Daming Shuanglong Biography

111 [soldier mutiny]

Huo Fangyi rushed to the North Gate with people and horses. Far away, he saw the fire of the North Gate soaring to the sky, swords and shadows. Huo Fangyi thought badly! Is it too late?

At this time, Li Deng ran over from the dark: "Brother, it's not good. G Muller has opened the north gate. Their people are guarding the control room, and our people can't get close at all!"

The control room was on the wall. Of course, Ge Muller knew the structure of the city. When he came, he directly took people to find the general defending the city, killed him without his knowledge, and then quickly rushed into the control room, killed all the soldiers inside, shook the gears to open the gate. Li Deng came a step later, but the vice general guarded the city and the soldiers on the wall had already fought with the people of Yu Ge Mule.

Huo Fangyi heard the deafening sound of iron hooves at this time. It was the Mongolian army. They must have wanted to rush in from the north gate.

"Quick! Everyone rushed to the north gate and sealed the north gate firmly!" There is no way.

"Big brother!" Li Deng said, "We can't stop the charge of horses' hoofs. Let's retreat!"

"You can't return! Give it to me!"

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountain, even if you know that there is a dead end ahead, you must go! This is the strength of Liaodong soldiers, who have always obeyed military orders!

For good, this time is just right. After all, the place where the Mongolian army is stationed is also three miles away from here. Huo Fangyi took a look at the fierce fighting sides on the wall and ordered loudly, "Block the enemy's iron horse with your body."

Although most of the soldiers in Liaodong are not afraid of death, many people are still hesitant in the face of the choice that is basically equivalent to dying, and they are all hesitant. Huo Fangyi also understands that there is no way to do this. If the north gate is not sealed, once it is rushed into the city by the Mongolian iron horse, any further efforts will be in vain. Now if there is a shield in hand, you may still be able to let go. In an emergency, you must use extraordinary methods!

Huo Fangyi and Li Deng immediately stood in the front line. If they can't calm down the fear in the hearts of the soldiers, then take the lead and show them: "Brothers, if we can't keep this door, it will be our relatives and friends who will suffer first! No matter how much sacrifice we will make today, we must firmly shut out the enemy!"

Unlike the door we usually use, this north door is opened on both sides. It is controlled by gears and ropes and closed up and down, so in the current situation, we can only build a meat wall with flesh. There is no other way!

The bravery and fearlessness of generals are always the best motivation for soldiers to move forward! Since the general is not afraid of death, what else is he afraid of? So they put their shoulders together, and their legs began to gather under the door. After a while, a spectacular cube body firmly blocked the whole north gate!

Huo Fangyi nodded with satisfaction. Now he and Li Deng are in the most dangerous position, but he can't care about this at all. He just thinks about how to stop the enemy!

The magnificent Mongolian iron riders are getting closer and closer. In such a dark night, Huo Fangyi and others can still clearly see countless war horses rushing towards them. Accompanied by the deaf and groaning sound of horseshoe. This momentum still suppressed the morale that the soldiers had just mentioned. In the face of the iron horse that was about to trample them into mud, the soldiers' fear rushed to their hearts again.

However, Huo Fangyi has certain advantages, that is, although the north gate is large, compared with 50,000 iron riders, they are simply sesame and watermelons. Mongolian iron riders can't be rushed at one time. Huo Fangyi thought that as long as his people firmly blocked the door and exhibited with Mongolian iron riders at the door. It's enough to fight and buy time until all the people of Güller are killed and the control room returns to the Ming army. Although Güller is brave, his soldiers are limited, and they will be killed sooner or later!

Huo Fangyi compared that there were about eight war horses that could rush into the door frame for the first time. Now he is not sure whether he can stop these eight horses without being trampled into meat mud. But now it's hard to ride a tiger.

As the Mongolian iron horse got closer and closer, Huo Fangyi's heart also raised his throat.

When the eight horses in the first row were about to rush over at almost the same time, Huo Fangyi shouted, "All back, squat down!"

Why retreat? Because Huo Fangyi stood outside the door at the beginning, if he faced the Mongolian iron horse, he would definitely be trampled into mud. On the one hand, he would give him a little space to retreat under the door, so that the probability of injury would be much smaller. On the other hand, it was not conducive to the performance of cavalry in a narrow space. Huo Fangyi is looking forward to now. Just be able to avoid the horse's hoof and don't be kicked away by the horse's hoof.

And why squat down? It is to consider that when people squat down, they can focus their whole body weight on their feet to increase strength and stability!

Huo Fangyi and Li Deng suddenly retreated under the door. Originally, the soldiers who rushed up in the first row had found that the two were exposed. They both raised the machete and wanted to cut them. However, Huo Fangyi and Li Deng's retreat was far beyond their expectation. Several people did not react, and the horses could rush through. He hit the wall directly and was killed on the spot. Some reluctantly strangled the war horses at the door. Huo Fangyi looked at the right time, lower his waist, rushed up with an arrow step and cut off four horse legs, and four of the eight horses were killed in this moment! The other four rushed slowly, but they rushed under the door. The four horses saw that the squatting crowd did not hit it directly, but instinctively jumped up and wanted to cross over the heads of the soldiers. The soldiers saw the opportunity and opened the bellies from below!

The horse was destroyed, but the Mongolian soldiers who fell to the ground rushed up with knives, and the people who fell from the air were directly torn to pieces by the soldiers below. Huo Fangyi and Li Deng fought hard on the front line. The soldiers behind them saw that the enemy's first charge failed, which greatly increased their morale! The first row rushed straight over and stood with the two leaders.

The discipline of Mongolian soldiers was scattered. When they saw the failure of the reunion, they simply jumped off their horses and wanted to squeeze under the gate to join the battle. However, the gate is so big that it can't support so many people at all. Huo Fangyi changed the terrain from a few to a majority, but slowly gained an advantage.

Gmule in the city is worthy of being the first warrior of Mongolia. He is good at one against three, and the control room is still firmly controlled by the Mongols. Under the city gate, they also slowly fell into a stalemate. In the process of fighting, the Mongolian soldiers who rushed up were constantly attacked by the meat shields behind Huo Fangyi, causing heavy casualties. And the dry eyes outside the door are anxious, but they can't squeeze in. Once they squeeze in, it means that another one is dead inside. It is also deadlocked here!

Li Rusong came only to recruit troops tonight and prepare to go to the front line tomorrow. However, now the situation is urgent, and he directly ordered all the teams to go to Guangning Beiwei as soon as possible.

After a stalemate for about half an hour, the Mongolian army unexpectedly began to be quiet.

"Li Deng, have you noticed that there are fewer enemies who want to enter the city gate?"

"That's right, General. It seems that they know that they can't attack and retreat!"

"You are so naive. I'm afraid they will launch a new round of offensive."

Huo Fangyi was right to be worried. When he saw that he could not enter the city if it went on like this, he began to reorganize the formation and prepare to adopt new tactics! This tactic is nothing else but long-range shooting!

This tactic has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, the advantages are that Huo Fangyi may suffer the disaster, and on the other hand, the disadvantage is that they will not be able to rush into the city in a short time because of this tactic. But Lidun still decided to do this. If he didn't do this, it would undoubtedly be more difficult to break through this huge meat shield in such a small range!

After killing the last enemy soldier with a knife, Huo Fangyi suddenly found that there were countless fire spots in front of him. Huo Fangyi thought, terrible! This is going to launch a rocket! If you don't escape, just wait to be shot into a sieve and burn it into charcoal! If you retreat, the Mongolian iron horse will rush in. Huo Fangyi really sighed how important the shield is when defending!

Huo Fangyi's head was a little confused, and at this time, he gave the order: "Let's shoot the arrow!"

Countless fires shining in the black night shot into the north gate! Li Deng reacted quickly. He pulled Huo Fangyi back to the back of the team and shouted, "Quick! Block the rocket with the enemy's corpse!"

The body is also a flammable product at this time. Huo Fangyi knows very well that Li Deng's plan can only be solved for the time being. If the enemy keeps shooting, all people will be ignited sooner or later!

So what to do now? I can only show the courage and determination of Qiu Shaoyun's notice!

"Hear it! You can't retreat!" Huo Fangyi roared.

The hard order slowly approached the gate while constantly shooting arrows. The north gate was as tall as five people, so many arrows fell from the heads of the soldiers. The whole huge meat shield had no shield at all, and the only thing waiting for them was the fate of being burned. Fortunately, the Mongolian army has to pay a huge price for doing this, because there are still many guards on the wall who are also throwing stones and rockets at them.

Comparatively speaking, the losses of the Mongolian troops are still large, but they know that these losses are worth it, because as long as he enters the city, they will be flat behind.

Huo Fangyi also firmly knows this, so he has been cheering and encouraging the soldiers behind to support them, but some things can't be said just by words.

Once another soldier around the soldier was shot and ignited, the soldier naturally got farther away from him and could not let himself be ignited. Therefore, the huge meat shield quickly fell apart. The soldiers began to dodge from each other, and then retreated!

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