Tomb robbery

Chapter 031 All Missing

Liang Zi listened to me and stared nervously at the dark place. We looked at it for a while and felt nothing was normal. I guess the guy had left, so we felt a little relieved.

After Zhou Huan came out of the tent, he took out a relatively large spotlight from nowhere and turned on the dazzling light to shine around.

The spotlight was irradiated far away. I looked at it with her light, and the trees around me were very clear. When I passed a big tree, Liang Zi's eyes were sharp and I heard him shout, "Oh, go back."

Then Zhou Huan's spotlight retreated a little, shining the upper part of the tree clearly, and saw a shaking in the dense leaves, and the monster came out.

This time, it is much clearer than seeing it in the attic, like a person squatting on a tree, with dry skin and exposed ribs, and a big white cake face, staring straight at us with completely light eyes.

It seemed to be very ** for the light. Squatting on the tree like a dead object, Zhou Huan asked me, "Qiu Ye, what the hell is this? Is it a strange monkey?"

"No, absolutely not. I don't know what it is. I've appeared in my attic before."

"Your family, you mean your family..." Zhou Huan was obviously surprised.

I also felt that this matter was a little unbelievable and continued, "I will tell you in the future. The question now is what should we do? Is that the right eye?"

Liang Zi immediately came over and said, "Sister-in-law, what are you waiting for? Tell your men to shoot."

"Wait a minute, I think something is wrong."

"Of course something is wrong, so it's better to do it first."

While they were talking, I saw the monster's lips moving faintly, as if a person was whispering. I couldn't take my eyes off its mouth and saw its mouth shape as if to say, "Quick, fear, hurry, fear."

This is so strange. I'm scared to death. How fast can I do it?

No, I immediately became a thriller. The monster said that he was not afraid, but should run and run...

Thinking of this, I quickly turned my head and asked Zhou Huan, "Have you seen it? What should we do?"

Zhou Huan obviously didn't understand what I meant. When I saw him frowning, I quickly explained my discovery and then went to see the monster. When I saw it swinging into the bushes, it disappeared.

At this moment, a heartbreaking scream suddenly came from the darkness on our left, followed by a rustling sound of trees rubbing.

"What's going on? Who's there?" Zhou Huan's face changed greatly and asked loudly.

I was also scared by the sound. Looking around, it was strange that the nine of us were there. Who would scream? Is there anyone else in the forest?

"Go and have a look..." After Zhou Huan finished speaking, he saw the black-faced captain walking quickly in the direction of the sound with a gun, and the other team members also followed him.

I don't know why. I always felt that something was wrong, but when I saw them all gone, I didn't dare to stay, so I followed Liang Zi.

After walking out of the camp and entering the woods, the view was immediately hindered. The trees here are dense, and no matter how bright the light is, they will be blocked.

As I didn't go far in the direction just now, the scream came again. I heard it cold all over, as if someone had been attacked by something, which was very rapid and tragic.

"Quick, everyone, keep up..." The black-faced captain shouted to everyone and ran quickly. Liang Zi and I didn't even take a small flashlight, so we followed the swaying light ahead and be careful not to hit the tree at any time.

In this way, the speed is much slower. Seeing that the light is getting farther and farther away, Liangzi doesn't even know where to go. I immediately began to get nervous and thought to myself: If I am left behind and have nothing in my hand, once I encounter danger, I will be in big trouble.

In this stunned moment, the light in front of me was almost gone. As soon as I was about to shout and wait, I heard the direction behind me. Probably there were all kinds of screams around the camp, but this time I was not alone, as if many people were attacked at the same time.

Then I felt the sound of trees rubbing everywhere in the forest, and it seemed that someone was shouting 'help', and I immediately panicked.

I thought: What's going on? How can there be so many more people, and what kind of attack did you encounter? It's so cautious.

I dare not run any more. I have been completely lost. Looking at the dark surroundings, it is almost the same, and I can't tell the direction at all.

I leaned my back against a big tree with the slightly shining moonlight and stared at my eyes nervously. Just as I was about to scold Liangzi, a bastard who left me alone, I heard a sway on the tree above my head. Looking up, I could only hear the sound but I couldn't see anything. I quickly left the tree and began to run forward without thinking.

After running a few steps, I heard the sound of brushing from the fallen leaves on the ground behind me, as if a big snake was chasing me. I was completely out of control, shouting 'Oh my God...' and desperately looking for a tree to drill in.

The sound behind me was getting closer and closer. I lay on the ground without stepping firmly. Fortunately, the ground was full of rotten leaves and were not much injured. I scolded myself for being useless. As soon as I wanted to get up and continue to escape, I felt that my ankle was pulled by something and dragged me back...

'Damn it, what's going on, help...' As I shouted, I was pulled back quickly, grabbed everywhere with my hands desperately, and then grabbed a small tree and stopped with both hands.

The strength of the thing pulling me behind me was very strong. I felt that the blood vessels of both arms should pop out. I tried my best to hold on and not let go. After a while, my body was pulled into a stick and hung away from the ground, and the back was getting higher and higher, as if I were pulling my things up the tree.

I gritted my teeth and turned my head and looked back. I saw that the hand that pulled me should not be a ghost, vaguely like a white rope, but I couldn't see what it was.

The more nervous it became, the more chaotic it became. I heard a 'bang' in front of me. The little tree may not be able to hold up the gravity. Unexpectedly, it was broken by me. Then the body fell to the ground and was dragged back without any pause.

Slowly, my lower body became higher and higher. Unexpectedly, something wanted to drag me up the tree and continued to catch me, but this time I didn't catch anything.

At this time, I heard a gunshot from far away. I thought if someone had sent me a signal, so I shouted at high, "I'm here, help, Liangzi..."

As soon as I shouted a few times, I felt that the gunshots were ringing for a moment, and vaguely followed by some miserable screams. The forest was in a mess, and I felt that other people should have also been attacked.

After many times of escaping from death, I will definitely not accept my fate. My hands have never stopped, and I still want to grab a life-saving straw.

Just as my body was up and my hands were about to leave the ground, I finally grabbed something, and my body stopped again.

I just wanted to hold my hands tightly, and then I felt something was wrong: how did I feel that it was not a tree or weed, but like a cold and stiff hand...

Looking forward, I almost fainted with a scream. I saw that the black hand that pulled me was really dry and waterless, and a big white face stared at me. It was very close, and there was no light in those eyes, almost like a dead person.

I immediately understood that it was the big cake face that pulled me. I was completely panicked. It was impossible to let go of my hand. I was tightly pulled by unknown monsters before and after. If it goes on like this, it will not be long before I will be pulled in half.

When I was thinking that it didn't seem to be okay, I saw the big cake face twisted up. The strange mouth slowly opened, and a dark sharp tooth was exposed. I didn't dare to look at it again. As soon as I closed my eyes, I waited for it to be slaughtered. Then I felt that I took my hand hard and pulled my body to the ground.

I felt that the big cake face was behind me, and the other hand grabbed my ankle, and then I heard a 'bang' sound. The rope that had pulled me before seemed to have been broken. Just as I wanted to look back to see what was going on, I felt that the back of my neck was hit by something, and my eyes were black and I lost consciousness...

I don't know how long it had passed. I woke up in a daze and felt pain everywhere. I didn't have any strength. After a while, I slowly opened my eyes and found that my eyes were blocked by something, and something fell into my eyes.

I felt that my hands and feet recovered a little, so I raised my upper body with my hands and sat up. I actually found that I seemed to be in a small cave. Now my body is in a pushed leaves. The leaves are very thick, and my whole body is wrapped in it.

This is really strange. What is this place? I tried to recall what happened last night. First, I got lost, then I was pulled, and then the big cake. What about the big cake face?

Thinking of this, I jumped up and looked around nervously and found that the cave was very small. There was nothing but me and this pile of rotten leaves. The entrance of the cave was blocked by some branches, and some dazzling light shone in. Obviously, it was already dawn outside.

I inexplicably turned around a few more times and kicked away all the leaves. After making sure that I was the only one in the hole, I pulled aside the branches and walked out.

Immediately shook my eyes by the dazzling sunlight. I reached out to block it. After I got used to it, I looked around. I found that it was a sunny morning, and all kinds of birds singing everywhere. The scenery was so beautiful that I couldn't imagine being scared in the deep forest last night. Horrible encounter.

The cave I came out of was halfway up a hillside. I couldn't see the top up. Looking down, I was surprised to find that our camp was at the foot of the mountain, but I didn't see anyone's shadow, and the tents were placed there without any movement.

I picked up a wooden stick and walked down the mountain quickly. The dew was very big in the morning. After a while, I wet my trousers. I didn't pay attention to it. I guessed the direction and kept walking. I slowly heard the sound of running water, and after a while, I came to the river.

After walking down the river for a while, my eyes became more and more familiar. Finally, I came to the center of the camp and ran to the front of a tent. I felt cold. After checking all the tents, I completely gave up. Unexpectedly, there was no one, and all of them disappeared...