Tomb robbery

Chapter 036 Incredible

Recently, I have spent the night alone in the camp every night. I don't sleep every day. Although I am tied up, I no longer have to worry about any danger. Not long after I lay down, I went to bed.


I unconsciously walked into a large stone room and found that the room was crowded with many people in white coats, looking very busy back and forth.

In the center of the stone room, there is a table like an operating table, and several white coats are doing some work with their heads down.

I quietly walked over and found that there was a crying baby on the simple operating table, and his two little feet were constantly pedaling around.

At this time, one of the white coats took out a snake from nowhere, laughed at others and put the snake on the baby's body. The snake bit the baby's leg mercilessly, and then heard the baby's extremely heartbreaking scream.

"Let go of him, let go of my son, you beasts." A tragic man shouted. I turned around and found that there were many human-shaped depressions on one wall of the stone room, and some blood-clad people were now tied with many iron chains.

One of them was struggling desperately to get out, pulling the voice that had already broken, and begging those white coats to let go of the child. The scene was very horrible and tragic...

With a 'ah' sound, I woke up from my dream and stood up. At this time, I saw Liang Zi with a different face ready to continue to kick my feet.

"What's going on, you boy is haunted?" Liang Zi asked doubtfully.

I looked everywhere with sweat. The stone room was gone. I was still in the camp. It was already bright. Our other team members sat or stood, but obviously had already woken up. At this time, they all looked at me inexplicably as if they were mentally ill.

I was stunned for a long time before I realized that I had a strange dream. Although I have woken up now, because the dream was too clear, I was still a little shocked.

This is so strange. People often say: I think about it day and dream at night, but everything in my dream is that I have never experienced or thought of. What does this mean?

"What's wrong with you? Why are you sweating?" A slight female voice came.

I looked at the voice and saw Zhou Huan looking at me with an ignorant face, weak and a little worried.

I finally woke up and realized that I had a dream just now. Now it's dawn, and we are still tied to the center of the camp.

"It's okay, it's just a nightmare." I quickly explained to Zhou Huan.

"Well, it's okay. It seems that we are going to continue on our way. Be smart." After saying this, Zhou Huan turned around and looked around.

I also followed her eyes and found that Zhang Zhuang's team was busy packing and seemed to be ready to move forward.

After a while, I saw the flower shirt coming over with a toothpick in my grip. He said to us with a treachery smile, "It seems that I've slept well. It's good. I'll be on my way later. I'm not in the mood to wait for falling behind. I still have a lot of bullets."

After saying that, he took out a pistol, shook it at the crowd, and then turned away.

I saw Zhou Huan whispering something to the black-faced captain. At that time, a few Zhang Zhuang's men came over and drove us to start on their way.

This time, I didn't walk along the beach again, but went straight to the hillside in front of us. Although I don't understand why they took this road, now I am still a prisoner, so I can only bend down and follow closely behind.

Although the mountain does not look very high, it is also very difficult to walk up. Our team is tied together by rope and its arms cannot swing normally, so it is very difficult to walk.

From time to time, someone fell down, and then Zhang Zhuang's fists and kicks came up. At this time, I had a scene of the little devils treating the Chinese people in the TV series, and I couldn't wait to shout: Let go of the villagers, I am the eight roads you are looking for...

After climbing all morning, we reached the peak of the mountain and looked up. Far away from other mountains, a very high and spectacular peak stood in front of us.

Obviously, that mountain is much higher than where we are. Now it is still sunny here, but the face can't be seen at all halfway up the mountain, and it is all covered by thick dark clouds.

I don't know why, but I felt that the peak opposite looked very familiar. After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't remember where I had seen it. At this time, I heard Liang Zi beside me say, "No, I will..."

His voice seemed particularly incredible, so I asked him what it was, right?

I heard Liang Zi say, "Didn't you see it?"

"What, can you stop selling the customs and see what?"

"Damn it." Liang Zi looked at me deeply and continued with a solemn expression, "You really don't understand or pretend to be confused here. Isn't the mountain in front of you the mountain in the Picture of Fairy Mountain Fuhu?"

After listening to him, I quickly raised my head to look at it. After reading it carefully, I also took a deep breath. Oh, my God! This mountain is really exactly the same as in the painting.

While thinking about it, I felt that someone touched me gently and reflected that it was Zhou Huan. She didn't say anything, but just shook her eyes forward and motioned me to have a look.

I followed her eyes and found that two men in camouflage clothes were holding our painting with their hands and carefully observing the painting with their eyes.

Now I understand more. I said why so many people are willing to sell this ordinary picture at a high price. Now it seems that the painting should be a map or something.

Everyone just took a break and was driven to the bottom of the mountain. I don't have to think about it to understand that the target of these people must be the mountain shrouded in dark clouds, that is, the place in the painting.

Although the way down the mountain is not easy to walk, it is a little easier than climbing up. Although sometimes there are still people who can't stand and fall down, after all, there will be less physical consumption.

When I walked all the way down to more than half, I suddenly felt that there seemed to be something wrong with the ravines under the mountain. Although I couldn't tell what was going on, I obviously felt that the place at the foot of the mountain was different from our current forest, and it seemed that the color was much lighter.

It is estimated that in the evening, our group finally arrived at the foot of the mountain. The ground had turned into a flat ground, and it was much easier to walk.

After everyone passed through a lush forest, the scene in front of me immediately stunned me.

Now I really don't know how to describe it. Although there are still some dense trees in front of me, the difference between these trees is that the leaves are gone, and all the trees are covered with dense black caterpillars the size of cigarette butts.

These bugs hang themselves on the branches with a silk thread like spiders. I think anyone will feel itchy when they see them. I estimate that the area covered by insects can be the size of a football field. With a slight mountain wind blowing, those bugs all swing neatly from side to side, and I look straight at me. The tongue was completely stunned on the spot.

Liang Zi came to me and shouted in surprise, "I wipe it, what's going on? Is this a bug meeting?"

This is the first time I think Liangzi's nonsense is more reliable. There are so many bugs at all, but now they are all gathered in this place. It's too weird.

When I was thinking about it, the team was driven away again and continued to move forward. All of us walked forward by the side of the insect mountain. At this time, I felt that these bugs were indeed very special. Every bug was black, and when there was no wind, it was like dead without any action.

Walking along the side of Worm Mountain, when I approached the center, I felt a little strange again. I vaguely seemed to see something in the middle of the bug forest. Although I couldn't see it clearly, I guessed that it should be a house-shaped building.

When I was observing carefully, the whole team stopped, and then I found that each of the Zhuang and the flower shirt took out a telescope and looked at the center of Chongshan.

After looking at it for a while, I was relieved to see the flower shirt and said something to Zhang Zhuang. I was surprised to find that there was a greedy smile on his face.

Liang Zi probably also saw this situation and said to me, "What's the matter? Did this flower shirt scare the bugs stupidly and laugh!"

I didn't answer and continued to look at their movements. At this time, I saw the flower shirt waving his hand behind him, and then the guy with the flamethrower on his back came out. After explaining a few words to him, the flower shirt flashed aside.

The guy with a flamethrower seemed to take a few deep breaths, raised his legs and walked towards the forest full of insects. I don't know what he was going to do, so I followed him with wide eyes.

The guy came to the insect tree, turned on the switch of the flamethrower and sprayed at the dense insects. For a moment, the insects sprayed fell to the ground, and a stream of black smoke floated up. The scene was extremely disgusting.

Liang Zi said to me very differently, "What are you doing? Did this group of people find that they want to eliminate the four evils for the people?"

"Who knows? Let's see." I replied directly.

Looking at the guy, covering his nose with one hand and holding the launch rod of the flamethrower with the other hand, constantly burning the bugs up and down, as if it was very enjoyable.

When everyone was watching, they felt a mountain wind blowing, and then all the insects began to sway with the wind, because they were hung on the tree by a silk thread, and the slowly swayed larger and larger, and finally almost parallel to the ground.

Damn, this scene is really not everyone has a chance to see it. I was looking at the spectacular scene with my big mouth and marveling at it. I found that the insects that swayed into a plane began to twist their whole body, and then a stream of green ** spewed out from the mouth of those insects and shot all on the guy's body. .