The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 1155 Clean up the portal

"You? Too weak. Practice for a thousand years, and then say this sentence.

Fang Yun said coldly, and his voice was full of disdain. After saying this, Fang Yun ignored it and went straight ahead. In an instant, he came to the purple mask.

Fang Yun just took a look and knew that the purple mask in front of him was a powerful prohibition, which was integrated with the array of nine golden pillars. To enter the beam of light, you need to consume a lot of energy. Unfortunately, this move is obviously not applicable to the other party.

"Buzz!" Fang Yun bowed and immediately stepped into the purple mask. A golden light mask burst out of his [body]. In front of the clock of heaven and earth, no prohibition can work. As soon as the light flashed, Fang Yun immediately entered it.

"Fang Yun, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

A majestic and magnificent voice, standing above everything, falling from a very high place.

Fang Yunhuo looked up and followed the sound. At a glance, he saw the highest point of the Golden Palace, a small black shadow standing on it. Inside the purple mask, the space is much larger than seen by the outside world. Obviously, it has been transformed by the law of space here with great magic.

It is not the first time that Fang Yun has seen [Zhong] Yang Longting, but now [Zhong] Yang Longting and Fang Yun have completely different differences. The whole [Zhong] Yanglong Court is more majestic and magnificent.

The stairs are pulled up, and the highest point is more than 3,000 feet from the ground. It's like a majestic and huge mountain range.

Around this tower-style building, nine golden dragons were angry and stared at the nine directions. At the bottom of the stairs, upright figures, like iron towers, stand on the ground.

Standing in the middle of the most [middle] is the prince of Pluto. His eyes were terrible, like a bald eagle. His skin was pale and bloodless, as if he had been resurrected from the grave. A stream of corpse gas turned into clouds and fog, wrapped around him.

The same appearance, but the temperament has completely changed. Fang Yun only took a look and knew what had happened.

"The corpse demon emperor..." A trace of pity passed through Fang Yun's eyes. It is obvious that the prince of Pluto has been taken away by the nine babies of the corpse demon. In the three years of my absence, a lot of changes have indeed taken place.

The left side of the corpse demon emperor is the ancestor of the world, or it should be said to be the nose of the ancient Wanji Sword School. And on his right, a young man indifferent white clothes, wrapped in sword spirit made people dare not look at him. It was Di Yi. His breath at this moment, with a strong breath of the law of the earth, has obviously stepped into the realm of the earth's soul.

"Emperor One" and the time of the legendary world, he has the strength to kill the sky-level giant of the soul realm in seconds. Now that it has reached the realm of the earth and soul, with the three-handled sword sect artifact, it has the strength to sit on an equal footing with the ancestors of the world, and even the strength to win.

In addition to these people, there are also many palace strongmen with bronze heavy armor.

These fierce eyes stared fiercely at Fang Yun, who appeared in the purple mask.

These people, Fang Yun, are quite face-to-face. But the breath they exuded was not at all under the "fishless" of the eunuch in brocade that Fang Yun had met. In addition to these people, there are also some strong men of the Holy Punishment Army. Over the years, Liu has been using a lot of force, and a large number of martial arts geniuses have appeared.

"Hey hey."

The corpse demon Jiuying's eyes were evil and turned bone: "I want to meet your majesty. Let's go through our level first." Do ancient kings only have this dignity? Unexpectedly, he surrendered to an ancient emperor. Fang Yun said coldly. He felt that the [body] belonged to the soul of the emperor of the devil, and he was ready to move and wanted to break out. The feud between the two sides has lasted for several times. Now that they meet again, how can they stand it?

"Hey, you belong to the divine power of the devil. Sooner or later, it belongs to me. I'm going to suck up every of your magic power. The corpse demon emperor licked his lips and waved his arm: "Kill him!"


The sky shook, and the real qi rose to the sky. Dragon, Thunder Axe, Corpse Claw, Peak, Iron Fist...

Each of them is huge and countless, and the worst is nearly a thousand miles. As if the ancient giants had attacked, they were overwhelming and earth-shaking, and omnipotent.

However, the first attack to arrive was a sword spirit. This sword spirit is actually formed by overlapping. The first sword spirit has just been released, and the third sword spirit has arrived. The dazzling sword spirit is earth-shaking, as if it has blown up thousands of suns. The burning white light turns the purple mask into a day, and I can't open my eyes at all.

Diyi's kendo has exceeded the limit of speed. In the past, Fang Yun was afraid that he had no time to dodge, and he had already been split in half.


In the face of earth-shaking energy, Fang Yun only had two words, and then took action. He stepped away and didn't look at the attacks around him at all, bringing out tens of thousands of remnants and moving forward calmly.

Diyi's sword spirit is fast, but Fang Yun's speed is faster than Diyi's sword spirit. No one reacted, and Fang Yun had already walked leisurely, crossed countless destructive cracks and appeared behind the crowd.

"Come out!"

Fang Yun has an arm, and a good figure appears immediately on the left and right sides. From left to right, stand in a straight line with Fang Yun.

"There is only one opponent. For the rest of you, I have arranged all your opponents for you!" Fang Yun turned his back to the crowd, and the strong wave of consciousness sounded in the ears of the strong in every court.

"Tianmo Suzerain, Father, they will be left to you!

Go ahead!"

Fang Yun said, and his body was shaken up. The figures flew out immediately.

Chaotic ancestor, dark emperor, fish without clothes, Chen Ba,

, these giants sealed and controlled by Fang Yun, gathered the kendo masters such as Fang Yin, the suzerain of the Heavenly Demon, and the suzerain Li Fengdao, the killing suzerain, broke out of the air and met the ancestors of the world and others.

"Traitor, today is the time for our Jianzong to clean up the door!

Take your life!" As soon as the master of Kendo, such as the patriarch of Cangsheng, saw the ancestor of Cangsheng, immediately saw the bleeding light in his eyes. I can't wait to swallow him alive.

"Hey hey, you want to deal with me. Your ability is still a little poor!"

The body of the Cangshi Demon Sect twisted and unexpectedly changed its appearance. His hair, from the root to the tip of his hair, became extremely dark. The face has also changed from old to young and fierce.

"If you recognize it, there is no need to hide it. Today, I will let you die completely in my hands!" In the blink of an eye, the two sides fought with swordsmanship and fought together.

"Devil beast, do you still recognize me?!"

Just as the emperor was about to join the war group, suddenly the figure flashed, and there was an old man in front of him. The emperor was calm, and when he saw the old man, he couldn't help but change his color: "Master!"

It's not someone else who stands in front of the emperor. It is the division of Emperor Yi, the elder of Jianzong Killing Fairy Town.

"Devil beast! Don't you repent when you bully your master and destroy your ancestors? Elder Li stared at Di Yi and trembled with anger.

"If it has been done, there is no turning back. Master, let's get out of the way. Otherwise, don't blame the emperor for being ruthless!"

The emperor hesitated for a moment, and soon became iron-hearted.

"Devil beast, don't you know what's wrong?"

Elder Li finally suppressed his anger, and his fingers were like a sword, which was a sword spirit.

"If you want to do it, no wonder I am!" The emperor made a sound and then took action. With a bang, a sword spirit rushed out of the sky,

He fell down to Elder Li. However, unexpectedly, Elder Li pinched a sword and pointed to the void. The sword light emitted by the emperor swirled in the air and actually fell into the hands of Elder Li. The sword light contracted and still turned into a silver simple sword.

"Kill the Fairy Sword!" The emperor was shocked. He had already refined the sword, but it fell into the hands of Elder Li.

"Teacher's apprentice, kill the master. Evil beast, do you really think that you have fully learned the martial arts of Jianzong?

I didn't want to use this trick. However, you really disappointed me. You forced me to have no choice. Today, I will clean up the door on behalf of the suzerain.

As soon as the sword light of the elder of the Killing Immortal Hall was raised, it was immediately a shocking sword spirit, breaking out of the air and cutting his face at the emperor. The sword is so fast, and the sword is so powerful that it is not under the emperor.

"Boom!" Between the lightning and the fire, a thunder flashed, and the two of them collided fiercely in the void.

In the purple gas mask, under the layers of golden steps, it soon turned into a battlefield.

"Qi Jie, 1 boy, do you think you can get rid of me?" With a strange laughter, there was a figure in front of Fang Yun, in front of the golden steps leading to the peak of the Yanglong Court. Wearing a robe, his skin is as pale as snow.

It's the nine babies of the corpse demon.

Its nails are nine inches long and black, which are quenched at first glance. Those fierce eyes stared at Fang Yun without blinking. The corpse demon Jiuying is an ancient demon god, which is equivalent to the emperor of the underworld, which is not blocked by others at all. In fact, the corpse demon Jiuying didn't pay attention to others at all.

In my eyes, there is only Fang Yun. Only Fang Yun is the hidden emperor of the devil. After capturing Fang Yun, it can get the Taoism and divine power of Fang Yun, the emperor of the devil. It can become more powerful.

Fang Yun stopped, looked at Jiuying, the son of the corpse demon, and shook his head indifferently: "Your opponent is not me."

"Oh?" The black eyes of the corpse demon emperor turned a little, showing a suspicious look: "1 car, what do you mean?" Boom!"

The corpse demon emperor didn't finish his words. Suddenly, a powerful force broke through countless voids and bombarded the purple light shield. Jiuying, the son of the corpse demon, was surprised. At the moment he raised his head, a piece of green suddenly fell. Before the corpse emperor could react, he was pulled into another world by an incredible force and quickly disappeared.

"Fang Yun, the corpse demon emperor gave it to me. You are a little one." Leaving this sentence, the Eternal Qingtian Emperor quickly disappeared with the breath of the corpse demon emperor. It's so fast that everyone can't react.