burgled coffin

Chapter 06 Mountain Flood Attack

Late night, 11:40. No moon.

Suddenly, there was a slight noise in the room. Xiaobei turned his head and looked at it. It turned out to be Chen Siwei.

"Why didn't you sleep?" Beckham asked.

"I slept for a while and couldn't sleep." She replied lightly.

"Did you hear what we said just now?" Beckham threw away the cigarette butt and raised her head to ask.

"Hmm." She nodded. Then he asked, "What do you mean by saying that the matter is for you today?"

Only then did Beckham remember that she didn't know anything about herself and others.

After talking about what happened, Chen Siwei suddenly appeared.

She put her hands around her chest and stood there and said, "It was yesterday when you suddenly stood up and looked at the mirror in the cafe?" That black cat?"

Beckham nodded and said no.

"Aren't you going to sleep for a while?" She continued to ask.

"No, thank you." Beckham shook her head with a smile and suddenly asked Chen Siwei, "Where are we probably now?"

After thinking for a while, she replied, "Is it close to the South China Sea? It should be, if I remember correctly.

To the edge of the South China Sea? What is this omen? Suddenly, Xiaobei remembered the brocade book, and the content seemed to have something to do with the South China Sea? Another bureau?

He seemed to understand something, and then he was stunned there and looked at the distance.

Ye Laosan looked at his appearance and asked, "What's wrong? What did you find?"

Beckham nodded, shook his head again, and said, "Well, do you remember the brocade book I told you about? It was lost after coming out of the underground palace pool, but we have all read the content. What was the writing style of the ancients?

Ye Laosan replied thoughtfully, "It's the opposite of us. This question is very simple, don't you know?"

Xiaobei smiled and said, "That's right. We were so flustered at that time that we habitually looked from left to right, while the ancients went from right to left, which caused some links that were missed by me."

Chen Siwei and Ye Laosan did not say anything, waiting for Beckham to continue.

"Now that the first story should take place in the South China Sea, telling the legend of the fishman, and then the magic, the army and the mausoleum. So can we determine that the mausoleum is the underground palace of Luoyang?"

Little Beton paused and continued: "Those suppressed rebels entered the underground palace and then prepared plans in it, causing the emperor at that time to think that there were evil things in it. In this way, it can be said that they have mastered the magic, and the strange python in the bronze tripod was created by them. As for those Taoist priests, I'm afraid they will be caught after entering, right? Part of it was executed, and then one was left to deceive gold, silver, jewelry and weapons. The source of slaves is also available, and the sacrificial supplies are complete.

Ye Laosan twisted the cigarette butt, took Beckham's words, and continued, "So what evil and ghosts do not exist at all, but these people have reached some kind of agreement with the escaped Taoist priest, and then created rumors and illusions?"

"Yes, no wonder the housekeepers know the route inside. It is certain that the recovered wooden coffin was hidden on the platform we escaped from, but it was lost for no reason. But I have a question, what's wrong with the road map in the Guanyin statue? Is someone deliberately helping us? I don't want to believe that these are all luck. It's too coincidental.

As soon as Ye Laosan patted his head, Xiaobei thought he thought something and hurriedly asked him, but he said, "But what does this have to do with where we are now?"

Xiaobei almost fell over and said helplessly, "If only I knew, I would have to guess here."

"Is it that the other party deliberately let you approach the South China Sea? The legend about the fishman? Chen Siwei suddenly interrupted their inference.

The wind suddenly became much smaller. Xiaobei jumped up from the ground and bumped into Ye Laosan. The two shouted at the same time, "Atlantis!"

It seems that the other party still used this calculation to guide them to move towards the ocean, but Beckham felt that it was too dangerous to avoid the other party as much as possible. Although he didn't know what the other party was thinking, he thought he still had something the other party was afraid of, otherwise he would have been threatened by force. Forced, unless he has some mental illness and a special hobby that likes to see others feel a little desperate and crazy.

By the way, he really has some psychological problems and is perverted enough.

"What should we do? Can't go anywhere now, go back the same way?" Ye Laosan asked.

"Well, the other party is deliberate like letting us be fooled, and there is definitely a second-hand reservation, otherwise there will not be a barren village here, which is tricky in it." Xiaobi snorted coldly and clenched his fist.

"I think so. Then we should leave here as soon as possible."

Before the voice fell to the ground, a strange sound suddenly came from the distance, and even the ground began to tremble.

The sound seemed to be some distance away from his side. It was buzzing and muffled, and there seemed to be some collision sounds. The shaking became more and more intense, making Beckham's legs numb.

"What's over there?"

"I don't know, but it seems that you are right. It's serious to leave as soon as possible."

Chen Siwei turned around and ran into the room, woke up the sleeping people and said, "Get up quickly, we're leaving here!"

Yang Yu rubbed his eyes and suddenly realized Chen Siwei's words. He immediately took out the pistol and pointed it out of the window and panicked, "What's wrong? What's going on?"

Xiaobei walked into the room and saw that everyone was confused. She explained, "There is no danger for the time being, but we seem to be in danger soon. Let's leave now, otherwise I'm afraid it will be too late."

The shaking of the ground is getting stronger and stronger, and people are almost unsteady and can only barely walk with the wall.

"What's the matter? Earthquake? This is not an earthquake belt, is it? Yang Qian held the wall and held the gun in the other hand.

"If there is a tsunami, it will be more troublesome, idiot." Ye Laosan put on his one-shoulder backpack again, pushed Yang Yu's head and quickly left the room, but the moment he walked out of the room, he stood still.

His mouth opened slightly, a little surprised, and then kept looking northwest.

"Why are you standing? Why don't you leave?" Yang Yu took the opportunity to take revenge. But Ye Laosan still didn't move.

Xiaobei found that something was wrong. He went out with Chen Siwei and Du Qi and looked over there. Xiaobei remembered that there seemed to be two mountains, and the hillside was very steep. Was it really an earthquake and the mountain collapsed again?

However, when he really looked over there, they were as stunned as Ye Laosan and didn't know what to do.

That's a mountain torrent!

In the night, a large area of darkness surged, as if thousands of troops and horses were rushing and roaring together and killing them aggressively. He could already clearly hear the magnificent sound of water, and the previous impact sound was colliding with things such as mountains on the ground, splashing.

In the moonless night, the mountain torrent was like a fierce beast, opening its mouth and showing its fangs, contempt for these humble creatures, and the sound of impact seemed to be laughing.

Under its power, the trees were broken one by one, and some of them were even uprooted, mixed with large stones, rumbling mountains and seas.

I want to tear the people in front of me into pieces and swallow them into my stomach.

This is a basin-like area surrounded by mountains. Under this impact, I'm afraid there is nothing to resist, and there is no suitable shelter to stop it. Thousands of pounds of boulders can be washed away, let alone anything else. The only thing they can do is escape!

Run as much as possible. Without a car, you can only run desperately with your legs, escape from here, find a way to escape, or find a place to take refuge and go to a high place.

Everyone is like an ant overlooking by an elephant, and their legs are so soft that they can't walk. I'm afraid anyone will be scared when they see this scene for the first time, right?

Or Ye Laosan's reaction is the fastest. Maybe he has experienced a lot and has strong endurance. Maybe he was the first to be stunned and the first to recover? In short, under his shouting, everyone gradually woke up and realized how dangerous the situation was. Two people had lost their backpacks and began to escape.

"Daw, where did this thing come from? Suddenly? But there is no heavy rain. Is it man-made? Beckham cursed and began to run to the mountain on the other side.

"Keep up, don't fall behind, we still have hope to go to the high place over there! Hurry up!" Chen Siwei also began to organize the panicked team members, shouting and urging.

has become closer and closer. Although there are at least more than a thousand meters, it is just a matter of the blink of an eye in this empty village. Beckham feels that the ground is about to crack under this power.

In the past, I laughed when I saw this scene on TV and video. I thought that I could get out of trouble by finding a high point in advance. I didn't expect to find how terrible this scene was when I actually met it.

Except for the two people who had escaped, the remaining five were all veterans. After a few seconds of panic, they immediately began to run with Xiao Bei and the others according to Chen Siwei's instructions.

Beckham inadvertently turned her head and saw the two people running in the wrong direction in panic, spinning like headless flies, and even climbing to the tree to avoid. It was so naive.

They were submerged by the water, and the century-old tree was uprooted. The drift stone smashed one person, and the twisted body floated up and down with the torrent and died on the spot.

Beckham has not realized how dangerous his inadvertent turn back is. In this situation of racing against time, they are racing against death, which may be swallowed up because of the moment they turn back. Fortunately, they have the advantage of finding in advance and distance themselves, otherwise they will be separated from that. The two slows end up the same.

"No, the water is getting faster and faster. I'm afraid we can't hold on to the mountain!" Yang Yu shouted breathlessly as he ran.

" Come on, run quickly. Maybe there is still hope, or you can sit here and wait to die!" Ye Laosan kicked his buttocks, made him stagger, and then continued to run for his life.

The giant beast formed by the current seems to have just swallowed two lives, and it is more fierce. The deafening sound of the roar is his wild smile, showing his power.

"There is a circuit over there! See, we are safe when we get there! The flood will be hindered when it gets there, because the terrain will lead it in the other direction! There are still dozens of meters to climb up!" Du Qi also raised his voice and began to shout crazily, and Chen Siwei's voice was swallowed by the huge roar.

Sure enough, Beckham saw a "U"-shaped circuit ahead, and the terrain was relatively much higher. As long as he stood on it, it was safe! But the flood beasts behind have caught up with them. Unsurprisingly, they can destroy the whole village in a minute and then smash them all to pieces.

This is 60 seconds of life and death! The countdown to death begins!