The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 938 Amazing

"What! It's impossible!!"

In the palace, Liu Qi heard Dou Ying's return in the hall, and he was so shocked that the teacup in his hand fell down, fell to the ground and smashed to pieces.

"Your Highness, there are indeed rumors in the sectarian world that Liu Che was reincarnone as a hegemon in the Middle Ages. It's just the emperor of another era after ancient times. Why is Your Highness so shocked?" In the hall, the majestic Luan sermon looked quite puzzled.

Not only him, but also Yifang's Dou Ying's eyes showed a look of surprise. Liu Che's identity is indeed a little shocking, but it's not like this.

"You don't understand!"

Liu Qi shook his hand and walked down from the treasure chair in the hall. He seemed a little confused. Liu Che has a table tennis identity. At this time, it is really not very important. Even, there was a top medieval strongman, Huo Qubing, lurking around Liu Che. None of these are fatal threats to him.

Huo Qu's reputation is really prominent.

But as the Taoist heir of the ancient Wulei Sect, Liu Qi has the whole ancient Wulei Sect as a support, and he is not afraid at all.

And Liu Che's identity really shocked him.

"If you don't sing, it's amazing..."

What Liu Qi's mind turned over and over again was the famous saying of the legendary hegemon of the medieval imperial power recorded in the history of Confucianism. For Liu Qi, from his birth to now, it is undoubtedly this sentence that has had the greatest influence on him.

In this sentence, he found resonance and a way out. The deceased existence of the Middle Ages, for him, is like a guiding light of life and an idol of life.

Because of this sentence, Liu Qi has been hiding for so many years, deeply burying his own scheming. Even the people with the deepest mansion can't see that among the many princes and princesses, Liu Qi, who is not outstanding, will have such a scheming.

Because of this sentence, even if no one pays attention and encouragement. Liu Qi never gives up on himself. He is convinced that he is like the legendary overlord of the Middle Ages. If he doesn't sing, the world will be shocked!

Liu Qi never thought that for himself, his life was like an inspirational story, and he would still be alive. And he was also reincared into his own competitor Liu Che, becoming the opponent he wanted to surpass.

Such a turning point is unacceptable. Liu Qi's psychology is unacceptable.

"Your Highness, this matter is not necessarily true. The sectarian world has always been echoed by people. There are also many people who can't wait for the chaos in the world to fish in it and spread rumors. Therefore, Your Highness listened to it and believed it. It is impossible to pass the throne to him for this reason." Dou Ying thought for a moment and felt that he should still comfort him at this time.

When collecting information, he was not too serious about the news. Naturally, it is impossible to verify it carefully. At this time, I found that I'm afraid there are other tricks in this news.


Hearing Dou Ying's words, Liu Qi suddenly woke up. After all, he was also a very scheming and city man. When I first heard the news, I was a little caught off guard and unprepared. That's why there is some gaffes. However, when he reacted, he also regained his usual calmness.

"This matter is my private matter and has nothing to do with you. Can that Huo Qubing confirm his identity?" Liu Qi said.

"There is no solid evidence, but" this matter is now making a lot of noise, and many strong people in the Middle Ages have recognized his breath. It can't be wrong," Dou Ying said.

"Middle Champion Hou..." Liu Qi's eyes flashed, with a strange look in his eyes. Like Fang Yun, he thought of Fang Yun almost the same way: "Our Dazhou champion Hou should be very interested in him. Dou Ying said, "We are the ancient Wulei Sect, can anyone deal with him now?" Liu Qi said, this is a very realistic question. There is such a person around Liu Che, which is a threat, and there must be a corresponding check and balance.

Dou Ying's eyes showed a sinking look. He pondered slightly and shook his head: "One of the people who have woken up in the ancient Five Lei Sect has not been able to deal with him. There were indeed some masters in the Middle Ages. Some senior elders in our clan, although some of them have reached the soul realm, I'm afraid they are not his opponents. I'm afraid the only one who can fight against him is to teach. It's just..." "I see." Liu Qi waved his hand and signaled that he understood. The patriarch of the ancient Five Thunder Sect is still asleep, that is to say. No one can compete with Huo's disease now.

"Let's put up with it. If the group of Liu Che's men deliberately provoked, just put up with them and let them get out of the way. After all, it's up to my father to say.

Liu Qi said indifferently.

The current big week can be described as chaos. Among the children of the royal family, the severe form also makes many people panic. He took the initiative to withdraw from the struggle for the throne. However, there are still many people who have not given up. Liu Qi is one of them.

Liu Qi and Liu Che have the same attitude towards the rumor that "the Great Zhou Dynasty is about to perish, and the struggle for the throne is meaningless", which is to sneer. For those who have never contacted their father, they can never understand what the existence of an ancient emperor means to a dynasty.

This is equivalent to saying that during the rule of the five ancient emperors, some people wanted to resist and overthrow the rule of the ancient emperors. Such a move, without a doubt, is extremely ridiculous.

Whether it is the celestial phenomena of "the tigers and devours the dragons" or the number of celestial arts, Liu Qi has always been doubtful. There are countless possibilities in the future. Whoever said that the celestial phenomena seen in the underworld will definitely happen. You know, the object is comparable to the existence of the ancient emperor!

What's more, his father also got the Taoism of the ancient three emperors, which was more powerful than the five emperors. In the current sectarian world, the toss seems to be full of wind and water.

However, Liu Qi is very clear. Once the father finishes the practice, or these people reach the bottom limit of the father, then the next is an unimaginable disaster.

A man holding the sacred artifacts of the three emperors, martial arts can be comparable to the existence of the ancient emperors. When he is angry, no one can imagine it. Including the strongest chaotic ancestor in the sectarian world now, it will be a one-sided massacre!

Liu Qi is not the kind of person who worships blindly, but after real contact, Liu Qi deeply understood. Even the ancient Wulei Sect, who he relied on the most, could not compete with his father head-on!

Everything is just to add yourself.

"Tiger-eating dragons" may be dangerous, but it may not be an opportunity!

There are many princes and princesses in the week. Since the birth, there have been only a few times I have seen my father. For his biological father, it is completely blank, only on the understanding of the identity of the emperor.

But Liu Qi is different from others. In this palace, there may be someone who is ambitious and wants to replace his father. But Liu Qi has never thought so. Liu Qi had only a deep awe of his father. Only by understanding the huge plan that the father is implementing can we know how unfathomable the real king will be!

Liu Qi knew that his father was definitely a man with great ambition and ambition!

The week may perish, but the rising will be a new and larger martial arts empire! The father can't always be in power, and there is no doubt that the new successor can only be born from him, Liu Che and Liu Xiu!

The weak will be defeated in this battle, but the strongest will take over the imperial power! Become the ruler of the unprecedented dynasty and empire that is about to be born!

At the same time, the northeast is barren, in the huge imperial city. The two brothers and sisters, Aiguli and Aisimu, are walking side by side to the Yihuang Hall of the court.

"The time of the morning meeting has long passed. With one order from the regent, let everyone rush over. Violators, the staff of the court in the palace! Even our brother and sister are the same. The regent really regards him more and more as the real emperor!" Aisimu said angrily as he walked.

"Brother, stop talking. The regent is now more and more powerful. If your words fall into his ears, you will inevitably be scolded. Have you forgotten the last lesson?

Aiguli's face was covered with a white veil, quiet.

"Little sister. I'm just complaining. After all, I am the real heir to the throne. The regent treated me like other ordinary ministers. He is in power now, and he may have forgotten it. This wilderness, the father is the real king! He is just a temporary power!" Ayi Ximu said that the struggle for royal power was the real reason for him to complain.

"My father has been closed for more than ten years, and the two of us met several times when we were young. If the elder brother really wants to regain power, he has to wait until his father breaks the barrier before educating him." Aiguli said.

"Alas! Yes! I don't know when my father will come out. Martial arts practice, I don't know the time. It is possible for hundreds of years. I'm afraid that I can't wait for the day when my father breaks the barrier." Aisimu said with half indignation.

Aiguli shook her head and laughed, and said nothing more this time. The regent is indeed a little unseemous to their brothers and sisters. However, after all, he is also afraid, so the situation is far from the worst.

"Don't say so much, let's go." All the way, bypassing many palace walls and corridors, the whole palace is a replica of the Middle-earth palace. The wealth of Middle-earth is indeed extremely attractive to the kings and ministers of the wilderness.

After the regent came to power, the palace has been renovated a lot in the past few days. There are a lot of plum bamboo gardens, which have become more and more responsible for the taste of Middle-earth.

In the middle of the palace, a magnificent hall stands, looking magnificent. This is the place where the morning meeting is.

"Go in."

The two walked side by side and walked slowly towards the hall.