burgled coffin

Chapter 10 Scam

Yes, Beckham finally couldn't help trembling.

Liu Xin also happened to have something to ask Beckham. When he found that Beckham had left the historical area, he went straight to the customs and geography area where Yang Wei was located. Brother Liu, we were fooled. Beckham said.

"Oh? What's going on? Let's talk about it." Liu Xin still held an archaeological note in his hand and couldn't help but be stunned when he saw Xiaobei's appearance.

"Look at this." Xiaobei recorded the taboo anecdote to Liu Xin and then told the story. When it comes to the corpse mirror, Liu Xin finally realized something.

"You mean that the story may be real?" Liu Xin was surprised.

"No, although all these coincidences connect the things around us, don't you think this coincidence is too big?" Beckham grabbed the book in Liu Xin's hand. If I guess correctly, the information you have is about another tomb, right?

Liu Xin's face changed. Beckham was right. That was indeed about another mausoleum.

Beckham put all the books in his hand on the table next to him.

"That man has been guiding us wrongly, let's make a big detour! In fact, the real problem doesn't exist here at all. Maybe he just wants to delay time! Procrastinate time so that he can set another puzzle! Let's come to Luoyang | It's simply a wrong choice!"

"Because he is in the dark, he can clearly detect our every move. From the time I was unconscious in the pool, he began to calculate, and then deliberately framed Uncle Ka and let me go back to Harbin!"

"It's nothing. The most important thing is, why do you have new discoveries as soon as I get back to Harbin? And all the spears point here?! Why can we find clues easily? Why is the statue with the map so obvious?! Obviously, someone has done it!"

"Since the appearance of the black cat is the beginning of the layout, why can the other party not play us fiercely? Look here!" Beckham poked the cover of the book on the desktop hard. Now he starts to ** we go to the next trap, the black cat, the rumor, the ancient tomb! What a coincidence! The flaw is that this coincidence is too big!"

Where did the coffin go along the underground river? Why did I appear in the small village where Uncle Ka lives? Since the ancient jade and the corpse treasure mirror can flow to Luoyang, it means that the underground river can go straight to here!"

"When we were in Lijiang, our second uncle and I both had a feeling that we were being targeted, and then it seemed that someone was watching our movements. Now I understand that before I jumped into the pool and fell into a coma, he had been following me and leading me to another fork in the underground river, and he himself left for a period of time and came to Luoyang along the river to arrange all this!"

Xiaobei shook his head bitterly and continued to deduce the terrible news.

"This also reasonably explains why I was safe during my recuperation, and not long after, something happened in the village. I found the footprints of the black cat there, and the ghost-faced grass suddenly appeared again, and Uncle Ka was in danger. It was all because the man came back. Although I was pushed forward with the original plan, I was rescued by the villagers and met the resourceful Uncle Ka, which was beyond his expectation, so he had no choice but to design and force me to return to the original route!"

Liu Xin and Yang Yu stopped talking, and all frowned and thought about Beckham's calculation.

Yes, all this is really a coincidence. It coincides to a terrible situation and is exquisite to be seamless! But there is no such thing as perfection in the world. Beckham's suspicion tore this huge whirlpool apart with reverse thinking, making a huge conspiracy emerge.

What exactly does the person behind the scenes want? Why did you spend so much energy to play tricks on yourself and others? This will not be a boring move, because no one will be bored enough to design such a huge mystery.

What should I do now? Is the clue broken like this?

Except for the few poor clues left by the man, Xiao Bei and others have nothing! I don't even know where to start!

The three of them found a hotel to stay with their own mind. No one spoke along the way, and even Beckham was silent. When it was time to eat in the evening, Yang Wei couldn't bear to break the deadlock.

"Well, what would you like to eat? I'll go downstairs and call." Yang Yu twisted his neck awkwardly and asked.

"Well, I have no appetite. Whatever you want." Beckham sighed, looked up and fell down, with his hands behind his head, looking at the ceiling and no longer sounding.

"You can do it yourself. I don't know what to eat. Why don't we go and have a look together?" Liu Xin was very helpless. During the day, Beckham's words gave a head-on blow to the confident crowd.

Yes, I originally thought I had found a clue and thought that the answer was about to be revealed, but in fact, I introduced myself into a scam. When all this was unveiled, I couldn't advance or retreat and fell into a dead end. How can this huge gap not be annoying?

"Forget it, I'd better go by myself. Brother Liu, you're also tired. Let's rest first. I'm still a little energetic and just breathable." Yang Yu's expression on his face was very difficult. He really underestimated the strength of the blow.

Everyone seems to have no fighting spirit and is dead, and even he is about to collapse.

Yang Yu retreated alone and soon ran up again. The waiter served the food, but the three of them couldn't eat it around the table.

"What should I do now?" Yang Yu asked.

Beckham finally found a reason to put down the chopsticks, which seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. Go home? He is unwilling. Can you follow the route designed by others? It will be another scam. He doesn't know what to do.

"I think now that we have reached this point, it's better to go back first." Liu Xin also put down the bowls and chopsticks. Well, in fact, I'm not willing, but what can I do? We have lost all the clues. Instead of sitting here and waiting for death, it's better to go back and rectify first. There is always a chance.

Beckham lowered her head and suddenly flashed in her mind. She grabbed her clothes and opened the door and ran out.

Liu Xin and Yang Yu were shocked by Xiaobei's behavior, but then they recovered. Maybe Xiaobei remembered something, and I hope he can play a role in coming back to life.

In fact, Beckham does have a clue, but he doesn't know whether he can succeed. He even has an idea that he doesn't want to try. He has no fighting spirit and can't stand any blow. But if he doesn't try, he may never know the result.

He remembered Uncle Ka, who was still in danger. Once he remembered the old doctor who liked to squat on the threshold and smoked with a cigarette bag, he felt guilty. I can't abandon him and let innocent people be implicated any more! Beckham clenched what was in his hand, which was all his hope.

He bumped into a waiter in the corridor. Beckham, who almost fell down, suddenly saw an invitation in the other party's hand, and the address sent on it turned out to be the guest room where he and others temporarily settled.

Who will send it?

He will not think about this problem for the time being. When he comes back, he will naturally know. At present, the most urgent thing is to find the result he wants. Xiaobei took a car when she went out and went all the way.