The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 57 Deduction

Fang Yun was fighting fiercely, and suddenly he heard a sad howling in his ear.

"Brother Fang, be careful!"

Zhou Xin looks at the six ways, and listens to all directions. Looking up, I saw a huge bat-like shadow falling from the sky in the night. As soon as I took action, it was a rolling green fog, silently attacking Fang Yun. Zhou Xin was immediately shocked. He had a string of arrows and raised three arrows, breaking into the sky.


The three arrows go extremely fast, more than ten feet away, in the blink of an eye. In the blink of an eye, it was lost in the green fog. Only the sneer was heard. As soon as the three arrows touched the miserable green fog, they immediately raised a strand of white smoke all over their bodies. Before they shot in front of the dark shadow, they turned into white smoke and dissipated.

"It's so corrosive!" Zhou Xin's heart was shocked.

li! ~

The ghost cried and howling in his ears, and a strong crisis enveloped his heart. When Fang Yun heard Zhou Xin's warning, he had already paid attention to it. At this time, I heard the sound of sharp tears, and I didn't think about it. The aura started, and a magnificent momentum swept out. Within ten feet, all the miners hummed and were shocked by the aura.

I only heard the sneer, the vigorous waves, and the black-robed man's unfavorable green fog. When he met the peak aura of the clouds above was so thick that it was exaggerated, he was suddenly rejected and could not seep into it.

"Wow! ..." The man in black was slightly surprised. This was the first time he met someone who was not afraid of his poisonous fog. He didn't know that Fang Yun's internal strength was permeated with the essence of Zhuguo, and he was most afraid of this kind of poison.

"Five me to die!"

After a little, the man in black looked at the palm of his hand, and his right hand turned into a pale bone claw, with a strange force, cut open Fang Yun's aura and grabbed the top of Fang Yun's head.

"It's just right!"

Fang Yun was not afraid of danger, and he snorted coldly in his heart. The meridian meteor skill was launched, and his palm was a "star", patting on the top of his head. This meteor goes so fast that it can't even hide. The bone claws of the black-robed man grabbed the "star", and the destructive force in the stars suddenly broke out. With a bang, the bone claws were smashed, the whole palm of the black-robed man was blown up, and the blood was sprayed out desperately.

"Ah! It's not good. This guy pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger. Run away!"

The man in black lost an arm in an instant and immediately realized that something was wrong. I'm looking away. As soon as I get up, I'm about to fly away.

"Can you still go?"

Fang Yun snorted coldly and immediately shot another star. A black vacuum broke out in the void. Before the man in black escaped a few feet, he was chased by the Meridian meteor. With a bang, he exploded into pieces in mid-air. Countless blood mixed with shattered pieces of black robes spilled down from the air.

"Seven brothers!"

Hearing this loud noise, half of the people in black suddenly calmed down halfway to the main peak. Suddenly, I don't know who exclaimed, and then more than a dozen powerful figures abandoned the Dazhou soldiers on the mountain and rushed to Fang Yun and others.

Fang Yun, Zhou Xin and Zhang Ying all changed color. These people are real masters. Several of them were so big that Fang Yun had the idea of running away.

"Come with me and go into the mine!"

Fang Yun shouted. At this time, the six scholars were headless. Hearing what he said, they immediately poured into the nearest mine.

"Drag them, don't let them run away!"

An alien miner man roared. The other miners were immediately excited and attacked crazily.


Fang Yun's body shook in the air and turned into a long cyan dragon of more than ten feet, nearly twenty feet, with thunder and lightning rolling around him. The huge dragon tail swept back and forth in the crowd, and suddenly the pursuers in the front of the front were swept away.

"Lu Yu, I'll lead them away. In a minute, take your sister with you and leave quickly!"

While passing through the cave, Fang Yun lowered his voice and shouted, and then the dragon's tail waved and turned into a blue rainbow, shooting at the dark mine.

At the moment before entering the mine, Fang Yun saw the electric light flashing over the three peaks, and each electric light was surrounded by a rolling magic gas. The three generals who suppressed the mine in the Zhou Dynasty were all in a bitter battle. On the top of the head, in the gray fog, dark shadows, with the smell of death, like ghosts, drifted down from the air densely.

"It's over. I didn't expect that so many people were sent to these outside demons!"

Fang Yun's heart shook, his body shook, and he went deep into the mine...


Ten disciples of the holy witch religion filed in and turned into black rainbows, followed closely and chased Fang Yun.


The mine is extremely deep, and I don't know how deep it is underground. The soldiers were in front, and Fang Yun was behind, and fled all the way to the depths of the mine. The only thing that can guide everyone is a torch on the wall.

Five or sixty scholars have different strengths and different running speeds. After a while, more than a dozen disciples of the Holy Witch Church caught up.

Suddenly, Fang Yun's body folded, dispersed the dragon shape, no longer ran away, and floated down from the air.

"Everyone, thank you for your hard work all the way here. I'll give you a ride here!"

Fang Yun fell to the ground and said with a smile on his face.

"I don't know whether to live or die!"

Where do these disciples of the Holy Witch Sect pay attention to Fang Yun? The man in black robe, with the highest strength and the strongest breath, didn't even think about it. Shaking his hand is six green flame skeletons. As soon as these green flame skeletons got out of their hands, they exploded and turned into six huge white-bone big hands, with rolling fog, and took Fang Yun.

As soon as the man in black took action, he showed his strong strength. On the wall of the cave, the torch swayed, and Fang Yun felt a great force, which captured his body, and the internal force in his body went out**. At the same time, an unstoppable force picked him up and wanted to be detained in the middle of these six bone hands and grabbed it into blood mud!

"Good boy, this man is at least more than the formation level! If it were someone, I'm afraid he would definitely die!"

Fang Yun did not panic, and his face was calm. Suddenly, he smiled and took out three pens and ink from his arms in front of the disciple and threw it out against the six white bones.


The scroll shook away, and in the shocked eyes, the three public pen and ink suspended in the air.

"It's not good, it's the pen and ink of the Confucian minister! - Run away!"

The man in black robe also had some insight. Seeing that in the scroll, several lines of ink were loaded and floating in the white light, with a vast atmosphere like the sun and moon, he immediately knew that he was hit. With a shaking of his body, he ran in the direction like lightning, and it was more than 20 feet in a blink of an eye. But he is still too slow.


The ink storm of the three public pens emitted a dazzling white light. A magnificent and upright breath, like a surging tide, swept out and instantly expanded to the range of thousands of feet underground. More than a dozen disciples in black robes were the first to bear the brunt and were immediately shrouded in this white light.

Bang! Bang!! Bang!!

In mid-air, more than a dozen holy witch disciples opened their eyes wide, and their frightened faces were distorted. Without time to say a word one by one, they exploded one after another, and their bodies turned into a mass of ashes and sprinkled down one after another. In the ashes of the sky, several things fell from the air.

Without a goal, Sangong's pen and ink rolled up again and fell down. As soon as Fang Yun stretched out his palm, he was in his arms.

The three princes are the head of the Confucians, with a strong sense of uprightness and grandness. Their calligraphy and painting, dealing with a few pawns, is just a piece of cake!

However, although Sangong pen and ink are easy to use, the disadvantages are also obvious. Once it breaks out, there will be light within a thousand feet. It is easy to attract the attention of the strong in the dark.

Sangong's pen and ink are just a calligraphy and painting of Sangong, which is not omnipotent. If you provoke some real masters and are not afraid of Sangong's pen and ink, it will be stupid.

Fang Yun had planned for a long time, as long as he attracted these people to the mine, and then threw out three pens and ink. With the terrain of the mine, you can kill these magic people silently! And the facts are just as he expected.

The ashes of the remains of more than a dozen disciples of the Holy Witch are scattered in the mine, and there are several things lying in the ashes on the ground: a black book, a white bone beads, and a small black gourd bottle. Fang Yun walked over and put the white bone beads and the little gourd bottle into his arms.

Fang Yun took the black book in his hand and saw a few words "near ancient times" written on the back of the book.

"In ancient times? Doesn't this mean the present?

Fang Yun was shocked and opened a few pages casually. In the book, it is all about the overview of Taoism and demons, as well as what you need to pay attention to when walking out.

"This is a guidebook that introduces Taoism and magic forces!"

Fang Yun was overjoyed. Fangwai Yaodao is still too far away for him, and it can be said that he basically knows nothing about it. But with this book, it's different. Fang Yun glanced through it briefly at this time, and also knew that more than a dozen people in black robes belonged to a magic door called the Holy Witch Church.

This "Nearly Ancient Times" is obviously designed to facilitate the disciples, understand the strength of Taoism and demons, and at the same time avoid provoking powerful people when walking. D