Tomb robbery

Chapter 038 Gossip Ancient House

I heard Zhou Huan let me take off my clothes and wipe my body again. Although I knew that she was just worried about the venom on my body, it was really dramatic from a woman on such an occasion.

At this time, Liang Zi looked at Zhou Huan with a smile and said, "Well, little sister-in-law, you'd better go to ** to say this. There are so many people here. This... is not very good!"

Zhou Huan may also feel that what he said was indeed very ambiguous, and said angrily, "When is it? It's useless. Hurry up and deal with it."

As they talked, I felt that the burning sensation on their bodies had been reduced a lot. I thought that my skin was so hot that I didn't feel it? I couldn't care so much, so I turned around and began to take off my clothes.

In fact, it's better to take it off than to tear it. There are not many clothes left on my body. I pulled it down and threw it on the ground a few times, leaving only a pair of underwear painted with a big-mouthed monkey on my buttocks.

I immediately felt embarrassed and wondered why every time I went to the mountain, the first thing I lost was always clothes.

Liang Zi smiled. I walked over and kicked him, and then rudely went to pick up his camouflage vest. Liang Zi did not struggle any more and became a naked man in a while.

I picked up my vest and quickly wiped my body. Because a large part of it was blocked by clothes, there was not too much green liquid on my body. At this time, I found that my whole body was hot red and looked very strange.

After wiping the front, I reached out to wipe my back. When I felt it was very difficult, the vest in my hand was picked up. I thought it was Liang who didn't care, and asked him to wipe it carefully.

"Your figure is really good, but the color is worse." Zhou Huan's voice came from behind me.

Damn it, am I a hooligan? I quickly turned around and looked and found that it was Zhou Huan who wiped my body behind me. She was wiping my back with her gentle little hands.

Originally, I was very embarrassed, but when I thought that other girls were embarrassed, I looked a little careless again.

At this time, I found that the ** sprayed by the bug was very strange. It seemed that it would have a great corrosive effect only when it was just sprayed out. When the air was cold, it was no different from ordinary **, because I saw that Zhou Huan's hands were also stained with some, but obviously I didn't feel burned.

When it was almost wiped, I went to ask for clothes from one of Zhang Zhuang's men. This man didn't look very old. I guess it was my presence, so I didn't let them get involved in the danger in person. I happily took out a set of camouflage clothes from an equipment bag and gave me.

After I took the clothes and put them on, I found that no one came to tie me with a rope. Seeing that everyone was looking up at the building, I walked over and prepared to take a closer look.

Our previous team were all blue jackets, but now I have become a camouflage suit. Liang Zi joked when he saw me coming, "You spy who sneaked into our army, get out of here."

After this time, I was in a good mood. After casually quarreling with Liang Zi, I looked up and followed everyone's eyes.

Before, I thought this building was like a castle, but now I have a puzzled face when I see it clearly, because I have never seen such a house. The house is made of black stone, which is estimated to be as high as three floors and the roof is oval. It looks like a big black pot upside down.

What surprised us most was that the house was neither square nor round, and the surroundings were all built into triangles one by one. I counted around the house, with a total of eight corners.

I frowned and asked Zhou Huan, "Have you ever seen such a house? Do you have it in the United States?

Zhou Huan still looked at the house and said casually, "I haven't seen it, but I don't think normal people will build the house like this."

When I was thinking about what she meant, I saw Zhang Zhuang and the flower shirt coming back. Zhang Zhuang came to me with an admiring expression and said, "I really didn't expect that my brother has such a different ability. As long as you are willing to cooperate with me, you can do whatever you want."

His words stunned me directly. I didn't expect that this black boss would also want to pull me into the water, thinking: Forget it! There will be no good end to working with such people.

"Thank you, Boss Zhang, for your praise. It's all luck to be able to live this time. As for the cooperation, I think it's better to forget it. I'm afraid I'll ruin your big deal." I very euphemistically refused. Now that we are still under the control of others, I really offend them. It is inevitable that they will do something immoral.

Zhang Zhuang estimated that he had already guessed that I would answer this, without showing any unexpected expression. He stretched out his hand with a strange smile, pointed to me and Zhou Huan and said, "You, you, go in with me, and the others will stay."

Damn it, I secretly scolded this bastard for being more refined than a monkey. He took me in may be in case of any danger again, so that I could be cannon fodder. Zhou Huan was taken as a hostage so that the people left behind did not dare to mess around.

I want to refuse to say that it is impossible not to go, and I saw someone untie Zhou Huan's rope. I found that she inadvertently exchanged eyes with the black-faced captain, and then moved to me.

This time, Zhang Zhuang led the team. In addition, Zhou Huan and I were nine people, four strong and carrying guns, and a person carrying a flamethrower, and an older man who didn't hold a gun and only carried a bag.

After the arrangement, Zhang Zhuang asked the flower shirt to stay and watch the team, and then took the lead to walk towards the ancient house. I found that the ancient house did not have a door. The entrance was an arched dark doorhole. Outside this, the whole building did not have a window. Looking in from the doorway, it was only dark.

When I saw the darkness inside, I had an indescribable foreboding, as if a pair of horrible eyes stared at me from inside, looking forward to me going in.

When everyone came to the door, someone handed me and Zhou Huan a flashlight, and then turned on all the nine flashlight and shone into the doorway.

With the flashlight, I feel that there seems to be another kind of space in this house. This kind of flashlight would have a long distance and have strong penetration, but now after the flashlight shines in, it seems to be absorbed by a hazy fog, and I can only faintly see three. Five meters away.

Zhang Zhuang was obviously a little timid at this time and pushed me and Zhou Huan to the front and let us take the lead in.

I scolded his ancestors for 18 generations in my heart, looked back at the black muzzle and was helpless, and then smiled bitterly at Zhou Huan. We bravely got into the ancient house. As soon as we stepped in two steps, I felt an inexplicable chill surging up.

After all, Zhou Huan is a grave robber. In the face of such an environment, he looks much calmer than me. We raise our flashlight and shine everywhere, but we can't see anything else except the land under our feet.

I have no choice but to walk slowly in a small step. The deeper I go, the more I feel that the temperature has dropped, as if I were walking into an ice cellar.

Judging from the whole picture outside the house, I guess when I got to the center, I still couldn't see anything under the light of the flashlight. I wanted to ask Zhang Zhuang what to do next. After turning my head, I was surprised that I couldn't close my mouth. I quickly went to pat Zhou Huan. After she turned around, she also looked puzzled.

Although we walked very slowly before, we could still hear Zhang Zhuang's footsteps behind us, but I turned around and found that it was dark behind us. There was no one there. I don't know where Zhang Zhuang has gone.

As soon as I wanted to ask Zhou Huan what was going on, I suddenly heard a voice in the darkness in front of me saying, "What's going on? What did you find? Why didn't you leave?"

Damn it, what's going on? Judging by his voice, the speaker must be Zhang Zhuang, but they are clearly in front of us, but Zhou Huan and I can't see it. The strangest thing is that according to his tone of voice, he must be able to see us, which is simply incredible.

"Ah, it's okay. I just want to ask if there is nothing here. Do you still want to go?" I didn't tell Zhang Zhuang about our discovery, I just asked casually.

"Go, keep moving forward until the wall stops." Zhang Zhuang ordered in the dark shadow.

Zhou Huan and I turned around and looked at each other and could only continue to walk. At this time, I suddenly came up with a special idea and wondered if it would be like this: according to the current situation, there seems to be a special black gas in this house, and the concentration of this gas is very special. If you look at a square Looking at it for a long time, you can see the person or thing in front of you at close range, but if you suddenly turn around to look in other directions, even if one person is standing in front of you, you can only hear the sound and not see people.

Although this idea was a little incredible, I still felt that it was possible. Thinking of this, I decided to try it, so after taking a few steps forward, I suddenly stopped and turned my head to look. Sure enough, there was still nothing behind me.

Then I heard Zhang Zhuang say, "What the mother is doing? Go on."

I didn't say anything, so I turned around and continued to walk, but I was secretly proud of it. It seems that my thoughts are inseparable from ten. If this is really the case, as long as Zhou Huan and I turn around and run backwards at the same time, or run in either direction to the left and right, Zhang Zhuang and others will not see us and will get out and win. Got the right time.

I turned my head to look at Zhou Huan and was about to find an opportunity to tell her what I thought. I saw Zhou Huan also looking at me proudly. Is it possible that she had already thought of this problem.

I tentatively stretched out a finger in front of me and pointed to my left direction. After Zhou Huan saw my hand, he nodded gently to me.

'Cool'. In the face of such a perfect tacit understanding, I even wanted to clap my hands, and then I leaned against Zhou Huan and held her hand tightly.

This is the first time I took the initiative to approach Zhou Huan, holding her soft and smooth little hand, and thinking about my clever plan, not to mention how beautiful it is.

I looked at Zhou Huan, but she was looking at me with a special look, as if to say to me, "Good boy, how dare you take advantage of me."