The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 1223 Pang Juyuan Out of the Mountain

The matter of the Three Heavenly Machines surrendered to the imperial court and presided over the Lantai Secret Garden instead of Confucianism, which soon spread all over the world. This matter is the peak impact on the sectarian community.

No one expected that Mr. Three Heavenly Machines, who are highly respected and have a detached status in the sectarian world, would be the lackey of the court!

"Da Damn it! These three guys are actually the lackeys of the court!"

Dragon and Tiger Sect, when he heard the news, Longsheng lost his temper and almost destroyed the whole Dragon and Tiger Hall. No one thought that Mr. Lianshan's three apprentices would be the minions of the court.

This means that the movement of all sectarian circles is under the control of the court. It's useless to escape there. The big Tianji disk in the hands of the three gentlemen comes from the Tianji digitization of Lian Shanyi, which suppresses other schools of digitization. In terms of fate, it is impossible to compete with them in a few books.

The combination of three people is equivalent to another Mr. Lianshan, who ran to assist the emperor of Zhou!

"Damn it! How on earth did this happen? How could the rooftop hook up with the court? And no one has ever found it!"

The dragon is dying of anger.

"I should have killed these three old men at the beginning! It's too late to regret now!" The Tiger Sage is also very angry. Now these three people are hiding in the palace of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and there are some emperors sitting in the town. Now the capital is a hundred times more terrible than before. When they go there, they just want to die.

It's just that the news is really shocking. So that no one has ever thought that this kind of problem would occur.

"I just thought that Jubao Pavilion was the mastermind behind the scenes. I didn't expect it to be Liu Wei. There are three Mr. Tianji beside him, which is like a tiger adding wings.

Now that he has reached the general trend, no one will be his opponent! What a good plan, a good trick! The ancestors are ashamed of themselves!" In the Chaos Emperor Demon Sect, the Chaos ancestor let out a long sigh. Since Mr. Three Heavenly Machines released the great magic list, he feels that something is wrong, but he hasn't thought of this step yet.

Now in ancient times, the idea of rebuilding the ancient prosperous era is completely shattered. Mr. Three Heavenly Machines is the last straw to bend this dream.

The news that the three Mr. Tianji returned to the imperial court is devastating. Everyone in the whole sect is in danger and feels an unprecedented crisis.

In the northern land, the night is like a curtain, covering the earth.

A young man in a starry robe, with long hair and a long shawl. In his hand, the twelve-panel star disk is shining brightly, corresponding to the stars in the sky.

When the three Mr. Tianji returned to the imperial court and entered the Lantai Secret Garden, the young people's painstaking efforts surged and Lisheng felt it.

"Dragons and tigers help each other, and Ziwei gains power. Brother Fang is in danger!" Pang Juyuan looked up at the starry sky and muttered to himself. The descendant of the ancient Big Dipper Palace has changed his strength a few years later.

"Chengjun's help, Brother Yu has what he is today. Now, it's my turn to repay Brother Fang!" Pang Juyuan said and got up, shaking his body, turned into a wisp of streamer, and disappeared into the night.

Ziwei Doushu, although it is not as good as "Lian Shan Yi" in the top of "Ba Suo", it is meaningless to be one of the strongest innate mathematics after "Lian Shan Yi". At this time, there is still power to help Fang Yun, and he is the only one.

"Hey!" Shortly after Pang Juyuan left the mountain, a wisp of magnificent purple rose to the sky and sank into the stars all over the sky...

In the parallel space outside the sky, Fang Yun was immersed in repairing the ftches of the Five Emperors Star Fist. I don't know how long it took, with a sudden bang, Fang Yun's [body] burst out an infinite light, and a breath of dignity, pressure, kindness and enlightenment emanating from him.

"Finally succeeded!"

Fang Yun opened his eyes and bloomed with layers of light all over his body. But in an instant, it all faded away.

Now, Fang Yun not only makes up for the loophole that the true qi of the five emperors and the human emperors sense each other, and will be sensed by him, but also integrates the true qi of the five emperors into one and a higher level.

Now Fang Yun is no longer the incarnation of the five emperors. Instead, it itself exudes the breath of the five emperors, and the will is the same, which is the manifestation of the "true spirit of the five emperors" to a higher level!

"Liu Qian, you must have thought that I would recover so soon! We will definitely meet again!"

Fang Yun's arm shook slightly, and a wave of tidal energy immediately surged in the [body]. During this period, Fang Yun not only healed the injuries of his whole body, but also improved his skills more than before.

"Congratulations, prince, for leaving the customs, and your skills have reached a higher level!" A soft voice came to my ears. I don't know when, Yan Shi Meixing quietly appeared beside Fang Yun. When Fang Yun was closed, she had been practicing in the clock of heaven and earth, guarding her.

Fang Yun turned around and looked at Yan Shi Mei Xing. After a moment of silence, he suddenly said, "Yan Shi Mei Xing, you go." Ah!"

Yan looked at the charming body and trembled, showing a surprised look. She didn't expect that Fang Yun would suddenly say such a thing.

Fang Yun looked very flat, as if after careful consideration: "I have broken up with the imperial court. You can also see the strength of the emperor in the battle of the capital.

If you follow me, it will only affect the fish in the pond. You have been following me for a while. I don't want you to be killed by the emperor because of me!" Fang Yun said to himself, "If you think that in the time of the abyss, I saved you. If you feel that you have a debt in your heart, you don't have to. You have helped me a lot, and you have retribution. You don't have to worry about it.

You are a strong man at the earth soul level. Wherever you go, you are all heroes. At least, it's because of me. I have an article about the Five Emperors Star Fist, which I corrected and has no loopholes. I don't have anything for you. I'll give it to you with this article.

Fang Yun said and branded a sense of skills. As soon as he brushed his robe, he walked out.

He has already thought about it. When he was injured, there were many opportunities for Yanshi Meixing to harm him.

But she didn't. Even when he was injured, he helped him heal himself. With peach and Li, Fang Yun has always been repaying kindness and revenge. What do you do to me, and what do I do to you!

Yan Shi Mei Xing's mind was blank, although she once hoped to be able to break away from Fang Yun and regain [self]. But the accident said it from Fang Yun's mouth with such a scene, which caught her off guard.

"What's wrong with me? Isn't that what I want? This fool even gave me such unique skills as the Five Emperors Star Fist. But why don't I feel happy at all?

I'm not crazy, do I really want to die with him!"

Yan Shi Meixing's heart flashed through one idea after another. But no matter how she thinks and denies it. When Fang Yun said to let her go, there was one thing that could not be denied. She was not happy in her heart, but on the contrary, there was a trace of loss. Looking at the pace of Fang Yun turning around and leaving, I don't know why there was a feeling of emptiness in his heart.

Fang Yun's blood-like eyes appeared in front of Yan Shi Meixing. Somehow, his heart trembled suddenly. During these hours, she has been following Fang Yun. She saw his battle in the capital. The court was as dangerous as an egg, and the persistence that was about to be destroyed. She also saw his thousands of miles to help him. For the immortality of the Heavenly Demon Princess, she also heard with his own ears the heartbreaking howling when his mother passed away.

I don't know when, she gradually developed her original position. I was moved by this affectionate young man who was thousands of years older than himself. In the second son of the Fang family, she felt something that she had never felt before.

She didn't really follow Fang Yun for a long time, and most of the time, she just watched.

Watching him plan his strategy, calm down, watching him cry, watching him laugh, watching him sob.

For the first time, Yan Shi Meixing felt that his previous life in the ancient times was like a walking corpse without any feelings.

At the moment when Fang Yun said to let her go, she suddenly felt fear and hesitated in her heart. Fear of the walking dead, an emotionless life, wandering about the unknown fate of the future.

Looking at Fang Yun's footsteps gradually fading away, a strong desire suddenly appeared in Yan Yan Meixing's heart. Longing to live like Fang Yun, with flesh and blood, love and hate.

"Son, wait a minute..."

The smoke looked at Meixing's "pop" sound, shattered Fang Yun's skill mark left in her [body], and quickly caught up with her. A strong idea suddenly came to her mind. Instead of being so walking dead and living without love or hatred, it is better to live a short time, but vigorously...

" Lou!"

The long-lost fresh air from Middle-earth poured into his nose, and Fang Yun broke through the space and came to this world again. The surrounding ridges are undulating and have not changed much. Looking at this familiar world, Fang Yun couldn't help but feel sad in his heart. The country is still there, but things have been changed.

Everything has not changed, but his mood has completely changed.

"You don't have to be sad. If the old lady is still alive, she must not want to see you like this."

The sound of smoke and charming came from the clock of heaven and earth, comforting.

Yan Shimei didn't leave after all. Her attention has been determined, and even Fang Yun can't change it. In any case, Fang Yun is now wanted by the court, and there is a soul-level strong man around him, which is also a great help.

Fang Yun didn't say anything, but took a deep breath. My mother still has a glimmer of hope that she can come back to life. He still needs to complete it. Before that, there are still many living people who need him to cherish and protect.

"Dai Yue..."

Fang Yun muttered to himself, shook his body, and immediately emptied into the void.

Before Fang Yun left, he left Lan Daiyue in the house to accompany his mother. But when Fang Yun returned, he did not see Lan Daiyue. Moreover, he can also be sure that Lan Daiyue is not in the capital.

He once left a mark on Lan Daiyue's body and could faintly feel her position.