Tomb robbery

Chapter 089 Blue-faced fangs

As soon as he ran out, Xu Xin, who ran in the front, suddenly stopped, as if staring at something on the ground.

After I got closer, I picked up the steam lamp and shone on the ground to see what attracted him.

At a glance, I felt a rolling in my stomach and almost spit it out. I finally held back when I covered my mouth. I saw that the bones were scattered everywhere. Obviously, the meat had been eaten by something, and there was still a lot of fresh blood on the bones.

After the others came over, Liang Zi just took a breath of cold air, and Li Ruier retreated directly, and after Professor Li saw it clearly, his whole body collapsed.

"Xiaojiang, is it Xiaojiang..." he shouted helplessly.

In fact, I have also guessed that the bones on this ground are probably the archaeological team member Xiaojiang, who ran away alone before. Unexpectedly, they fell into such a tragic situation that even the whole body could not be left.

Seeing that another archaeological team member died, Professor Li really couldn't stand it. He was a scholar who had been studying ancient culture all his life, but this death after another made this elderly man about to have a mental breakdown.

After I relaxed, I sighed and said, "Professor, maybe you should really think about going back and go on. I really don't know how many dangers are waiting for us."

He didn't pay attention to what I said. He still sat on the ground, stared at the bones on the ground with confused eyes, and said quietly, "Xiaojiang, Xiaojiang, I shouldn't have brought you here!"



Li Ruier and the only three remaining archaeologists saw that Professor Li seemed to be stupid. They couldn't hold on any longer and all hugged their heads and cried.

Although I am also very sad, after all, I have seen too many deaths recently. I am not as frightened and collapsed as them, but I feel sorry for this young man.

But then I had a big head. Looking at their appearance, I don't know if I can go on. Even the leading professors collapsed. I really don't know if there is any need to continue.

Xu Xin sighed, looked behind us, and then said nervously, "Now is not the time to cry. Those strange corpses may catch up at any time. Let's run with me quickly."

After he finished speaking, he greeted Liang Zi and me to pull people.

Others were fine, but Professor Li sat on the ground. I pulled a few times and there was no response. He didn't cry, just in a daze.

Seeing that I couldn't pull, Liang Zi came over and directly picked up Professor Li on his shoulder, followed Xu Xin and continued to walk forward.

I pulled Li Ruier and three other team members and followed closely.

Although these young people were scared, they were still rational after all. Although their crying did not stop, they did not stop and continued to follow me forward.


I suddenly heard the grinding sound behind me again. I knew that there must have been a strange corpse chasing me. It seemed that Xu Xin really didn't destroy all of them. These monsters must have come down from the top of the tower.

In their hearts, they called everyone to run forward quickly. Everyone heard this horrible sound, which scared them so much that they did not dare to cry any more and followed Xu Xin's lifeless running.

The sound behind me was getting closer and closer, and I felt a gust of wind blowing. I felt that those guys would catch up with me immediately, so I had no choice but to shout forward, "Brother Xu, no, they are catching up."

Xu Xin scolded, raised the mahogany sword and turned back, stood behind us and shouted, "I'll stand up for a while. You guys run and keep moving forward. Don't stop when you encounter anything."

I knew that staying was just to drag him down and stop talking nonsense. Seeing that Liang Zi had run away with Professor Li on his back, I greeted everyone and chased him.

The sound of fighting immediately behind him seemed very chaotic. I guess Xu Xin had fought with the strange corpse. It seemed that it was not just one to catch up with him. I really pinched a sweat for him.

Liang Zi saw that we were a little far behind, so he stopped and waited for a while. After the round, everyone helped each other and ran ahead with the light from the steam lamp.

Except for the range of a few meters in front of us, it was dark around, and gradually everything behind us became quiet. We didn't know where we had run, but we still didn't dare to stop.

Liang Zi was carrying a man and was tired and panting. He turned around and looked behind him and said, "Shall we wait and wait for a while, Brother Xu?"

In fact, I also have such an idea, but I was afraid that those strange corpses would catch up, so I replied, "Let's continue to run. Xu Xin's great ability will catch up after getting rid of it."

Liang Zi probably felt right, so he greeted everyone to continue moving forward.

Running for more than ten minutes, Liang Zi may not be able to hold on. He slowly put Professor Li on the ground, and then sat on the ground and said, "Don't run, don't run... I'm exhausted."

I guess his physical strength has also reached its limit. Seeing that other people are also running and almost losing strength, he let everyone rest in place.

The light of the steam lamp was too close, so I found the flashlight and shone back. A beam of light could see dozens of meters behind me, and the place was still empty, and even the previous big stone pillar was missing.

I don't know where this is. I still can't hear any other sound beside me except for everyone's gasps. I looked in the direction we were moving forward. Suddenly, I felt that the flashlight was shining on something, which was very large and not like a stone. My heart immediately raised my throat.

"Please pay attention, there is a situation." I walked up to everyone and whispered.

Liang Zi was gasping for breath. Hearing what I said, he immediately pulled out a firewood knife and held it in his hand and asked me nervously, "What's going on? What do you see?"

"I don't know. You can see for yourself." With that, I turned my electric light to the brightest so that everyone can look along the light.

The thing in front of me was motionless, as if it were dead. Originally, I thought it was a boulder, but I didn't look like it when I saw the strange shape. I was a little familiar with it, but I couldn't remember it for a moment.

Liang Zi's eyes were sharp. After looking at it carefully for a while, he said, "Why do I feel like a stone man?"

Actually, I was the same as his guess at the beginning, but I felt something was wrong. This thing is a little like a human figure, but it doesn't look like it.

At this time, Professor Li, who didn't speak, seemed to recover a little. When he heard us say that we were like stone people, he was helped by Li Ruier, stood up hard and looked forward carefully.

I don't know if he saw it clearly, so I heard him say excitedly, "Is this the statue of the 'Ghost Face Buddha'?"

"Hmm?" As if I was suddenly enlightened, I put the flashlight too high, and I saw the top of the shadow, vaguely as if it was really a sphere. I thought, "Is this a monk's head?"

"How about it? Shall we go and have a look?" I asked.

Liang Zi smiled bitterly and patted the dirt on his body and said, "It doesn't work if you don't go there. I don't know what's going on later. This is the only way we have to go."

I saw that there was nothing else I could do, so I asked Li Ruier and others to watch the professor and wait in place. Liang Zi and I went to have a look first.

Everyone put the steam lamps on the ground and found the flashlights. Li Ruier and others raised the flashlights to illuminate us, but the road ahead was much brighter.

Liang Zi and I held the firewood knife tightly and walked towards the thing step by step. My eyes kept staring at it. As we approached, I really felt that it had added a bit of human form.

When there were more than ten meters away, I was sure of my idea. This thing was really made of stone. It was a human figure, but it seemed to be sitting. What we see now was the back of the stone man. It could be seen that it was a bald head. I guess it was really a monk.

After a few steps forward, we stopped moving forward, but began to circle around the stone statue. When it reached its front, I was so scared that I took several steps back.

I wipe... I never dreamed that this guy would be so ugly. The stone statue was carved very realistic. I saw that the big monk's forehead was protruding, his face was twisted, his eyes were wide, and his teeth were growing. If you use one word to describe it, 'blue-faced fangs' couldn't be more suitable.

Didn't you say he was a monk? Why are you so like a devil?" Liang Zi asked the difference.

I also can't believe it. Although the information I know says that this 'ghost-face Buddha' is relatively ugly, it can't be ugly to this extent. It's not a human. Typical is a hell evil ghost.

Liang Zi was brave and stabbed the firewood knife in his hand a few times. Seeing that it was indeed a dead thing made of stone, he was relieved and walked closer and looked at it carefully with a flashlight.

"Oh, damn, it's so ugly." Liang Zi said to himself.

I also came forward to look carefully and felt that although it was dead, it still made people feel cold. After looking at it twice, I didn't want to look at it again. After confirming the safety, I waved to ask Professor Li and the others to come over.

When these people arrived, after Professor Li saw it clearly, he seemed to suddenly forget the previous grief and shouted with his mouth open, "Oh, my God! This is really the ghost-faced Buddha. It seems that we are not far from the goal.

Seeing his excited appearance, I shook my head helplessly. These archaeologists are really strange. As long as they can encounter these strange things, they will forget that all individuals are things.

Liangzi and I didn't have much interest in this thing. Just make sure that there was no danger, so the two of them sat on the ground smoking and resting, wherever they sighed.

I thought, no matter what happened later, whether Xu Xin followed or not, these people finally came out of the shadow of death, which was enough to make me happy.

The few remaining archaeologists still lit many steam lights. One is to guide Xu Xin, and the other is to facilitate their further research and make records.

It's getting late. I guess they won't finish it for a while, so I went to tell Professor Li that he would rest here tonight and wait for Xu Xin to come back.

I discussed with Liang Zi and asked them to toss around here first, and by the way, we took it as if it was midnight. We would sleep for a while and get up in the middle of the night to replace them.

These people seemed to be very excited, as if they had forgotten the horror and fatigue, and were busy for a moment. Liang Zi and I shook our heads with a wry smile. After smoking a cigarette, we lay on the ground and rested...