Daming Shuanglong Biography

092 [Nurhachi]

"The current situation is not easy. Nurhachi made Li Rusong dizzy." Huo Fangyi was worried that Nurhachi had to open the gap through Li Rusong.

"I'll forget it. If it doesn't work, we'll just go to him. In more than ten years, when Huang Taiji grows up, we will become the founding fathers! Ha ha" Ye Da has no special ideas about historical events anyway. He can do whatever he wants, and it has nothing to do with himself.

"You are too negative, I just want to go against the sky! I'd like to see if this history will change!"

"Well, if you can really reverse history, then you are a historical celebrity. Haha”

"No, I'll talk to Li Rusong tomorrow!" Huo Fangyi made up his mind and must make Li Ru Panasonic determined to deal with Nurhachi! While he hasn't unified the virgins at this time.

Alian and Ye Da had lunch together, because there was no one else at home. Alian felt that Ye Da was much more interesting than Huo Fangyi. She didn't want Huo Fangyi to be depressed all day long. She didn't know that Ye Da's usual words had been half less since she traveled through time.

Ye Da was able to observe Alian closely. When she ate, her movements were very delicate, chewing slowly, and her movements were also very elegant, not like the daughter of a poor farmer at all. However, this is the result of Alian being with Mrs. Li all day this year. It feels more and more like a lady. I don't know why Ye Da had some hazy feeling in his heart, which was something that Tong Xiaoxing could not give, what wisdom had never had, and what Chiyue Sachiko could not learn.

What's going on? I won't have feelings for her, will I? Ye Da shook his head. It's impossible. I have fallen in love with two people this year, and there won't be another one!

"Uncle, is today's meal delicious? Please give me a suggestion so that I can cook for the master in the afternoon.

"Cooky, delicious, sister-in-law, you really, show your love in front of me, envy me!" Ye Da's words actually have some sour taste.

Alian's little face blushed slightly and said, "Uncle made fun of me."

Anyway, A Lian's feeling for Ye Da is not like Xiaoxing at all, but she can't figure it out.

Three people eat together for dinner in the afternoon.

Huo Fangyi praised, "Alian, the food you cooked is really delicious!"

Alian picked up a piece of vegetables for him and said with a smile, "If it's delicious, you can eat more."

Ye answered also smiled: "Forget it, I can't eat it like this!"


"Huo Fangyi, how are you going to convince Li Rusong?" Ye answered.

"I don't know. I said it once the year before last, but it didn't work. It's sometimes not easy for Li Rusong to make a decision about Nurhachi. After all, he still has a father."

"Let's try it. Anyway, it's okay to be idle."

"How can it be all right! People like you should not cross over and waste an indicator!"

"You're here to look for trouble. I'm here to travel, haha."

This night, there was nothing but lingering mandarin ducks and lonely dry wood.

At breakfast on the second day, Huo Fangyi went straight to Li Rusong's house. When he arrived, Li Rusong was practicing a big knife in the courtyard and was already sweating all over!

Huo Fangyi walked to him and said, "Your Excellency."

"Oh? Huo Fangyi, why did you come to me so early? Li Rusong threw the knife aside and wiped his sweat and said.

"Your Excellency, let's go to the room and talk about it. You have just sweated and are easy to catch a cold."

"You are very careful. Okay, come to the house."

Li Rusong sat down with his front foot, and Huo Fangyi also sat opposite him. At this time, a maid came over with two cups of hot tea. Before the tea was ready, Mrs. Li came out of the room. Huo Fangyi quickly stood up and saluted, "Good, madam."

Mrs. Li didn't care about the situation at all. She went to Huo Fangyi and said, "Alian, I haven't seen her for a day. I really want to."

"She's at home, or I'll go back and call her."

"No, let me tell you, I have taken good care of the day for you. It will be the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, and there is still half a month left. Prepare well."

"Thank you, madam" Huo Fangyi was quite happy, but he didn't expect that Mrs. Li had planned it for herself.

"If you don't have enough money, come to the house to get it. Young people will do the wedding. By the way, Alian can't live in your place these days. That's breaking the custom. Let her come over tomorrow and come to our house when she gets married, ah! Let me just accept Alian as my goddaughter. This little girl is also quite pleasing.

Huo Fangyi was a little surprised. Isn't this Li Rusong's son-in-law? He looked at Li Rusong. Li Rusong was drinking tea, but after drinking the tea, he said with a smile, "That's it. Your sister-in-law talked to me last night."

Huo Fangyi quickly knelt down and thanked, "Thank you, Mrs. Li!"

Mrs Li said happily, "Very good, hehe, you will call me mother-in-law in a few days!"

Li Rusong waved his hand at her at this time and said, "Oi, hurry down. We still have something to talk about."

Mrs. Li went back to the house happily, and Huo Fangyi also sat back in the chair.

"Say it, what's the matter?"

"Your excellency, it's still about Nurhachi."

"Nurhachi is very good. Didn't you see it all yesterday? He is respectful to us. Don't worry."

"My lord, that's why we need to worry more! Nurhachi is like a sleeping lion, waiting for the day to wake up. He is very good at knowing how to hide himself, just like yesterday, when he asked me to investigate my details when I was single.

"Oh?" Li Rusong looked at Huo Fangyi and asked, "How did you investigate?"

"He asked me where I was."

"Is that the question?"

Huo Fangyi thought for a long time and seemed to have asked him this sentence. en”

"What can a sentence represent? It's just a simple greeting."

"No," Huo Fangyi found that Nurhachi was powerful, and he couldn't do anything about it at all. My lord, Nurhha's ambition has arisen since the death of his grandfather and father. He swore with thirteen pairs of armor that he must avenge his father! He has always been a threat to the north of the Ming Dynasty!"

"I know what you said, but his enemy, Nikan Wailan, has been killed by him, and he has revenged him. There is a threat, but the policy of the court is to control the razing.

"Your Excellency, his real enemy is not Nikan Wailan. Nikan Wailan is just an excuse for his expedition. My Ming Dynasty is his enemy and his revenge goal. And he has unified Jianzhou Nvzhen under the banner of revenge, and the threat to my Daming will become greater and greater in the future!"

"It's okay. Jianzhou Nvzhen is just a part of the Nvzhen clan. There are also four major parts of Haixi Nvzhen in the east. The strength of these four tribes is not weak compared with them, and they can completely achieve the role of containment. Your worry is really superfluous."

"Your Excellency, those tribes are not the opponents of Nurhachi at all, and the four parts of Haixi suffered heavy losses in the first battle of Gulshan, and they can no longer compete with them!"

"Have there been any battles in Gulshan? Why don't I know?" Li Rusong was a little surprised that Gulian Mountain is located in northern Liaoning, which is the only way from Haixi to Jianzhou.

Hasn't the Battle of Guler Mountain happened yet? Anyway, we should find a way to convince Li Rusong. Huo Fangyi thought for a moment and decided to change his tone. After all, he knew that Li Rusong was also wary of Nurhachi, and maybe he did not express what he had just said clearly.

"My lord, the ancients said that it was a gradual and prevent problems. Nurhachi's ambition may not be seen yet, but we should also do a good job of prevention.

Li Rusong thought for a while and said, "What you said makes sense. Nurhachi is indeed shrewd. His ambition is actually obvious, but whether he has ambition or not is one thing, and whether he has strength is another thing. Who has no ambition at all? With his current strength, he can't achieve great things, but from now on, I will send people to keep a close eye on his movements and not give him another chance to expand his power!"

"Your Excellency, why don't we kill it quickly! In order to end the future problems!" Huo Fangyi reluctantly said his final purpose, and I'm afraid he won't have a chance to say it.

"Haha, why are you so worried about him? Isn't it easy for me to play with him in the applause? Moreover, it's easy to kill him. If he is really rebellious and asks him to come to Li's house, he can chop him with a knife!"

"Your Excellency!"

"Well, that's all about this matter. You'd better care about your marriage. Prepare what you should prepare in advance. If it's too late, just come to the house directly if you need money to get it."

"Thank you very much." When Huo Fangyi saw that he did not move Li Rusong, he was also depressed. Can't history really change?

Huo Fangyi returned home depressedly, and Ye Da knew that things had not been done as soon as he saw his expression.

"It doesn't seem to make out."

"This Li Rusong is too rewd! It doesn't make sense."

"But your mouth is really, and it hasn't changed much before. What are you going to do?"

"Let's talk about it in the long line. Anyway, this kind of thing can't be rushed. Think of another way, it's better to hold a Hongmen banquet or something, invite him to go to the appointment alone, and then we will attack him and cut him!"

"Think of another way. He doesn't know you. How can you invite him to touch him?"

"It's also true, I don't care, brother, I've set the date. How about the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month? Mrs. Li also said that she would accept Allen as a righteous daughter.

"Congratulations" Ye answered a sense of loss when he heard the news: "Then you will become Li Rusong's son-in-law? So you won't be calm in the future?"

"Only half is right. You should know that the history books say that Li Rusong died when he chased Mongolian soldiers, and it was in these years. I'm afraid I can't rely on him either!"

"Well, it's a pity." Ye Da regretted for Huo Fangyi. After all, there is a provincial party secretary as his father-in-law. Needless to say, he must be promoted and rich, but if his father-in-law dies, it will be difficult to say anything in the future, but his strength and prestige are still there. I hope it will be easier to do things.