Tomb robbery

Chapter 084 Left-behind Troops

I was completely stunned and said to himself: How can this be? How can there really be people living in the valley of this primitive forest? Even if the Monsha people have really lived here, no one can live until now.

"Fit, catch up and have a look." Liang Zi cursed and chased him in the direction of the hairy monster.

I think it's a little inappropriate, but Liang Zi chased around a few houses and became shadowless. I looked back at Professor Li and didn't know what was happening here at all and were still walking slowly.

"If there is a situation, keep up quickly." I shouted at them twice and immediately ran in the direction where Liang Zi disappeared.

After chasing for a while, I saw the long-haired monster running fast in front of him, but Liang Zi couldn't let go. As he ran, he pulled out the firewood knife given to us by the old head and held it in his hand. After chasing behind a boulder, it disappeared.

I was afraid that he was in danger alone, so I quickly pulled out the firewood knife and followed him. As soon as I circled behind the boulder, I saw Liang standing still and gasping for breath. The long-haired monster lay on the ground, and Liang's firewood knife was resting on his neck.

"I'll ask you for the last time, who are you and why did you run away?" Liang Zi asked loudly. Looking at his appearance, he should have asked several times.

I stepped forward to look carefully and was surprised to find that it was not a monster lying on the ground, but a man with messy hair and naked **, about four years old. At the age of 50, his dark skin is very rough, obviously after a long period of wind and rain.

Although it looks horrible, it makes me very incredible. Anyway, this is a person. I don't want to hurt him in my heart.

"What's going on? Who is he?" I asked Liang Zidao.

Liang Zi frowned and said puzzledly, "I don't know. He looks like a savage, but I always feel that there's something wrong with him. He looks a little familiar."

Ah? Is it your relative?" I blurted out.

"Futa, play with me. We don't have such handsome relatives." Liang Zi stared at me.

I saw this man lying on the ground and trembling all over. Obviously, he was so scared that he didn't seem to be able to attack us, so I asked Liang Zi to put away his knife first, squat down and ask, "Can you understand what I'm saying?"

The man did not answer. He held the ground with his hands and retreated a little. A pair of small eyes dripped around, but still did not open his mouth.

I said to myself: Is it possible to be a mute? As soon as I was about to continue to ask, I heard someone shouting in the direction behind me, "Brother Liang, Brother Qiu, where are you?"

As soon as I heard that others were following up, I replied loudly to our seats and invited them to come over.

After they got close, everyone except Xu Xin was shocked by the strange man lying on the ground and retreated collectively.

Xu Xin came forward and asked, "What is this and where did it come from?"

"Well...should be the residents here?" I replied weakly.

Ah? Where did you find it?" Xu Xin continued to ask.

"It's in a stone house over there!" I immediately told the people what had happened.

After hearing this, Xu Xin stepped forward. He was not afraid at all. He directly reached out and squeezed the strange man's chin. He looked at it carefully for a while and said that he was not a monster. He was a human like us, but it seemed that there was something wrong with his mental state.

As soon as Professor Li heard that he was a human, his hanging heart was relieved. It was too unexpected for him to see human beings in this place, so he also came forward and squatted down and asked very politely, "This... sir, are you a resident here?"

Maybe Professor Li is older and has a kind smile. The strange man is a little calmer, but still doesn't say anything.

Professor Li scratched his hair and didn't know what to do for a moment. At this time, he heard Li Ruier beside him say, "This man may be hungry. Let's give him something to eat?" When she spoke, she turned her face to the side, because the strange man was covered with dirt, but after all, he was red.

I thought it was a solution, so I found a small bag of vacuum cooked beef and handed it to Professor Li. He took it, opened the package, reached out to the strange man and said, "Are you hungry? I'll give you this food."

This beef is my last fresh food. Although it is vacuum-packed, it can still emit fragrance. The strange man's eyes lit up and he grabbed the beef in the professor's hand and ate it.

He was very anxious to eat, as if he hadn't eaten anything for a long time. He ate a piece of beef in a few bites, and then began to bite the plastic packaging bag.

How can this be eaten? When Professor Li saw this scene, he quickly reached out to grab it and said, "This can't be eaten. I'll bring it to you when you're hungry."

At this moment, the strange man seemed to be suddenly enraged, stared at Professor Li fiercely, pushed him to the ground, and rushed to Professor Li with a whimper.

Liang Zi's hands were quick-eyed, grabbed the strange man's arm and threw it on the ground as soon as he could, but this guy immediately got up again, with a particularly ferocious expression on his face, and he kept saying some words that I didn't understand.

As soon as Liang Zi wanted to go up and beat him, he heard Professor Li shouting, "Don't hurt him first. How can this be possible? He actually spoke Japanese."

"What, Japanese, is this a devil?" Liang Zi asked angrily.

"I just heard it. He speaks a dialect in Japan, and this person's speech is not clear, so it is difficult to understand, and I fully understand their language." Professor Li said with certainty.

"I wipe, I said that this guy turned against me after eating. It turned out to be a devil. I'm going to kill you." With that, Liang Zi rushed forward and kicked the man to the ground.

I quickly went up to stop him and said, "Don't be in a hurry to fight. We have to figure out what's going on first. How can there be Japanese in this place? It seems that they have been living here for a long time."

Liang Zi probably had a prejudice against his identity and just went up to relieve his anger. Hearing me say this, he calmed down and turned back to Professor Li and shouted, "Professor, ask why this guy is here?"

Professor Li adjusted his mood and hid behind Liang Zi in fear, revealing a head and said a bunch of languages to the strange man that we didn't understand.

The strange man began to look at us very fiercely, but as soon as he heard Professor Li speak their language, he immediately opened his eyes wide. After a pause for a while, he actually began to communicate with him.

This is so noisy. A team of tomb robbers and archaeological teams met a naked Japanese devil in the no man's land of this primitive forest, and they can't even chat...

Professor Li talked to the strange man for a long time. He seemed to stop without understanding. I asked him what he had said. Professor Li thought for a while and said, "This man actually asked me if he came to pick them up or change his post?"

"What do you mean? Does he work here?" I asked in surprise.

Everyone couldn't figure out what this meant, so I asked Professor Li to continue to ask, mainly asking what his identity was and why he was here and what he was doing here?

Professor Li asked several times in Japanese as I told him. After getting the exact answer, he explained to us with an incredible face, "How can this be? He said that he was a soldier and a unit left here. He has never received an order to evacuate and doesn't know how much he lives here. It's been a year."

After hearing this, everyone was surprised and surprised. I thought to myself: How many years ago, a Japanese army came here. Later, I don't know why a team was left behind, and the others withdrew, and they never came back after withdrawing. And this left-behind army has lived here until now?

I wipe, what are they here for? Since they have used the troops, it must be a big project, but what happened has left some people left behind, but why don't the evacuees come?

Everyone studied for a long time and found nothing, so I continued to ask Professor Li how many people there were and where the others were.

After asking, Professor Li explained to us, "There were more than 100 people in their left-behind team, but now there are only 20 people who are still alive. They all live in stone houses and don't come out during the day."

"Why?" When I heard this, I continued to ask, "Why don't you come out during the day?"

Professor Li explained very confusedly: "He said that he needed to sleep during the day and must stay awake at night, otherwise he would be caught and eaten by ghosts."

Ah? Ghosts come out to eat people at night. What's going on?

Professor Li was very unwilling and asked for a while that he still didn't figure it out, so he said to the crowd that this person didn't understand. I think we should find out the rest of them first. This matter is too strange, and it's better to figure it out first.

I think it makes sense. Since this person can't understand, maybe other people can explain it clearly, so let Liang Zi stand him and everyone return to the dense place of stone houses.

These stone houses do not seem to be modern buildings, which means that this army already existed when they came. Liang Zi and Professor Li took the Japanese to smash the door one stone house by one. Because they were shouting Japanese, they soon opened the door one savage after another and came out in horror.

After these people came out, they didn't say anything or attack. They all stared at us in horror, and their eyes were very confused, as if they were a group of dementia patients.

Professor Li originally planned to give them some food, but I stopped him. First of all, I knew their identity and immediately began to be disgusted. Secondly, we don't have much food, and we don't know how long we need to stay here. It's not enough to give them. Since these people can survive, they can naturally find food.

Professor Li gave up when he saw that he couldn't resist me. I counted a total of 21 people, all with messy hair and thick soil on their bodies. Except for a few people in rags, most of them were naked**.

Li Ruier is a girl and can only hide far away. In fact, we big men are also very uncomfortable looking at them. Now it is a peaceful era. Why did these people become savages?

Liang Zi had the desire to do it when he saw these people. If I hadn't pulled him, he would have fallen down angrily. He shouted angrily, "Say, what are you doing here? If you don't explain clearly, you will die."