Daming Shuanglong Biography

110 [Soldier Rebellion] on

Li Rusong took Huo Fangyi to recruit troops from all sides, including Zu Chengxun, Cha Dashou and other generals, all of which were recruited by him.

Mr. Li Chengliang was also surprised to learn the news: "Over the years, the Mongolian army has only made such a large-scale attack three times during my tenure as a general, including this time. The first two times they retreated without a war, but this time it seems that the Mongolian army is bound to win! Zimao, you have to be careful!"

"Don't worry, father, this time I will destroy Nurhachi!"

On the night when Huo Fangyi accompanied Li Rusong to recruit troops, Huo Fangyi got a bad news. Li Deng found Huo Fangyi crazily: "General, our prisoner team is missing?"

"What?" Huo Fangyi didn't hear clearly.

"I haven't been on the team for a few days. I just ran to the barracks and saw that all the real women were dead! None of the Mongolian soldiers are gone.

Li Rusong stood next to Huo Fangyi: "How could this happen? This is going to be a mutiny!"

"Mom, I was just thinking about how to take a tribe at once. They must want to seize my Guangning Beiwei from the inside and outside the Mongolian army!"

Li Rusong said, "Come on, lead a thousand people to stop them. Now it's getting dark. I hope it's still too late!"

Huo Fangyi immediately ordered 1,000 people to rush to Guangning Beiwei.

The barracks of his captured team are not in the city, but between Guangning City and Guangning Beiwei. In fact, the general barracks are not in the city. After all, the city is relatively small and can't accommodate so many soldiers, but the barracks will not be too far from the city, because once the war starts, soldiers need to enter the city quickly.

Huo Fangyi quickly rushed to Guangning Beiwei. At this time, the night was already dark. This group of Mongolian soldiers must have acted after dark, so that the guards on the north wall of Guangning could not see their faces clearly because of the dark. In addition, they were also wearing the military uniforms of our Ming army and wanted to distinguish the Han and Mongolians. People are really difficult. Huo Fangyi thought of this and fixed his heart. Maybe the boy Ge Mule had opened the gate and led the Mongolian army into the city!

If that's the case, wouldn't you kill yourself with these thousands of soldiers! But at present, it can't control so much. Once Guangning Beiwei is lost, there will be no way to fight in the future!

Soon Huo Fangyi rushed to the south gate of Guangning Beiwei. Li Deng just wanted to come forward and shout, "Open the gate!" Blocked by Huo Fangyi.

"Don't be busy! We don't know the current situation, and the city seems to be calm, but in fact there is a hidden murder!" Li Deng looked at the top of the city and didn't seem to see any difference. At the top of the city stood two soldiers in Ming military uniforms, with torches lit behind them, and there was nothing suspicious in other places.

"Has Gmler taken down the south gate?"

"I think it's 80%! However, he only has a team of 500 people and has to open the north gate, so there will not be too many people left at the south gate. Even if we attack, we have a full chance of winning. We need to test the guards first. You can open the gate.

Li stepped forward and thought that he would not let me call the city gate after such a big detour. In fact, Ge Muller has indeed taken off the south gate. The way to open the door is just like Huo Fangyi thought, just one sentence: "We are soldiers under the hands of the Great. Lord Li Rusong asked us to come and defend the city first!" The soldiers defending the city could not recognize these Mongolians in Ming military uniforms at all, and it is true to the current situation. It was very suitable. They opened the gate. Unexpectedly, as soon as Ge Muller entered the city, he killed all the soldiers guarding the south gate, and then left 100 people to continue to guard the gate. He led the remaining 400 people to quietly sneak into the north gate at night. All this was silent. At this time, the general guarding the city was still paying attention to the actions of the Mongolian army under the city. He did not know that there had been a change of owner at the south gate.

Now there are 5,000 people stationed in Guangning Beiwei, which was left by Li Rusong when he left. Therefore, after taking down the south gate, Ge Muller ordered the soldiers guard: "Give me the statue, but in any case, you can't let others enter the city from the south gate!"

Li Deng shouted at the city wall, "Open the gate quickly. We are Lord Li Rusong's troops!"

The guards in the city didn't expect Huo Fangyi to come so quickly: "What should I do? Our Chinese is not good. Once we reply, it will be exposed, but if we don't reply, it will also be exposed!"

The Mongolian soldiers were so anxious that they didn't know what to do. Li Deng shouted again: "Open the gate!"

Huo Fangyi has some spectrum in his heart at this time. It seems that the South Gate has been taken down by Ge Muller. It seems that there is only a strong attack! But I didn't carry the ladder, but every soldier carried a rope. Although the siege may cause heavy losses, there is no way. Time is running out! Just as Huo Fangyi was about to order to attack the city, the south gate slowly opened!

Huo Fangyi was extremely surprised. Did he think wrong? Ge Muller hasn't come yet? Or they didn't defect at all? Impossible!

Li Deng ran back excitedly and said, "General, the gate is open. Let's enter the city quickly!"

"And slow down, there must be fraud in it! Li Deng, whispered to the soldiers behind me to be ready to fight as soon as they enter the city. I suspect that this is a way to lead you into the urn!"

Huo Fangyi's suspicion is right. The Mongolian soldiers on the city wall temporarily came up with a way, that is, to open the gate first, so that the Ming army under the city will not doubt them, but when they enter the city, they will also reveal their truth. However, they can use the period of the Ming army to raid the city, and they can use archery alone. The defenseless Ming army suffered heavy casualties, and then rushed down to kill the rest of the people in turn! This strategy is very clever, but it is based on the premise that they don't know whether the soldiers who came down the city have ladders and siege guns! If they knew that Huo Fangyi's troops only brought ropes for rock climbing, they would not use this method to kill them.

Although Huo Fangyi made the soldiers on guard, he was still happy, because this plan was really bad! Huo Fangyi ordered Li Deng to lead 500 people first. After entering the city, they all walked against the wall, found the stairs up to the city wall, quickly went up to the city wall* to solve all the guards, and then took the remaining 500 people to respond!

The soldiers defending the city were full of bows waiting for the Ming army to enter the city, and then ten thousand arrows fired together, but what they waited for was only to be quiet under the dark night.

A soldier asked, "Why didn't they enter the city?"

"Yes, I'm friendly. They are entering one door after another!"

After more than a minute of silence, a guard finally found something wrong: "It's not good! Look at the inner wall of the city wall. Those soldiers are all moving against the wall.

"What?! Shoot the arrow!"

At this time, the arrows in the hands of the guards began to greet the Ming soldiers who had entered the city one after another, but Li Deng was still familiar with the structure of the Beiwei wall of Guangning, and he had begun to take people to the wall one after another.

"Bad! The Ming soldiers climbed up the stairs! Hurry up!" With eye disease, he quickly found Li Deng who rushed up first. He greeted his brothers in Mongolian and started a direct dialogue with Li Deng.

At this time, the city wall began to be in chaos, and all the arrows were shot into the night. Few Ming soldiers were hit by arrows. They began to crowd all the wall. Huo Fangyi saw that the time was ripe and told his soldiers: "Brothers! Come on!"

He took the lead in following Li Deng's team to step on the wall. The wall has been mixed up. Huo Fangyi held a big knife in his hand and rushed into the crowd. He already liked this kind of pleasure of killing in the crowd! With a knife falling, Huo Fangyi was like a red-eyed lion, and almost all the resistance in the place he passed was in vain! Huo Fangyi is really angry! His anger stemmed from his complete role as a fool in this incident, being fooled by Güller, and may even have been fooled by Nurhachi.

Mongol soldiers are still very brave, and this time they are all carefully selected fierce men sent as undercovers. Naturally, they are all good at fighting against each other. Huo Fangyi's troops really took a lot of effort to kill them, but Huo Fangyi knew that his main task was not to kill these Mongolian soldiers here. Instead, go to inform the general guarding the North Gate! Once the North Gate is opened, the whole Guangning Beiwei will be finished.

"Li Deng! Leave it to me here. Go to the North Gate to report it!"

"Brother, take care of yourself!" After saying that, Li Deng quickly went down the wall and drove his horse north!

Huo Fangyi waved the big knife in his hand and shouted, "Come on, grandson!"

One thousand people against a hundred people, no matter how brave the Mongolian soldiers are, they can't beat them all. They were quickly killed by Huo Fangyi.

In the end, more than ten people knelt on the ground and held Huo Fangyi's head and begged for mercy: "General, beg for our lives. We just obeyed Ge Muller's orders, not really want to rebel. We are all soldiers who used to be in your army, and we have family in Guangning City. With that, he kowtowed to Huo Fangyi.

Huo Fangyi closed his eyes. He didn't want to spare these people anymore. Who knows if they will rebel again in the future, and after this incident, he doesn't want to get any more captive teams!

I asked you, "Who the hell is Gumule?"

"He is the nephew of Lidu, the most brave warrior in the Hetao tribe, but he is extremely cruel and will kill people if they are unwilling. We are afraid of him and will obey his orders!"

So that's it. Since he is the most brave warrior of the Hetao tribe, the previous competition he lost to himself seems to be intentional. He is both good at literature and martial arts. He is a difficult person to deal with! In order to prevent future troubles, this Ge Muller must be killed this time!

Huo Fangyi said, "Leave 100 people to guard the south gate, and the rest will follow me to the north gate!"

"General, they..."

"General Huo, spare my life!"

Huo Fangyi turned around and walked down the wall and only left a word: "Kill!"

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