Tomb robbery

Chapter 090 Laughing inexplicably

I may be too nervous and tired. I have made a lot of strange confusion, running away and chasing, and I have no clue.

I don't know how long I slept, and finally woke up from the nightmare. I sat on the ground and gasped, but I couldn't remember the scene in the dream just now.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Liang Zi patted me on the shoulder and asked.

It seems that he has woken up a long time ago, but he hasn't called me.

I looked around and saw that Professor Li and the others all fell to the ground and fell asleep at will, with five or six steam lights around, illuminating the ghost-faced big stone Buddha.

"What time is it? Why didn't you call me?" I rubbed my head and asked.

Liang Zi handed me a cigarette and said calmly, "Seeing that you slept too much, I guess I didn't call you if you were too tired."

"Isn't anything wrong? Xu Xin hasn't come back yet?"

"I don't know what this old man has done. I'm wondering if he will be wheeled by those strange corpses?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Who is Xu Xin? How can he die so easily?"

"Hi..." Liang Zi seemed to suddenly become more emotional and smiled, "After so much experience, I have finally figured out that anything related to this matter will die sooner or later, no matter who you are, no matter how awesome you are."

I said to myself: What's wrong with this boy today? Why does he seem to be a different person? Is this still cynical and doesn't care about everything?

"Brother, are you all right?" I asked weakly.

"What can I do? I just feel a little in love with this kind of life."

"Whey..." I scolded, "What a mess. Are you sick?"

Liang Zi didn't say anything. He smiled for a while and then returned to his original appearance. He got up and untied his trousers and walked to the side to release the water.

I rolled my eyes and didn't think much about it. Looking up, I found that the top of my head was dark. This valley was like another space, and I couldn't see any stars.

Looking at the stone statue with blue-faced fangs, coupled with the extremely quiet surroundings, I began to be inexplicably nervous, because the night in the valley was so quiet that I could only hear the sound of Liangzi.

Suddenly, I heard a "whi" above my head, as if something was flying quickly. I immediately got up and used a flashlight to take a picture, but I didn't find anything.

Liang Zi ran back in a panic with his trousers and said, "Do you hear me? What the hell?"

"Did you hear that too? It seems to be a bird!"

"Wh, what bird can fly so fast? Is it a flying saucer?"

I glanced at him blankly and didn't answer again. The two waited quietly for a long time. The sound was as if it had never appeared before and never sounded again.

"Hey, I don't know what fear is now." Liang Zi said indifferently.

Although I'm a little nervous, it's useless to be nervous. We have to accept anything in such a strange valley. Now it's impossible for archaeologists lying on the ground to prepare.

The two sat down again, lit a cigarette and chatted. Liang Zi took a few breaths and asked, "Do you think, is the 'ghost-faced Buddha' human or not? Why does it look so stingy?"

"It should be!" As I said, I couldn't help taking a look at the extremely ugly stone statue.

Liang Zi clicked and said, "I'm sure this guy can't find his wife. Even if he is king, the princess must not be willing."

I heard him say this and said with contempt, "Are you sick? Why are you studying this? Does he have a daughter-in-law who cares you?"

"Hey... You don't understand this. Next, we have to go to his tomb. Only when we know each other can we win every battle, right?"

"Yes! Study other things. Why do you study whether they have a daughter-in-law or not? I laughed.

Liang Zi may also have nothing to say. When he saw me laughing, he also smiled and said, "Hey hey, don't you want to? What else can he laugh so happily except to find a beautiful daughter-in-law?"

I didn't understand for a moment and asked, "What are you talking about? Who laughed so happily?"

"Ghost-faced Buddha, do you see him laughing like that?" Liang Zi said and pointed behind me.

When I saw what he said so casually, my head immediately buzzed and said to myself: What the hell is this boy? Behind me is the statue. The ghost-faced Buddha's face is extremely ferocious, but how did Liangzi say that he is laughing?

Looking at Liang Zi again, he seemed to be very happy. He pointed behind me and smiled back and muttered, "Look at the stupid way you laughed. What's wrong with stealing other people's daughter-in-law?"

The more he laughed, the more nervous I became. I really didn't know what he was making. My back began to sweat and I froze on the spot.

Liang Zi still didn't stop laughing. He actually stood up again, walked behind me and said, "I have to ask, why are you laughing?"

With that, he actually bypassed me and walked straight towards the stone statue.

I suddenly felt that something was wrong. I was sure that the stone statue of the ghost-faced Buddha was not smiling before, and the appearance of Liangzi seemed to be joking. Some of them seemed to be possessed. A thrilling spirit stood up and raised the flashlight to shine back.

After seeing the face of the stone statue clearly, my hair stood up, because I clearly saw that the previously ferocious face had changed strangely. The face really seemed to be smiling and very brightly.

I really don't understand what's going on. How could the stone change for no reason? Looking at Liangzi, he was already standing under the stone statue, looking up and pointing at the stone statue.

I heard him say, "Hey, what's going on for you to be so happy? Say it and let me have fun with you?"

"Liang Zi, come back quickly." I shouted loudly.

As if he didn't hear it at all, he kicked the stone statue and scolded, "You said you didn't say it, and if you didn't say it, I'll* today."

He seemed to be a little excited. He stopped laughing and kicked the stone statue hard. The stone statue was banged by him.

When I saw him as if he was crazy, I felt that the situation was not good, and I didn't have time to think too much about it. I rushed to hold him and shouted, "What are you doing? Kick it back quickly."

When I looked at Liangzi's face when I spoke, I saw that his eyes were hazy and not at all, as if he didn't know me.

When he saw me stopping me from kicking, he immediately got angry. He grabbed my clothes with his teeth and raised me directly over his head.

"Are you crazy? Put me down quickly." I struggled to reach out and patted him on the head. Maybe I hit him too hard.

This time it was very useful. I saw his head shake a few times, and his hand immediately lost strength, and I fell to the ground with a 'ah' sound.

Although I fell down, I was still dizzy by the fall. As soon as I was about to get up to find his theory, I saw Liang Zi squatting on the ground and looking at me. He asked very differently, "What are you doing? Do you want to be lazy and lie on the ground for what?

When I saw the boy's ignorant look, I felt that it must be his boring prank. I immediately got angry and kicked him to the ground.

"What the heel, are you idle? Are you still pranking at this time?" I cursed angrily.

Liang Zi seemed to be stunned by me. He got up and took two steps forward and scolded, "Qiu Ye, are you crazy? Hit me for fuck?"

"Why are you crazy? What on earth are you doing?" I came back loudly.

The two quarreled with each other, and soon woke up the archaeologists sleeping on the ground. They saw that we had a fierce quarrel and didn't know what had happened. They were all stunned on the spot.

Liang Zi and I scolded more and became more and more fiercely. Finally, they actually started to fight. If you push me, I will hit you, and I'm going to fight.

Professor Li and Li Ruier saw that the situation was not good, so they quickly went forward to persuade them to fight. They heard Li Ruier shout, "Don't quarrel. You two can't discuss anything well."

"Yes, yes, they are all our own people. We are a group, and there is nothing that can't be said." Professor Li pulled me and sincerely persuaded me.

At this time, I felt that I couldn't listen to anyone's words, so I wanted to beat Liang Zi fiercely, broke away from Professor Li's hand, and then punched out with a straight fist.

Liang Zi reacted very quickly. Seeing that I started to fight back immediately, the two of them were punched by each other at the same time and retreated in pain.

At this time, I felt shocked, as if I suddenly woke up a lot. Then I went to see Liang Zi. He was staring at his fists and hair in a daze, which was unbelievable.

"Qiu... Qiu Ye, why did you hit me?" Liang Zi asked weakly.

"Why did you hit me? What were you crazy just now?" I remembered that his spirit was wrong.

Liang Zi didn't seem to know anything. He rubbed the face that was hit by me and said, "What's wrong with me? I'm not crazy?"

When I saw that he didn't admit it, I told him what had just happened. After hearing this, Liang Zi was shocked and immediately argued, "It's impossible. I didn't laugh at all. Hey... No."

He suddenly looked up and immediately pointed to the stone statue behind me and said, "I wipe it. What's going on? This guy is really laughing!"

I suddenly turned around and looked up with the other archaeologists. I saw that the face of the stone statue changed from ferocious at the beginning to a simple smile, and from a simple smile to a treacherous smile, as if watching us play monkeys.

Everyone was shocked by the sudden change and retreated, but everyone's eyes did not move away and still stared at the stone statue.

At this time, I seemed to understand what was going on. First of all, Liang Zi's behavior was wrong, and then I became more irritable. The cause of this incident was all because we saw the stone statue laughing.

Thinking of this, I was so excited that I immediately stood in front of everyone and shouted, "Don't look at the face of the stone statue. It's not right. It will be fascinating."

Although I shouted urgently, it was too late. When I saw five archaeologists and Liang Zi, six of them began to laugh like a group of psychopaths.

In a hurry, I didn't care much. I picked up my palms, slapped their faces, and looked at me innocently.

Liang Zi was the first to ask, "I said Qiu Ye, why did you hit me again?"

Li Ruier also asked aggrievedly, "That's right, why do you hit people, woo..."

Maybe I took a heavy action. She was wronged for a moment and cried.