The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 919 Limit

! One..."

When the loud bell came from the palace again, the new year also began. Everywhere in the capital, dazzling fireworks suddenly rose. A child, wearing a thick cotton-padded jacket, rushed to the street and laughed.


Fang Yun opened the door and came out of the room. At the same time, other servants and maidservants also came out of the room, with a happy face and a certain expectation, breathing the first breath of New Year's air.

"Young master!"

"Young master! ......

Seeing Fang Yun, the people below laughed and shouted one after another. Although Fang Yun has become a prince, he is also unified. However, the people in the house are still used to calling him young master kindly.

Fang Yun smiled and nodded, walking alone in the courtyard. There are several hours of age, and you can only stay in the room. It's rare to come out at this time, and it's inevitable to breathe.

The air at night is very cold and fresh, making it easy to feel clear. Be able to think better. The future is still a mess. Fang Yun needs to think about where to go in the future.

"Shasha! ~......

Fang Yun thought and strolled alone in the courtyard. Unconsciously, the sound of fireworks in my ears and the noise of children are getting lower and lower. In Hou's house, it also began to become quieter and quieter.

After all, the night is dark, and the excitement of the New Year can't beat the waves of sleepiness. Many people couldn't stand the cold outside, and finally returned to their rooms and fell asleep peacefully.

"Is it Yun'er?" ......

An old voice came from afar, faint, with some kind of power to calm people's hearts and calm people.

Fang Yun was shocked and raised his head. Under the corridor not far away, an old figure sat by the stone guardrail, with his back to himself, silently looking at the plum blossoms blooming in the garden.


Fang Yun was shocked and woke up. He walked over quickly: "Dad, it's so cold outside, why are you here alone?" Hurry into the room."

Fang Yun said, took off the fox fur makeup on his body and covered the old man.

The old man waved his hand and smiled, "It doesn't matter. Although my grandfather does not practice martial arts, he does not ward off the cold. But after cultivating the breath in my heart, it is also invulnerable to all evils. Even if it is stained by the cold wind, it has no effect.

When Fang Yun heard the words, he was slightly relieved. Well, after thinking about it, I took off my robe and sat down beside my grandfather. He looked up at the sky and realized that it was too late.

"Outsiders, it's getting late. Go back and have a rest."

Fang Yun persuaded. After all, the old man is old. Although the Confucianism has practiced a magnificent atmosphere, claiming that all evils are invulnerable, it is still a mortal flesh and fetus. There will be life, old age, illness and death, and the five declines of heaven and man.

It doesn't matter. Tonight is very special. Grandpa wants you to sit with me and see the cold plums in the garden. Is that okay?"

The old man said.


Fang Yun hesitated for a moment and nodded in agreement. Although I'm worried about my grandfather's health, it should not matter if I just sit for a while.

The Purple Dragon Garden is very quiet. The old and the young sit side by side, silently looking at the plum blossoms in the garden. The snow is like a curtain, constantly falling from the sky.

"Yun'er, do you know what Confucianism is?"

The old man stared at the plum blossom forest in front of him and said lightly.

Fang Yun was stunned and immediately replied, "My grandson dare not talk nonsense. Confucian culture has a long history and is extensive and profound. Although Sun Er knows some poems to catch the right words, he does not dare to talk nonsense to understand Confucianism.


The old man smiled and nodded, as if he was quite satisfied with Fang Yun's reply: "

The way of Confucianism, I have studied it all my life, but I haven't been able to study it thoroughly. However, since the suburbs, when I moved back to my ancestral home. All of a sudden, I understood. Confucianism is actually very simple. When Confucianism is taken apart, it is a person, Yu, one, need, Yu. Confucianism is necessary for people. The so-called way of Confucianism is also the way of man!"

The old man's eyes showed a look of memories. The experience of most of his life kept passing through his mind, shook his head, and said: "

People, people! I have practiced Confucianism for a lifetime, abandoned my son and daughter, and in my old age, I didn't understand the true meaning of Confucianism until my old age!"

The old man looks quite impressed.

"My grandfather...

Fang Yun looked at the old man in a swoot.

"Yun'er, the martial arts you practiced. It should be known that a breath of righteousness in the Confucian chest can easily shake the evil people to death. But I ask you, do you know what Haoran Zhengqi is?

The old man paused and continued to ask.

Fang Yun's eyes were thinking and he was speechless. Tonight, he always felt that his grandfather looked a little strange. It seems to be a little different. But what's the difference? It's too late to think about it.

Haoran Zhengqi...

Fang Yun thought for a moment. From the perspective of martial arts, Haoran Zhengqi should be a kind of true spirit of heaven and earth, but what Grandpa wants is definitely not this promise. After thinking about it, Fang Yun said, "Haoran's righteousness is yang to strength, which belongs to the thing in heaven and earth, which is completely in the same way with the evil spirit. Things that belong to integrity in human nature, gathered together, the power of manifestation..."

The old man shook his head with a smile. Fang Yun immediately knew that what Grandpa wanted was not to answer Qin. Liye stopped and didn't say anything.

"There is righteousness in heaven and earth, which is mixed with its shape. The lower part is the river mountain, and the upper part is the sun and star. It is said that it is Haoran, and Peiran is full of the world..."

Liu Zhengxun's eyes showed a look of fascence, with a kind of cadence, bosom friend sighing..."

This is what my teacher once said to me. Today, my grandfather also sent it to you. The essence of this world is the spirit of Haoran. Whether it is the sun, the moon, the stars, or the mountains and rivers, they are all transformed by this kind of righteousness. Do you think there is any evil way between heaven and earth that can't be restrained by Haoran's spirit?

Fang Yun was shocked, and his whole body was like thunder. Grandpa's words were something he had never heard of before. As a great Confucian, my grandfather naturally has his persive power to say such words. It's not Fang Yun's ability to be guise from the outside world. In a trance, Fang Yun felt that he seemed to have a vague understanding. This feeling was uncertain. Ruoye Ruoli, only a little bit, could be caught.

"So, Confucianism has never practiced martial arts... It can shake those evil spirits one by one...

Liu Zhengxun glanced at Fang Yun, smiled imperceptably, and turned his head again. This night, it is particularly quiet, faintly floating in the nose, bursting of cold plum fragrance.

Liu Zhengxun slowly raised his head and looked at the top of his head. In the place where ordinary people can't see with the naked eye... It is vast, boundless, like a long river of silver yarn, across the world.

This vast river has tens of millions of tributaries, which are connected with the earth of Jiuzhou, the thoughts of tens of millions of Confucian students and students, and gathers into the palace of the capital, turning into a vast dynasty fortune, blessing the whole imperial dynasty.

For thousands of years, from Yin, Shang to Da Zhou, I don't know how many of the upright ideas of Confucian students, students and great Confucianism have been integrated into this vast river of supporting the world!

However, now, this vast river is becoming thin, and the air veins connected to the hearts of the world's scholars are being cut off one by one. Liu Zhengxun had not felt so obvious before, but now, he clearly feels a smell of silence and death from this vast river!

This is the disaster of heaven and earth, the taste of the extinction of Confucianism!

In all dynasties, even the change of dynasties, although it will affect this vast river, it has never sent such a message. But now, although this vast river is still strong, it has emitted a smell of silence and death.

Liu Zhengxun is familiar with the history of scriptures and knows that this situation has only appeared in one era. That's the Middle Ages!

For any great Confucian, it is a great cruelty to witness this gradual process with his own eyes. Maybe I'm lucky."

Yun'er, this is a book written by my grandfather in recent years. It brings together my grandfather's lifelong Confucian insights. Of your brothers, you are the only one who is the most accomplished in this regard. Now, it will be sent to you!"

Liu Zhengxun suddenly took out a thread-loaded book from his arms and handed it over.

Fang Yun was shocked, and suddenly he understood what was wrong. Grandpa's questions and entrusting this book. Why does it look like you want to leave your life's gains to yourself and make a will at the end of your life?

Fang Yun looked at his grandfather carefully, and he was shocked when he saw it.

In just a moment, Grandpa seemed to be much older. Originally, although he was old-fashioned, his spirit and bright eyes made people feel like an old man at all. But now, although his appearance has not changed much, his eyes have suddenly dimmed.

Such a change in eyes is no different from a real old man. It gives people a feeling that they seem to be much older in an instant. What makes Fang Yun feel even more bad is that the "unrestrained method..." he practiced is the most familiar with the soul.

But at this moment, Fang Yun felt the strength of his grandfather's soul and was rapidly weakening.

"Dad!" ......

Fang Yun shouted in a trembling voice, and he grabbed the old man's body quietly. Transfer a stream of true gas into it, try to wash his meridians and do something.

Hehe, Yun'er, can you feel it? My husband knows that I can't fool you. My deadline has arrived!"

The old man smiled softly, with a pale face. The calm voice, like a bomb, exploded in Fang Yun's heart.


Fang Yun screamed and finally couldn't help hugging the old man tightly. His true spirit poured in crazily. Wash his body over and over again, and try to extend his life by modifying his body.

It's useless!"

The old man smiled and calmly pushed away Fang Yun's hand: "All the great Confucians, when the deadline is approaching. You will feel it before you catch it. I already felt it before you came to visit me that day."

Grandpa, you...

Fang Yun hugged the old man tightly, his nose was sore, and he finally couldn't help crying. He suddenly understood why the foreign guild promised to be so direct and cheerful.

Fang Yun never thought that a family of talents would face such separation as soon as they got together. The intuition of Confucianism has always been extremely keen. When the old man said that, it basically means that there is no change!

"Yun'er, you forgot. Grandpa is actually just an ordinary old man, and sooner or later there will be such a day. It's just a matter of sooner or later!"

Liu Zhengxun patted Fang Yun on the shoulder, and turned An Wei Fang Yun. I don't know if it was an illusion. Fang Yun felt that his eyes were more cloudy and his back was more hunched.

At this moment, the grandfather who has been familiar with scriptures for most of his life seems to be an ordinary old man.