The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 1129 The Secret of the Emperor 3

In Fang Yun's pupils, a touch of deep hatred passed. No matter what the emperor's transformation, there is a reason. No matter how reasonable his behavior is, it can't change his belief in Liu Wei's death.

"Liu Qian, no matter how much imperial mind you have read, and no matter how deep your mind is.

Even if you practice to the perfect state of the three souls, you will kill you and avenge your mother!"

After a moment of silence, Fang Yun suddenly raised his head, looked indifferent, and said calmly, "Teachers, I want to know, what is the purpose of the emperor? The teacher used "Zhou Yi" to deduce. As far as I know, in the end, in addition to one deduction for the emperor, there were also two deductions in the end.

I want to know what the teacher has seen in the future? This question is related to the "great disaster of heaven and earth" mentioned by the three sacrificial wines, which is also what other people want to ask. So when Fang Yun finished speaking, they all watched the three emperors sacrificial wine.

"The sky collapsed and the earth split, the Middle-earth Shenzhou was divided, and the endless demons poured into Jiuzhou from the passage opened by the human emperor's holy sword. All the people slaughtered, the blood flowed into a sea, and the corpses piled up into rivers! The land of Jiuzhou has turned into ashes!" The three emperors sacrificed wine with an unprecedented heavy and sad look: "It is the human emperor who caused all this!"


Zhao Boyan, Pang Juyuan and Fang Yun were shocked all over, showing an extremely shocked look.

The sky collapses and the earth cracks, the divine continent is shattered, and the slaughter of the world is exhausted. If this really happens, it means the extinction of an era. In comparison, the replacement of that dynasty is really insignificant. In contrast, even the "dark age" of the Middle Ages seems to be in a much better situation.

At least, at the time of sectarian rule. Although it is dark, there are still people in the world. The era has not yet come to an end!

"You should now understand why the emperor got the sword of the ancient three emperors, but the master did not cast the sword for him. Even after death, he told him to drink and bless him, and he should not sacrifice the emperor's holy sword! Compared with such an end of the world, it is much better for the world to return to the rule of the sect.

Pang Juyuan took a look at Fang Yun and saw the same response from Fang Yun's eyes. Nodding, Pang Juyuan said, "You are the first to blame, the younger generation has something unclear.

The emperor tried his best to break the seal of the emperor's holy sword. Its purpose is just to establish a strong centralization of power in the central royal family. Why do you want to destroy Jiuzhou? Moreover, although there are evil monks between heaven and earth, there should be no demons. In the teacher's prophecy, where did the demons he saw come from? Moreover, why did it come because of the sword of the Holy Emperor?" Let me answer you about this!"

A loud voice sounded around everyone. The wind suddenly rose, and a dazzling magnificent atmosphere turned into a long rainbow, broke through the air, and came to the Meihuā forest on the edge of the Jixia School Palace. In front of the three people, an old man in Confucianism suddenly appeared, with a powerful expression and jealous of evil!


Fang Yun was shocked, stood up, bowed and saluted. In the battle of Shangjing, after the victory of the emperor, the three princes disappeared without a trace. Now it seems that they have come to the Jixia School Palace.

Zhao Boyan and Pang Juyuan saw Fang Yun get up, and then they got up and saluted.

"Fang Yun, there is no need to be polite. I have heard about Wu Mu and your mother. My condolences!" Taibao sighed. He has always been unseeing the other party, and he failed to step over the word "loyalty" written by Taifu. Taibao has always been in his arms. However, now I see the transformation of the human emperor and the blood-red pupils of Fang Yun. Lord Taibao, who is jealous of evil and can't have any sand in his eyes, can't help but feel a trace of complex feelings in his heart. I can understand Fang Yun's original choice a lot.

"Lord Taibao, don't you know that Taifu and Taizai are there? Are you also in Jixia Xuegong? Fang Yun asked.

"Hmm. In the battle of Shangjing, the vast river accumulated by Confucianism for thousands of years was almost exhausted.

is doomed to go downhill. The general trend is that non-human resources can do it. For the sake of the incense of Confucianism, we all retreated here. Now Taifu and Dazai, who were summoned by all the great Confucians, have entered the Jixia School to study the greatest secret of Confucianism. What's the big secret of Confucianism? Taibao didn't say it. Fang Yun is not easy to ask.

"Lord Taibao, I don't know what the secret of the human emperor's sword is. Why did the master leave a letter when he was dying, asking the wine not to sacrifice the sword? Moreover, why did Liu think that if he got the human emperor's sword, he would attract hundreds of millions of demons to appear in the world?

Fang Yun asked directly without being wordy.

"It's not the human emperor's sword that attracts the demons of heaven and earth, but just afraid of the opposite. It's the human emperor's sword [town] to suppress the demons of heaven and earth."

Taibao shook his head, and as soon as he opened his mouth, Shi Potian was shocked: "What Liu Fu did was just to release the demon who sealed the human emperor's sword." When it comes to the emperor, the Taibao is no longer a respectful title. Instead, he called his real name directly. Obviously, the series of actions of the queen made the royalist old Taibao, who was loyal to the imperial court and loyal to the emperor, was also deeply disappointed.

"As for the origin of those demons, it's simpler.

Seventy-two layers of earth, thirty-six layers of Tiangong, square clouds! Don't you know the origin of these demons?

Taibao glanced at Fang Yun and his eyes were shining brightly.


Fang Yun was shocked and looked at Taibao in disbelief. Taibao took the lead slightly and directly affirmed his guess.

"If martial arts want to reach the highest level of martial arts, 1 must be out of the body and experience two layers of the world.

That's the 72-story world and the 36-story world. These two demonic worlds,

One yin and one yang contains the power of evil. It has existed since ancient times. Even in the Middle Ages, if the ancient martial artists want to reach the divine realm, they have to experience the hardships of these two worlds.

Taibao's eyes were bright and powerful: "These two demon worlds seem to have existed since ancient times. No one knows where they came from.

However, sectarian martial artists don't know, but they can't hide it from us Confucianism. The so-called thirty-six heavens and seventy-two earth evils are not the origin of heaven and earth at all. It's the work of acquired manpower. The endless earth demons and countless Heavenly Demons are all acquired and sealed with incredible magic power. It is not others who created these two sealed worlds, but the three humane emperors in ancient times!"

This big secret is shocking. Zhao Boyan and Pang Juyuan were shocked to the face.

The color change is terrible.

The Taibao didn't seem to be shocked enough, and then said, "However, it was not these vast little demons that were sealed by the three emperors in ancient times. The real sealing object is still above the thirty-six layers of Tianhang world, a higher level. And seventy-two layers of the world, a deeper place. Fang Yun, you are a legend. When you practice martial arts, you should feel it. There is a strange feeling in the deepest part of the two sealed worlds.

Fang Yun was silent, but he nodded secretly in his heart. With his current state, a breath connects heaven and earth. It can indeed sense a lot of mysterious things.

The world of earth and the world of Tianang are two important stages for warriors to hone their will. After passing, the will will be more firm, and the cultivation will also reach the level of celestial phenomena. After the grinding of these two worlds, few people will sink their consciousness into these two worlds.

However, there are some things that can still be felt. Every time I practice breathing, my breath penetrates the world. Fang Yun could hear a lot of demons, sad roars, like the sound of the wind. The sound is very far away, coming from the deepest part of the earth and the sky, if there is nothing, and it is extremely fierce.

Fang Yun has always thought it was a normal phenomenon, and his body was not different. So I didn't care. However, I heard from Taibao at this time. I just feel that I'm afraid it's not that simple.

"After I entered the realm of heaven, once my consciousness sank into the bottom of the world. There, I once felt a strong sense of danger. It seems that countless vicious demons are buried below. However, in the deepest part of there, it was dark. It is difficult to extend consciousness. It can't be found. Therefore, there is no in-depth study.

Fang Yun said.

The martial artist takes improving his own strength as the first priority, and is not very interested in pure curiosity.

"The most basic knowledge of the world is darkness. And it is boundless and difficult to pry into. It is difficult for other warriors to explore, but they can't hide the induction of our Confucianism. I once entered the world of Earth, and under the 72nd floor, I also found a world. There, I saw the golden seal seal of the three emperors in ancient times.

Confucianism has no power to bind chickens, does not have martial arts, and does not practice martial arts. Only Taibao is very special. He is the only Confucian who has been entrusted with the inheritance of Confucianism to practice martial arts. In the underground world, the magic is surging, and the magnificent spirit of Confucianism restrains each other. In this world, any different existence can be perceived by a strong Confucian like Taibao.

It's like seeing a lighthouse in the dark sea. The darkness is boundless, and the lighthouse is only a tiny point in the vast sea. But for those who sail in the dark, it is extremely eye-catching.

"Although Liu Qian's martial arts realm, there is still a big gap compared with the ancient three emperors. But in his hand, there is already a "human emperor's holy sword" that symbolizes humanity, and it is not a problem to open the seal of the three emperors with some means. What I'm worried about now is that his desire will expand indefinitely after getting the human emperor's holy sword. Coupled with excessive self-confidence and excessive conceit, I'm afraid that he will really make that irreparable mistake as the teacher predicted.

Now he, the party is the same, arbitrary, unprecedent self-confidence, and unprecedented conceit, and can no longer listen to any opinions. If you rashly anger him, I'm afraid it won't do you any good, but you will kill him in vain!" ( To be continued.