Daming Shuanglong Biography

091 [Nurhachi]

It's so happy to sing and laugh, drink and eat meat. Soon Huo Fangyi will be full. After going to *, he hasn't eaten a serious meal of meat. Unexpectedly, he will have an appetite today. This roasted whole lamb is really delicious, which is not comparable to the mutton of the 21st century. If I can go back and forth freely, I really want to bring Tong Xiaoxing to play with me.

"General, it's sunny today, and it's a good time to hunt, so let me accompany you to do activities?" Nurhachi is also very full, so that he has the strength to hunt!

Li Rusong was also very happy. He said, "Of course it's good, but since we all brought our subordinates, let them participate."

"Everything depends on the general!"

"Okay" Li Rusong got on his horse and took over the bow and arrow handed over by Nurhachi and said, "Li Ning and Huo Fangyi, behave well for me today and don't lose to the Jurchens!"

"Yes!" Li Ning and Huo Fangyi spoke in unison, but Huo Fangyi knew that his archery was really bad, but fortunately he had a brute force that he could have a try.

"Drive!" Since Li Rusong said it, do your best to play!

Nurhachi took them into a forest with many animals, such as deer, goats, wild boars and so on. Huo Fangyi rushed into the forest and suddenly found a deer. He gently pulled the reins. The deer had not found himself yet. He gently put the arrow on the bow and then pulled the string full! Anyway, archery is just like a sniper. I have played crossfire, just think of it as a game.

"Wo!" The arrow shot far away from the deer. The deer was frightened and suddenly got into the woods and disappeared. Huo Fangyi was a little annoyed. After going back, he should step up the practice of shooting! Otherwise, in the future, many of the battles in Liaodong will be on horseback. It will be impossible without bows and arrows. General Li Guang was the sharpshooter in those years. Since he came to this era, he should also move closer to Li Guang!

He slowly led the horse in the woods. After a while, he found another animal, but the animal found this time was not as docile as the deer. It was a black wild boar. The wild boar was full of spikes. Huo Fangyi looked at the wooden arrow in his hand and suspected that this kind of thing could shoot into the flesh of the wild boar. Li?!

The wild boar also found him. The wild boar had a bad temper. He turned his head towards Huo Fangyi, with rough air in his nose, and his right hind foot kept pedaling back. Huo Fangyi wants you to play with me! Mr. Boar, will you let me go? I'm not here to play with you!

The wild boar rushed up at once. Huo Fangyi quickly shot an arrow. Unfortunately, the arrow shot next to the wild boar and did not hurt the wild boar at all. Huo Fangyi quickly threw another arrow. As a result, the arrow failed again. Seeing that the wild boar had rushed up, Huo Fangyi had no time to turn the horse's head. I didn't have time to avoid it and thought to himself: It's over!

At the moment when the wild boar soared into the air, a fast arrow penetrated straight into the boar's chest with a sound. The wild boar fell to the ground and hummed twice and finally died of excessive blood loss.

Huo Fangyi was not scared. After all, he also fought all the way from the battlefield and had practiced the realm of martial arts that was not afraid of death. He turned his head and saw that it was none other than shooting this arrow, but Nurhachi in white and black.

"Thank you" Huo Fangyi held his fist and saluted.

"You're welcome. The little general looks at Sheng. He doesn't seem to be Mr. Li's general." Nurhachi returned his fist.

Oh? Has Nurhachi been following me? Why didn't I find it? What is this boy doing with me? Do you want to tell the truth? But there is no need to lie when you think about it.

"Captain, after returning from Ningxia the year before last, we met. Maybe there were more people at that time."

"Oh? That's my negligence." Huo Fangyi did not know that Nurhachi would not let go of any useful information. Huo Fangyi is now so close to Li Rusong that he may become a chess piece that he can use later. Huo Fangyi also thought of this, because Nurhachi would not follow him for no reason.

Nurha drove his horse to the body of the wild boar and easily adjusted the wild boar with his sword: "I'll give you this wild boar."

Huo Fangyi saw that Nurhachi's strength was not small, but he refused. He might become an enemy in the future, and he still didn't want his things: "Thank you, Dudu, but I'd better fight it myself."

Nurhachi smiled: "Young people have backbone! Dare to ask the little general where he is?"

Huo Fangyi wondered if you wanted to dig a corner if you asked in such detail!

"The one from Ningxia later defected to General Li."

At this time, a deer rushed out of the forest, and Nurhachi chased out in a horse: "Drive!"

Nurhachi is interested in Huo Fangyi because Huo Fangyi's current position in Li Rusong's mind can be the same as Li Ning, at least to prove that Huo Fangyi is a fierce general! Therefore, he must come to inquire about some information. Maybe he will become an enemy in the future, but he can't ask too much. He is afraid that Huo Fangyi will suspect to tell Li Rusong.

Huo Fangyi didn't know that Nurhachi thought so much, but he also knew that Nurhachi was interested in him.

This hunt lasted for about half an hour, and everyone returned to the fence with the results.

Li Ning carries three wild wolves on his shoulder and a wild boar on his horse.

Li Rusong's results were not small, killing five deer and a wild goat.

Looking at Huo Fangyi again, he came back with only one rabbit.

"Brother Huo, your archery is too bad!" Li Ning came over and smiled.

Huo Fangyi is a little embarrassed. He must practice archery hard when he goes back!

On the jurchier's side, Shurhachi killed two wolves and a deer, and An Feiyanggu also killed three sheep and a wolf, but Nurhachi's horse carried four goats on his back.

In fact, you can tell who is superior and who is inferior at a glance. Wolves and wild boars must get extra points. In the end, Li Ning hit the most prey. Nurhachi happily gave Li Ning a laurel symbol of warriors and said, "Li Ning, you are stronger than us female warriors!"

Li Rusong and Li Ning both laughed there, and the words of flattery sounded particularly good. Huo Fangyi doesn't believe that as a real woman, how can he hunt less every day than Li Ning? It can only be said that this is Nurhachi's plan to cover up his inner ambition and ambition!

After eating, drinking and having fun all day, he took away five beautiful women when he left. Li Rusong's psychology was happy, and Huo Fangyi became more worried. Since he has decided to revive the Ming Dynasty, Nurhachi must be eradicated, but judging from today's situation, this boy is not easy to deal with!

Watching Li Rusong and others slowly go away, Shurhachi said to Nurhachi, "Brother, why did you let me leave half of the wild wolf I hit? Doesn't that prove that we female real women are not as good as Han people in hunting?"

Nurhachi looked at An Feiyanggu and said, "What do you think?"

An Feiyanggu shook his head.

Nurhachi smiled and said, "Yes, it is to prove that we are weak, so that the Ming court can relax its surveillance of us, and we will have the opportunity to develop and strengthen our power!"

Huo Fangyi has been following Li Rusong: "Your Excellency, haven't you noticed that Nurhachi is playing tricks with us!"

Li Rusong is in high spirits and has no intention to listen to this, but he still wants to see what Huo Fangyi can say.

"Is it really not as good as us in hunting?"

Li Rusong smiled and said, "It's not that the real woman is not as good as the Han people, but that the three people in Nurhachi are not as good as the three of us. Of course, you may not be included."

"Your Excellency, Nurhha has experienced a hundred battles. I even heard that he is a sharpshooter. He can't play as much as we do. I think he deliberately let the adults win so that the adults can relax their supervision of him."

Li Ning also came over at this time: "Isn't this good? This also shows Nurhachi's respect for the general!"

"It's not like that. Think about what Nurhachi tried his best to calculate these for? In order to lie on the salary and taste the courage, wait for the day when your wings are full and powerful to grow, my lord, you can't be afraid!"

Li Rusong is a little impatient. If Huo Fangyi goes on, his good mood today will be completely destroyed by him!

"Don't talk about this anymore!"

Huo Fangyi also knows that what Li Rusong believes is not easy to change. Let's forget it today and talk to him about Nurhachi another day.

Besides, Ye Da and A Lian were at home, and there was no one else. They were really idle. Ye Da took the initiative to talk to her. At first, A Lian was a little reserved, but later she got used to it. After all, the person around her is an uncle, and it should be okay to talk.

The two talked. Ye Da was originally from the future and had a sense of humor. A Lian kept laughing. Ye Da was a little tired after a long time. After all, it's useless to make her happy. This woman is not her own!

However, Ye Da found that Alian's smile was very beautiful, which was really different from Xiaoxing's smile in those years. Both of them smiled shyly. Xiaoxing's expressions were full of cuteness, while Alian's expression was full of charm. In ancient times, women could not show their teeth when they laughed. Every time A Lian smiled, she covered her mouth with her hand. Ye Da saw a lot and felt that this half-covered smile was also quite beautiful.

"Uncle, these stories you tell are so beautiful. Do you really have any mobile phones, TV?"

In fact, Ye Da talked about some daily necessities in the future world, which made Alian think about it and excited.

"Can two people still meet and talk apart? It's incredible!"

"Those things will be available sooner or later."

While talking, Huo Fangyi came back: "Alian, Ye answered me back."

"The master is back."

"How about it? Have you seen Nurhachi?

"Well, that boy is not an ordinary person. It's not easy to deal with!"

"Isn't that nonsense? If it's easy to deal with, can you still call Nurhachi?