back!" Nakagawa Hidemasa immediately drove out of the city with dozens of followers. Cangkong saw the people who ambush it last chased out, and it hurriedly turned around and flew to the place where the volunteers were ambushed. Because the eagle flies unimpeded in the air, much faster than a horse, so the sky always flies for a period of time and hovers in the air twice to wait for the Japanese soldiers.

Xiuzheng's personal soldier felt that the sky's behavior was a little unusual. He reminded Nakagawa, "General, I think there is something wrong with this eagle. You see, it always flies where we can't reach it, and it has been taking us in one direction, and stops from time to time as if it's afraid that we are lost."

"What do you want to say?"

"Is this eagle trying to lure us somewhere, or is it here to avenge the last time?"

"You think too much. It's just a beast. What does it know?"

"I hope so."

Zhongchuan Hidemasa was completely wrong. He would not have thought that the sky had completely surpassed the concept of beasts. Now it is not only a warrior, but also a smart fighter!

At this time, Jin Qianye has made all the soldiers ambush according to the original plan. Ye Da also held the Japanese knife captured last time and lay in the grass. He was responsible for leading the people who were ambushed in the grass to cut off the retreat of the Japanese army. Jin Qianyong and others were responsible for rushing out of the valley to kill the enemy!

Cangkong successfully completed the task. It led Nakagawa Hidemasa to the foot of the mountain, and then dived and disappeared in the valley.

"Chasing!" Xiu Zheng slapped the horse's buttocks and rushed into the valley with people. Jin Qianyong's soldiers were hidden halfway up the mountain. They had pulled their bows full, and the arrows trembled and came out. Xiuzheng rushed into the valley with people and horses, but he did not find the figure in the sky, but when he looked up and searched, he saw the fully armed soldiers all over the mountain.

"It's not good! There is an ambush!" Nakagawa tried his best to tighten the rein, and his horse's front hoof was pulled up high, and his mouth was opened to hiss with dissatisfaction.

With the cry of Nakagawa, the sound of Jin Qianyu's "arrows" also resounded through the valley, and the arrows all over the sky ran down.

"Quick! Protect the general." More than a dozen attendants tightly surrounded Nakagawa in the middle, waved the bow and knife in their hands to block the arrows flying down.

Zhongchuan turned the horse's head and drove the horse back to "Remove quickly!" At this time, half of the Japanese fell off their horses. Nakagawa was also hit by an arrow behind his back.

Nakagawa endured the pain and fled to the same road. Ye Da deliberately let him go just now, and he won't let him go again this time. He squatted in the grass. Although his goal was small, he could find it, but Zhongchuan just wanted to go back and didn't find them at all.

The moment his horse rushed over, Ye Da got up, swerved the Japanese knife, and cut off the horse's two front legs with one knife. Although the horse without its front legs could no longer run, Nakagawa and his horse fell to the ground.

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