burgled coffin

Chapter 07 Night Owl [! Call for red tickets!]

Ghost-faced grass? It turned out that this plant was called that name. Beckham remembered the ferocious face on the deceased's chest, which was very suitable. However, to Xiaobei's surprise, he didn't expect that Brother Liu had also been to the ancient tomb in Lijiang. I don't know if he encountered this?

"This thing should not exist anymore!" Brother Liu closed his eyes and began to speak. When I was as old as you, an archaeological team also went to Lijiang, and that time, like you, was the first time I entered the tomb. At that time, the situation was extremely dangerous. If it weren't... alas... let's not talk about this problem, I'd better talk about this ghost-faced..."

Archaeology team?! Beckham's eyebrows jumped, but he quickly held back the throbbing in his heart and continued to listen to Liu Xin's story.

"The seed of this thing is the thing in that tomb. How it was formed is unexquisite, and I found its information later. This was originally used to punish people who have made huge mistakes. When it blossoms and bears fruit, it is the moment when the prisoner dies. This kind of thing grows very fast after touching water and begins to sprout in about ten hours. You can imagine how painful it will be for plants to grow in the human body, so this cruel criminal law was destroyed after only lasted for decades. At that time, we were also extremely shocked when we found this kind of thing. Fortunately, someone was well-informed and immediately ordered to burn it. Speaking of this, Liu Xin's face showed a trace of pain.

"This thing will make people die painfully, but after that, the body will not be as cold as ordinary corpses, and it will resurrect the dead!"

Yang Yu still held the ginger soup with his hand without expression, but Beckham's hand began to tremble.

"Brother Liu, you, I think you should have seen this thing." Beckham trembled, put his hand into his pocket, and slowly took out a half-slap-sized emerald jade.

He really can't stand the impulse in his heart.

The archaeological team, Lijiang, the ancient tomb, and Liu Xin's sad look reminded Xiao Beilian of the contents of the diary.

If I remember correctly, the whole team was not destroyed. Someone inside should have escaped alive.

At the moment Xiaobei took out the ancient jade, Liu Xin suddenly stood up, and his eyes were suddenly red as if they were about to drip blood!

"Why is this thing here with you?" Liu Xin has completely lost his composure, and it can be faintly seen that his hands are trembling, and the expression on his face is also particularly ferocious against the three scars.

"Do you know a person called 'Night Owl'?" Beckham didn't answer and asked herself. It's getting closer and closer to the answer! Perhaps Beckham already has the answer in his heart.

"I used to be nicknamed - Night - Cat -" Liu Xin's body couldn't stand it anymore. He suddenly slipped feebly into the chair, and his eyes were full of sadness brought by memories.

The doubts in Beckham's heart have been solved.

Why did Brother Liu be so afraid of Lijiang and why he looked for the information of this plant? All the questions were solved.

Because he is the teenager who was pushed out in the diary.

"I found a diary and a corpse under the altar, which recorded a shocking secret." Beckham slowly said the contents of the diary that he hadn't said just now.

The more Liu Xin listened to the pain on his face, the more aggravated it. Finally, the tough man finally couldn't help the pain. Two lines of tears fell to the ground along the corners of his eyes, falling out two blooming water marks.

"Uncle...Uncle...that's my second uncle! After I escaped, I was looking for the purpose of the archaeological team's trip. I told myself that he would not die, but I actually knew that he had left and I didn't dare to admit it... Beckham, did you bring back the diary? Hurry up and give me... What else is on it..." Liu Xin choked, suddenly thought of something, and looked up at Beckham.

Although Beckham couldn't bear it, he still shook his head helplessly. When I came out, I had buried all the gravel, and the diary was reorganized as a relic. The time was so rushed that even a decent grave had not been built out.

Beckham understands his current pain very well.

He thought that if he replaced Brother Liu's second uncle with a fat man or Yang Wei, he would do the same.

"Brother Liu, my condolences. I have something to tell you later. I think you will want to hear it. Alas." Beckham's heart is extremely bitter now, but he knows that there are more important things waiting for him.

Uncle Liu's bones were lucky enough to be buried again by himself, and what about the fat man? Where are the stars all over the sky? They can't find their bones now, and the fat man has even become the food of the tomb monster.

He remembered the melancholy words of the fat man at that time.

"If you see such bones, you must remember to relocate them. Don't let them expose the corpses in the wilderness like this. It's the last thing you and I want to know each other."

"Because maybe the next one will be me."

Beckham didn't know how to comfort others, and even he didn't know what to do. His current heart was touched by what he most wanted to face. He instantly got up and ran into the pool, turned off the faucet and poured water on his face.

Listening to the sound of running water, he was already in tears.

Or their own story, or someone else's, everyone has a sad experience. This pain is buried in the deepest part of their heart, and may not feel sad for a while, but once the surging pain is triggered, it will drown themselves more and more.

But he knows that he can't stay here and live better so that people in the sky can also smile.

What's more, there are people around me now.

The friendship between brothers is sometimes much higher than love.

After all, Liu Xin is a person with more experience. He soon recovered in advance and gently walked to Xiaobei and handed him a towel.

"Brother Liu."

"Oc's it, man, you have to swallow your stomach even if you lose your teeth. When you block the things in your heart and release them, you still have to be strong. How can you be knocked down by a little thing?

"Hmm!" Beckham nodded vibly. By the way, Brother Liu, my following words may be very stimulating, but I believe you will think more than me.

"I also have something to tell you about the thing I dealt with halfway. I was really lost my temper just now." Liu Xin patted Beckham on the shoulder, and then stopped talking and waited for Beckham's words.

"I suspect that all this is premeditated, even bigger than I thought. Even if a large number of people were included, and we were pawns. Time is relatively long, and I really can't imagine who can have such great ability. Play with us between applause!"