The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 1130 Encountering the Holy Witch

"He doesn't need any opinions anymore. Only blood and swords can make him listen.

Fang Yun said coldly.

Taibao looked at Fang Yun, was stunned, and said for a long time, "Fang Yun, the emperor is actually not evil by nature. He could have become a wise monarch through the ages, but unfortunately, he could not restrain his desire. In the future, if possible, I hope you can give him another chance to correct his mistakes.

Taibao is loyal to the royal family, although the behavior of the queen made him extremely disappointed and chilled. But deep in his heart, he still hopes to give the emperor a chance.

"It's hard to obey."

Fang Yun's answer was resolute, without hesitation, and deep hatred appeared in his eyes: "Only blood can wash away blood. Don't mention this matter in the future!"

Fang Yun does not have the strength to fight against the emperor now, but it does not mean that he will not have it in the future. If that really happens, Fang Yun will never give the emperor a chance!

Taibao was stunned and knew the hatred between Fang Yun and the human emperor. With the death of Mrs. Huayang, it was difficult to have a place to turn around. With a sigh, I can only stop thinking about it.

"Lord Taibao, three sacrificial wines, if there is nothing else to do, please forgive Fang Yun for leaving first.

After saying that, Fang Yun immediately stood up, arched his hand, and was about to leave immediately.

Know the secret of the emperor, and the final agreement with the teacher has also been reached. It is meaningless to stay here.

"Wait a minute."

The three sacrificial wines quickly stood up, took a few steps, and walked to Fang Yun.

The sacrificial wine led by "Fang Yun" lowered a little and said, "Before the teacher dies, I want to give you a message."

Fang Yun's eyelids jumped and he suddenly raised his head. I heard a thin voice in my ear: "The teacher told you to make good use of the clock of heaven and earth. And "

"Okay, let's go!"

The three emperors sacrificed wine before everyone could react. They retreated and arched their hands to make a farewell. I only heard a "boom" of the buzzing of heaven and earth, and a huge, overwhelming atmosphere came to the world. Just a shock, he pushed several people out and sent them out of the space where the Jixia School Palace was located.

"Sers of wine sacrifice, do you think Fang Yun can really deal with the emperor? Did the teacher really see such a future in the deduction?

Taibao looked at the back of the three people leaving and said worriedly.

"Lord Taibao, there is no deduction anymore. The teacher just did his best. Now, everything that can be done has been done. Whether Fang Yun succeeds in the end or not, it has nothing to do with us.

The three sacrificial wines said and stood up straight. The expression seems very flat. Confucianism has no power to bind chickens, and it is impractical to wait for them to fight against the emperor. Among other things, the ordinary forbidden army in the imperial city alone can kill all the great Confucians.

For Confucianism, death has always been very indifferent. Even if there is no change in the human emperor, they can't escape death after all. The change of the emperor has no effect on them. Even if he warned Fang Yun, it was just to follow the last wish of the teacher, out of respect for the teacher.

"The research in the school has gone through several times, and now it has entered the most critical moment. Let's go in and have a look."

Several people said and turned around and walked to the towering Jixia School Palace in the distance. Just a few people took a few steps. Suddenly, they only heard a bang, and a milky white vast light rose to the sky. In an instant, they immediately disappeared and integrated into this unknown space and turned into a rich ocean of vastness.

And when the vast spirit rose to the sky, in the depths of the Jixia School Palace, a breath of life also quickly disappeared.

A few people's hearts tightened, and they immediately accelerated their pace.

In the end, there will be an end of manpower. Although in the Jixia School, the aging rate of Confucianism is much slower. But after all, there is an end. This kind of exhaustive research is the most important thing to consume the life of essence and blood. The speed of death of the great Confucians is accelerating greatly.

"Bun Bang Bang"

Enter the Jixia School Palace and pass through the long corridor. In the deepest part of the Jixia School Palace, Taibao and the three sacrificial wines stopped. In this huge core space, nearly a hundred Confucians, with poor heads and dense scriptures, are kneeling on the ground. In front of them, there is a large amount of paper.

There is ink next to it. Piles of thick documents are stacked and stacked beside you, like a pile of hills.

In the Jixia School Palace, although there are a lot of people. But everything is in order and extremely orderly. From time to time, someone collects and organizes the streamlined information from behind a famous Confucian, summarizes it, and then circulates it one by one.

In this place, everyone is focused. It seems to be completely enchanted. No one noticed the three sacrificial wine and Taibao who came in.

This is an extremely sacred place. It is not because of the concentration of generations of respected Confucianism here, but because the origin of the whole Confucian civilization is almost all from this.

This is the birthplace of Confucianism!

Now, the research here has reached the last step. There is only the last piece of parchment roll left.

Taibao looked up at the center of the space, where a four-sided step was arched high.

In the center of the arch, there is a slightly blackened parchment roll. It is only the size of a palm, but the smell is extremely ancient. It is much older than the existence of heaven and earth and the origin of civilization.

Judging from the role of the Taibao, you can see that it is full of lines of small golden words, which is extremely ancient. Even the most profound Confucians don't recognize it.

That's the word of the Creator in the dark!

This is the biggest secret of Confucianism, a parchment roll containing all the mysteries of heaven and earth. Confucianism calls it a "starting chapter"!

The light flashed in front of me, and a vast mountain and river came towards me. Fang Yun and the other two immediately appeared in a strange mountain.

"Your Excellency, where are we going now?"

Zhao Boyan asked.

"We are in the same place and can't stay too long. Otherwise, Mr. Three Heavenly Machines will quickly feel our position. Of course, except for the Jixia School Palace.

Pang Juyuan Road. With his ability, he can't see that the Jixia School Palace, which he has just arrived at, is in the void. That special space, like a piece of white paper, makes it impossible for people to collect any useful information at all.

Pang Juyuan raised his head and habitually glanced at the sky. At the same time, he pinched his palm and subconsciously used "purple micro bucket number". This is what he is good at. For a long time, he has gradually formed a habit.

However, in a pinch, Pang Juyuan's face suddenly changed, and he suddenly turned his head: "Brother Boyan, our martial arts skills are low. It's better to enter Brother Fang's heaven and earth Wanhua clock to practice.

As for where to go, Brother Fang can decide at will.

He said this in a hurry and panic. Zhao Boyan was stunned, looked blank, and subconsciously nodded: "Okay, okay..." Fang Yun glanced at Pang Juyuan and was about to say something. Suddenly, his heart was shocked and he stood up.

"That's good. You two go in first."

Fang Yun's expression quickly returned to normal. He swept the sleeves, opened a gap, and immediately took Zhao Boyan and Pang Juyuan in.

"Come out!"

Fang Yun's robe shook, with his hands behind his back, and said coldly.

"Qing Jie Jie"

In the originally empty void, suddenly, the wind was blowing and the rolling dark clouds oozed out of the void in all directions, covering the square cloud within a hundred steps. A strange smile came from the void..

"The great son of fate, our Holy Witch Church has been waiting for you for nearly ten thousand years. Now the time has come, and the patriarch has welcomed each other in the sect. Please come with us!"

With this strange laughter, there was a sudden death between heaven and earth. Breathing thunder one after another, the powerful breath that shook all directions appeared out of thin air. These people don't say much. They change their bodies and turn into rope chains, crisscrossing around the square clouds.

Each of these chains has a thick fist, and the whole body is dark, with a gloomy smell of death, as if thrown from another world, burning black flames all over the body.

The cable chain slides, making a harsh sound, click!

These more than ten chains are not magic weapons, but they are more powerful than any magic weapons. This is a top strong man who pulls his body and skeleton into substantial iron locks, and locks the space around Fang Yun in an instant. This kind of lock is much more powerful than any Taoism and any magic weapon!

"Hmm! With your ten skeletons, you want to imprison me!"

Fang Yun did not move. As soon as the real qi in the body was shaken, he wanted to burst out a shocking power to break these iron locks. He has already felt that these people are the elders of the Holy Witch Church!



A desolate and ancient roar came out of the void in all directions. In the rolling fog, only a series of explosions immediately stood up with a huge and ferocious shadow. All of them were flames, and the fierce breath swallowed the sea and swept across the eight poles.

Fang Yun was about to take action when these ten ferocious shadows appeared, and the "Five Prison Bone Emperors" who were firmly controlled in the [body] suddenly broke away from Fang Yun's control.


A continuous true qi exploded from the [body] of Fang Yun. In an instant, it rushed into the limbs and eight bones, disturbing the true qi of Fang Yun.

This dark true qi rushed out of Fang Yun's body, and immediately another extremely huge and ferocious magic shadow echoed with the other ten ancient demon kings. This close connection in the dark even transcends the sacrificial relationship between martial artists and magic weapons!



The desolate roar came from the void. The ancient demon kings echoed each other on the eleven heads.

Fang Yun immediately felt the breath of the ten elders of the Holy Witch Religion, like the sea, pouring into his [body] together.