Tomb robbery

Chapter 086 The devil looking for food

After Xu Xin finished speaking, he saw Professor Li choked a few times and finally closed his mouth that had been open. He turned to Xu Xin and asked tremblingly, "First... sir, what do you mean by saying that it is not for people to live?"

"I can't see through it for a while, but according to our Maoshanshu, such buildings, no matter how big or small, are extremely heavy, and most of them are used to raise corpses for ghosts." Xu Xin's face is very ugly.

What he said was simple, but those of us who listened were miserable. Coupled with the gloomy light in the valley, I felt a cool breeze on my back.

Liangzi is the boldest here. He took two steps forward, carefully looked at the skeleton of the tower, suddenly stepped back a few steps, and then turned around and ran back.

"What's wrong?" I asked as soon as I saw his panicked look.

Liang Zi ran directly to Xu Xin's side and swallowed his saliva and said, "Brother Xu, cast spells quickly. This special mother's tower is going to be haunted."

What's the mess? Everyone is scared by his reaction, but they don't know why?

Xu Xin stared at him and said, "Don't talk nonsense. What on earth did you see?"

"My own brother, I really didn't talk nonsense. His mother's skull seems to have eyes."

"What?" Xu Xin shouted loudly and actually reached out and pulled out the mahogany sword in his backpack.

Other than that, I was completely scared by his sword drawing. I quickly came forward and asked, "Brother Xu, what's going on? How can a skeleton have eyes?" After saying that, I went to ask Liangzi again: "You are not dazzled. Don't disturb the army."

Liang Zi tilted his mouth and replied loudly, "I'm famous for my good eyes. It's absolutely impossible to see it wrong. If you don't believe it, I'll take you to have a look."

With that, he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the tower.

As soon as we went out a few steps, we heard Xu Xin shouting, "Don't mess around. Come back quickly. All of you wait in place. I'll go and have a look in person."

When we saw him say this, we stopped and dared not walk forward. Xu Xin held the mahogany sword wrapped in cloth, quickly passed us and walked towards the giant tower.

After all, this old man is powerful. Dealing with things like bears is not his strength, but he seems much calmer in the face of these ghosts and strange things.

He did not run back scared like Liang Zi, but stared at the skeletons exposed outside and began to circle around the tower.

We didn't dare to stay where we were, so we had to follow him from afar. When we circled to the other direction of the tower, a dark entrance appeared.

There is no door at this entrance, just a rectangular black hole. Although the weather in the valley is a little dark, it is not impossible to see things clearly, but looking in the entrance, it is dark and you can't see anything.

Xu Xin stood in front of the mouth of the cave and looked in quietly. We didn't know what he saw, and we didn't dare to pass by standing far away. The atmosphere was extremely tense for a while.

I don't know whether it was cloudy or my heartfelt. I felt that it was getting dark very fast. In a short time, I could only see Xu Xin's shadow, but he stood there and wanted to stay motionless.

I was scared and anxious. I had no choice but to take two steps forward and shouted at Xu Xin's back, "Well, if there is nothing to do, let's go quickly. This place is so scary."

As soon as I finished speaking, I saw Xu Xin move immediately. He reached out and began to solve the cloth on the mahogany sword, and replied loudly, "All of you stay where you are. I must go in and have a look. When our Maoshan faction encounters such a strange thing, they must check it."

Before I could stop him, I saw Xu Xin holding the mahogany sword on his chest, and he drilled in along the entrance with an arrow step, and immediately disappeared into the darkness.

"Damn, this old man is crazy. Why are you causing this?" Liang Zi shouted loudly behind me.

I bit my lip and came back, and saw Professor Li come forward nervously and said, "What should we do? Is this what can we do?"

I saw the professor of this archaeology team. I guess I have never encountered such a strange thing before, and I have been in a panic and at a loss.

"That's right. It's not safe for us to leave alone. Let's stay further away and turn on the steam lights to rest." The time of speaking is even darker.

Professor Li is now very obedient and hurriedly retreated with his men. We retreated to a distance of about 50 meters and stopped against a large stone pillar.

Everyone quickly reached into the backpack and found the steam lamp we carried with us. This is a very advanced product. It is estimated that it is specially designed for archaeology. It is small in size, but it is very durable. There is no problem that a steam lamp can be lit for three consecutive days.

After the steam lamp was lit, it immediately lit up around us, and the sky was completely dark at this time. We all sat on the ground and stared at the direction of the doorhole of the giant tower.

No one spoke, and I even heard everyone's breathing clearly. Obviously, everyone is very nervous now.

I prayed secretly, hoping that Xu Xin would come out quickly and tell us that this tower was built to scare people.

But the more anxious he is, the less he will come out, as if he has completely disappeared. It is Xu Xin who goes in. If it were someone else, I would think he could not come out.

As time goes by, this feeling is very difficult. Fortunately, there are many of us. If there are only one or two people, it is estimated that we will collapse.

Everyone had no other way and insisted on waiting for another half an hour. At this time, Xu Xin had entered the tower for an hour and a half, but there was still no sign of coming out.

I suddenly felt something strange, which made me very uncomfortable, but I couldn't tell what was going on, so I was the first to ask, "Everyone, do you feel anything wrong?"

It has been very quiet these days. They were shocked by my sudden words. I obviously saw Li Ruier's body shaking next to me. The girl was probably really scared.

Professor Li asked nervously, "What's wrong? Don't scare us anymore."

"I didn't scare you. Everyone think about it. What's wrong?" My feeling is very strong, but I still can't figure it out.

At this time, Liang Zi, who had been staring at the direction of the tower gate, suddenly turned his head to look at me, and slowly said, "Don't you think this valley is too quiet?"

After he finished speaking, my head buzzed and said to myself: Yes, yes, that's it. My uncomfortable feeling is caused by this quietness.

It is reasonable that we are in a primitive deep forest and a valley. Such a landform is indispensable whether it is a beast or an insect ant. Even if we can't see it, it is impossible not to make a sound. The night of this season is the fiercest time for insects and ants to bark.

But we can't hear anything here except everyone's breathing, as if the whole space is isolated, as if there is nothing else in this valley except us...

"This... What the hell is going on? How can it be so quiet?" Li Ruier asked tremblingly, and his voice was almost about to cry.

But no one could answer this question. Suddenly, I heard Liang Zi say, "Oh, no, why is the light getting darker and darker? Is it going to be out of oil?"

When he said this, I suddenly reacted and really felt that the light began to dim. I immediately raised a steam lamp and put it in front of me to see that there was no change, and the flame was still burning vigorously.

"I wiped it, not the steam lamp, but the fog..." Liang Zi shouted loudly.

I looked around and found that there was a very thick layer of gas around me, and it was getting thicker and thicker. Soon we couldn't see each other's face clearly, and there was only one bright spot wrapped in the light.

I suddenly understood why the good light suddenly disappeared when I was at the top of the mountain last night. It turned out that it was caused by this strange gas.

After thinking about it, he immediately got goosebumps and thought to himself: Does this fog prove that the ghosts that the Orientals said began to come out for food?

When I was thinking nonsense, I heard Liang Zi shout, "It's not a way to go on like this. Who knows what will come out of this fog? It's too unsafe to stay here."

I have become very nervous. Even if it is not a ghost, but some kind of animal, we have no chance to run in such an invisible environment.

"Let's go to the tower. Let's find Xu Xin together." Although he asked us to stay where he was, there is really no other way now. It is safe to find him.

After deciding, we all got up and leaned together and walked slowly in the direction of the tower gate. Because there was no sight at all, it was very difficult to walk.

Li Ruier was sandwiched between me and Liang Zi. She probably couldn't help crying.

Professor Li immediately coaxed and advised, "Ruier is not afraid. It's okay. It's just fog."

Let Li Ruier cry so much, coupled with Professor Li's nervous persuasion, the other team members couldn't hold on. One of them cried and said, "Professor, what should we do? Is there really a ghost?"

Most of this group of people are children who have just graduated. It is inevitable to be scared when they see such a scene. Thinking about the first time I was looking for treasure, the nervous appearance was no better than them.

When I was about to say something to appease everyone's emotions, I suddenly heard Liang Zi's voice saying, "Don't make a sound. Look at the front. There seems to be something."

His sound was simply worse. With a sound of my head, I immediately looked forward and faintly saw a dark shadow standing quietly in front of us through the thick fog.

I can only see a dark shadow, and it is still motionless. I remember that there is no stone obstacle in this distance, thinking: Is it Xu Xin who came out?

Professor Li probably couldn't stand it anymore and asked loudly, "Is it Mr. Xu in front of you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the dark shadow in front of him suddenly shake, and then came the sound of "Gig, Ge, Ge" as if a man was grinding his teeth hard.

This sounded creepy. I immediately pulled out the firewood knife and held it in my hand. In the blink of an eye, the shadow suddenly came to us.

For some reason, the thick fog around us immediately dissipated, and we saw a long nail, arched, dry skin but not rotten. The most terrible thing is that the monster's head is a skull.