burgled coffin

Chapter 20 Strange! Bloody tomb!

After two or three more hits, he finally opened the exit. Seeing the scene above, even Beckham opened her mouth in surprise.

"This..." Liu Xin jumped and pulled up the people below one by one.

Xiaobei looked around and found that it seemed to be an abandoned warehouse, and the exit just now was an inconspicuous air outlet. Because there was a big box pressed on it just now, it could only penetrate a slight light, which made people mistakenly think that it was blocked.

The big box has rolled aside, and stacked books are scattered outside.

"What's here? Why did the other party lead us here?" The camel took a gun and walked to an iron gate locked from the outside. There is no one outside. It seems to have been abandoned for a long time.

Beckham's eyes fell on a broken table.

This is the library, but there is nothing else but this abandoned warehouse.


"There is also an iron gate!" Xiaobei pushed twice and found that it was locked, and it was obviously not newly installed, but blocked by a pile of bags. If it hadn't been for the way out, he would not have found it. It seems that no one comes here often, and no one cleans it up, only debris, otherwise no one will find this iron gate.

There is a number on the iron gate, and I don't know what it is for.

"Yes, try this!" Beckham took out a set of keys, which was the one with the number and two strange curved keys. With two clicks, the numbered key turned.

Sure enough! This key is the key to the iron gate. What about the other two strange keys?

"No wonder we didn't get anything when we came to the library last time. It turns out that there is another world here." Xiaobei sighed that he and Liu Xin and Yang Wei wanted to find clues, but did not find any clues. It turned out that they were wrong at the beginning.

"The other party led us here, it seems that you have this bunch of keys on you." Liu Xin pushed open the iron door and found that there were downward steps inside, but Fortunately, there was light.

"No, I was wrong. From the beginning, the other party knew that we would go the wrong way, and we were still under his control." Beckham sighed and put away the key helplessly. He is going to borrow my hand to open the road to the underground palace.

"I don't know why he has to go down from here. There is something he must get, but there must be a reason for this entrance. And the archaeological team that went to Lijiang also went to the underground palace from here. To be sure, there are also traces related to Lijiang Mausoleum. Since the other party has painstakingly asked us to open the channel, let's go down here to see if there are any other tricks waiting for us.

The camel's hot temper immediately came up and jumped into the step.

"What are you afraid of? I've killed a lot of Zongzi, and I'm still afraid of this thing?" With that, he walked in with the gun in his hand.

It may be more terrible than Zongzi, which is Beckham's idea.

Not long after Xiaobei and others followed, small rooms appeared. But surprisingly, he didn't find the camel who came down first. Where did he go?

"I have entered the underground palace." Liu Xin stopped and looked around.

The dilapidated wall smells moldy in the air, which smells very uncomfortable. Beckham has also entered the tomb, and he can clearly distinguish the smell. But he always feels something wrong.

"Do you feel uncomfortable?" Beckham also stopped.

"Are you uncomfortable? It seems that only the air is a little thin. Liu Xin felt it carefully and replied.

Beckham nodded, but it didn't seem to affect everyone's actions, but he always felt as if there was a thorn stuck in his throat.

Suddenly, a slightly fat figure flashed into a room.

"Camel!" The crow shouted at the exit.

Xiaobei also saw that the man was the first camel that suddenly disappeared after coming in, but no one knew where he had just gone and why he suddenly appeared.

"No, stop!" Beck stopped again and grabbed Liu Xin and Yang Wei. Only the crow rushed over with a gun on his back and disappeared into the room.

"What's the matter?"

"The dangerous smell, that man doesn't seem to be a camel!"

As soon as this statement came out, all the goose bumps on Liu Xin's back rose in an instant. From the beginning to now, Beckham's premonition has been very accurate, but the crow has chased in, and everyone can't watch him fall into danger. After all, Ye Laosan arranged for the two of them to save himself, and it was difficult for Liu Xin to give up their lives.

In fact, Beckham didn't want to stop him, but the crow was so fast that he had entered the room before he could hold him.

At this moment, looking at these small rooms, it is like ferocious monsters, revealing the fangs in their mouths, which is particularly permeate.

The cold sweat has flowed down his face, but Beckham still hasn't moved.


It was the sound of gunfire from the room chased by the crow just now.

"No, we have to go there!" Liu Xin couldn't stand it anymore. Seeing that Xiaobei couldn't stop him, he could only resist the panic in his heart and follow his pace. His collection had touched the dagger around his waist, and the dagger that had just drunk blood made his blood boil all over his body.


A soft laughter suddenly sounded without warning, making the three of them stunned.

"Who?! Who is laughing?!" Liu Xin shouted and raised his pistol.

Suddenly, the camel appeared again, but it came out of another room and quickly turned around the last corner and disappeared. How did he get out?! No one saw it.

His figure is very blurred and looks particularly unreal.

Liu Xin suddenly understood why Beckham said it was not a camel.

Or, that's the camel itself, but it's definitely not real! Because a camel appeared from another place and got into a different room.

All the hairs of the three people stood up!

"Daw! Why is it so weird here?!" Liu Xinyao's lips dared not chase into the room where the crow entered. Even if there was danger in it, he had to save it.

Who was the laugh just now? The female ghost in the underground palace? Beckham is an atheist, but experiencing what happened here is completely abnormal, especially such a scene, which makes it difficult for him to control his fear.

Even Liu Xin's arm holding the gun began to tremble.

"The spleen, spleen."

It seemed to be the sound of running water. Beckham looked for the sound and looked at the ground. The scarlet was so shocking in the eyes of everyone at this moment, overflowing little by little along the crack of the door in front of it.

is blood, and the bright red blood flows out slowly like a snake. In this strange and quiet atmosphere, it is particularly scary. Only the sound of gasps and sweat falling to the ground kept echoing in this tomb.