burgled coffin

Chapter 07 Once Again

Seeing that the water was about to spread over, the raised branches were thrown more than two meters high and getting closer and closer.

Beckham looked up again, only one step away from that circuit!

Lao San and Yang Yu have already taken the lead in climbing to the top. A wave of water rushed to Beckham's knee and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, they were pulled by Yang Yu's wrist.

"Hurry up, hold me with the other hand! I'll pull you up!" The blue veins on Yang Yu's forehead were clearly visible outside, and he gritted his teeth and grabbed Beckham's wrist.

Beckham's arm has a sense of dislocated tingling, her wrist has turned red, and her elbow has been scratched by something. She has lost a layer of skin and is full of muddy water, which looks very embarrassed.

The person behind has also pulled the protruding branches above and stood firmly, helping Yang Yu pull Beckham up together. The water has rushed to his feet and covered half of his body. Now his whole body is soaked in water, only above his shoulders are still exposed. The water below is very rapid and surprisingly powerful, and it is difficult for three people to pull.

Chen Siwei stood behind, her face pale, and her face was pale. She shouted at Xiaobei, "A little harder to catch that branch!"

Xiaobei's ears were full of turbulent waves, and she couldn't hear what she was talking about. She could only see her lips closed and her hoarseness.

Suddenly, the little fat man Wang Chao jumped over Yang Wei, who was lying on the ground, pulled out a rope about one meter from behind, buckled it to his waist and threw it to Beckham.

"Ty it on your body and I'll pull you!"

This time, Beckham heard it clearly and quickly freed the other hand to grab the rope. Another wave of water came, splashing several people's clothes, and it was cold and penetrated in the cold wind. However, at this critical moment, no one was in the mood to feel their coldness and warmth, desperately pulling Beckham up.

Beckham, who was almost washed away by the water again, finally tied the rope, tied a dead knot, was pulled up by Wang Chao, lay in the soil and gasped, and spit out two mouthfuls of dirty muddy water.

**'s rock has been hit by the rapid current and has lost its soil cover and sticks to its face. Everyone was relieved to see that Beckham had been saved.

Xiaobei lay there weakly for the rest of her life after the disaster and smiled, "Fuck, fortunately I didn't be a soldier, otherwise I might have to finish it when fighting against the flood. This thing is really not covered!"

Ye Laosan helped him cut the rope on his body and scolded, "You still have time to say sarcastic things here. I really regret pulling you up."

Yang Yu also echoed, "That's right, my whole arm is sore to death now. I should let you gradually say hello to me and die quickly. We are not safe now."

Xiaobei shook his head with a smile, and his hair was full of mud. He said to Wang Chao, "Thank you."

The little fat man also laughed: "What is this? Since we are all a team, we have the responsibility not to humiliate anyone. I have experienced the feeling of watching the people around me die.

Speaking of this, Beckham saw a trace of sadness on his face and was soon hidden by his smile.

Beckham thought of the fat man again.

He barely stood up, held Wang Chao's hand vigorously, and then watched the rapid water flow around his feet bypass the circuit and rushed to another mountain road.

"Damn it, how could a flash flood break out in the middle of the night?" Yang Yu cursed and packed his luggage.

In fact, Beckham was also thinking about this problem. He looked into the distance and saw a large piece of broken bricks floating on the water, and there were all kinds of pots and pans, which were washed away by the flood in an instant.

"This is man-made." Beckham pointed to the distance, where there was a dam, and even the gate of the reservoir was opened, and then flowed down the hillside. We have been plotted again."

"Fuck, don't let me catch this man, or I will definitely skin him!" Yang Qian checked the weapon and it didn't seem to be a big problem and could still be used. Then he also looked over there and cursed.

"It seems that the other party has already planned to blow up the road ahead, tamped our car, and then led us to this sunken abandoned village and opened the gate to release water. Our trip to Yunnan is going to be ruined. Beckham said lightly, but it didn't mean that he saw another person's body in the grass.

He concealed this matter and had his own purpose. He could not trust whether there was really a traitor in the team.

Du Qi pulled out a few coats from the slightly damp backpack and distributed them to everyone. Although it could not effectively keep out the cold, it was much better than such a wet one.

As a result of Beckham's grateful clothes, his backpack had long been gone, and Yang Yu was full of food and water. They were trapped in the underground palace, and it was too painful to have no food supplement.

Ye Laosan put on his coat, then threw the rope into the water and looked up for the mountain road to completely escape.

God knows what else will happen here. Everything is impossible. It is not appropriate to stay here for a long time.

Xiaobai took a look at the newly bought watch with a compass. It doesn't seem to be defective. The waterproof function is quite good, and the watch is still running. It's two o'clock in the morning, and the sky is still dark, but I don't know when there will be a lot of starlight, and the range can be seen clearly five meters.

The spare flashlight is tied to Beckham's right leg and is also waterproof, but he did not take it out for lighting in case something happens again. It is the most dangerous in the night, and it is difficult for everyone to walk without a light source.

There are only two batteries, which won't last long. He has to save.

Ye Laosan and Du Qi didn't know where to break off two branches with thick arms, took them as crutches in their hands, and pricked the soil that was not very solid one by one.

The two have walked more than 20 meters and stood in the distance to wave to the crowd, signaling that they could continue walking in front of them.

When he was about to leave, Xiaobei suddenly found that Chen Siwei did not follow and stood there looking into the water.

"What are you looking at?" Beckham came to her and asked.

"Look over there, is there anyone?" She pointed to half a tree trunk not far away, and a small white dot appeared above it.

Xiaobei was shocked. Is there anyone else? Looking carefully in the direction pointed by Chen Siwei, it was indeed a humanoid outline, but because of the distance problem, I couldn't see it clearly.

He took another step forward. This time, he looked carefully and was indeed a person. The man held the tree trunk and floated on the water, with his hair on his face and a pair of glasses in his hand.

Isn't this one of the first two people to be washed away by the flood? He seems to be still alive?

Xiaobei turned around and shouted behind, "Come on, there are still survivors here!" The guy who just fell behind!"

The driftwood was washed here by the water, about five steps away from Beckham, but he just couldn't reach it, and the man had no time to grab anything, so he kept the driftwood and drifted with the water waves.

"No, it's too dangerous!" Du Qi didn't know when he had come down and stood beside Beckham and said.

"Abandon him?" Xiaobei was a little surprised. If Wang Chao would definitely not have said such a thing, this is a human life. Even if he chose to escape from the team and run for his own life, he could not abandon him like this.

"You are too ruthless." Chen Siwei said coldly.

"If we save him now, maybe we will be swept away, and we don't know whether he is alive or not."

Xiaobei was stunned. Yes, he was buried in the water for so long. Maybe it was just the last action before his death to make him grab the life-saving straw? But he was so entangled that he couldn't watch him die like this.

He grabbed the tree trunk in Du Qi's hand, then tried his best to poke it over and barely poked the man.

He is still alive!

"Come back quickly, you can't save him!" Du Qi pressed his shoulder and shouted.

"No! Even if I die, I won't give up anyone!" Beckham's tone was resolute.

The man raised his head, shouted for help, and then took another sip of water.

"Catch the branch!" Beckham shouted.

The man stretched out a hand feebly and pressed the branch. Beckham was about to pull up. Suddenly, there was another rapid current on the surface of the water. He felt that his feet were slippery, and his heart was terrible. The soil below had been soaked into mud, and it was easy to fall down.

"Danger! Come back soon!" Chen Siwei's pretty face was pale and scary. She hurried to pull Xiaobei. As a result, she was also taken away by the current. Before Du Qi could react, she grabbed Xiaobei's wet coat in her hand and could do nothing.

Yang Yu and Ye Laosan also ran down and shouted at him.

However, Xiaobei, Chen Siwei and the young man with glasses have been swallowed up by the water. As the water floats far away, he can no longer be pulled back.