Tomb robbery

Chapter 092 Golden Light Temple

At this time, it was already dawn and everyone had woken up. After listening to me, Professor Li looked extremely excited and said, "Thank God, thank God, it seems that we have finally arrived."

People always forget the previous pain because of something happy. This group of archaeologists, even Liang Zi, jumped up excitedly.

In fact, I also have some little excitement in my heart, but it is not as exaggerated as they expressed. Looking up at the huge wall, I immediately felt a headache. Not to mention how we get in, this 'ghost-faced Buddha' is not an ordinary person. The ghost knows what danger will be hidden in this wall.

Looking at the way we came, the valley was still full of strange stones. I didn't see Xu Xin follow me all night. I was really a little flustered. Is it possible that he really failed?

Without him present, I was not sure about what I did, so I didn't let the excited archaeologists act rashly and prepare for breakfast first. It's better to wait until Xu Xin comes back...

We don't have much food left. I guess we can save some money and last for two or three days at most. Fortunately, it's not far from the truth. After we go in and find something, it's easy to get out of the ghost valley and enter the forest. After all, there are many things in the forest. Even if we eat wild fruits, we won't starve to death.

After breakfast, I sat on the ground and quietly stared at the road when I came. I felt that if Xu Xin still didn't appear, should I consider letting everyone in?

At this time, Professor Li and his party could not stand it, and Liang Zi was also with them and was studying how to enter.

After waiting for more than 20 minutes, he still didn't see Xu Xin's shadow. Liang Zi came to me and squatted down and said, "Don't wait. Let's just go in first. That old man is so capable. When he comes, he will definitely go in to find us if we are not here."

I'm right. In fact, I'm also curious about what's going on inside the wall. I just think it's a little unsafe to go in like this, but if Xu Xin really has an accident, we will wait one more day and face a lack of food.

After making a decision, I asked Liang Zi, "You have studied for a long time and come up with any way."

Liang Zi looked up and said loudly, "Hey, with me, there is no way I can think of. Tie the pickaxe they brought to the rope and make a hook. One person climbs up first, and then hangs the other rope and throws it to the opposite side. Isn't it okay?"

"We have no problem, but do you think Professor Li and Li Ruier can climb up?" I asked helplessly.

"I've already thought about this problem. The rope we brought is enough. I hang the longest rope to climb over first, and then let them tie the rope to my body here. I'll pull the rope opposite and help hard. Isn't that all right?" Liang Zi said proudly.

Although this is a stupid way, it seems to be feasible. I saw that everyone was ready and didn't want to disap the fun anymore, so I got up and began to prepare.

Liang Zi first tied a metal pickaxe with a rope. After a few laps in his hand, he suddenly exerted a force. The pickaxe flew up quickly, and then hit the wall with a 'bang' and fell down again.

"Hey hey, this is the experimental stage, don't worry." Liang Zi smiled and threw the picks up again and again.

In the end, it was estimated that the strength research was not enough to wipe, and he shook the rope again, and then shouted, "Go..." He pulled the pick of the rope directly over the wall and fell to the other side.

After seeing the success, Liang Zi slowly pulled the rope back. After the pickaxe was fixed to the wall, he put the other two ropes on his waist, pulled the rope and prepared to go up.

I looked up at the height of the wall, and it was estimated that it would not be a big problem for us men to climb up, so I told Liangzi to pay attention to safety and flashed aside.

Liangzi grabbed the rope with both hands and climbed up the wall with his feet. The stones on the surface of the wall were uneven, and it was not difficult to climb up and look at it.

At a height of more than 20 meters, it took him a long time to climb up. After I saw him riding on the wall from afar, I immediately looked into the wall.

I raised my neck and asked loudly, "How's it going? What did you see?"

Liang Zi did not answer me, but continued to shake his head and looked around. After a long time, I shouted several times in a row before he slowly turned his head.

"I wipe..." Liang Zi shouted with a long voice, "Guess, what's in it?" His voice was extremely excited.

"I guess what your uncle is. Don't be so close to it." I replied loudly.

Liang Zi looked in again and then turned his head and shouted, "I said you definitely don't believe it. There is a villa in this wall."

I said to myself: What the hell? This guy is too unreliable. I guess there should be an ancient building in it, otherwise someone will build the villa in the wall of the valley.

I didn't bother to ask again. After explaining a few words to Professor Li, I also learned from Liang Zi, grabbed the rope and began to climb up.

I saw him climb more easily before, probably because his arm was strong. When I went into battle in person, I knew that it was very difficult to climb like this.

The first few meters were fine. The more I went up, the stronger my arm became. The blood vessels on my arm jumped out, but I gritted my teeth and dared not relax. If I accidentally couldn't catch it, it would be enough to fall.

When I was almost exhausted, I was finally close to the top. I gritted my teeth and couldn't speak. I thought Liang Zi would pull me, but I didn't want to hit him, but I sat on it with a dry smile.

I scolded this bastard and actually saw my joke. Under a fire, I persisted a few more steps and finally rode on the wall with Liangzi's thighs.

"How's it going? It's fun!" Liang Zi joked.

I was already tired and panting, and I scolded, "Funny, you, you are such an asshole. Why don't you know how to pull me?"

"I'm not trying to exercise the perseverance of young people." Liang Zi has a high attitude.

I was about to raise my hand to slap him, and I heard Liang Zi say quickly, "No more trouble. Hurry up and have a look at how this villa is."

I was angry and forgot the main problem now. I reacted and looked into the wall. After a glance, I directly held my breath.

What's going on? I thought Liangzi's adjective was wrong. When I understood it, the first word that came to mind was really 'villa'.

The ground inside the wall is very flat, and there is almost no weed, just like a huge square. Every distance around the square, there is a stone statue, which looks similar to what we met before, but the size is obviously much bigger.

It doesn't matter. What surprises me most is the so-called 'villa', which is indeed a huge ancient building, but it is different from the ancient architecture I remember.

It looks like a three-story building, which is estimated to have thousands of square meters. The top of the house is not pointed, and there is no bulge in the four corners of the house. The building is rectangular straight up and down, which is no different from the house in the Forbidden City.

The most important thing is that I don't know what fuel is used in the wall. It looks like a luxurious villa.

I looked at it with stunned eyes for a long time and asked Liang Zi, "What's going on? What's going on? Why does it look like a modern building?"

"I said it was a villa, but you still don't believe it. Now you are dumbfounded!" Liang Zi's proud expression.

This is the ghost valley in this no man's land. If it's in the suburbs, I really doubt if there will be a group of big wolf dogs here, and then we ride on the wall, and there is an old man who looks like a housekeeper with a gun to drive it away.

What the hell? Now that I've come, just go down and have a look, so I greeted Liangzi to put another rope fixing the pick on the wall and decided to go down and have a look.

I saw that the remaining team members had begun to climb up and no longer took time. They climbed down along the newly placed rope first.

It was relatively simple to go down. It didn't take much effort. I went to the ground. After loosening the rope, I quickly pulled out the firewood knife to alert me. Psychologically, I was really afraid that two big wolf dogs would come out.

After the first team member climbed up, Liangzi asked him to respond on the wall, grabbed the rope on this side and quickly fell to the ground.

Then Liang Zi shouted loudly and asked the people above to inform Professor Li to pull the longest rope and start climbing. The team members above commanded the speed. Liang Zi and I pulled here. This move really works. People on both sides tried hard, and soon Professor Li also climbed up.

When Li Ruier and others got up to the wall, I saw that all the people who could see it were almost dumbfounded. No one cheered anymore, but all craned their necks and looked at the strange building.

"Hey, comrades, the food is ready. Come down quickly, Missy!" Liang Zi shouted loudly.

The people above reacted and rushed down the rope one after another.

When I saw that all seven people had arrived, I held a firewood knife with Liangzi and walked towards the building with his head held high.

As I got closer and closer, I really suspected that there was someone living here. When I got to it, I immediately felt a tense atmosphere, and it seemed that the temperature had dropped a little.

When they walked to the main door, everyone looked up and saw a huge stone plaque above the door with five bright characters written on it. It was an ancient Chinese, but I didn't know it.

After looking at it carefully, Professor Li shouted excitedly, "Jinguang Big Buddha Temple."

"I wiped it... This special girl turned out to be a temple, and now it's an eye-opener." After saying that, Liang Zi took a few steps forward and reached out to touch the golden wall.

I understand what he means. I guess he wants to see if it's gold. After touching it, Liang Zidi turned around and said, "What the hell is it? Why is it still fluffy and soft?"

I was stunned by what he said, thinking: Even if it is not gold, it should be some kind of material or something. This is soft and fluffy, and what does it mean?

When I stepped forward, I also reached out and touched it. Not to mention that it was really similar to Liang Zi's description. I picked it a few more times with my fingernails, and a small wall fell into my hand.

When I took a closer look in front of me, I soon understood that there was a layer of moss-like plants on the wall of this big house, but it was not green but golden, and much more delicate.

Liangzi also understood what was going on at this time, and took down some moss and put them in his hand and said, "It's really awesome. I have to study it. Let's build a golden house when I go back."