Tomb robbery

Chapter 083 Savage Tribe

Liangzi shouted very urgently. I quickly came over to check and saw that the valley in front of me had undergone great changes in the day. Originally, I only felt that the valley was a little gloomy, but now I feel horrible.

I didn't expect it. There were a lot of lights in this valley, light and dark, big and small. One of the illusion for me is that this is not a valley at all, but a village where people live.

"What's going on?" I asked in a cold sweat.

"I don't know. How can I see that it's not a ghost fire?" Liang Zi suddenly raised his tone and said, "Look, there are lights and lights. Is Te Niang's turning on and off the lights?"

Needless to say, I also saw it. A lamp in the valley was really out just now, and two lights lit irregularly not far from it. If it went on like this, I should be scared out of peeing, so I lowered my head and didn't look at it. I took two steps back to make it first.

Liang Zi is still shouting all kinds of questions, but I think Xu Xin should know the most about this kind of thing. No matter how much we study it, we won't have any clues.

So after the two of us finished their convenience, we quickly ran back. When we returned to the camp, I saw Xu Xin preparing to go back to the tent to rest. I immediately ran up to stop him and said, "Brother Xu, something's wrong."

My voice was louder. Xu Xin was just stunned, but the other team members were really shocked by me. They all came over and asked, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

"Yes, what happened?" Xu Xin asked with a careless face.

"Ha..." I smiled bitterly and didn't know what to say for a moment, so I waved to everyone and shouted, "You all come and have a look, but you must be mentally prepared."

After saying that, I took the lead to the tip of the mountain. Everyone else was stunned on the spot. After seeing Xu Xin follow, they nervously walked into the dark place with me.

I turned around and said to everyone, "Look at what's going on in the valley, you must calm down."

Everyone walked around me and looked ahead. When I was waiting for them to exclaim, I suddenly heard Li Ruier say, "What are you looking at? Nothing?"

"Yes, Brother Qiu, you can't see anything in the dark."

"Brother, please play with us..."

I felt something was wrong and immediately looked at the valley. After seeing it clearly, I was stunned. There were no lights and villages. The valley was dark and I couldn't see anything at all.

"What's going on? There was a light just now?" I shouted.

"Have you drunk too much and are dazzle?" Li Ruier came to me and said.

"Whew, how can it be? I didn't drink such a little wine." I immediately pointed to Liangzi and shouted, "Liangzi, please tell them quickly, was there a light in the valley just now?"

Ah? What kind of light? I don't know?" Liang Zi showed a kind of bad feeling.

I was dumbfounded when I heard his answer. I went up and grabbed his collar and shouted, "What are you talking about? There was a light just now, and you found it."

"Qiu Ye, calm down. You must have read it wrong. There is no light. Go back to bed!"

I saw what Liang Zi said seriously and didn't lie at all. I said to myself: What's going on? Is it really wrong? Shit, how can it be possible? It's impossible.

I was about to go crazy and pointed to the bottom of the valley and shouted, "You have to believe me. I really saw it, but now I don't know why it disappeared. If you wait for a while, it will definitely appear."

Xu Xin came over and kicked me and said, "Nonsense, it's not funny at all. Go back to sleep." After saying that, he no longer cares about me and takes the lead and goes back.

Other people probably thought it was my prank and didn't think much about it. They all followed it back with a smile.

When Liang Zi and I were left alone, I was about to scold when I saw him make a silent gesture for me, and then whispered, "Don't be excited. I deliberately said I didn't see it."

"What the hell is going on?" I asked angrily.

"Just now, I was the first to come back. As soon as I got to the top of the mountain, I saw all the lights in the valley go out at the same time. This is very wrong."

"Then why don't you tell everyone?"

"You are stupid. They won't believe it even if I say it. It may cause panic. Let's stay up late tonight and study what's going on." Liangzi patted me on the shoulder and walked towards the camp.

My depression has finally subsided a little. Liang Zi's statement makes sense. Why did the lights go out collectively after we came back? There must be a reason for this.

After we came back, we arranged the order of vigil. Liang Zi and I guarded the first class and let everyone go to bed.

He came to the open space in the middle of the camp and sat down. Liang Zi lit a cigarette and asked, "What do you think will be? Is it possible that there is really someone in this valley?"

In fact, I have also guessed that although this is a no man's land in the virgin forest, no one may live here, and it may be a mysterious and unknown tribe.

"Even if someone really lives there, why did the lights suddenly go out?" I asked back.

"Is it possible that people in this place sleep regularly? Do they have to turn off the lights on time?"

"How can it be?" I think this is impossible.

The two of us studied for a while, but we still had no clue. I guess when everyone fell asleep, we got up and walked towards the top of the mountain again...

When I got to the place, I looked forward and almost rolled my eyes and died of anger. Before that, many lights lit up in the dark valley, as if they had never went out.

"I wipe, what's wrong with this? No, I have to call everyone." As I said, I wanted to turn back and let everyone see for themselves to prove that I was not convulsions.

Liang Zi grabbed me and said, "I think it's better to forget it. In case the light goes out again when you come back, you can't completely explain it. Others have to treat you as a mental illness."

Although I was full of grievances, I still felt that what Liang Zi said made sense, so the two of us simply sat down and stared at the ghost valley.

I have been sitting for more than two hours, and the lights in the valley have not changed at all. I feel that my eyes are sore, but I still dare not look away for fear of missing something.

Look at the time. The shift changer is probably about to get up, so I decided to give up. What's going on? I'll go down tomorrow to find out.

After we returned to the camp, we saw two archaeologists looking around. Seeing us coming back, one of them said, "It scared me. I thought you two were lost."

"It's okay, just drink too much water tonight, so it's convenient to get ready for bed." Liang Zi said grinningly.

"Ang, that's good. You two go to bed quickly. You have to go to the valley tomorrow."

"Okay, let's go to bed." Liang Zi had a brief conversation with them and pulled me back to their tents...


Early the next morning, the first thing I got up was to run to the top of the mountain to look down. The weather was nice today, and the bottom of the valley was much clearer than yesterday.

Gradually, I found that in addition to many huge stones standing in this valley, it seemed that there were really some residential buildings, which were too far away to see clearly. It should be residential houses.

I told Professor Li about this discovery, but he said disapprovingly, "Brother, you think too much. If this is really the relic of the 'Mongolian', it is not surprising that there are several well-preserved houses. This valley is full of stone, and the buildings should also be stone.

I saw that he didn't care at all, so I was too lazy to take care of it. After breakfast, everyone sorted out their things and began to go down the valley along the hillside.

It doesn't look far from the mountain, but the way down the mountain is really difficult. By the time we get into the valley, it was almost noon.

Everyone is resting at the mouth of the valley for the time being, so I came forward to look at it carefully. This valley is really strange. A tree can't be seen, and there are very huge stones everywhere. It stands irregularly in the valley. I can't imagine how it was formed.

After a good rest, the group of nine people walked forward. The archaeologists looked very excited. When they met a special stone, they began to take photos and take notes, and the speed of the march was very slow.

I was not interested in these stones, so I asked Xu Xin to walk slowly with them. Liang Zi and I went to explore the way first and walked forward quickly.

It is estimated that after walking more than 100 meters, the boulders gradually become scarce, but what you can see is a stone house that is more than one person high. Although it is different from our modern private houses, it can also be sure that it is a living person.

Liang Zi walked to a seemingly complete room and said to me, "Why don't we go in and have a look?"

I was going to wait for Professor Li and the others to come and talk about it, but I was anxious to figure out about the light, so I agreed to Liang Zi's proposal and the two walked to the door.

The house is square, all made of stone, with a maximum height of no more than two meters, and a dark stone door can be seen.

Liangzi knocked on the door, cleared his throat and shouted, "Is there anyone at home?" The government has come to help you."

Although his behavior is very funny, I think it is still necessary. In case someone really lives here, we will break in without permission and scare them.

When Liang Zi saw that no one agreed, Zou frowned and shouted, "My fellow villagers, don't be afraid. We are the Eighth Route Army to help you."

After shouting and waiting for a while, there was still no response. Liang Zi took two deep breaths and kicked two feet at the stone door.

I thought that this stone door had been open for many years, and I thought it could be kicked open with one foot, but with such great strength, the stone door shook gently and was still closed.

"I wipe it, are you looking forward to the fire gate?" Liang Zi muttered and continued to lift his feet to kick.

I also came forward to help. The two of them kicked more than ten feet in a row, but the stone door was still intact. This was really strange. I stopped moving and gathered some forward. I wanted to check it carefully and thought to myself: Is this door open outward?

Just as Liang Zi also stopped kicking the door and came to check with me, the door was suddenly pushed open by a huge force from the inside and knocked me and Liang Zi to the ground.

When I rubbed my head and tried to get up, I saw a short, long-haired humanoid monster running quickly to the side on all fours, which was really strange.

"See? What is it? I asked in horror.

Liang Zi probably didn't expect it at all. He got up and said, "What the he is? Is there really someone living in this place? Is it a savage?"