Tomb robbery

Chapter 037 I'm going to die

No one expected that those motionless bugs would take the initiative to attack. The person who was spraying fire was unprepared at all and was immediately sprayed with green by bugs**.

When I was wondering if those ** would be poisonous, I saw that white smoke began to rise from the guy's body, and then I saw him shout loudly, covered his face and fell to the ground and began to roll.

What's going on? Is it so toxic?

We got closer and found that the flower shirt had already run over and carried the man back with several men.

When I looked at the man carefully, I felt that my scalp was numb.

The clothes on the man basically can't see their original appearance. They are all holes of different sizes, and now they are still smoking white smoke.

Looking at his face again, there was no one at all. His skin became extremely dark, as if he had been severely burned, and he kept leaving pus outside. The man howled for a while and fainted.

"Damn, can these bugs spray sulfuric acid?" Liang Zi shouted in horror.

I turned around and looked at Zhou Huan. She was frowning and obviously unprepared for the accident. She shook her head at all of us, saying not to act rashly.

When Zhang Zhuang saw that the man was no longer able to do it, he was ready to replace him, but his men were obviously scared and retreated nervously one by one. No one wanted to become the previous one.

In fact, I don't understand why Zhang Zhuang and others did this now. Isn't everyone's purpose to go to the old master's mountain to find the ancient tomb? Why do you have to find a way to die and enter this bug mountain? If I hadn't been tied up, I would have been eager to run away.

The flower shirt also looked around at those subordinates and probably thought of the possibility of sending people there again. He hesitated for a moment and turned his eyes to our group of people. As soon as I saw him looking at us, I began to panic.

What, this bastard doesn't want us to be cannon fodder, does he?

Sure enough, he came to us with a strange smile on his face and looked at our team members one by one. Finally, his eyes fell on Liangzi, and then waved his hand to his hand, and someone immediately came forward to untie Liangzi's rope.

"Alas, why? It's good for me to be like this. Don't let go." Liang Zi also saw his purpose and said as he dodged.

But after all, he was tied up and inconvenient to move, and soon he was pressed to the ground. He saw the flower shirt coming forward and kicked Liangzi without saying anything.

"I'm sorry. You have the guts to fight with me one-on-one." Liang Zi lay on the ground and cursed angrily.

"Let's talk about the one-on-one thing later. Now you have to deal with those bugs first." The flower shirt pulled the beam up and said with a smile.

I saw that this was obviously letting Liang Zi die. We all saw the end of that guy before. The toxicity of this bug is very high, and it is impossible for anyone to come back.

I quickly looked at Zhou Huan with the eyes for help. Seeing her bit her lip and looking at me, her face was full of helplessness. I thought to myself: This is over. If I take Liangzi's life, I will never forgive myself for the rest of my life.

At this time, Hua took out his shirt and put it on Liangzi's temple and said, "Big man, you'd better save your energy to deal with those bugs, otherwise none of you will think about it."

Liang Zi was still scolding unrelentlessly. I felt that I couldn't wait. If it went on like this, Liang Zi would definitely die. Thinking of this, I quickly opened my mouth and shouted, "Don't you let him go? Isn't it just killing insects? Let me do it."

As soon as the words fell, everyone's eyes looked at me. I guess they might think I was crazy. Liang Zi and Zhou Huan shouted almost at the same time: "No..."

I took a look at Zhou Huan and said, "Don't worry, I will be fine."

As soon as she was about to say something, Liang Zi shouted, "Qiu Ye, you can pretend to be a hero here. My life is harder than you, and I don't need your help."

After saying that, he stopped struggling and shouted at the flower shirt, "Come on, boy, put your fire-breathing thing on your back, and I will open the way for you cowards."

I actually fully understand what Liang Zi meant. He changed his mind when he saw that I was going to die for him. We grew up together, and no one was willing to let the other party take risks.

When I saw a subordinate coming with a flamethrower, I immediately felt a little anxious and said to Liang Zi, "Listen to me. Do you remember that we burned eggs together when we were young and accidentally knocked over the charcoal basin? If all of you are burned, I'll be fine."

In fact, it was not all reckless to replace Liangzi. When I was a child, they always came to the orphanage to play with me. I remember that once a few friends took eggs and burned them on the hillside. Liubao accidentally knocked over the fire basin. Those red charcoals flew everywhere, and none of them were spared. The department was scalded, and only I didn't feel anything. I even reached out to get the charcoal on their bodies.

At that time, I felt that my physique might be different from others. First of all, I never attract mosquitoes. Secondly, I have no reaction to the heat. No matter how hot the water is, I can wash my hands and face directly, and I never feel hot.

In addition, when I accidentally scratched my arm in the spider hole before, those fierce spiders gave up attacking me, which once again proved that I was different.

I just saw that the person who went to kill insects was smoking all over. It is estimated that those insects should spray something similar to sulfuric acid. Although I don't know if I can resist it, it's better than letting Liangzi die in vain.

After listening to me, Liang Zi was stunned on the spot. I immediately said to the flower shirt, "Let go of him. I'll kill insects for you, otherwise no one can succeed. If you have the ability, just kill us directly."

It seems that I can't make the decision on my flower shirt. Seeing him go to discuss with Zhang Zhuang for a while, I felt that Zhang Zhuang seemed to be a little embarrassed from my expression and hesitated for a moment before nodding.

When the flower shirt came back, I asked someone to untie the rope for me, and then tied the flamethrower like an oxygen tank to me. Someone came over and told me briefly how to use it.

When Liang Zi saw it now, he couldn't stand it. He came over and put his shoulder on my shoulder and said, "Oil, don't show it. If something happens, I won't have the face to go back alive."

I reluctantly smiled at him and said, "Don't worry, it's just a few bugs. Just wait for the good news of your victory!"

When the equipment was finished, I took another look at Zhou Huan and found that she was also full of nervousness. She whispered to me, "Be more careful alone. If it really doesn't work, I'll find another way."

I understand what she means. I guess if I start to resist now, there is almost no possibility of winning, and everyone will die under random guns.

"Don't worry, I can handle it. Have you forgotten that I'm a pure man?" Finally, I tried my best to talk and laugh, got up and walked towards the insect forest.

Just now, I didn't feel anything because I was worried about Liangzi's safety. Now that I am getting closer and closer to the bug, the tension is getting stronger and stronger.

Needless to say, they will release venom. Just a close look will cause goose bumps all over your body. I really can't imagine how these bugs are formed. How can there be so many.

I took a few deep breaths, bravely walked closer, opened my tongue and sprayed at the bug.

This flamethrower is indeed very powerful. As I sprayed the flames, a stream of black smoke came out, and the insects fell to the ground piece by piece. I slowly stepped on their bodies and walked forward, turning my head to see other people following me far behind me, as if they were watching me on the execution ground.

After advancing an estimated third of the journey, I felt a slight mountain wind blowing. Looking at the insects in front of me, they were like swinging, all swinging neatly, as if there was some impetus to make them rise higher and higher, almost parallel to the ground.

I understand that this is the prelude to the insect's venom. I quickly stretched out an arm to block my face and accelerated my pace to move forward.

Just a few seconds later, the bugs began to launch. Now the situation is like a large group of people in front of me, all spraying me with water guns. Those green ** immediately made me all over.

Like the previous man, the clothes on my body began to emit white smoke, and the clothes instantly turned into a net, full of holes of different sizes.

Then some ** sprayed on my skin, and I felt very hot. Looking down, I saw that the skin where it was sprayed became red. Although it was also painful, it did not rot and dissolve directly like that person.

This time I completely believed it. It seemed that my physique was really different, and I didn't have time to think about it. I didn't know how much I could resist, so I raised * to face the insect rain and continued to move forward.

When I endured the severe pain and estimated that it should be in the middle of the insect forest, a tall black building was reflected in front of me. At first glance, it was like a castle. I didn't have time to look more. I began to circle around the building and spray fire. After the insects around more than ten meters were eliminated, I was covered with wolves. It stopped.

I waved to the crowd, indicating that they could come over, then untied the flamethrower and threw it aside to quickly look at my body.

I guess I should be like a devil crawling out of hell now. There is less than one-third of his clothes left, full of holes of different sizes and white smoke, and the whole body is a thick layer of green** from head to toe, which is extremely dirty.

At this time, Zhang Zhuang's team came over with our people. Zhang Zhuang and the flower shirt did not look at me and went directly to observe the building.

Liang Zi quickly came over and shouted nervously, "How's it going..."

I thought about how it was. Anyway, there must be no one like it. I waved my hand to everyone with a wry smile to say that it was okay. At this time, I saw Zhou Huan leaning over. I didn't know when their hands had been untied. I guess it was Zhang Zhuang who also relaxed his vigilance against us.

Zhou Huan came to me and said anxiously, "Take off your clothes, take off quickly..."

"Oh, okay." After answering, I was ready to take off my clothes. Then I thought something was wrong. Zhou Huan looked at me in front of me. What was it like? Thinking of this, my undressing hand stopped there.

Zhou Huan seemed to be very angry and shouted, "What are you sick? Hurry up and take off your clothes and wipe your body clean."