The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 56 Mine Riot


With a clear sound, only Li Yu's wrist trembled. The nine buckets were thick, and the scales appeared. The lifelike ferocious dragon, opened his teeth and danced his claws, flew out of the knife light, and rushed to the three magic masters.

Jie Jie Jie!

With a burst of laughter, the three magic masters showed their wonders, a magic rolling black giant claw, a huge white bone claw, and a python with a big mouth of blood, broke out of the air, and the three sides were mixed with nine dragons.


With a bang out of thin air, countless vigor burst out. The dragon was shattered, the claws were broken, and the three magic masters were shaken back hundreds of feet. At the same time, Li Yu was also shaken dozens of feet. Where he passed, the raindrops burst, revealing a vacuum trace.


The four rain flowers exploded at the same time, and in the sound of ghosts crying and wolves, the four shadows ejected into the sky again, turning into four firepowers and entangled together.

Boom! Boom!

At the same time, two figures bounced up at the same time on the long mountain range and the other two main peaks, and the powerful breath spread like a storm in the void. Two Generals of Zhou, each of whom was surrounded by several Taoist and demon people.

Collapse! Collapse! Collapse! Collapse!

The ripples spread in the air. In the center of the ripples, a pair of broken arrows shot from the top of the mountain, silently through the void, pierced the bodies of several people in black robes, and stared at them fiercely on the ground.

"Be careful, broken crossbow!"

In the dark night, there was the exclamation of the people in the magic gate. The broken crossbow is so domineering that nothing can stop it. No matter how strong the internal force is, it will be a wear-through end.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

On the main peak, more than a dozen giants stood, and only a sound machine was heard, a sticky, water-like oil-like **, burning brightly, splashing all the way from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain. These ** will be boiled in case of water, and even the heavy rain will not be extinguished, which will help the fire rise. The mountains, which were originally shrouded in darkness, instantly ignited fire everywhere. The gloomy shadows showed their figures in the light of fire.

"The Lvli of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Fangwai Yao Dao immediately beheaded without edicts, beheaded one person, and rewarded the three emperors with five pieces of money! Brothers, kill!"

On the top of the mountain, there were many people, and only an order was heard. Countless Dazhou troops, like tigers and wolves, came out of the gate and rushed to the foot of the mountain. On them, each piece of armor emitted a cold light in the faint firelight.

"The army has finally been dispatched!"

In the cave, Fang Yun looked at the fire everywhere in the night and thought silently. The lights outside the cave shook the sky, but the fire went out in the cave, and it was quiet. There are two worlds inside and outside. In this big turmoil, personal strength is too weak. Saving yourself is the most important thing.

Lu Xiaoling also slept. She lay in her brother Lu Yu's arms, trembling.


At the top of the Dazhou army, the queue was neat and turbulent, the four fields suddenly shook. In the mines of the Bahrain mine, countless figures suddenly rushed out, roaring crazily one by one, rushing fiercely to the top of the Dazhou army.

"Kill, kill Da Zhou's army!"

"Kill them and occupy the mine!"

"Dihuang Wanhuang, kill these Zhou people!"


There was chaos in the night, and the alien slaves in the whole mine finally rioted. As soon as Da Zhou's army rushed halfway, it was cut off by a vast number of miners. In the dark, the knife bursts and blood burst.

"The riot in memory still happened!"

Fang Yun looked at the chaos outside and broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, Li Yu was suppressed before and brought him over. Most of the slave mines in the mine are locked. Otherwise, nearly 100,000 well-trained aliens, rioting at the same time, can devour all the Dazhou army on the mountain in an instant!

In the cave, quietly.

"Little marquis, can I ask you one thing?"

Lu Yu's voice suddenly sounded in the dark, with the sound of swallowing, a little nervous.

Fang Yun was slightly stunned and said, "What's the matter?"

"In a moment, I'll cover you. Please take my little bell out of the chaos, okay?"

Lu Yu's voice revealed a special meaning. While saying this, his voice suddenly became extremely calm and calm.

"Brother, don't. I don't want to leave you..."

In the dark night, Lu Xiaoling seemed to feel something.

Fang Yun was stunned, and the riot in his memory had already happened in front of him. If everything is consistent with what happened in memory, then Lu Xiaoling should die in this turmoil, and Lu Yu will survive.

"Don't worry, it will be all right."

Fang Yun comforted.


Lu Yu's voice was extremely persistent, with a kind of indomitable and stubbornness.

Fang Yun hesitated for a moment: "Okay, I promise you. Anyway, I will take your sister out."

"Thank you."

After a short sound, the cave calmed down again.

In the dark night, the powerful shadows kept passing in front of the cave. All three of them held their breath and did not dare to come out.

"Quick, here! These sergeants in Shangjing are all here! Catch them!"

Suddenly, there was a murderous roar in the night.

"Everyone, hold on, don't mess up!"

This is Zhang Ying's voice.

"Let's form a square array! These people are unarmed, don't panic!"

This is Zhou Xin's voice.

"Didn't these two guys tell them not to break out?"

Hearing the voices of Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin, Fang Yun's heart sank.

"Little marquis, save us..."

A sergeant shouted in the dark, and his voice was full of despair. Among this group of people, Fang Yun is the one with the highest cultivation, and he is the only one who can ask for help at this time.

"Lu Yu, take good care of your sister and don't walk around!"

Fang Yun gritted his teeth and got up and rushed out of the cave. The most worrying thing finally happened. The miners in the Bahrain mine began to aim at those scholars in the capital. Now that he has been targeted by them, if he doesn't go out, he will be broken by each of them in a moment, which is a dead end.

"Here's another one!"

Fang Yun just rushed out of the cave, roared in an instant, and then a fierce wind covered it up.


Fang Yun reacted very quickly and didn't think about it. He immediately hit it with a mangniu boxing. The palms of his fists crossed, and Fang Yun's fists sent out a strong force, which instantly shattered the arm of a barbarian miner. The strong man, who was more than nine feet tall and had a body, opened his eyes wide and stared at Fang Yun incredulously. He flew out high. When he fell to the ground, he was already a dead body.

The martial arts of Sifang Houfu is mainly domineering. Fang Yun just punched, and his fierce fists invaded his body and shattered his heart.

"These guys are so powerful!"

Killing a mining slave in one move, Fang Yun's heart was also secretly shocked. With the strength of the body alone, these alien races are almost close to the vitality master.

With a faint firelight, Fang Yun glanced at it. Not far ahead, there were more than a hundred miners, who were fierce and viciously forced the soldiers. The princes and children in the capital did not have the shortcomings of regular army training, which was shown at this time. Dozens of scholars were forced to retreat by these miners, and many of them were injured.

Fang Yun took a closer look and immediately found the traces of Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin. The princes and children, who were about to collapse, were slowly formed into a battle array under the command of Zhang Ying to barely resist the impact of these alien mining slaves. In the crowd, Zhou Xinhe stood in the crowd. He held the big Zhoujiao bow in his hand and carried a quiver bag on his body. Every time he was on the string, there were three arrows. Every time he shot, the arrows shot into his eyes, and the arrow clusters pierced through the back of his head.

Every time Zhou Xin took action, three aliens fell down. It was because of his terrible arrow skills that the miners around him were afraid, so he did not dare to push too hard. But an obvious fact is that there are not many arrows in Zhou Xin's quiver.

"Everyone listens to Zhang Ying's mobilization and immediately form a battle!"

Fang Yun shouted and quickly rushed into the crowd. He shot repeatedly with his fists, which was immediately launched by the royal family's "Shaking King's Fist", and a five-clawed golden dragon broke out of the air. These fists have a lot of power. Those who rub are injured, and those who suffer die. Wherever the golden dragon's fist hit, a large number of mining slaves flew up.

As soon as Fang Yun took action, his boxing was domineering and powerful, and he immediately suppressed the scene again. These mining slaves, that is, some ordinary soldiers in the alien race, rely on pure physical strength. However, Fang Yun is the peak of the aura. Such martial arts cultivation, in the Dazhou army, is the leader of thousands of people. These people can't be blocked.

Halfway through the mountain, nearly a hundred magic disciples were mixed with mine slaves and tore up with the Dazhou army. Among these magic disciples, the famous disciples of the Holy Witch Sect are very powerful. He held two green flame skulls in his hand. Every time he took action, the green fog was surging, ghosts were crying and howling, and countless ferocious ghost faces roaring and flying.

Every time this man takes action, he will kill several Dazhou soldiers. A stream of green fog extracted the essence of the soldiers' whole body and injected them into his body.

"Ah, it's really comfortable! What a pure blood.

The man in black moaned happily while killing ordinary soldiers. Suddenly, he turned around and suddenly caught a glimpse of the powerful Fang Yun in the crowd, and a shadow flashed on the face of the man in black.

"Aura-level martial artist?! Kill him!"

A sleeve robe, the man in black was like a huge bat, sliding down the mountainside and quietly attacking Fang Yun...C