burgled coffin

Chapter 19 Dark Road

Everyone's eyes were pulled over.

"Yes, your speculation is very accurate, hehe, but now..." The housekeeper laughed, and the ten-thousand-year-old expression turned into a proud smile. He shrugged his shoulders indifferently. What if your prediction is correct? Can you get out?"

When the voice fell, the people around began to move again, and the encirclement was shrinking.

"Jump down and break through!" Liu Xin shouted loudly and took the lead in crossing the stairs and pedaling on the next step to the hall.

At this time, Beckham and others didn't care so much and jumped down one after another.

Because the other party was walking up, there was a lot of space in the hall and was caught off guard.

Camel Crow and Liu Xin have been walking around the world for many years, and their skills are naturally good, and they will be safely on the ground in a few times. But Beckham and Yang Hao are not so good at it. They can almost be said that they are rolling and crawling. When they also reach the bottom, they are already in a mess.

Looking at Beckham, his clothes were also scratched open. Finally, he inserted the dagger into the second floor of armrest in time to buffer it so that he did not fall, but it was obviously not so sharp when walking.

"Would you like to run? It's not that easy!" The housekeeper winked at the man in the golden mask behind him and saw a dark shadow appear in front of everyone in an instant.

They are now not afraid of knives and guns. They can repel them in a few steps at the moment of firing, but it is also a drop in the bucket. Soon Beckham and others were forced to the corner.

"It's not good!" Beckham suddenly exited.

"What? We have no way out now. You are shocked. Don't think so much. The crow was originally dissatisfied with Beckham, but now when he saw Beckham still thinking about other things, he naturally retorted.

"No, haven't you noticed that although they have been approaching, they have been giving us a breath of breath? And, look at our position now.

As Beckham finished speaking, everyone found that they and others were rushing for the gate, but now they are forced to the other side. But the strange thing is not here, but that the other party has an obvious gap, which seems to be deliberately guiding them, that is, preventing them from taking other routes, so that everyone will be in their current position.

"Look, there is a secret door here!" Liu Xin pulled Beckham and kicked away an enemy who rushed up.

"They deliberately let us come here. I don't know what else is waiting for us!"

"But it's not the time to think deeply. Let's fight!"

"It seems that we have to go in and adapt to changes."

"Yes, we have no other way out. Do you have any other killing moves?"

Everyone completely disrupted Xiaobei's thoughts. Finally, they gritted their teeth and said cruelly, "Well, don't hesitate, go in!"

After all five people entered the door, the surroundings suddenly darkened.

The camel took out a lighter, and the shaking flame lit up a small circle. Beckham suddenly found a wooden stick with a thin arm next to him. She immediately bent down and picked up the horizontal stall on the door and resisted the door that was patted.

Fortunately, she escaped a crisis, but Beckham didn't know what danger was waiting for her.

After groping back and forth for a while, I found that the space here was extremely narrow. Suddenly, I didn't know who kicked a stone, and the sound of "dada" seemed to go underground.

The camel moved the lighter slightly to illuminate the road under its feet.

It's a step, just about three steps in front of everyone. The steps continue to extend down, and you can't see the end, like a big mouth waiting for everyone here.

"What's down?" The crow asked.

"I don't know, but it won't be a good thing." Liu Xin bent down and touched the ground. I often clean, and there is not much dust. It seems that Beckham guessed right again.

Yang Yu and Camel nodded, and the two took the lead in drilling down.

"No matter what's in him, he has come in anyway, and it makes no sense to avoid it. Let's go."

Xiao Bei is silent, and there is indeed no way out now. Do you really want to go down?

So where does this underground step lead to?

Five people protected Beckham in the middle, because everyone knows that Beckham must not fall into the other party's hands. Judging from the other party's behavior, their purpose is to capture Beckham. But everyone knows that they can't leave Beckham. The reason why they didn't kill anyone is that Beckham is still there. If Beckham is really caught, they don't think that the other party will gently let them go.

The stairs are very deep, and it hasn't come to an end after walking for about ten minutes. It's dark everywhere, and the narrow passage can only be parallel to two people.

"Turn left, go straight 300 steps, turn right, and then turn right..." Beckham whispered in the middle.

Liu Xin, who walked behind Beckham, heard Beckham muttering something and pulled his ears over.

"What are you reading?"

"The route, the route we took." Beckham took a deep breath and said slowly, "If I guess correctly, we are walking in the direction of the library."

"How is that possible?" Liu Xin wondered, did the other party open up a secret road to the city library here? Are there any unknown secrets hidden in the library?

Xiaobei suddenly came up with a map from nowhere. It was the Luoyang map he bought before he came here.

"Look here." Beckham let the camel bring the fire closer. Look, we came in from the favorite villa area, then looked at the route we took, turned left to the intersection, and then went straight for about 300 steps to get here. Two right turns in a row. If nothing unexpected happens, we are almost at the next intersection, and it's time to turn again.

As soon as Beckham said this, Yang Yu, who was walking in front of him, suddenly stopped.

"What happened to the front?" Liu Xin looked up and asked.

"What did Beckham say just now?" Yang Yu asked Liu Xin.

"He said..." Before Liu Xin's answer, he was shocked and speechless.

Because in front, it's time to turn.

"The reason why they are fearless to force us into this secret road is that we are still under their control." Beck seemed to guess what everyone thought and continued, "We can't turn back now. It's also a useless struggle to change the route now. Let's see what big gifts they have prepared for me there. Besides, isn't there another person who hasn't appeared? Ha ha."

Liu Xin was puzzled first, and then relieved.

The person Xiaobei said is Ye Laosan. So far, Ye Laosan has only asked two acquaintances, Camel and Raven, to help, but Xiaobei has inexplicable confidence in him. He will not only have such a trick.

Moreover, Beckham himself will not leave a way out. As he just said, the other party doesn't know what he has done. Only the real behind the scenes knows what Beckham has done.

Although I don't know why he didn't tell the housekeeper and the substitute of the golden mask, Beckham still has great confidence. Because he also made a phone call before, which was his back road.

He is afraid, but he wants to confirm a guess that is difficult for him to face. If what he expected really happens at the end of this road, it will be the most terrible thing.

"We seem to be going downhill now. Are you sure we will arrive at the library?" Although Beckham had previously verified what he said with a map, the crow still felt inappropriate.

"That's right, I think you can feel it, otherwise you are really old." Beckham smiled undeniably.

The crow was ridiculed by Beckham, a hairy boy, but did not get angry, but closed his eyes and walked slowly.

"Do you know?"

"I know. It seems that we are really old." The crow nodded, and his movements with Beckham caused the camel's doubts.

"What are you talking about? Why don't I understand? Shit, I'm rude and uneducated! Damn, I was really embarrassed this time. I thought I could have a good time, but I didn't expect to make myself run underground like a mouse!" He kicked the wall with dissatisfaction.

Beckham just smiled and let the crow answer.

"Let me do it." Liu Xin frowned slightly, and then suddenly realized. There is only one question now. Do we have a sense of direction now?

"A little bit." Yang Qian answered.

"Yes, there is only a small sense of direction, just because of the darkness. Now we only rely on the faint fire to explore the way, and we can only distinguish between left and right." Liu Xin pointed to the top of his head and then slowly lowered his hand.

"However, we can't tell the feelings from the upper and lower. If we leave people in the dark, as long as the road under our feet is a little tamped, it will cause perception errors. We are indeed going down at the beginning, but we can't feel whether the following route is going up or continuing to sink." The crow suddenly took over. I remember once I met in a tomb, surrounded by darkness. We kept staring at the road under our feet. Although we were still walking down, in fact, at the end, we found that we had reached the ground, which was a dead end. Only by closing our eyes can we slightly feel that we have actually been deceived by our own vision.

After walking for about 20 minutes, the five people finally came to an end. The road was extremely calm without any accident. But everyone knows that this means that there will be more unpredictable things later.

It was a small one-width exit made of bricks, right on the heads of everyone.

Sure enough, this secret road did not sink all the time. Beckham's guess hit again, but the exit seemed to be blocked by something.

Everyone looked at each other and finally looked at Beckham.

Xiaobei curled his lips and said that there was nothing he could do, which he didn't guess. It is impossible for the other party to block the road, so this exit must be opened, but why is it pressed with something? On purpose? But it doesn't seem to make sense. Isn't it too boring?

"I don't care so much about it. At worst, I won't be so aggrieved! His grandma's!" The camel raised * as a butt and hit a layer of dust, which made everyone quickly cover their mouths.

However, the above seems to be much loose, indicating that it is not very heavy.