burgled coffin

Chapter 26 Who is she?

The air was filled with the pungent smell, and it was getting bigger and bigger. The strange python also seemed to realize the problem and stopped fluttering. A pair of snake pupils looked cautiously at the tripod.

A burning cigarette, with the dark red bright spot, drew a perfect parabola in the air and fell straight to the tail of the python.

"Get down!" Beckham shouted loudly and pressed Yang Yu under his body.

Before the shout fell, the heavy echo was covered by the loud noise in the air, causing a burst of tinnitus. The outside was occupied by white rising objects. Beckham and others covered their mouths to avoid unnecessary trouble inhaling the mouth.

The huge fire rose to the sky, and Beckham even felt the air waves behind him burn his back. A smell of burnt fur penetrated through his mouth and nose covered with sleeves, making Beckham unable to stop coughing violently, and tears and runny nose flowed out together.

"Cough, this is really powerful, hiss..." Liu Xin, the outermost, barely got up, and the clothes behind him were burnt, and the skin and flesh were dark. He took a deep breath and took the lead in his arms and laughed.

Looking out, the sea of fire occupied the whole platform.

That's why the three of them had a chance to breathe under the tripod, otherwise even if they dealt with the strange python outside, they would be half burned to death. The explosion outside was endless, and even the feet of the tripod felt a strong burning sensation, which was slightly red.

Anyway, if there are more lice, they are not afraid of biting. Now all three people have different degrees of scars. Naturally, they don't care about adding some more, and the strange python has become a big mold. Its huge size has now become its deadly defect. Half of the body is covered by the sea of fire, and the pungent smell of burning glue is emitted from it.

It turned out that Beckham remembered that there was sulfur in the ** in this groove, and the strange python had been soaked in the tripod for a long time, and it must also exist. It can breathe fire in the mouth and nose, also because it has lived long enough in the tripod.

So Beckham guessed whether the smoke he spit out also contained combustible substances?

Judging from the fact that the strange python will not continuously erupt flames, the scorching heat will still cause damage to it, otherwise the fire alone will be enough for the three of them to drink a pot. After Beckham's experiment in his hand, he found that the ** in this groove can be ignited by sprinkling into the green smoke. The sulfur content in the green smoke alone is extremely low, but the ** in the groove is obviously not as simple as one plus one.

So, the three kept waving ** in the groove on the tail of the strange python. For the sake of the current plan, Yang Hui also understood Beckham's good intentions at this moment and couldn't help laughing.

"It's really you. I can come up with this vicious strategy, but it's really easy to use! If you return it to the other person's way, this strange python will be peeled off even if it doesn't die. Yang Yu said and set up Beckham, and Liu Xin carried him out little by little and poked out half of his body.


After a large number of scales burned, the charred crumbs were sprinkled head-on, and one of them burned badly, and even some places were smashed down by the huge snake tail that had been blown away. The giant tripod was almost overturned, all of which had been tilted at a 40-degree angle. Fortunately, the two were sensitive and dragged Beckham to roll on the ground, and then the three of them held them together like falling. The ants into the fire rolled and crashed into a wooden stake.

It's also strange that after one attack, the strange python went straight to the bronze tripod and ignored Beckham and others, which relieved the pressure of the crowd and made them breathe a sigh of relief.

Those resentful eyes chilled Beckham.

Beasts are beasts, especially snakes, cold-blooded and vengeful. At this moment, he and others have caused it so badly that I'm afraid it has been the most seriously injured since it was born, right? Let the three small food-like existence hurt, which makes it extremely angry.

"What is it going to do?" Liu Xin rubbed his bleeding forehead, then removed a bullet from the magazine and opened it with a dagger, and sprinkled gunpowder on the mouth of his arm. He grinned in pain, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Sweat flowed into the new wound, which was no different from sprinkling salt. Beckham's legs had a slight sense of sensation, and it was even more painful. But now is obviously not the time to study how to relieve the pain, which can refresh yourself.

"I don't know, but we need to find a place to rest and treat the wound. If we accidentally get infected, it will be troublesome." Yang Yu shook his head, looked at the two people stained with blood, and then began to look for a place to hide, but except for wooden stakes, it was jewelry. Although it was crowded, it was actually empty and there was no place to stay.

"No, we have to get rid of this monster, otherwise we may make it retaliate. As long as we are still in this underground palace, it will pose a threat to us. That hateful look tells me that if we don't solve it when it is seriously injured, we may have the possibility of overturning at any time." It's not easy to get a life, but Beckham doesn't like the feeling of being peeped again.

"It's too dangerous. There should be its food in the tripod, and it also needs to recuperate, but once we provoke it again, it will be troublesome to fight to the death. Don't you find that its power has doubled just now? So it's better to be safe. Xiao Yang will help me up first. Liu Xin tightened the wound with a piece of material and slowly adjusted the state.

Yang Yu nodded with approval, and then pulled up Liu Xin. The two forcibly walked along the straight route of the burned wooden pile with Xiaobei.

In front is a downward slope, which seems to have a tomb inside.

The three of them have nowhere else to go now, so they can't go back to the mirror maze, right? He had to take the risk to enter the larger tomb.

The space is very large, and the ground is covered with dust, scattered with some debris and ceramic fragments. It seems that something happened here a long time ago, causing many things to be dilapidated.

In the center of the tomb, there is a strange coffin. If you want to say strangely, it is that it is much bigger than ordinary coffins. Liu Xin stepped forward to push the lid of the coffin and suddenly widened his eyes.

The inside of this coffin is actually empty. This is not a coffin!

It's a secret road. The steps below show that this is just a cover-up decoration. No wonder the coffin can't be pushed just now. It turns out that it is connected with the ground.

Because it is full of dust and has been artificially carved, it is difficult to see the tricks.

The three carefully turned sideways and walked down. The boxes were full of which were locked with big locks. Just as Liu Xin wanted to open and see what treasures had been painstakingly dug out of the dark room and hidden here, he was suddenly stopped by the little Bella held by Yang Yu.

"What are you hiding behind? Come out and don't pretend to be a ghost anymore." Beckham's voice was as cold as the Siberian cold current, and even Liu Xin realized that he was really angry at this moment.

"Ha ha." It's that laughter again, as if it came from Jiuyou. The ecstasy array and the youth can't help you. It's really surprising to me, Xiaobei.

A graceful figure came out of the corner with a golden mask on his face, which was particularly evil in the dim light.

"I'm overempt." Beckham responded faintly. If you hadn't had confidence in me, how could you have waited here? I didn't expect you to be so good at hiding yourself. What? Don't you want to take off your mask? Still dare not? Now that I have guessed it, you don't have to cover it up."