burgled coffin

Chapter 11 Invitation

When people are worried, there will always be some small movements, and Beckham is no exception. At this time, he looked at the car window covered with white frost and kept rubbing his hands.

He went out this time with high expectations, but he was still disappointed. But it was not completely disappointed, because he got another result, which made his mind wonder again.

Soon he returned to the door of the hotel, and Beckham didn't think about it anymore. He vaguely felt that there was something wrong with the invitation he saw when he came out, which would never be a simple problem!

When I opened the door, I saw Liu Xin holding the invitation in his hand. The bright red color was particularly dazzling in the cold season. There are big bronzing characters outside, which is extremely exquisite. The address is indeed correct. It's for yourself and others, but who will send invitations?

"Is Beckham back? Look at this." With that, Liu Xin handed the invitation to Beckham.

Beckham opened the title page doubtfully, with black characters on a white background, which was completely different from the gorgeous style outside.

"At seven o'clock tomorrow night, there will be a dinner in Building 23 of Xihuan Villa District. Please come." Without a signature, just one sentence is very nonsensical.

"Why is there no signature? Do you have any acquaintances here?" Beckham asked doubtfully.

"I'm also puzzled because of this." Liu Xin sighed helplessly and spread out his hands. I should have no acquaintances here, and even acquaintances know that my personality will not make such a joke.

Beckham frowned.

Now he is no longer that hairy boy. After experiencing so many changes, he has learned how to survive and use his brain. But now this sudden change has caught him off guard. Who sent this invitation? Is there any conspiracy behind it?

It's not that he thinks others are too sinister, but that the situation they are facing now has to make him cautious.

"Yang Yu, will the person who sent the invitation be your friend?"

"No, you can see that the above content is 'everyone' instead of 'you'. Isn't it enough to explain the problem? No one will know that I came to Luoyang, let alone know you and Brother Liu. This invitation is obviously aimed at us, not someone between us.

After listening to Yang Yu's words, Xiaobei and Liu Xin also suddenly became clear.

Indeed, since the other party has said so clearly that it is not aimed at someone, it means that this person must know that he is not alone, and may clearly grasp the dynamics of himself and others.

The more you think about it, the more likely it is, otherwise how can you know where you are?

"Isn't it strange that our whereabouts have been mastered?" Liu Xin's eyebrows were also entangled. What I'm worried about now is that the other party knows the purpose of our trip, and it may even be the person who made this game!"

Beckham frowned more.

Beckham kept rubbing the invitation, Yang Qi's thumb and index finger pinched his chin, and his eyes kept turning.

"No, he won't come forward so easily because we saw through his plan. The person who sent the invitation must be someone else, but it can't be ruled out that he has a great connection with that person!" Beckham shook her head.

"What should I do now? Have you found your clue?" Yang Yu asked.

"No, there is no clue at all. My guess was wrong." Beckham smiled bitterly.

"Go? Or not going?" Yang Wei continued to ask.

"This banquet will be our only chance, but it's dangerous to do so." Liu Xin got up from the chair and added.

All three of them are worried.

Indeed, in this case, this is the only opportunity for everyone to come into contact with the conspiracy, and maybe they can find the real master behind the scenes to end this boring competition.

But relatively, blindly passing without preparation is likely to get into trouble again, and even lose their lives. This is an unwise move, and people can't act rashly without perfect preparation.

Can you really give up this opportunity?

Beckham knows that even if he is fully prepared, a slight change can change the direction of the situation. It's like playing chess, losing the whole situation by taking the wrong step!

"This invitation came at such a good time." Beckham could only sigh.

"The other party hides in the dark to observe our every move. He must know how strong this ** force is for us, so he can use the fearless tone of 'be sure to be present'. Obviously, it's us together." Liu Xin shook the spoon in his hand. We are in a dilemma. This may be exactly what the other party wants to see, right? Does he just enjoy it? It won't be that simple."

"Wrong, we have always been in each other's calculations. At this time, he will not react so fast. Wait! You just said, 'This may be exactly what the other party wants to see'! Ah, I see!" Beckham stopped moving her hand, threw the invitation on the table and patted her head. Brother Liu, your words woke me up. I think he must be unprepared at this time. Judging from the other party's series of behaviors, he is an extremely sophisticated person. He pursues perfection and pursues the feeling that everything is in his hands. But why does he want to see us in such an awkward situation? It means that he has begun to be good at it again, secretly crossing the warehouse!"

"Is he deliberately confusing us?" Liu Xin also suddenly thought of this problem. Yes, the other party has always taken the initiative. At this moment, he and others have slightly recovered the situation. He will definitely not be well prepared and will not realize the failure of the plan.

"However, the key now is that we dare not gamble easily. Should we go or not?" Yang Yu interrupted.

"Uh...this..." Xiaobei didn't know what to say. Although he could infer the other party's intention, he still did not completely solve the problem at present.

I and others really don't have much leverage to fight with each other.

Beckham picked up the invitation on the table again.

"Xiaobei, look at the content of the invitation again, and maybe you can infer something from his words again." Yang Qian reminded.

Yes, now I'm confused and don't know how to calm down.

"I still haven't found that the other party said such a sentence, which is elusive." Beckham continued to play with the invitation and make the final choice. Why don't we just toss a coin!"

"Xiao Bei! This is not the time for a joke!" Yang Qi was eager to kick the door.

"Yes, this can't be a joke." Liu Xin also emphasized with a lot of emphasis.

Fuck, a paper invitation is really heavy enough to completely muddy the lake and make it easy to fish? No, it doesn't make you feel uncomfortable! Xiaobei was so angry that he wanted to scold the street, but he couldn't raise his mood.

"heavy, heavy!" Beckham kept muttering, and suddenly his eyes widened and turned his head.

Moss the invitation again in his hand.

Yes, he just found that there was something wrong with the weight of the invitation because of his inadvertent sentence! Normally, such an invitation will not be too heavy, but when Beckham held it in his hand and weighed it carefully, he found that it was much heavier than ordinary invitations.

Even the thickness is a little thicker.

Shaking a few times, Beckham found that there seemed to be another mystery inside the invitation!