Tomb robbery

Chapter 030 Big Cake Face

Zhou Huan left the injured person, and it seems that there is no choice to urge the old man to go back to take care of everyone. Maybe there are many things that he doesn't want him to know, or it may be for the safety of the injured team members.

Now four team members have been injured, and two more have been followed back. Only me, Liang Zi, Zhou Huan and Blackface are left in the team, plus five team members to follow. There are fewer people but the equipment has not been reduced, so our load has also increased.

The people who continued to move on began to pack up their things. At this time, they saw Liang Zi coming back with a cross tied with branches and bark, picked up a stone and smashed the cross into the beach in the direction of the team member's death.

Then he said, "Thirteen, thirteen, buddy, I don't know if you Chinese who grew up in the United States also like this thing. If you make one for you, you stay here to take a shower, and we will complete the rest of the route for you. Dude swear to God that no matter what fish I see in the future, only If you see one alive, kill one..."

I saw that he didn't finish talking, so I quickly went up and kicked him. Liang Zi may also feel that he had said too much. He bowed to the cross with a gloomy face, picked up his backpack and we continued to move forward.

According to the old man, as long as we go up the river beach, it is estimated that we can reach the foot of Laoye Mountain at this time the day after tomorrow.

After this accident, Zhou Huan's face has always been very ugly. She seriously warned us that no one must obey the command and absolutely do not allow unauthorized action.

I understand that in fact, this was just for me and Liang Zi, and there was no rebuttal. I lowered my head and followed all the way. I dare not say how hot it was.

Towards evening, the hot sun finally set, and the river in front of us narrowed, but the surrounding trees became more lush. Everyone had hardly had an afternoon's rest. My current physical strength has been quite overdrawn.

Liang Zi saw that I was so tired that he was about to take over my equipment. At this time, he saw Zhou Huan, the leader, looking at the sky and then said to everyone, "Let's spend the night here tonight. As far away from the river as possible. Before it's dark, take a good look around."

I was finally able to rest as soon as I heard it. I immediately sat on the ground and didn't want to move anymore. My legs were already numb, and I reached out and pounded weakly.

The five team members scattered around to check around. After a while, they chose a place to spend the night. After I got up and followed them, I saw that this was an open space with slightly less weeds, which was estimated to be about 100 square meters, just right for us to camp.

Liangzi is like a child who did something wrong. He followed everyone to set up a tent and collect firewood, but I was too lazy to move and sat on a bag and looked around.

The surrounding trees are not very strong, but they are very dense and infamous. There are many earth bags on the ground that are the same as under my buttocks, and I don't know how they are formed. It's soft and comfortable to sit on them.

When the tent was set up, the sky slowly began to darken, so everyone cleaned up the weeds on the ground, raised a bonfire on the exposed land, and then began to have dinner.

In addition to compressed biscuits, the food we brought is beef jerky. It's good to eat some of these occasionally. Those team members didn't speak and sat there and chewed them expressionlessly. Liang Zi and I looked at each other and didn't know what to say. The scene seemed very embarrassing for a moment.

When this depressing dinner was finally finished, the sky was completely dark, and there was no sight around. There were all kinds of trees everywhere, which made people look panic.

A total of five double tents were set up in the camp. Zhou Huan slept one by himself and the other two slept one. Naturally, Liang Zi and I slept together, and then began to assign the vigil. Zhou Huan was still not the other two people. I guess he was afraid that Liang Zi and I would be worried, so the vigil arranged me and Black Face to be in the same team. .

After the arrangement was made, everyone returned to the tent one after another and began to rest. Liang Zi and a team member guarded the first shift. Blackface and I guarded the second shift, just while Liang Zi was away. I wanted to sleep quickly, or he snored so loudly that I guess I couldn't sleep when I came back from the vigil.

When I was woken up by Liangzi, I turned on the flashlight and looked at my watch. It was already one o'clock in the middle of the night. When I got out of the tent, I saw that the black-faced captain had come out somehow. He was adding firewood to the bonfire alone. I walked over and followed him to help. I wanted to say hello, but I saw his appearance of not eating fireworks. I don't know what to say for a moment.

After adding it, I lit a cigarette and sat there. I don't know why. As soon as I saw the dark surroundings, I felt inexplicably nervous. I felt that it was not a way. When I was thinking about finding a topic to talk to the black-faced captain, I saw Zhou Huan's tent open. She was wearing a The close-fitting camouflage vest came out.

I thought if it was convenient to go, so I hurriedly turned my head away and didn't look at it, but the footsteps came in my direction. Looking back, I saw that Zhou Huan ignored his black face and directly came to me and sat down.

I was puzzled and thought: What are you doing? I don't want to play any beauty tricks again, and I don't think it's right. This black face is still there. Thinking of this, I feel a little depressed and regrettable.

"Why, you rarely spend the night in the mountains!" Zhou Huan opened his mouth first.

"Ah, yes, who comes to sleep in the mountains when he is full." After saying that, he felt something was wrong and quickly said, "But this mountain is not bad. The mountains and rivers are beautiful and the air is pleasant."

Zhou Huan didn't seem to care. He kicked his legs casually and continued to ask, "What did you do before? How is your family?"

She asked me so much differently. She didn't expect that such a woman would also chat, so she quickly replied, "Well, ah... I used to be a reporter, but now I'm a grave robber..."

After listening to me, Zhou Huan actually smiled softly. I guess she didn't expect me to reply like this. She turned her head and looked at me for a while and said, "You haven't finished answering yet. How are your family?"

"My family should be fine, hehe, I don't know. I'm an orphan and I've never seen my family." I felt a little sad when he asked me this.

Zhou Huan may also feel angry and sad, and suddenly changed the topic and said, "Qiu Ye, um... Do you know where we are going this time? That is to say, whose tomb to steal?

I absolutely didn't expect that she would talk about this content, for fear that she would change the topic again, so I quickly asked, "I don't know, whose, whose?"

"Have you ever heard of Tuo Kui?"

"Tuo Kui, who is he? Is he rich?" I have no impression of this name in my memory.

With the faint firelight, when I saw Zhou Huan looking at me as I was about to open my mouth and continue to speak, I suddenly heard the voice of the black face next to me and said, "Don't make a sound, it seems that something is wrong..."

I was shocked by him and quickly stood up with Zhou Huan. As soon as I wanted to turn on the flashlight, I was pressed by the black face. Seeing his serious appearance, I didn't know what had happened. Looking around, it was still the dark mountains and forests and messy shadows. I didn't feel anything abnormal.

"What's the matter? What did you find?" Zhou Huan asked in a low voice.

"Do you think this forest is a little too quiet?"

After the black face said, Zhou Huan and I stopped making a sound and listened carefully to the movements around us. Under the background of this atmosphere, I also felt that I really couldn't hear any sound except our breathing.

This is absolutely abnormal. In such a midsummer night and such a dense forest, it is impossible that there is no sound at all. The more I think about it, the more cautious I feel and nervously approach Zhou Huan.

The three people stood quietly like this for a long time, and I vaguely felt that there was no sound at all. The direction in front of me was faintly loud. Although the sound was very light and slow, it was very rhythmic and seemed to be clearer and clearer.

About half a minute later, and I heard it thoroughly, as if there was a man walking towards us slowly in the darkness opposite.

It's so scary. Who can it be? I looked at those tents. Except for Zhou Huan's tent, the doors of others are intact. This will definitely not be our people.

The black face also seemed to be a little nervous. For people like him, I guess only this invisible thing is the most horrible. I saw him slowly put his hand into his arms and gently took out a pistol and held it in his hand.

At this time, I really want to say: Brother, can you give me a hand?

The three people almost held their breath and stared at the sound, getting closer and closer... Finally, with the help of the fire light, I vaguely saw a shadow appearing in front of me. At first, before I could understand what it was, I felt that its eyes seemed to be attracted by the firelight and were completely motionless. I didn't see any of us.

After the whole body of the thing was fully presented, I shouted, "I wipe it, it is, shoot quickly..."

Blackfaced Captain and Zhou Huan were shocked by my voice, and then the gun in the blackface's hand rang, but they did not hit the thing, but shot into the darkness behind it.

Looking at the thing again, it was also scared to tremble all over, which should have seen us. Then I heard its cry, "Wow..." and jumped into the darkness beside it, followed by a sound of shuttling among the weeds.

"Who do you know?" Zhou Huan hurriedly asked me to arrive.

I was completely scared and said stammered, "Ah, I know, no... I don't know, I don't know, what the hell am I doing!"

Seeing that I was incoherent, Zhou Huan pushed me angrily, said 'What a waste' and turned around and ran to his tent.

The black face also asked me, "What is it and what is it?"

I quickly explained, "I don't know it. I, I just saw this thing."

At this time, the other tents were awakened by the sound of gunfire and ran out. The five team members were all armed with guns in their hands. They were indeed well-trained and alerted around without asking anything.

Liang Zi rubbed his eyes and asked caresly, "What's the matter? Is there a wild boar again?"

As soon as I saw Liang Zi coming, I quickly said to him, "It's not a wild boar, or something we saw in my attic."

"What, did you see it clearly?" Liang Zi woke up immediately and asked nervously.

"Nonsense, I can't see it wrong with that big cake face. How can it appear here?" The more I thought about it, the more strange it became. I quickly stared in the direction it left.