burgled coffin

Chapter 25 Fighting

Before Beckham finished speaking, the thick tail had been smashed.

Yang Yu is still walking forward sluggishly.

"Go under the tripod!" Liu Xin pushed away the crippled Beckham, picked up the body just now and threw it over. In an instant, he was swept aside by the strange python's tail.

The bottom of the bronze tripod is surprisingly wide, and Liu Xin will not feel crowded when he rolls down with Beckham.

"This monster is so rough and thick that it can't be beaten." Liu Xin fired several shots in a row, but did not cause substantial damage to the strange python. Only a small hole was made, and the dark brown came out**.

Xiaobei stared at Yang Yu, but there was no way to wake him up. Fortunately, the strange python seemed to stare at the two of them and ignored him.

While Beckham was thinking about strategy, there was a fierce knock from above, and the ground began to shake.

"This damn beast, if it goes on like this, the whole underground palace will collapse by it." Liu Xin held his head angrily and put on the magazine. By the way, where did you go just now? I was shocked and suddenly found that you didn't know when it disappeared. We looked around for a long time

"How could this happen? Haven't you encountered a mirror?!" Xiaobei was suddenly stunned when she heard what Liu Xin said.

"Mirror? Do you think that's a mirror? We saw the camel, but he disappeared in a blink of an eye, and even you disappeared when we walked here. We didn't know what was going on. Liu Xin replied.

"So that's it." Beckham lowered her head and meditated for a while and told the whole story just now. Because of the problem of the air in the corridor full of the tomb just now, all of them will produce mirror images, and here, under the influence of this strange python, it will dissipate directly.

In fact, Beckham just knew that all the problems were in the air.

He still remembers that as soon as he entered the underground palace, he asked Liu Xin if he felt something was wrong. It seemed that the air was relatively thin. Because the density of air is different, there is a refraction phenomenon, such as a mirage.

According to the Historical Records · Tianguanshu, there is a meteorological tower on the seafront; the atmosphere of the broad field becomes a palace. Clouds are like the accumulation of their mountains and rivers. The rage often occurs in the sea and desert. A mirage is the result of the refraction of light in a gas layer with different densities in linear directions.

When light is carried out in a uniform medium of the same density, the speed of light remains unchanged and moves in a straight direction. However, when the light tilts from this medium into another medium of different densities, the speed of light will change and the direction of progress will also be tortuous. This phenomenon is called refraction.

When a straight rod is tilted into the water, you can see that the underwater part of the rod and its exposed part on the water seem to be broken. This is the refraction of light. Someone has used a device to project light from the water to the interface of water and air, and you can see that the light is divided into two parts on this interface. Part of it is reflected into the water and part is refracted into the air. If the mirror in the water is turned to tilt the light towards the interface, the refraction of the light in the air will be more severe. When the light cast to the interface is refracted, this phenomenon is called total reflection.

Of course, this is just an example.

Air itself is not a uniform medium. In general, its density decreases with the increase of height. The higher the height, the smaller the density. When light passes through air layers of different heights, it will always cause some refraction, but this refraction phenomenon is used to in our daily life, so we don't feel anything different. But once a certain limit is reached, this kind of scene will happen.

Although Beckham does not know why this change occurs in this underground palace, it is certain that the other party uses the mirroar to confuse people's minds, make people have illusions, and unconsciously break up with his companions. When he suddenly finds the abnormality, the sense of loneliness will come like a tide, hitting people's fragile psychological defense.

In addition, there are many ancient tomb organs, and you will lose your life if you are not careful.

"So that's it. When we get here, the air density changes and all the mirrors disappear, so this platform is a dividing line, but this strange python seems to be more difficult to deal with than the mirror maze." Liu Xin frowned.

"Bear, Brother Liu, why didn't I see you in such a big place just now? I only heard Yang Wei shouting, but I couldn't find your people, and after Qingyan appeared, it was even more difficult to find. If I hadn't been thrown on the tripod by this strange python, we might still be like a headless fly now. Beckham sat on the ground, holding his chin and wondering.

"Maybe it's because of these stumps." Speaking of this problem, Liu Xin had a general guess for a while. As you said, these wooden piles are arranged regularly, aren't they? If it's just to hang jewelry as a trap, it's useless, and such a strange place is obviously suspicious.

"That..." Xiaobei was dumb and didn't know what to say, because every analysis of Liu Xin was very reasonable.

"So, I guess we are trapped again!" Liu Xin fired a shot outside, and then quickly withdrew his head. Because of the inconvenience of moving around the tripod, the strange python could only beat the giant tripod randomly outside and spit out the terrible flame in his mouth.

Suddenly, Xiaobei saw that Yang Yu had walked to the side of the tripod and was almost swept away by the tail of the strange python. He quickly rolled over and grabbed his ankle and dragged him under the tripod.

"Bang! Pa!" With two crisp sounds, Beckham rounded his arm and slapped two big ears on his face.

Watching Yang Yu's mind gradually recover, Xiaobei and Liu Xin were relieved. Yang Yu's situation outside was really bad. If Xiao Bei hadn't pulled in in time, I'm afraid he would have been crushed into mud sooner or later.

"Brother Liu, what do you mean we are trapped again?"

"That is to say, I guess that these wooden piles can form a maze after being arranged according to certain rules."


"Yes, have you heard of Jiugong? There is a similar small game."

"I know that all the numbers, whether horizontal or vertical, are combined as a result."

"Yes, maybe you won't understand when I tell you now, so I'll pick it up and talk about it. Xu Yue of the Han Dynasty recorded in the Records of Shushu: 'Nine palace calculation, five elements parameters, just like a cycle.' Zhenluan of the Northern Zhou Dynasty said: 'The nine palaces, that is, two or four are the shoulders, six or eight are the feet, three on the left and seven on the right, wearing nine shoes and one, five in the center.' So, if this giant tripod is 'five', that is, the center here, then those wooden stakes are other numbers. When we enter here, we will subconsciously walk between the gaps left between the stakes. Naturally, we will feel that the space here has increased dozens of times and keep circling around here.

Liu Xin drew a "well" shape on the ground, drew twice along each route, and continued to say, "Look, like this. In addition, not long after you came here, the smoke began to spread and gradually covered here. The sight is blocked, and it is even more difficult to meet.

Beckham suddenly understood that it was like this. No wonder he felt that these things were very strange. If people who didn't understand came here, they might die here. The wisdom of the ancients was simply a killing weapon.

"Originally, I still thought that this green smoke might have other uses. Hearing what you said, it seems that it still has the effect of making this maze completely start, but now that we know its principle, it is still relatively simple for us to go out, and now there is how to solve this damn beast." Beckham gritted his teeth, but had nothing to do with the strange python.

Everyone's firearms and ammunition are limited, not to mention the dangers in the future, but now, it is difficult to seriously injure the strange python even if all the ammunition is used. Escape? That's even more difficult to kick the sky. If you don't run out of this range, you will be caught up and become the food of this strange python.

Suddenly, Beckham remembered something. After looking around along the groove on the ground, he slowly took out a lighter from his pocket.

"What are you doing with this?" Yang Wei, who had just woken up, saw Beckham's strange movements and climbed over curiously.

"Shh, do an experiment." Beckham's face was solemn, carefully picked up the ** in the groove, and then touched the smoke in the air. Suddenly, a pungent smell came to the position of the three people.

"Sure enough, hehe." Beckham smiled mysteriously and seemed to have found a way. Let's see how I treat him in his own way. We are still happy that we burned just now, hey!"

I saw him press the fire, and a wisp of flame ignited in an instant, burning in Beckham's empty hand.

"Ah, it's quite hot." Beckham glanced at the burned and red palm, and didn't care about the pain. He picked up a lot of ** and sprinkled it on the strange python and sometimes fell and flew up, always almost hurt everyone's tail. Hurry up, just like me!"

Liu Xin and Yang Yu looked at each other and nodded. They believed that Xiaobei would not aim for no reason, and they must have the inevitable confidence to do so. Soon, the ** in the groove will be sprinkled clean by the three people.

Liu Xin seemed to understand something and sighed, "So that's it. Haha, it's really a good idea!"

Yang Yu was confused in the clouds.

"What the hell is going on?" Yang Qian's question was not answered, and Beckham also shook her head and nodded. She didn't know what it meant. This made him even more entangled.

"Just look carefully. Soon you will understand that Beckham's leg is injured, and you hold his arm and wait to escape." Liu Xin took the fire machine handed over by Xiaobei and gently lit a cigarette.

The cigarette head suddenly became bright and dark, and the ashes on it were blown off by Liu Xin, revealing a dark red, like eyes exposed in the dark, full of danger.