burgled coffin

Chapter 06 Ghost Face Grass [!]

Xiaobei packed her bags and returned to Harbin with Yang Yu and others the next day.

At this time, Harbin was already cold and caught everyone off guard. The contrast between the north and the south was too big. Xiaobei and others had to get off the car and rushed to the mall to buy winter clothes.

It's so cold that it changed. A while ago, he was still wearing sweaters and woolen trousers before going to Lijiang, and now Beck looked at the four people in down jackets and couldn't help bending the corners of his mouth.

In the past few days, Beckham hasn't laughed for a long time, so that everyone is as curious as seeing a giant panda when they see Beckham. And Yang Yu also smiled together.

"It's really a difference between heaven and earth. Just now, we were saying that it would be too hasty to come back like this." Xiaomin and Qiu Yu also laughed. Lu Yun hasn't seen him since he saw him. Anyway, Xiaobei has no good impression on this cowardly boy. After a slight nod, Yang Xiaobei said goodbye to the three of them and took a taxi and left.

"Where are we going now?" Yang Yu asked Xiaobei.

"Go to Brother Liu's place first and report that he is safe. I also have something to ask him by the way." Beckham took off his hat and looked out of the car.

Pedestrians on the road hurried by, and the glass was soon covered with breath, and they could not see the scene outside.

The cold wind is like a knife, which makes Beckham's cheeks hurt.

"Dong Dong." Beckham knocked on the door of the antique shop. I don't know why Liu Xin's antique shop was not open today, but Beckham knew that Liu Xin had moved to the hut behind the store.

Not long after, the sound of "taping and kicking" came from inside, and the rough sound sounded. It was Liu Xin, who was regarded as a robber by Beck.

"Brother Liu, it's me!" Yang Yu took the lead in opening his mouth.

With a heavy moan, the antique store ushered in the first ray of sunshine today.

Although the sky is approaching noon, the wind outside is so strong that the curtain can't help shaking. Xiaobei and Yang Yu hurriedly lifted the curtain sideways and entered the house.

is still the antique charm, and Beckham took a deep breath. It's a long-lost taste.

This trip to Lijiang can be said to be nine deaths, and I almost can never come back. Liu Xin was particularly surprised to see the two and patted them on the shoulder. It's great that you came back safely!"

"Come on, sit down first. Is it cold outside today? I'll make you a bowl of freshly cooked ginger soup. With that, he pulled the two around the screen and pressed them to the rattan chair in front of the Eight Immortals table.

Liu Xin ran into the back room again and came back with two bowls of steaming ginger soup in less than two minutes.

Looking at the rising heat, Beckham sighed a lot.

"Come and tell me what happened to you over there. Since I saw that line in the chat room last time, I was scared. If you don't come back, I will run to you! Today, I closed the store and just packed my things. I didn't expect you to give me a surprise! The ancient tombs in Lijiang are very dangerous, and I'm afraid of some past events now. It turns out that this is the reason why the store is closed. Xiaobei and Yang Yu's hands holding Jiang Tang trembled a little, and their eyes were slightly red.

"I wanted to come to you after receiving the news of your disappearance, but something suddenly happened that made me have to delay. Alas talk about this later. Let's talk about how they found you first?" Liu Xin's face was a little strange.

So Beckham began to talk about her experience after she fell into the thief's hole.

While Xiaobei spoke, Liu Xin saw Xiaobei's cuffs to pick up the ginger soup and hurriedly got up to get back to get the medicine box. It's all my fault. If I hadn't agreed with you to join the industry, you wouldn't have encountered such a dangerous thing. He said guiltily after changing the medicine on the wound for Beckham.

In fact, Beckham's injury has almost healed, and even scabbed, but when he saw Brother Liu blamed himself for his injury, his heart was simply warmer than putting 18 stoves. You can imagine how funny it would be for a rough-fashioned Northeast man to change his medicine carefully. In the eyes of Xiaobei, who has been separated from his parents since he was a child, Liu Xin is like a father who cares about his children and makes up for his mistakes in a clumsy way. This illusion makes his nose sour.

If Liu Xin is like a father, then the fat man should be a strange and familiar big brother who doesn't like to talk much, cold outside and hot inside, right? Beckham suddenly thought so.

"Fat... I will definitely avenge you... Bless me to find the behind-the-scenes..." Beckham muttered, and the last lonely back of the fat man came to her mind. This shows how heavy the weight of the fat man is in Beckham's heart. No matter how time is polished, it can't erase Beckham's resentment and pain. Compared with the fat man, Beckham also had a deep self-reproach. Uncle Ka was right. If it hadn't been for his own appearance, the fat man would not have died so easily, which deepened his hatred for the conspiracy.

" By the way, I also found a diary in the tomb. The information in it is very useful. I believe I can find clues from it!" Beckham slapped the table excitedly, shook the porcelain bowls to the ground and fell into pieces. I'm really sorry, Brother Liu. I'm so excited. I haven't been so nervous recently that I can't even control the strength.

Xiaobei hurriedly leaned over to clean up the debris on the ground.

Xiaobei naturally carried useful things with him, and because of this, after changing into a cotton suit, everything was stuffed into the not very deep pocket. In such a time, the plastic bag used by Uncle Ka to load the half of the plant slipped out.

"Bear Brother Liu, I have one more thing to ask you, do you know this thing? None of us has seen such a strange thing. If you are well-informed, I will bring it back to show you. Beckham swept the fragments of the bowl into the trash can in the corner, and then handed the seed and half of the plant to Liu Xin.

Liu Xin took it curiously at the beginning, but when he saw what was inside, his pupils suddenly tightened!

"Ghost-faced grass! Why is there such a horrible thing in the world?!"

Seeing Liu Xin's frightened expression, Xiao Bei knew that he had found the right person, and I'm afraid it was the only one who could make Brother Liu say horrible things. Beckham has seen the strangeness of this thing with her own eyes.

"Alas, to be honest, if I had known that these things would happen, I wouldn't have let you go to Lijiang!" Liu Xin covered his forehead in pain.

Why is Brother Liu so gaffe when he mentions it? As soon as this came out, Beckham vaguely felt that something was wrong.