Tomb robbery

Chapter 085 Horror Tower

This group of Japanese naturally couldn't understand what he was saying and stared at us in horror.

Professor Li waved his hand to stop Liangzi and said, "This is a time of peace. No matter what these people do, they should not be treated violently."

Liang Zi was very unconvinced and said angrily, "I don't care what they do. Today, they fell into my hands. If they don't obey, I will kill a lot, and I won't leave any of them."

I know that Liang Zi is also angry. He may have something to do with his family. When he sees the Japanese, he especially hates them. At most, he beats them. It is impossible to kill people.

Professor Li comforted Liang Zi with two more words, and then went to ask them in Japanese one by one. I saw some people who could simply answer two sentences, and some simply didn't say a word. Professor Li drank a pot of water and was busy for more than an hour before he roughly figured out some things.

He called us aside and whispered, "I don't know if it's true or not, but the results I got are very important..."

This group of people said that they were looking for something. When they encountered a change on the way, the superior officers left and only left them...

At first, their life was normal, quietly waiting for their superiors to come back, but after a long time, the leaving team never appeared again, and their food had been eaten up.

The discipline of this army is very strict, and no one dares to leave without authorization, so these people make a living by hunting. In addition to finding food, they sleep every day.

After all, they have more than 100 people, and the most indispensable animals in this primitive forest don't have to worry too much about food.

But they never thought that for decades, the former young soldiers had all become old. Without medicine, sick people died naturally. The living people continued to wait. Gradually, their spirits began to change, and they all became isolated savages.

If that's the case, the left-behind team would not be so miserable, but just ten days ago, the night in the valley began to be haunted, and the people in the team were captured by evil spirits one by one, and only 21 people survived.

These people can't tell what the hell is. They can't see the ghost at all. They only know that ghosts are afraid of fire. If you don't light a fire in the dark, they will definitely be captured by ghosts...


This is the only clue that Professor Li got. Everyone heard it. My first feeling was that it was possible that this unit, like Wanchong Mountain, came to look for something. I don't know what happened and let the leading officer retreat temporarily.

It's easy to understand, but I can't figure out what they said about the ghost coming to arrest people, but what I can be sure about is that the light that Liang Zi and I saw on the top of the mountain last night must have been lit by this group of people. As for what materials are used, we have to check it later.

Professor Li asked us what we all had, and most of us couldn't express it. The appearance of these Japanese was very strange. Now they still say that it is haunted, and several small team members are obviously a little scared.

Liang Zi didn't care and said, "Damn it, I guess these devils deliberately scared us. What kind of haunted night? They must be doing something shady to scare us away."

In fact, what Liang Zi said is not unreasonable, but this is not true at all. If these people are normal modern people, this possibility may exist, but these people who have been left behind are no longer ghosts. How can they have so many minds?

"What do you want to do?" Professor Li asked Liang Zi.

Liang Zi glanced at the Japanese team in the distance and spit and said, "What the matter, these little ones have nothing to do with us, so let them live and die. Let's continue to move forward. I guess what we are looking for is not far away."

Professor Li asked Xu Xin's opinion again. The old man didn't know what had happened recently. He seemed to talk less and less. He just nodded slightly, even if he agreed with Liang Zi's idea.

After discussion, everyone went back. Professor Li told them in Japanese: What era is it now? They don't have to wait any longer and no one will come back.

This group of Japanese obviously didn't believe it. After shouting angrily, they let Professor Li disperse. At that time, I felt that they were very pitiful. For an order, I guess all of them would die here.

When we were about to move forward, I suddenly remembered the light and the haunted thing at night, so I took the beams into a stone house to see what they used to make a fire. How could it last so long?

As soon as we entered the house, a very unpleasant smell came to our faces. Liang Zi and I walked in with our noses and found that the room was full of animal corpses, rotten meat and scattered bones. I guess this is the food of this group of people.

We endured bursts of nausea and walked around the stone house, but we didn't find anything like candles or oil lamps. Finally, Liangzi found a sunken stone groove, which was covered with thick, green mucus and a piece of charred cloth exposed outside. I guess it would be a wick.

After looking at it for a long time, I didn't know what the ingredient was. I took out the lighter to light it. A few seconds later, the wick really rose, and the flame was very strong.

"Damn, new fuel, this is so awesome." Liang Zi shouted.

I also felt very strange. The fuel looked sticky and disgusting. I didn't expect that it could really be used as lamp oil. I pulled out my firewood knife and inserted it into the mucus and stirred it.

After I pulled out the firewood knife, I was surprised to find that there was a green caterpillar on the tip of the knife. Although it was dead, I felt uncomfortable when I saw this thing. I thought to myself, "Isn't this special bug on the 'Wanchong Mountain'?

Liang Zi also felt very strange and asked, "No way, can the bodies of these insects be used as oil to ignite? Qiu Ye, do you think this is the same as what we met before?"

"I think it's very similar, but the '10,000 insect hand' is a professional bug play. Why is this 'ghost face Buddha' here?"

"Is it possible that these two guys are as good-range and teach him how to raise insects?"

"Impossible, I think there must be something hidden, and we haven't seen any bugs since we came in for so long!"

When we were studying, we heard an archaeologist shout, "Brother Liang, Brother Qiu, it's time for us to go."

With that, the team member came in. After seeing the animal corpses all over the ground, he immediately pinched his nose and retreated, which seemed to scare him.

Liang Zi and I couldn't stand it either. I quickly rubbed the bug off the tip of the knife on the ground and rushed out with Liang Zi.

Professor Li asked us what we found. We didn't answer together, and he didn't think much about it. He greeted everyone to continue to move forward. Our destination is obviously not here. According to Professor Li, the tomb of the 'ghost-faced Buddha' should be a very large building.

I looked back and saw that some Japanese had run back to the stone house, while others stood outside staring at us. I sighed deeply. These people are so pitiful. If I can come back safely, I'd better find a way to take them out.

On the one hand, you can learn more about what happened here, and on the other hand, you have to study the bug fuel. I think this matter is very unusual, but I can't figure it out for a while.

The people did not stop, so they continued to walk forward. The archaeological team members were probably not in the mood to take pictures, so we moved forward much faster.

Gradually, I found that the surroundings began to change, and the stone house slowly disappeared, but more huge stones appeared.

These boulders are different from before. They are not formed naturally, but are made into huge stone pillars neatly arranged on both sides of the road, which looks like super thick telegraph poles.

Because of an accident before, we didn't even have lunch. Now we think these 'telegraph poles' are strange, but there is no danger after all, so I asked everyone to rest and eat.

I don't know why our atmosphere seems to be a little tense. Except for me and Liang Zi, basically no one talks and eats quietly...

After eating and resting for a while, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon. I found that this valley was very strange. There was basically no sunshine in the afternoon, covered with a kind of dark light.

It was not dark, so I continued to hurry, but it seemed to be very early here. When it was past four o'clock in the afternoon, it seemed that it was already evening. I thought it was very strange. When I was thinking about whether to camp or not, I suddenly heard someone shouting, "Look, what is that, my God..."

As the sound looked away, I saw a huge tower in front of us. At a glance, I felt excited all over, because the tower was too high.

At a distance, you can only see that the tower is black. I think if the height is estimated according to the floor, there are at least 20 stories high. This is incredible. How is it possible?

Everyone quickly ran towards the Black Tower. When they saw it clearly, everyone took a deep breath, and even Li Ruier and several young team members retreated in horror.

I can't believe my eyes at all, because the huge tower is too horrible. The huge tower made of black stone is acceptable, but the rows of bulges exposed outside are inlaid with human skulls...

I counted the skulls and checked up. I counted more than 100 in just one row, which is estimated to be one-third of the tower, and I can't see it at all.

The archaeological team members are not afraid of bones, but this stone tower with slow skeletons is probably not even seen in their dreams. They are all frightened and speechless, even the experienced Professor Li.

Liang Zi tilted his mouth and looked at it for a long time before asking, "Who can tell me what this tower is used for? Is it not haunted to live in a building covered with human heads?"

As soon as I heard him say that he is haunted, I was shocked: Shit, is it true that the group of oriental devils are saying that there is such a horrible tower here, and his mother is not haunted.

Xu Xin, who hasn't talked much recently, finally said, "I think such a building must not be for people to live in. I can't see the name for a while, but it's better for everyone to leave quickly."