The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 520 Tongue Fighting Confucianism 1

Outside the gate of the Ministry of War, it was bustling. Rich merchants, peddlers, and ten celebrities. Old Confucians and Confucians all gathered outside the door. The Fang family's "one family and three marquis" shocked the world and attracted the attention of all parties. Therefore, the six departments set a precedent for the first time, and discussed the title of Fang Yun and held it publicly. He also invited the governors of the states, and the other party's Yunfenghou opposed the most fiercely to the great Confucians, famous Confucians, scholars, scholars, as well as princes and generals, to confront each other in court, attracting the attention of many people. So before the discussion of the six departments has started, it is already a sea of people here.

When Fang Yun got out of the carriage, the originally lively crowd was immediately detonated: "Fang Yun! Fang Yun has arrived!"

The crowd was noisy, and all kinds of voices came from all directions, mixed together, and I couldn't hear what they were talking about. But there is no doubt that the crowd seemed very excited. Many people blushed and said something excitedly.

Fang Yun just glanced at it, and then he looked as usual and walked calmly. Under the recommendation of an official of the military department, he walked into the lobby of the military department.

The lobby of the Ministry of War was extremely spacious. When Fang Yun stepped into the hall, he saw more than 20 old Confucians, famous Confucians and scholars, with an awe-inspiring look, one by one, sitting in his whole clothes. Among them, there are also several princes and generals in Chinese clothes. There are no screens on all sides of the lobby. There are several guards standing behind the screens.

Fang Yun just glanced at it and knew it immediately. After the screen, I'm afraid there are several royal princes who impeached themselves. The status of the royal prince is even more different. In their capacity, it is impossible to pull down their faces and argue with themselves. So the six departments put them behind the white jade screen.

"General Fang, let me introduce you first."

A minister of the Ministry of War saw Fang Yun walking into the hall and immediately greeted him. Fang Yun nodded and saluted all the Confucians and celebrities in the hall one by one. Then stand under the hall.

"General Fang", in the lobby, six Shangshu are on top of it. Among them, Shangshu of the Ministry of War raised Yuan Jian and said, "There are already two marquises in the Fang family. If you succeed in the title of marquis, it will be three." One family of three marquis is extraordinary, and this matter has attracted the attention of people all over the world. Among the six marquisals, such a thing is also unique. "The matter is special" So the six ministries set a precedent for the first time, publicizing your post, and inviting celebrities from all states and governments to express their opinions. I hope you can understand."

What else can Fang Yun say? This matter has reached this point, and the six departments have also entered a dilemma. "If you don't make a marquis, it will chill the hearts of the generals and soldiers in the world, and you can't convince those who oppose you in the world. Therefore, this kind of public debate has become the ultimate way to deal with it. Fang Yun and Zhong Xinhou had expected this.

"Fang Yun has no objection."

Fang Yungong said.

"That's good", Slender Yuanjian turned his eyes and looked at the people in the hall: "This time, Fang Yun has been awarded the marquis, and his combat achievements are enough. According to the practice of the military department, it is enough to seal the marquis. You are all famous scholars of Kyushu and loyal ministers of the Zhou Dynasty. If you have no objection to Fang Yun's title of marquis, then Fang Yun is expected to be enough to be a marquis. As usual, we will report to the Taihe Hall and the Military Aircraft Office. If the Taihe Hall and the military aircraft pass, then Fang Yun will become the youngest prince in our dynasty!"

"Slow down!" An old man with frosty hair and a cold look suddenly stood up.

Fang Yun glanced at it and immediately recognized it. This cold-being old man is Zhu Junli, the former minister of the Ministry of Ceremonies. Among the six ministries of soldiers, punishment, etiquette, workers, households and officials, the thought of the Ministry of Rites is the most stubborn. This book is the place with the most old Confucians and corrupt Confucians. It is old-fashioned and old-fashioned, and it is almost the most old-fashioned place in the world.

What Fang Yun knows about Zhu Junli is not as simple as his identity. Fang Yun's more than 100,000 moths are all over the world, collecting news from all parties at any time. In particular, Fang Yun pays more attention to those who oppose his title.

Before returning to the capital to work, Zhao Boyan had prepared a thick file for Fang Yun, including the information of Zhu Junli.

When Zhu Junli was appointed as the minister of the Ministry of Ceremonies, he was the head of corrupt Confucianism in the world. With Fang Yun's grandfather Liu Zhengxun, he was quoted by the world, and the old and rigid old Confucianism was regarded as a spiritual leader.

The two of them are the minister of the Ministry of Ceremonies, and the other is the Yuanshi of the court. They regard each other as best friends. Liu Zhengxun, the grandfather who blamed Yun, gradually surpassed Zhu Junli in his reputation after destroying his relatives and expelling his next pair of children. However, not long ago, Liu Zhengxun moved back to Liu's old house from outside the city and reconciled with a pair of sons and daughters. Suddenly, the couple's decades of friendship tore their faces. Zhu Junli scolded Fang Yun's grandfather, who was always confused and did not guarantee the evening. And cut off the robe with him!

Liu Zhengxun changed his mind, and Fang Yun contributed a lot. Therefore, the former minister of the Ministry of Ceremonies also shifted his hatred to Fang Yun. To some extent, the reason why Zhu Junli lost a friend was because of Fang Yun.

Therefore, Fang Yun was awarded the title of marquis this time, and he was also the one with the loudest opposition. Because of his different identity, even the current Ministry of Ceremonies was affected, so the old corrupt in the world admitted his voice, and the six departments invited him over.

"I don't know, old gentleman, what's your teaching?"

Fang Yun looked at Zhu Junli with a thick expression on his face.

"The old gentleman doesn't dare to be. I'm just an old man. I was born in the humble way. A few decades ago, he was heavily used by the imperial court and was appointed as the secretary of the Ministry of War. I know that I am not good at learning. I came from a humble background, and I am only a humble minister. I dare not talk about the contribution to the society"

"General Fang is young and heroic, very comparable. The old man is hidden in Yongzhou, and he is also known as General Yinfang. Not long ago, Lao Kui heard that General Fang once said a sentence - the king is not the king, the wise eye knows people, the heart is like a wide valley, the bow and governs down, then he is the king of the sage: the minister is not a minister, there is no other heart, share the worries on behalf of the king, guard for the General Fang secretly said, "The minister of the country is a metaphor. I don't know if there is such a thing?"

Fang Yun nodded: "It's true. That's just what Fang Yun said when he answered an old gentleman's question when he returned home, "You are not a king, and you are not a minister." The country and the community carry thousands of people. Even if they are like a man, they also have the responsibility of helping and helping. The man is still like this. As a general of the court, Fang Yun naturally yearns for it.

"Hehe!" Zhu Junli laughed and said, "General Fang is a great talent, and the strategy of leading the army is the top talent. I have such a figure in the Zhou Dynasty, which is really a blessing for the imperial court and a country. In all dynasties, the talents of Jiangshan Sheji were born, which must be the image of great prosperity. I, Zhongtu Shenzhou, have such a figure as a general. There must be great prosperity, and the people of the world are looking forward to it.

"Since the birth of General Fang, the old man has also been paying attention to it. I thought that if there was such a figure as a general in the court, there would be hope to sweep away the Liuhe and calm down the eight wilderness. However, unexpectedly, since the general joined the army, the frontier wars continued, the fierce beasts in the west swept, the plague broke out, and the Eastern Mangmei demons were ready to move. In this naval attack, a war broke out on the border of the four wildernesses. Our middle-earth Shenzhou, the city was destroyed one after another, millions of soldiers were killed, and the people were displaced. Middle-earth Shenzhou is not as good as the original. I don't know if the ministers of Jiangshan Sheji are like this? The old man talked about the matter and spoke directly. Please don't be surprised by the general.

As soon as Zhu Junli finished speaking, his eyes were shining and he stared at Fang Yun. After listening to him, the left and right Confucian celebrities said something powerful. The words of Fang Yun's return home had already spread. Everyone present has heard of it. Unexpectedly, Zhu Junli wrote this, saying, "Middle-earth Shenzhou is not as good as it was at the beginning", which plunged Fang Yun into a dead place.

For a moment, everyone put their eyes on Fang Yun. I'm going to see how he answers Zhu Junli's question.

"This old man is so poisonous! I just thought he was stubborn and unbearable. Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned over his words, he immediately stabbed the key point. I used so many means to deal with the Fang family and sent so many people to assassinate. On the contrary, I couldn't take a few words from him. No wonder they all said the three-inch tongue of Confucianism. It was really powerful!"

On the left side of the lobby of the Ministry of War, Ping Dinghou sat in the crowd with his eyes flashing. Things progressed to this point, and the Marquis of Pingding "slept to death and then live". The mentality of worry about gains and losses disappeared, and his mood turned peaceful. It shows the original method.

After listening to Zhu Junli's words, Fang Yun couldn't help shouting "Awesome" in his heart. Confucianism is the best. This Zhu Junli used to be a minister of the Ministry of Ceremonies. Fang Yun thought he was not good at argumentation, but he didn't expect to read it wrong.

This man held Gao Fangyun everywhere and closed his mouth, "General Fang's young hero", "General Fang is the minister of Sheji", "If there is General Fang in the court, it is the blessing of the court, the blessing of the country, and the luck of Sheji". As soon as his voice turned, he immediately mentioned that before the birth of your Fang Yun, the minister of the society, the court officials ruled the peace, the country was prosperous and the people were safe. However, after the birth of your General Fang, I thought that the court would be very prosperous. Unexpectedly, it was a continuous war in the frontier. The court lost its troops and generals, several cities were destroyed, and the plague broke out, and the demons attacked. There was chaos in China in Middle-earth. Then I asked, the talents of the country and the country, is

Between Zhu Jun's words, there is no dirty word, no derogatory word, and there is almost no sentence, which is directly aimed at Fang Yun. But the last rhetorical question directly revealed his vicious intentions. The so-called written killing is nothing more than that.

Fang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, and the light in his eyes flashed, passing by a thought-provoking light: "Although Zhu Junli has abdicate, the influence is still there. This time, I impeached the title of Marquis in the Ministry of War, but this person's voice was the loudest. This time, more than 20 people came to the six departments. They are all against me. If I can't convince him, I'm afraid it's more difficult to convince others. I have to think about it.

Fang Yun was silent. Zhu Junli only said that Fang Yun was embarrassed by himself. He sneered and sneered, "What's wrong? Is General Fang speechless? Can a generation of ministers of the country and the society be difficult for me to say a few words?

Zhu Junli has no good impression on Fang Yun, and hates him for making him lose friends. When you speak, you are directly sarcastic and rude.

"Old gentleman" is not good at this!"

Fang Yun sneered and suddenly raised his head. In his pupils, the bright light flashed away.