The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 940 The Wild Temple

The re-enthocation of Emperor Yi did not attract much attention. The replacement of imperial power, for the opponent's sectarian world, is a very distant thing and not worth the relationship.

Today, the only thing worth paying attention to in the imperial power is His Majesty, the man of the Zhou Dynasty.

Well, two of the four will officially appear. There are still a few left, and I guess it's almost the same.

In the capital, Fang Yun received the news and threw the spy on the table. These old guys who made the Jiuzhou Communist Party plan, Yinghuang has already appeared, and Yihuang has also begun to appear. These old guys began to directly control the imperial power and began their plan for the co-ownership of the nine continents.

The bloodline left by the ancient five emperors finally began to brazenly seek the central artifact, and it was worth playing, but all the forces were blindfolded, ignoring these powerful forces.

Goo! Tarts!"

Fang Yun's fingers hit the table, making a crisp sound. After thinking for a moment, he said: "

Zhao Boyan, pay close attention to the movement of the wilderness in the future. As soon as there is a change, Liye will inform me!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Zhao Boyan quickly responded to his order.

"Bun Bang Bang!"

The sound of crisp footsteps sounded in the barracks on the border between the barbarians and the Great Zhou Dynasty. A team of all armed soldiers, serious and murderous, constantly shuttled through the barracks.

The camp of the Northeast Conquest Army is set up between the valleys formed by several peaks. Camps and sentry towers are set up on the peaks, and they are guarded step by step. All kinds of siege and defense equipment are densely arranged to prevent them from being rushed to the camp by the enemy.

The marshal who suppressed the border of the Great Zhou Dynasty was a good warlord, but the actual control is now in the hands of Liu Che, the thirteenth prince.

On a mountain peak near the camp, two long figures stand tall. But it was Liu Che, who escaped from the pursuit of the Yi Emperor for a short time, and the medieval legend Huo Qubing.

Have you finished reading it? What do you think?"

The two of them stood in the peak facing the wind one after the other. Huo Qubing stood a few steps away and said lightly.

"The Emperor Yi is fearless now. With the evil god behind his back, for a while, no one can do anything about him."

After reading the news, Liu Che put his hands behind him and looked calmly at the heavily guarded foot of the mountain.


Huo Qubing's eyes beat: "Unexpectedly, the dark century ruled by medieval evil sects would be destroyed by four people after us. Even the Dark Emperor is the same.

Between Huo's words and words, there was a touching news. Liu Che, the thirteenth prince of the Zhou Dynasty, did have a complex medieval background.

Liu Che's eyes suddenly trembled and turned his head, as if he had been stabbed: "Don't tell me about medieval things. I have fragmented and sporadic memories in my mind. It didn't restore the memory of the medieval overlord you said! Whether it is the identity of the person you mentioned or not can't be confirmed for the time being.

Huo Qubing shook his head, and his long dark hair scattered in the wind. Huo Qubing didn't care about what Liu Che said: "This is normal. Having a part of the memory is enough to prove that what I said is not what I said. If you are not Your Majesty, how can you have your Majesty's memory?

After all, the trauma we suffered in the Middle Ages was a near-death death. It takes time to recover. I believe that with the means originally put down by His Majesty, one day, the cultivation and memory of the Middle Ages will be restored!"

Huo Qubing's eyes are bright, even more brilliant than the stars.

Let's talk about it later. Yihuang is in power for us. It's a threat. I'm counting on you during this period.

Liu Che said.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Huo Qubing lowered his head, bowed slightly, and showed a devout look on his face. This is the most sincere attitude of a minister in the face of the Lord.

The wilderness at the southern end of the Great Zhou Dynasty is full of jungle. There are countless barbarians who have not been transformed into the Baidu Zhou royal family, and they are active in it. In the eyes of the Middle-earth people, the barbarians are more like human-like jungle apes. They have strong jumping power and strong bodies. But in my mind, it is a chaos, which is still in an unrefined state.

They don't know etiquette, they don't know the principles and five constants, they don't know the way of kings and ministers, and they don't know the return of heaven and earth. For the natives, there are enough reasons to regard the barbarians as uncivilized barbarians.

In ancient times, in the wilderness, many powerful indigenous demons were born, threatening Middle-earth. The ancient emperor Yao personally went to the expedition, hoping to repathize the land with the king's way. But now it seems that Di Yao's royal road is a complete failure in the wilderness.

At least, in the eyes of most people, Di Yao's painstaking efforts have not been transformed into the wild indigenous people!

Wildness is barbaric and uncivilized. Even the Yi and Qiu people don't think highly of them. But in the same way, barbarism is also a threat and mysterious.

Every person in the wilderness is the best warrior without money training. No matter how disapproval in his heart, the Great Zhou Dynasty still had to send heavy troops all year round, suppressing the border. In order to prevent these free and scattered barbarians from going deep into Middle-earth, which is a disaster.

For the people of Zhongda University, the secret of the core of the barbarian is mysterious.

People only know that there are five emperors, and one of them is among them. And his origin is a mystery.

The descendants of the Di Yao lineage undoubtedly have a transcendent position in the wilderness. No matter how unopened the barbarians are, the barbarians also respect the imperial lineage from the bottom of their hearts and regard it as the royal family. All kinds of obedience. But no one knows about this form of rule.

Sifanghou commanded a million troops and suppressed the border for decades. The wild corpses are in the mountains and seas of blood, and they are frightened when they hear the wind. He was almost polished by the Marquis of Sifang by force. But now, this jungle land has regained its vitality.

Countless barbarians, the array of strict coin practice for a day and a night. In them, before the big week gradually reappeared, the barbarians threatened Middle-earth and turned to the invincible barbarian army.

In many densely wooded places, the jungle is cut down. The ground fire is drawn from the ground. Some of the wisest sacrifices, supervising a group of shirtless barbarians, are rushing day and night to melt ore and cast armor.

Although this casting is original, it has a very high process in it. The whole barbaric land, in the past, revealed the prototype of a huge war machine. A cluster of firelight rose to the sky, emitting a sense of killing.

The barbaric civilization jumped into several levels almost overnight!

All these changes were born after the recovery of the barbarian god of war. Although there is no skillful technology of iron control and alchemy in the current wilderness. But as the god of war more than 2,000 years ago, Aragubar has a set of technology used for war in his mind.

At the beginning, the three legions, which were like tigers and wolves, were developed under his hands. And now, all Aragubaar has to do is to make all this happen again.

The edge area of the wilderness... is in full swing.

But in the core area of the wilderness, there is silence. Even in the era of the four princes, the army of the Great Zhou Dynasty never went deep into such a hinterland.

In this densely vegetation area, an ancient temple stands quietly. The temple is very small and simple. In many places, the cracks in the stone are full of moss. This makes the building look more like an abandoned temple in Middle-earth!

However, this small temple is the most untouchable taboo in the wilderness. All barbarians, except guards and sacrifices, no one dares to approach here. In Middle-earth, Ye is the head of some sects, and he dares not get involved here easily.

In the long history, there have been many young geniuses, and some sectarian celebrities who want to find out have entered this small temple without scruples. But after that, no one came out of it.

This small temple seems to be a dark bottomless abyss, a forbidden area of life. You can only go in, not out.

In Middle-earth, many people speculate that this is the mythical existence of the barbarians, where the barbarian shattered the empty emperor lives!

At this moment, Aragubar appears in this barbarian temple.

Standing in front of this ancient temple, Alagual's eyes flashed and his face showed a look of memories. Without hesitation for long, Arabul pushed open the door of the temple in the eyes of the temple guard.

After the heavy gate, there is a long corridor. A strong smell of dust came to my face. On both sides of the temple hall, there are two rows of tall statues. The statue is mottled and covered with dust. Many statues of the gods have cracked.

Looking at the statues on both sides, Aragubar's eyes showed a sentimental look. Unlike many speculations from the outside world, the gods here are not the indigenous gods and demons of the barbarians in ancient times, but ordinary human beings. It's not a powerful barbarian, but an elegant portrait of Middle-earth.

These people are the descendants of Di Yao who disappeared in the dust of history!

Generations of descendants of Emperor Yao hope to inherit the legacy of their ancestors and restore the style of the ancient emperor. But they all fell into this barbarian land. In the Ara Cubana generation, even because of the paranoia in his heart, he has lost his body in the traditional sense!

In ancient times, the five emperors dominated one side and left their own descendants. Among the descendants of various branches, Di Yao's vein is undoubtedly the most bitter vein.

When the imperial vein of the autumn wilderness is still sad for the infighting of many children, and the imperial vein of the wild is angry for the failure of the children, the wild emperor Yao is facing the fate of blood loss.

Maybe in a while, Di Yao's bloodline will completely disappear from Middle-earth!

Aragubar's face showed a strong sadness and a strong resentment. There is no doubt that those middle-earth people who prefer a corner have to bear great responsibility for the experience of Emperor Yao's veins.

If it weren't for the people like Canggou, how could Emperor Yao move his descendants to the wilderness? It also made Di Yao face the fate of completely cutting off his bloodline.

Now he is, for some reasons in his early years. In the body, there is no longer the blood of Emperor Yao. The ability to reproduce has also been lost. It is no longer possible to continue the bloodline of Di Yao..."

You're back...

Just as Ara Cuban was lost in thought, an old voice came from the depths of the earth. In the voice, a heavy fatigue was revealed.