The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 939 Emperor Yi ascended the throne

Before the two brothers and sisters approached, there was a violent shouting from afar. ( Net) The voice of the king of the government spread far into the ears of the two brothers and sisters.

"It seems that he is scolding people again."

The two brothers and sisters looked at each other and shook their heads. We walked in together.

There was silence in the hall, and the palace was full of generals and ministers. The wild regent raised his eyebrows and sat on the top with a golden knife. His eyes glanced at His Highness like a tiger and a wolf. Between his eyebrows, there was a faint storm brewing.

Under the jade steps... Ben folded heavily on the ground, obviously thrown down by the regent.

Aisimu took a deep breath, walked forward with his sister, and saluted: "

I've met the regent!"

The regent noticed them as soon as the two brothers and sisters stepped into the hall. Originally, the dignified anger between the eyebrows was invisibly heavier after the two stepped into the hall.

"Aysim, Ayguli, do you two brothers and sisters still know that there will be a morning meeting today? The prince committed the same crime as the common people. Do you think that you are a member of the royal family, so you can't discipline and have no king's law?

The regent shouted coldly and rudely. In the past, he would have left a little face, but today, for some reason, he is particularly angry.

Aisimu was secretly annoyed in his heart. He knew that the regent was playing on the topic, but he couldn't stand it.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves. I will put up with him for the time being until my father comes out. When he suffered from the general government.

Aisimu forcibly suppressed the unhappiness in his heart with a "respectful... said:

"Regent, forgive me. Aisimu was delayed on the way because of something in the temple. Please forgive me, regent!"

Seeing that Yi Xili is so soft, it is not easy for the regent to continue to play on the topic.


The regent snorted coldly: "I don't care about this incident for the sake of Emperor Yi for the time being. But next time, don't blame Uncle Huang for not remembering the past. One by one, I asked you about the attack on Liu Che, the thirteenth prince of the Zhou Dynasty. Is it your order?

Aisimu was stunned. Although Yihuang and Middle-earth were adjacent, the news had always been a little confused.

There are far fewer people learning Middle-earth languages in the wilderness than in the autumn wilderness. The princess of Qiuhuang also sneaked into the Central Plains to study, but Yihuang did not have such a royal son. It often takes a long time for the news of Middle-earth to spread to the wilderness.

Aisimu didn't know that such a thing had happened to the barren border. However, this matter really can't be with him.

Regent, Aisimu doesn't know what's going on. I'm afraid there's a mistake in it...

Aisi Mudao didn't think so. It's just a prince of the Zhou Dynasty. It's not a big deal.

Misunderstanding? Humph! The spy documents of the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty have been sent to us!"

The regent waved his robe and rudely interrupted Aysim's words:

"You pick up the folds on the ground and have a good look! Then tell me what's going on!"

Aisimu hesitated for a moment, stepped forward, bowed down, and then picked up the folds thrown on the ground and looked through them carefully. This is a spy article with both Yiwen and Zhongtu Wenyu. In the part of Zhongtu Wenyu, it is stamped with a bright red seal, on which there are several seal texts: "It is ordered by heaven, that is, longevity and prosperity...!

These Wenyu are the Wenyu who are widely in Middle-earth. It is the jade seal of the emperor.

On the fold, the part of Yiwen is known by Aishimu. As the regent said, this is an extremely harshly worded spy. The writing is naturally the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty.

Middle-earth used to be the ruler of Confucianism, and this is the first time that Yiximu has seen a Zhouwen spy from the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty.

Aisimu was stunned and finally understood what was going on with the loud shout he heard outside the hall before. In the hostage, the emperor implicitly hinted that if Yihuang did not give an explain to this matter, the Zhou Dynasty would not rule out the force of reprimand to solve the matter.

After Aisimu finished reading it, he couldn't help but despise himself. The regent usually behaved extremely majestically and coldly, but when it came to the Baidu Zhou royal family, he lost the prototype at the critical moment. He was afraid of the emperor of Middle-earth, so he showed such anger, or more accurately, panic!

However, Aisimu can only think about these words in his heart.

"In the whole wilderness, only members of the royal family can mobilize the sacrificial power of evil gods. Say it! Did you and Aigumu do this secretly behind our backs?"

The regent scolded angrily.

At the scene of the attack of the thirteenth prince of the Zhou Dynasty, the remains of the sacrifice and the bodies of other strong cults were found. All the people involved in the killing died, and there was really no countermeasure.

In the wilderness, the power of the cult is very large, and there are faint traces of standing above the imperial power. Although the regent took over the royal power, he could not ask about the cult. After thinking about it, it can only be blamed on Aiguli and Aisimu.

In the wilderness, there are not many people who can mobilize the power of cults, but Aysim and Ayguli absolutely have this power. Although the cult is superior to the royal power, the descendants of Emperor Shun's lineage also have transcendent power in the cult. This includes mobilizing the power below the cult sacrifice. However, this kind of mobilization is limited to the inheritance of thousands of straight bloodlines, such as Aisimu and Aiguli.

The regent didn't know why the two came out and sent someone to attack Liu Che. But the mistakes made by the two can only be borne by the two. It's not for him to take the blame.

Regent, Aisimu really doesn't know what's going on. I haven't transferred the power of sacrifice.

Aisimu said that he had the virtalisman of the cult in his hand, but the talisman was put in the box. I haven't used it."

Enough! Do you still lie in front of the ministers in the hall? Aisimu, you really disappoint me. Originally, I thought that in a few years, I would hand over the imperial power to you. But I didn't expect to be crazy and do such a thing! He also lied in front of the minister of the hall. It seems that you are far from qualified to continue the position of Emperor Yi. How can you easily hand it over to you? It seems that the position of the crown prince has to be set up for another person!"

Hearing the regent's words, Aisimu suddenly opened his eyes wide, and his body trembled because of excessive shock and anger. The regent is going to use the topic to abolish his princes!"

You, you, you!" ..."

Aisimu was so angry that he played all over. His face turned red and he couldn't speak for a long time.

"Heng! In the hall, you dare to be presumptuous. Come on, bombard the prince out. He needs to wake up and wake up...

The regent said rudely.

"The emperor's plan...

Aiguli finally couldn't help standing up.

Enough! Aiguli, do you want to be kicked out like him?

The regent said coldly.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the hall was stagnant, a scene of abolishing the crown prince of Yi was about to be staged. Suddenly, a mutation suddenly appeared.

"Enough! Ainaru, this matter is Lian's instruction. It has nothing to do with the prince!"

A majestic sound came from the side door behind the hall. In a heavy footsteps, behind the mantle, a purple figure slowly came out from behind. Xin Chang's figure, majestic and domineering face, Ling Li's eyes, all of which are so familiar.

Seeing this figure, the king of the camera, Ainaru's body suddenly stiffened, and his lips were wide open, as if his whole heart was about to burst out.

He is so familiar with this figure. It's exactly the same as more than a decade ago. He never thought that Emperor Yi would break through the barrier at this time.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty...

The regent ate and ate, and his face was full of shock.

"Your Majesty!"

The ministers in the hall also raised their heads in shock and looked up at this moment. More than ten years have passed, and Emperor Yi's face is not old-fashioned at all, but his breath has become more majestic and deep.

Father, Father!"

Unlike everyone else, the two brothers and sisters of Aisimu are overjoyed. Although they haven't seen each other for more than ten years, they still recognized that their father's face was exactly the same as when they were young!

"Thank you for your hard work over the years! Now, you can do it easily."

Emperor Yi's big sleeves fluttered, dragons and tigers walked, and walked a few steps to the regent. Just one sentence, it will destroy the operation and hard work of the regent for more than ten years.

No matter how ambitious and complaining the regent is, and no matter how long he has been running, at this moment, he was easily disintegraTED by the emperor. In front of this real emperor, all his efforts are ridiculous.

The regent's mind was chaotic and almost blank. When he came to his senses, he only heard him say, "'s hard. This is Weichen's damn it!"

The voice is low and thin, with three points of cowardice and seven points of fear. When he reacted, he found that he had automatically stood up, left the throne, and stood aside respectfully.

This seems to be an instinct. It's been a long time, but it's still exactly the same 18 years ago. It penetrated deeply into his soul.

The regent was ashamed and ashamed, and his face suddenly turned red.

Emperor Yi didn't look at him. With his purple robe, he naturally sat on the throne of the dragon chair. There was no way to do it. Naturally, there was a taste of the emperor on his body, which smoothly controlled the atmosphere of the whole hall.

The order to attack Liu Che was made jointly. Do you have any comments?"

Emperor Yi glanced down and said lightly.

I have no opinion."

Man Hall answered.

The regent was secretly ashamed. He glanced at the crowd with hatred in the corners of his eyes and whispered, "Your Majesty, I'm afraid this is not good. With our current strength, it is impossible to confront Dazhou head-on..."

Hmph! Confused! Now that it is a hostile relationship, there is no need to cover it up. One by one, write a letter of state. Just tell the emperor of Dazhou that if he wants to do it, let him come! Lian, I'm looking forward to it!"

Emperor Yi said in a long voice.

Emperor Yi was very clear in his heart that although he was enough to deter the one in the Zhou Palace, there was also an evil god in Yihuang. He can't have that kind of determination. At least, not at present.

Once upon a time, Emperor Yi regained the power of the emperor! RH