The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 1156 Brothers Meet


Fang Yunxuan shrank his magic power and walked up the steps step by step. The closer to the towering [Zhong] top of the Central Dragon Court, the more powerful the invisible pressure will be. That kind of strong soul oppression is enough to make a huge wild beast die halfway. The power has not reached the world level, and I'm afraid I can't even climb halfway up the mountain.

Because all this pressure comes from Liu Lin, the most powerful emperor and warrior in ancient times!

Fang Yun's expression is as usual, and all spiritual pressures and attacks can be ignored for him. There is no doubt that Liu Lin is the strongest in ancient times. If it had been before, Fang Yun would not even be qualified to be his enemy. But now it's different, everything has changed.


Fang Yun stepped out in one step, and this huge golden building, like an ancient giant beast, shook it violently. This is a powerful battle and a prelude to the battle. Liu Yang has already raised his momentum to the peak. Fang Yun must break his momentum step by step and plant his own brand in his heart.

Fang Yun's footsteps are getting heavier and heavier. The whole golden building moaned at his feet, shaking more and more violently. I don't know how long it took, the seemingly endless ladder finally disappeared. Fang Yun climbed to the top of the Yanglong Court. In this position, even the figure below became small.

[Middle] At the top of the Yanglong Court, a powerful figure, wearing a noble purple emperor, sat on the hollowed-out Kowloon chair with a golden knife. The red jade-like palm pressed on the handrail of the faucet, showing an invisible smell of power.

His eyes were like the gaze of an outsider. It is enough to make any weak-willed person cringe and dare not look at each other. This person is enough to make the people in the mainland feel humble and small.

Liu kang!

Fang Yun's eyes only stayed on Liu Yu for a moment, and then moved away. On the left side of Liu Yong, there are two brothers, Li Guang and Li Chen. Fang Yun only took a look and knew that the faint Buddha power felt in the nine golden beams of light came from these two brothers.

Thirty-six layers of heavenly demons and seventy-two earth demons are sealed, including the contributions of the ancient Buddha Shakya Wenmuni's ancient Buddha. As the descendant of Buddhism, Li Guang is obviously the best to unseal one of the candidates.

Fang Yun's eyes stayed on the Li Guang brothers for a moment, and then moved to the last figure.

"Big brother..."

Fang Yun opened his mouth, and a trace of heartache flashed in the depths of his pupils. Standing on the right side of Liu Lin is not someone else, but Fang Yun's eldest brother, Fang Lin, a righteous Marquis.

The position where Fang Lin stands beside Liu Yu is closer than the two brothers Li Guang and Li Chen. It is almost necessary to form a posture of sitting on an equal footing with Liu Yaoping. Hearing Fang Yun's call, there was any change on Fang Lin's face, as if he couldn't hear it.

His eyes looked ahead, indifferent and empty, like an ice sculpture.

"Brothers, it's really touching to recognize each other."

Liu Yang sat on the throne of Kowloon, with a sneer on his face: "Fang Lin, why don't you go up and recognize each other?"

Fang Lin's body shook, and finally there was a trace of expression. He looked at Fang Yun, who was standing on the steps, moved over again, and said calmly, "I only know your majesty in my heart, but I don't know that there is a brother."

Fang Yun twitched fiercely when he heard the words. Fang Lin's words were undoubtedly a blow to him. It's just that Fang Yun is no longer what he used to be. No matter what Fang Lin said, Fang Yun knew that the eldest brother in his memory might change, but his feelings for his family would never change.

"Is it because of Princess Fukang?"

Fang Yun took a deep breath and said calmly, "It's because of Princess Fukang. Liu Yong, you are really shameful to me. Unexpectedly, he used his daughter as a bargaining chip to blackmail our family.

beside him, Fang Lin's pupil suddenly **. Although the action was fast and difficult to detect, Fang Yun felt it clearly. I am also more and more sure of the speculation in my heart.

"Those who achieve great things are not limited to trifles. What's more, Fukang is the daughter of Lian. It is already a great favor to keep your eldest brother. Do you think that the League will also give his daughter to a traitor?

Liu Duan held the handrail, and his great body slowly stood up from the throne. His eyes were as high as the sky, and he stared silently at Fang Yun: "Fang Yun, Lian is really surprised. In a short period of time, you can actually grow up to this point. There are countless people in the joint reading, and I have never seen the wrong person. But I have to admit that Lian really underestimates you.

"Even if you say something beautiful, it won't change my idea of killing you. Liu Yu, today is destined to be your end. And the one who ends you is me.

Fang Yun said coldly, and his voice was deafening.

"Hmm! Lian is pitying you and giving you a chance!"

Liu Lin snorted coldly, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

"Don't waste your lips and tongue. Starting from the time you killed Wu Mu and Zong Ling and gave death to my mother, Mrs. Huayang. You and I are destined to embark on a hostile path. One - there is no place to go around at all!"

Fang Yun took a step forward with a bang, revealing a steel-like will all over his body.

"It's for your mother! The feeling of blood... It's really childish!"

Liu Lin shook his head, and his eyes were cold: "It seems that Lian overestimated you. You really haven't changed at all. The warriors cut the hair and wash the marrow, and the bones are reborn. The blood of the whole body has been washed. It has nothing to do with the original bloodline. And you are still obsessed with this kind of bloodline.

"The life of the mediocre ball can only see the immediate benefits. And you can't see the vast universe overhead! What is Middle-earth and Jiuzhou? What is a personal grudge? In this vast universe, it is full of countless worlds like Middle-earth. It has endless life and endless territory. Only the strong who are detached from the individual can have the ability to conquer these worlds.

"If it comes to personal enmity, you and your father can't help yourself and repeatedly stop you from finding a couple. Lian should have smashed you to ten thousand pieces of corpses long ago. But Lian can carry on the past and give you a chance to repent again. Once, twice... In terms of mind, between the universe. There are a few more people who can stand shoulder to shoulder to shoulder. It is not hypocrisy to give you opportunities again and again, but the eyes of the couple have exceeded the limits of your mortals. - Yifangyun, raise your head. Did you see the endless starry sky above your head?

The emperor's voice is full of a powerful charm;

"This starry sky has existed in ancient times, but it has never been noticed and conquered. The ancient three emperors have never conquered; the ancient five emperors have never conquered. But the film will conquer it. The Union will build a huge empire that has not been easy for ever. Its sling, starting from Middle-earth, covers countless worlds. As long as the eyes can see, it will be included in the territory of the association! In the process of this conquest, there will be primitive blood and sacrifice. Just like the death of your mother, Wu Mu and Zong Ling. However, compared with the whole empire in the future. These sacrifices are nothing!"

"In the process of conquest, Lian needs countless talents, one after another, together with Lian to build this unprecedented huge empire."

The emperor's voice paused, lowered his head, with a look of expectation, and looked at Fang Yun: "And you, in such a job reservation, can work with Lian to build the talents of this huge empire! I have high hopes for you! - Come on, forget the ordinary virtue, family affection, and all the useless power of imprisoning yourself. Join the League, the future, the empire of the League, there must be a place for you!!"

For the first time, Fang Yun knew the real ambition of the human emperor. His ambition has gone beyond ordinary imagination. Fang Yun originally thought that his goal was to unify the world and incorporate all the four poles and eight wildernesses into his own imperial territory. But now I know that I have estimated him. His goal is not this divine continent, but the whole universe!

He wants to conquer the universe, the endless world!

"Very good speech!"

Fang Yun clapped his hands, with a sasment on his face: "Three years ago, I might have really believed you and was moved by your words. Unfortunately, the country is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change. In your eyes, I am valuable to you. You just pull in X to take advantage of it. I have no use value for you, so you can suppress it. Liu Yao, in your eyes, you are the only one. Everyone else is just a tool. Wu Mu is like this, San Gong is like this, Zong Ling is like this, and I... is also like this!"

"You think that blood is extremely cheap, but you forget that the reason why you can be the emperor justly. It's precisely because of your blood. Without this bloodline, you are just a worthless hero.

You also forgot that you can reach the mysterious realm in a short time, and even hope to hit the realm of the three souls. It's all given by your blood. It is your so-called royal identity and dynastic luck. Even the three emperors who claim to dominate the world are given to you by Wu Mu. And you are in return for Wu Mu with a cold killing!"

Fang Yun stared at Liu Yong coldly, and his eyes were colder than ice and snow: "No matter how much credit I ask myself, I will not surpass Wu Mu. The cunning rabbit cooks with a dead running dog. Liu Duan, you really think so. Now I don't have any interest in your hegemony. The only thing that can arouse my interest is your head. This is your fate!"

"How presumptuous!"

Liu Yang finally changed his color and looked cold: "If you are obsessed, it's no wonder!"


Liu Lin's fingers fought, and an endless golden sword spirit came out of his fingers. In an instant, the world is red. Di Yi's sword spirit is magnificent enough, but in front of Liu Wei, the sword spirit seemed insignificant.


The endless sword light fell down, but it was fixed above the square cloud. The door of infinite space surges around Fang Yun. The sword spirit issued by the emperor, crossing the doors of these powerful spaces, was immediately weakened layer by layer. When he arrived in front of Fang Yun, it was just a faint wisp.

Fang Yun stood at the peak, his body was motionless, but he had solved the shocking sword of the emperor and revealed the powerful martial arts Xiu Su.