The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 1124 White-browed Fish Without Service

Chapter 1124


As soon as the light exploded, Fang Yun pulled up again. Within a hundred steps, the void was broken. Fang Yun's figure disappeared into it again.

This is a dilapidated cottage in Yuzhou. In the thatched hut is an old Confucian with high morality. Over the age of 80, living in a group, one-minded to study. Almost all the teachers in the village come from old Confucianism. Therefore, people respect this old Confucian very much and rarely disturb him.

Old Confucian students have always lived an isolated life, simple and pure.


As soon as the light flashed, there was one more person in the hut.


With a delicate scolding, in the thatched hut, a woman in a blue skirt suddenly raised her head, but suddenly, her body shook and her lips opened, as if she couldn't make a sound. After a long time, he called out, "Yunlang."

With the sound of "Fang Yun", Lan Daiyue immediately burst into tears and choked, "Yunlang, I'm sorry for you. Old lady, old lady, she..."

Fang Yun sighed and held Lan Daiyue into his arms fiercely: "I know, I know everything. It's not your fault. No wonder, it's only my fault that I didn't see through the true face of the emperor!"

On the wooden table beside him, the old man in a Confucian robe was reading a book, but at this moment, he stood up quietly and left the thatched hut. Leave the lover relatively silent.

I don't know how long it took, Lan Daiyue's mood eased down, so she took out a letter from her arms that had not yet dripped lead and handed it over: "This is the last letter left to you by the old lady."

"Fang Yunwu's son in person."

A line of familiar Juanxiu fonts came into sight, and Fang Yun's nose was sore that he almost burst into tears again. But he took a deep breath and suppressed the sadness. Then I opened the envelope.

This is the letter written by Mrs. Huayang before she died. After reading the letter, Fang Yun's heart seemed to be torn again, and it was painful.

"When several emperors offered wine to pick us up, the old lady forced us to leave first. She said that the Fang family has been loyal for generations and has never been treasonous. If she leaves, it is equivalent to admitting the charges of the court..."

Lan Daiyue cried and couldn't go on any more. She also served Mrs. Huayang for a long time. For Mrs. Huayang, she is regarded as a relative. Just like your own mother.

Fang Yun couldn't help crying. The mother and son were connected to each other. In one night, heaven and man were forever separated. How could he not be sad? It's just that he didn't cry.

Fang Yun knows her mother's character. She would rather die frankly than live. My mother comes from a scholarly family and has a strong concept of honor and disgrace since she was a child. Moreover, under the canonization of the imperial court's wife, it is absolutely not allowed to bear the charge of treason and live.

Mrs. Huayang is just a female stream, but Fang Yun understands that her inner persistence and principles are no worse than any moral scholar.

Mothers are rarely mixed with politics. But Fang Yun has already understood that his mother's intelligence is no worse than his own. Her intelligence is enough for her to see through. She is the target of the emperor. It is completely impossible for everyone in the Fang family to leave secretly. At that time, no one on the other side can leave. Only when she stays and the rest of the house can there be hope to escape!

This letter is proof.

"Dai Yue, you don't have to blame yourself. Although the mother died, she did not have no hope of resurrection.

Fang Yun said, so he said what the clock of heaven and earth said.


Lan Daiyue said infatuatedly and couldn't believe it.


Fang Yun nodded and said silently in his heart, "No matter what the price is, I will definitely do it."

"That's great!"

Lan Daiyue couldn't help crying with joy.

With Lan Daiyue, Fang Yun did not hesitate at all, and soon went to the place where the suzerain and his wife of Tianmo and others stayed.

"Fang Yun, I'm sorry by the way."

The two heard about Mrs. Huayang and were extremely sympathetic to the Fang family. When the two of them talked about this, they both avoided the Heavenly Demon Princess. I ordered her sleeping hole in advance.

"Thank you, uncle and aunt."

Fang Yun doesn't want to say more about this matter. First, it doesn't work, and second, it's even more sad to mention it. Turn to:

"My heaven and earth have become their own world. Although it is not as good as the space for world-class strong people to gather. But it's just a difference in the energy of the whole space. It can also accelerate the flow of time and open up new spaces. At the same time, it can also help the aunt heal her soul injury.

The Heavenly Demon Master and his wife looked at each other, and then the Heavenly Demon Master nodded:

"That's good. Anyway, we have nowhere to go now."

After some discussion, the two took the Heavenly Demon Princess and lived together in the clock of heaven and earth. Although this world presents a vast land, in addition to this land, Fang Yun has split many independent small spaces.

Tianmo Suzerain and his wife randomly chose a small independent space and then lived in it.

After doing this, Fang Yun was about to leave. Suddenly, my heart moved, and there was another burst of painstaking efforts. Stop immediately and use the innate number technique to deduce the Palm Sutra.


Fang Yun was shocked. In the deduction, he clearly saw a familiar figure, floating across the sea and reaching Middle-earth land.


Fang Yun's body shook, and the infinite true qi exploded, which immediately turned into a black lightning, shuttled through the endless space and went to the land in the south.


After Fang Yun left, for about half an hour, with a "buzz", the space he had been in was suddenly torn apart like a mirror. Several burly figures, dressed in ferocious armor, stepped into the space. These people are like thunder, emitting a tragic smell of birth and death on the battlefield, like a prison.

"What's going on? Unexpectedly, there is no one?"

The last generation of Shengwuhou looked around, and the huge mind covered the whole space, and soon took it back like a tide.

"Did the Three Heavenly Machines make a mistake? Isn't Fang Yun in this space?

The Marquis of Yuanwu of the previous generation was puzzled.

"According to the opinion of miscellaneous families, this is not necessarily the same."

A shrill voice said, but this man was a gray-haired and white-faced eunuch in brocade. His eyebrows are like lying silkworms, and the flowers are as white as snow. Obviously, he has lived for a long time. Although he is a eunuch, his breath is even stronger than that of the previous Shengwuhou and Yuanwuhou. The breath of a world emanating from his body seems to be stronger than that of Yu Invincible's life.

Although he was an eunuch, the two superior marquises were extremely respectful in front of him. This old eunuch, called Yu Wufu, is the general manager of the Shang Dynasty. He was a peerless master more than a thousand years ago. Later, for some reason, he obeyed the Taizu of the Zhou Dynasty. I don't know how many generations of emperors have served.

In addition to today's emperor, this old eunuch is the strongest person who can really control the scene in the palace. He hasn't taken action for more than 300 years. The last time he took action was at the time of Emperor Wuhou's rebellion. The old eunuch directly hit the imperial marquis, and his strength was unfathomable.

Yu died invincible, and the two previous Wuhou could not control the scene. I'm not sure that Fang Yun can be suppressed. The emperor just sent this fishless suit, the fish father-in-law. It is said that Taizu's martial arts were all passed down to the fish father-in-law. He can even learn from the five emperors.

This time, the father and son of the Fang family were arrested, and the two of them were still assisted. This fishless fish is the real main force.

"What does the fish father-in-law mean?"

The Marquis of Yuanwu of the previous generation asked hesitantly.


The fish is as thin as a bamboo knot, but its jade-white fingers move, and a few inconspicuous drops of blood and soil on the ground fall into the palm of the hand:

"I heard that the little thief saved the Tianmo sect couple. That couple should be by his side. Several martial arts marquis are all strong people today. If you feel it carefully, you should be able to feel something.

Of course, the two found out, but at first, they were focused on searching for the whereabouts of Fang Yin and Fang Yun. So there are no other details.

"The meaning of the fish, this is the blood of the heavenly demon master and his wife. And Fang Yun and Fang Yin have ever stayed here with the suzerain and his wife?

The two of them will meet immediately.

"More than that, there should be nothing wrong with the deduction of Mr. Three Heavenly Machines. Lian Shanyi is ranked among the eight, and it is not without reason.

The old eunuch narrowed his eyelids and shot out a wisp of chilling cold light:

"It seems that someone secretly helped the father and son."

The old eunuch said, raised his head and looked at the void. No one knows what he is thinking.

"Let's go."

As soon as the sound fell, three wisps of wind shook, and several people shook the space and disappeared as if they were coming.


At the same time, on a mountain outside Xuzhou, Pang Juyuan, the descendant of Beidou, slowly opened his eyes, opened his eyes, and was slightly relieved:

"Lian Shan Yi" is really awesome, and I can only interfere and delay the time when they find Fang Yun's location. But it can't mislead them. After this time, I'm afraid Mr. Tianji will find out my existence. I have to be careful."

Tianji's fighting method is very dangerous, especially after the three Mr. Tianji returned to the court, Pang Juyuan's behavior became even more dangerous. However, it is not unreasonable for the ancient Big Dipper Palace to rank among the ancient schools by innate mathematics.

Mr. Three Heavenly Machines wants to deal with Pang Juyuan, which is not so easy in a short time.


Pang Juyuan disappeared from the mountain immediately. Fang Yun was shrouded in the breath of heaven and earth, and it was difficult for Pang Juyuan to calculate his accurate information. Unlike Mr. Three Heavenly Machines, there is an emperor at the peak of Xuanming behind him to support him.

"Ba Suo" and the strong strength of the human emperor, the combination of the two, even the heavenly magic weapon, is difficult to block their perception. In particular, there are many indirect methods to calculate the position of the other party in congenital mathematics. For example, if you can't calculate the position of the other party, you can calculate the position that the other party can't appear, and finally indirectly figure out the position of the other party.

Although this calculation is extremely cumbersome and exhausting. But the three heavenly machines have someone as the backing. Naturally, they won't care about this, at least it consumes the true spirit of some emperors. RO