The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 519 Aunt Shoots Out

Strong return!!!! Let every corner have my footprints! You must leave your name when you read the post! I'm not popular!!! Qi Shiwunai's special language) PS. Khan, many people say that I beg for fans, but you have forgotten my ultimate goal! The most important thing for me is to seek fame!!! Fame!!! Don't understand? That is, popularity. I think it's more important for you to know me more than I have more fans. Haha, remember, I'm Qi Shiwunai!!! I'm bored...

The first front row, deep in the space, in a parallel space opened up with great power.

In the white-boned world, a white-boned mountain stands. In the mountain, there is an ancient and magnificent bronze palace. A woman in white with a cold face and noble temperament sat in it.

"The sword points to the world, thousands of miles of dead bones", Liu Xianer raised her eyes and opened her eyes, and her fingers were like cheap. At a little in the void, thousands of sword spirit immediately shot out of her body, shooting in all directions.

A tragic and domineering smell of killing spread in the void. By Liu Xian'er's side, the void was twisted, and a boundless white bone tragedy faintly appeared in the air. Countless souls were sunk and floating in this white bone world.

(, hum!"

Liu Xianer's fingers suddenly closed, and this sword intention of killing the world immediately disappeared.

"Yes, the three most profound swords of our ancient killing sword school, killing people. You have got the essence of it, and you can destroy the sword spirit without real qi! Even if you are exhausted, as long as you are not an extremely determined person and can't resist this sword, you will be bombarded by you and destroy your soul in an instant! It's more than enough for you to protect yourself.

An old voice came from the depths of the huge bronze door behind the aunt Liu Xianer.

Liu Xianer just nodded, without any fluctuation on her face. With a plate of her knees, she was ready to continue to practice as usual. In this isolated space, Liu Xianer doesn't know how many such dry and ordinary days she has spent.

Liu Xianer doesn't know how long it has been outside. All she knows is that she has spent countless years in this White Bone Mountain. For a long time, she has forgotten the time and everything else.

(, fairy,,,,,,"

The old voice suddenly said.

"Do you want to?"

Liu Xianer was slightly stunned, stopped practicing, and opened her eyes. She felt that the question was extremely unusual. And in Pingran, she couldn't hear this sentence.

"You should go out." The old voice said.


Liu Xianer wondered that she had not reacted from the ethereal state of practicing kung fu.

"I feel that the teenager named Fang Yun is making a wave in the Zhou court. Middle-earth Shenzhou,,,,,, began to become interesting. In the depths of the copper gate, the old voice muttered, he seemed to be listening to something from the void.

"Fang Yun,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, A series of memories immediately flashed through my mind.

,,, "If you violate this, marry us Fang Yun as a slave and concubine immediately!"

When Fang Yun's lazy voice suddenly echoed clearly in his mind again, Liu Xianer's ethereal state was finally broken and could not continue.

"This apprentice",,,,,, Liu Xianer scolded softly in her heart, and finally her cheeks finally couldn't help brushing over and blushing, and finally quickly calmed down.

"Teaching, what do you need to do?, Liu Xianer quickly calmed down and said.

After the bronze door, he was silent for a long time and finally said, "Xian'er, this storm, this teenager is one of the key figures. Go out, follow him, and wait for the right time, I will tell you. After thinking for a moment, Liu Xianer's arrogant and cold face finally had a trace of human expression: (However, this guy is extremely treacherous. And he knew our secret. I'm afraid it's not so easy to get close to him.

"That's why I let you go out now. If I'm not wrong, he just needs your help now!"

The old voice said.

Liu Xianer pondered for a moment, and finally nodded: "Yes, in charge!"


After a moment, the void shook like thunder, and a huge opening was torn open. Dressed in white, noble and cold, like a snowy mountain, the aunt shot the princess Liu Xian'er, floated out of her mouth. As soon as she stretched out her palm, there was a miniature white bone mountain, which fell in the palm of her hand.

"Xian'er, your strength has reached the sky. It is enough to give full play to the ability of "fourty-dote". When you are against the enemy, you only need to sacrifice this town magic weapon of our sword killing school. Even if it is the strong man of Tianchong Sipinzhou, it is not your opponent! I have consumed a lot during this period. I can't resist the power of the seal, so I have to fall asleep.

You can only rely on yourself to go one by one!"

The old voice came from the depths of Baigu Mountain in Liu Xianer's palm, and soon the smoke and clouds were smoky.

(Yes, Zhang He, Liu Xianer whispered a word, stepped on tiptoe, and immediately turned into an unparalleled sword spirit, bombarded into layers of space, and disappeared in an instant!

Tianchong Sanpin, Liu Xian'er, who appeared again, actually has the ability of Tianchong Sanpin's space power!

When the documents of Liang Wang Liu Dai and several other governors appeared on the six desks. Many people, including Marquis Pingding, Marquis Zhongxin, Fang Yun and so on, were stunned. No one thought that this old man was getting older and old, and he had always shown "peaceful" and "non-disputed" to show that the old man was mixed into this fight.

Fang Yun grabbed the news on the edge of the chessboard and frowned. The appearance of this character was not expected by him. After a moment of meditation, a familiar face flashed through my mind.

"Shoot the princess!"

Fang Yun muttered in his heart. He and Liu Dai never met, let alone a friendship. The only thing that can be called a little connected is the aunt who got the ancient killing and scraping Taoism.

"Is this crazy woman out of the customs!"

Fang Yun subconsciously skimmed this idea in his mind. At the beginning, in the Killing Cave, the Killing Sword Sect suddenly killed a powerful old monster.


A black man fell, and Zhongxinhou looked at Fang Yun and said with a smile, "I heard that you have had sex with the eldest daughter of King Liang. When she went to the capital, she also revealed that you borrowed the tiger's skin. I'm afraid it's the credit of this aunt shooting the princess when the king of Liang came forward this time." Zhongxinhou did not know that the aunt shot the princess entered the cave and practiced in isolation. However, with his insight, with just a little thing, he can push out the ugly Yin Mao.

In Shangjing, everyone knows that Zhongxinhou and Fang Yun are mixed up together. The matter was clearly there, and Zhongxinhou simply stopped worrying about it, so he occasionally went to the Fang family to plan with the Fang brothers.

Fang Yun heard Zhong Xinhou mention that, of course, in the Bahrain mine, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed about the matter of stabilizing the tiger's skin. When the behavior of being young and frivolous is exposed, it is always a little uncomfortable to put it in front of these wise people.

"I don't know that the marquis is actually interested in this kind of thing."

The meaning of Fang Yun's words is that Zhongxinhou is too gossipy.

"Haha," Zhongxin Hou smiled and said, "I won't mention this. It is understandable that young people are strong-blooded. Liu Dai, the king of Liang, came forward one by one. This will be better. Your opposition has been basically suppressed. Now, only the opinions of Wu Mu, the Third Duke, His Majesty the Emperor, and his own performance are left!"

"Six parts this time, before you are recalled. I once asked for help from San Gong. All the Confucian ministers of the six ministries are quite decisive people. Although the outside world is very loud this time, it is impossible for them to make a decision because they are completely under pressure from the outside world. I am almost sure that the six departments of soldiers, etiquette, workers, interests, households and officials must have made decisions within the past. The number of people who support and oppose must be the number of five or five, and they will not be determined, so they will turn to the three public for help. Otherwise, it is impossible for the six parts to ask for help from the third public without making any decision! Therefore, I'm afraid that the final decision-making power is still in the hands of the three princes. You have to be psychologically prepared for this.

Zhongxinhou Dao.

Fang Yun nodded: "Before I went back to Beijing this time, I was mentally prepared. In those years, when I was young, Wu Mu, Wu Ji and San Gong were hidden behind the scenes, and I was always panicked! I hope to see the third prince this time.

The three princes control the government, and all decisions are made from the Taihe Hall. The three of them rarely showed up. Outside, Sangong's pen and ink are hard to find. An ordinary calligraphy and painting, inadvertently revealing the righteousness of Haoranzhou, can shock the strong people below the spirit.

Fang Yun is now also a strong man in Tianchong, which is equivalent to the hegemon and princes in martial arts. But I'm not confident that if I just write a few words and give it to people thousands of miles away, I can shake people to death.

"The three public nobles have high morals and high expectations, hold the power of the government, and govern the world, with half of their credit. One by one, you can't even choose the title of marquis this time. This situation is extremely rare. You are very likely to show up this time.

When Zhongxinhou mentioned the Third Duke, his tone was also quite respectful.

The three public residences in the Taihe Hall, and the deep residence is simple. The words hidden in the cards in the Taihe Hall are said to be "hanging the world". With these four words, it is enough to make anyone admire!

The three princes are the head of the Confucians, and they are the real selfless people!

While the two were talking in the study, a rapid knock on the door sounded at the door of the study: "Young master, six inquiry letters." Fang Yun and Zhong Xinhou looked at each other and said, "Come in."

A document with the seal of Jiang Liubu was handed over to Fang Yun. Seeing the documents in Fang Yun's hand, Zhongxinhou's expression was also slightly solemn: "The critical moment has come. After such a long delay, the six departments have finally made a decision! Success or failure is in one move!"

Fang Yun's face showed a wry smile: "I have always respected Confucianism, but I didn't expect to argue with them in six parts in this way this time." "It's inevitable! This is a test and a kind of growth! If you cross this door and your influence, you will really go deep into Confucianism. Become the head of the world's scholars," Fang Yun said silently.

"Let's go. It's time for you to go to the military. It's time for me to go home too! I'll wait for you one by one!"

After saying that, Zhongxinhou stood up. At the same time, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the chessboard: "This game of chess has not been finished yet. When you come back from the Ministry of War, I will continue this game, chess!"

After saying that, he opened the door and disappeared outside the door. To be continued,)