The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 920 Micro mega

"I'll call my mother over...

Fang Yun's voice trembled. It's so sudden that I'm completely unprepared. He didn't expect that he would lose a close relative immediately after a lively New Year.

No need. Grandpa has been very satisfied to spend this year with your mother and uncle. I don't want to see their sadness in front of me.

The old man whispered. He straightened his waist and tried to make himself look straight: "Yun'er, accompany Grandpa through the last section of the road, okay?"

Fang Yunqiang nodded with tears: "Hmm."

The cold wind roared in the yard, and the old man tightened his tight clothes and suddenly felt a little cold. Soon, an overcoat was put on him, warm. The old man smiled and quietly looked at the plum blossoms blooming there.

Although it's a little late to wake up, it's not too late!" ..."

The old man looked at the eyes, brushed the clusters of plum blossoms, looked at the starry sky, and smiled and thought. A heavy sleep came, and the old man's eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. One of his bright heads slowly drooped down..."

hoo! ......

A gust of wind blew over the Sifang Houfu. Fang Yun felt the old man's body temperature and slowly cooled down, and his heart gradually became temperatureless.

"My grandfather, go to adultery...

Fang Yun looked at the night sky silently, and two rows of cold tears slipped from his eyes. At the end of his eyes, a bright yellow star shook and fell from the eastern sky.


The cold wind is roaring, in this quiet night, in the dimension of the world that is difficult to see with the naked eye. A straightforward idea turned into a vast righteousness, rising from the direction of the Sifang Hou Mansion and converging into the sky over the nine continents, in the vast river of righteousness...

The night is getting dark. In another place in Sifang Houfu, another old man looked through the window at the winter starry sky, with a satisfied smile on his face and slowly closed his eyes...

This! It's late, and it's destined to be uneasy.


At the moment when the New Year's bell rang, under the cover of the loud bell, the whole palace suddenly trembled, and the air in the night sky suddenly became disordered. Then there was "the loud sound of the earth cracking."

Bang bang bang!"

In a short period of time, the footsteps shook, and a team of imperial forbidden troops, wearing armor and sharp, quickly rushed to the place where the sound was made.

Wei Wei, the commander of the forbidden army, is the commander in charge of the south gate of the palace. He is about 30 years old. He is elegant and practiced in both literature and martial arts, showing the demeanor of scribes and generals. By the time he arrived, many imperial guards had gathered near the gate... It was noisy.

"What's the matter? What's the noise here in the palace?

Xue Wei frowned and shouted in a low voice.

When he saw him coming over, everyone immediately gave way to him. One of them pointed in front of him and said in panic: "

Your Excellency, look!"

Xue Wei frowned and strode over. I looked down and was immediately shocked. On the south side of the palace, under the vermilion-colored wall, a huge crack more than three feet wide extends from the wall to the interior of the palace.

Xue Wei was shocked and immediately stood up. He looked down and watched for a while. I saw the cracks under the wall, from south to north, nearly a hundred feet. The cracks are dark and unfathomable!

Xue Wei's look suddenly shocked. This is the imperial city of the Zhou Dynasty, where the emperor lives. How can such a thing happen? Xue Wei has been on duty for so many years, and he has never seen the cracking of the imperial city.

You should know that the palace is the residence of the emperor, and every inch of land is gathered by the world's luck. It won't let go easily. Moreover, Xue Wei knew that every inch of the wall of the palace was reinforced by arrays and secret charms. Not to mention ordinary vibration, it's just a spirit-level master. If you hit it with all your strength, nothing will happen.

Moreover, there is no movement at the other gates. Why is there only a big crack here?

Xue Wei's thoughts are compiled. He has read Confucian history books. This kind of vision has been remembered in the annals of Confucianism. In ancient times, Da Yin, the first dynasty to unify Jiuzhou, was at the end of the Emperor, the East Gate collapsed, and a crack directly pointed to the Taihe Hall. Twenty years later, the great Yin perished.

More than 1,600 years ago, at the end of the Yuanwu period, there was a seam in the west gate, which was ninety-nine feet, nine feet and nine minutes long. For a long time after that, the heroes competed, the imperial power of the merchants collapsed, and they completely went to the end.

These two strange symbols are clearly recorded in the history books of Confucianism. These two lines are so short that ordinary people won't notice them at all. Xue Wei has an unforgettable ability, so he remembers it.

The demise of the dynasty is not overnight!

Before any major chaos, there must be subtle signs.

Da Yin is like this, Da Shang is like this, is it Da Zhou...

A chill surged in Xue Wei's heart.

"If someone comes, lock the south gate immediately. It is strictly forbidden for anyone to approach. The first battalion, the third battalion and the fifth battalion obeyed the order, and Liya took advantage of the night to carry the soil and filled the cracks overnight. All the earth is covered with boxes and should not be known to anyone. In addition, in the situation tonight, it is strictly forbidden to ban outside, and violators will be dealt with by the First Army Law!"

Xue Wei came to his senses and suddenly shouted with a fierce voice.

Yes, my lord!" Everyone's hearts were shaken and hurried.

After Xue Wei made a series of arrangements, he was still worried. Supervise the south gate in person. The clay of a box was constantly transported in and filled into the cracks.

It was not until a few hours later that Xue Wei saw the seam filling with his own eyes, and then he was relieved.

"How much soil has been shared?"

Xue Wei asked casually. He is just a leader, in front of him, and there are also martial arts marquises and emperors. This matter is not something he can hide from a small leader.

Everything in the palace must be reported in a file. This is the rule!"

Back to your excellency, it's a total of 1,600 tons!"

Next to a guard in charge of calculation, he replied.

Xue Wei's heart trembled and he didn't dare to say anything. He hurried into the palace.

1,6 hundred and twenty-six years! This is exactly the number of years when the Zhou Dynasty was established!" ......

Xue Wei's realm is not enough, and he has not yet reached the realm of land change. He didn't know that at the moment when there was a crack in the imperial city, in the depths of the palace, the vast purple gas, like the Yangtze River leading straight to the sky, suddenly trembled. The purple gas, which represents the fortune of the Zhou Dynasty, was slightly disordered!

A faint purple cyclone burst out of the pillar-like purple gas essence.


In the central purple hall, a pair of eyes sneered, looking at the depths of the underworld in this quiet winter night: "

Is this the counterattack of Tianji? Oh, I'm really looking forward to it!" ..."

In the central purple hall, a burst of cold laughter echoed.

This winter is destined to be extraordinary, after a short period of happiness. Sifang Houfu pulled Ma Daixiao, a breath of sadness. On the night of the New Year's Eve, Mrs. Huayang's biological father passed away.

When he passed away, Fang Yun was by his side and silently accompanied him through the last part of his life! With the exhaustion of the body, Fang Yun can cut his hair and wash his marrow and make him reborn. But with the exhaustion of the soul, even Fang Yun can't do anything!

The only thing that can make Mrs. Huayang feel happy is that the old man walks peacefully.

It was not only Fang Yun's grandfather who left this night. At dawn, the servants in Hou's house went to wake up Liang Bo. However, I found that the old man, who had devoted his whole life for the Fang family, lay calmly in **, with no breath.

When Uncle Liang left, he had a satisfied smile on his face. It's the kind of smile that doesn't care at all! The Fang brothers have grown up, and Mrs. Huayang and the master Liu Zhengxun have reconciled. Liang Bo has no regrets in his life. It's satisfying and peaceful.

Liang Bo's death aggravated the sadness in Mrs. Huayang's heart. It was not until the death of Liang Bo that she found that Liang Bo had always played a father-like role in her life and occupied an important position.

The death of the two old people made Mrs. Huayang heartbroken!

Fang Lin and Fang Yun stopped everything in their hands, accompanied their mother and uncle, and wholeheartedly handled the funeral of the two old people. This point has also been approved by the Military Aircraft Department.

The preparation of the Fang family is very simple. Only a few people were allowed to attend the funeral of the two old people. Liu Zhengxun is originally a minimalist person. I have lived in a grassy place outside the city for more than 20 years, which is proof. The two of them won't like Cai Hua's useless things. Therefore, the Fang family did not do it in a big way.

After the two old men were buried, Liu Zhongrong returned to Ancheng, and the whole house suddenly became deserted. Liang Bo has always been responsible for all the affairs of the Fang family. Under his auspices, Fangfu has been in good order for more than 20 years. The old man suddenly left, and the Hou mansion immediately became much more chaotic.

A lot of debris became chaotic after the old man left. The servants in the Hou mansion were also a little confused and at a loss.

"I will find another housekeeper for things in the house. You and your eldest brother have stayed at home for a long time. Now it's no better than the Taiping period. Everything is about state affairs.

Lord Huayang sighed at the words of Mrs. Huayang, which made the two brothers Fang Yun and Fang Lin heavy in their hearts. Uncle Liang left in such a hurry that the whole Hou family was not psychologically prepared. After getting used to his toughness for many years, many people ignored it. Liang Bo is an old man and has reached the age of no end.

The strength of the body is not the most important, but the most important thing is the soul. The soul is exhausted, no matter how powerful the body is, it is useless. This is also why the ultimate realm of martial arts is the perfection of the soul, not the ultimate strength of the body.

Yes, mother! I'm afraid I'm going back to the army these days. Mother, take care!"

Fang Lin lowered his head and said respectfully.

Brother, don't worry. I am in charge of the army, and there is no military for the time being. I will stay with my mother well."

Fang Yundao.

The sectarian community and the court are still restrained for the time being, so Fang Yun will not have military mobilization for the time being. Moreover, although he was officially awarded the title of champion marquis, at the beginning, because of one family of three marquises, noble marquis and civilian marquis restrained each other, resulting in Fang Yun, the champion marquis, had no real power except for nearly 100,000 people in the twenty-seventh barracks. That's why I'm so idle.

After three days in the house, Fang Lin returned to the sideline. In Fanghou's mansion, it became more deserted.