Tomb robbery

Chapter 091 Super Wall

I saw that everyone finally woke up and didn't have time to apologize. I quickly explained what I guessed loudly.

Liang Zi was the first to understand. After listening to it, he scolded loudly, "Grandma, I said how could we do this relationship? It turned out that the stone was doing something wrong."

"Sister Ruier, don't blame you, Brother Qiu Ye. He beats you for our good." As he spoke, he went to persuade Li Ruier for a while.

The other team members seemed to be more frightened after hearing this, but Professor Li was a little disbelieving and said weakly, "How can this be? What you said is not scientific at all?"

I saw that this guy is useless except for dragging his legs, but I can't get angry at his age. He said coldly, "Professor Li, which of the things you encounter along the way, including the bizarre deaths of your team members, are linked to science?"

Professor Li seemed to be told that he was in pain. Without saying a word, he stared straight at me, and his eyes were slow and frightened.

I thought that what I said was euphemistic enough, why did I still say it in this state?

But then I felt wrong, because not only Professor Li, but also others, including Liang Zi, were all stunned, staring in one direction with unified eyes.

At this time, I suddenly realized that these people were not stunned by my words. The direction they were looking at was actually behind me, that is, the place of the ghost-faced Buddha statue.

I was so angry that I cursed loudly, "I told you several times, don't look at the smile of the stone statue. Don't you understand?"

I thought they were lost by the smile again. I was about to go up and reach out and pull another round. I saw Liang Zi come forward and pull me, and then he turned me directly.

"What the heel, do you still want to do it?" I'm not as strong as him, and I struggled to shout.

"Look, what the hell is that?" Liang Zi suddenly said.

I didn't understand what he meant for a moment, so I saw Liangzi stretch out a hand and put it on my shoulder, pointing to the stone statue behind me.

When I looked up, my expression was immediately unified with them. I found that the stone face, which was originally a treacherous smile, had changed.

It seems to be happy for a while, it seems to laugh for a while, and it seems to cry for a while, just like changing faces.

After watching it for a few seconds, I felt dizzy and very uncomfortable, but this time I was psychologically prepared and pinched myself fiercely. With a burst of severe pain, I finally woke up.

I didn't have time to care about them anymore. I let these people be in a daze. I quickly picked up the backpack of the beam from the ground and reached in to find a bigger earth explosive, which was left by the old man Fang Shan's head for us.

Without saying anything, after I took out the fire engine and lit it, as the lead protruded on Mars, I ran a few steps towards the stone statue, raised the explosives, and threw it at the face of the ghost-faced Buddha.

A bang of explosives sounded. Although it was not very aggressive, it was still as loud as thunder in this extremely quiet valley.

I saw that everyone's bodies trembled, except for Liang Zi, who thought that they were all paralyzed on the ground by the explosive.

Just as I was about to go up to comfort him, I heard Liang Zi shouting, "It's not a human face at all, it's a bat."

I thought that Liangzi must have been dazzle. There is no cave here, so there will be bats.

But then he looked at the stone statue and saw that its face seemed to have been blown up by my explosives, and began to fall piece by piece.

I'll wipe it. What's going on? I was dumbfounded directly, because I found that the thing that fell off did not fall to the ground, but all flew up again, and the more it gathered, turning into a spinning fly ball in a blink of an eye.

"Run, everyone..." Seeing that the situation was not good, I quickly went to pull the people on the ground.

Liang Zi and I pulled two, but there was still one team member sitting on the ground. No matter how I shouted, he sat stupidly, as if he were completely stupid.

At this time, I felt a gust of wind behind me. I turned my head and saw that the bats all dispersed and rushed in our direction.

"Run first, Liangzi, come and carry people." I drove Professor Li and others loudly and greeted Liang Zi back to carry the scared team member.

The team member had no reaction at this time. He didn't cry or make noise, just sat on the ground.

Liang Zi scolded, picked him up with his hands, then carried him on his shoulder, and immediately ran forward. I was also pissed off by the team member.

Because they ran too fast and didn't have time to take the steam lights, everyone had to use flashlights and run forward desperately.

When I was about to catch up with Professor Li, I found that they stopped and immediately scolded, "Stop farting and wait to feed the bats?"

Professor Li turned his back to us and stood still. A team member turned his head and shouted, "I can't run. There is no way ahead!"

"Ah?" I made a difference and thought to myself: Is it possible that this valley will come to an end and run to the mountain at the end? How can you say there is no way?

I ran a few steps to get closer and saw them shining forward with a flashlight. After looking carefully, I immediately frowned and thought how it could be like this. It turned out to be a wall that blocked our way.

I didn't have time to think about what was going on at this time. I turned around and looked at the bats chasing us. I was even more dumbfounded at a glance. Those bats seemed to be just passing by. They did not attack us, but rose to the height and obviously flew towards the wall.

Liang Zi threw the team member on the ground breathlessly and scolded, "Damn it, this group of bats is teasing us. It's tired of me."

I don't understand why they didn't attack us, but when I think of the bat's face shape, and I don't know what method can be used to make people lose their minds, I'm afraid for a while.

After the danger was relieved and rested for a while, everyone finally returned to normal. The team member who was carried over by Liangzi finally regained his senses after receiving more than a dozen slaps.

At this time, Professor Li was raising his flashlight and constantly looking at the wall. I also looked forward and saw that the wall was obviously made of stone. I don't know how many years of wind and rain, and the surface has become ling.

The height of the wall is about 20 meters, and then it shines on both sides and finds that it is an arc. I don't think so? Is this wall a circle, and what's in it?

In order to confirm my idea and rested for a while, I called everyone to get up and walk towards the side of the wall. I think if the wall is really surrounded by something, there should be a door to enter somewhere.

But I never thought that the wall would be so long. Although it could obviously feel that it was turning to the side, we still haven't finished walking for more than ten minutes.

Liang Zi was full of tongue and sighed, "This is much bigger than my alma mater. What kind of mysterious force is this, or it was built by aliens."

"Don't mention your alma mater. You haven't graduated from primary school. Please don't be so generous." I despised it.

"Well, no education doesn't mean it's uneducated. So what do you think this wall is for? It can't be a circle of land to grow cabbage, right?" Liang Zi is oscillating.

In fact, my head has been big for a long time. Who knows what this wall is for? After walking for so long, I still can't reach it. It's ridiculously long.

Thinking about it, but now there is no other way. Everyone can only continue to walk. When the east gradually begins to appear a touch of scarlet, it is estimated that it will be almost dawn.

Liang Zi walked and sat on the ground and said, "If you don't go, what's wrong with building the wall so long?"

This night, Liangzi was the most tired. I guess he really couldn't walk. Seeing that there was no danger during this period, I greeted everyone to rest in place and prepared to wait until dawn to study.

Everyone sat on the ground with a sigh, and everyone looked listless. I secretly sighed: How good it is for these people to stay at home and suffer this foreign crime.

After smoking two cigarettes, the sky gradually dawned. Just as I was a little sleepy, I suddenly heard Li Ruier shouting, "Well, what is that?"

I was shocked by her and trembled a lot. I saw Li Ruier pointing to the ground in the distance with an inexplicable face.

From afar, I found that there was a small white thing next to the wall about ten meters away, which looked very eye-catching on this gray land.

I got up and walked over. After seeing it clearly, I followed with a 'h'. This white thing turned out to be a ball of toilet paper pinched into a small ball.

How could this be? I was a little confused, but when I looked back and saw Li Ruier looking at me, I suddenly realized.

I thought to himself: No way, was this paper ball thrown away by Li Ruier? I know that the girl likes to be clean and takes out paper to wipe her hands from time to time along the way.

But if this paper was really thrown by her, it can explain a problem, so I picked up this ball of paper and walked back, reached out to Li Ruier and asked, "Look, did you throw this paper?"

At this time, Liang Zi happened to wake up and saw me asking there with paper. He replied dissatisfiedly, "What can I do if I throw it away? In this damn place, you still want to fine!"

I didn't pay attention to him and asked Li Ruier again.

Li Ruier stared at the paper ball in my hand for a while, blushed slightly and said, "It seems that I threw it away. What's wrong, Brother Qiu Ye?"

I guess she was afraid that I would blame her and said with a smile, "I just want to confirm that you threw it away."

Liang Zi asked with an unclear face, "What's wrong with you? Don't tell me you have this hobby!"

I shook my head with a helpless smile and said, "This is what I found nearby. If it was thrown by Ruier before, it shows a problem. We have circled around the wall, but we still haven't seen the door."

Liang Zi blinked and thought for a while before he suddenly realized. He immediately jumped up and said, "I wiped it. Can I guess right? This wall was really built by aliens?"

"Get out of here, you, what a special alien." I said contemptuously, "If I guess correctly, the center of this wall should be the tomb of the 'ghost-faced Buddha'. The so-called door is that I don't want people to enter."