big makeup

295 answers

Qin Fang came back in the middle of the night and rushed straight to the main courtyard as soon as he came back.

Xie Wan was resting in the inner courtyard. When he heard that he came back, he hurried to the front hall.

"Madam! Sure enough, I found the secret memory left by my master outside the government gate of Dali Temple! It turned out that the Lord went to the palace before receiving the order!" Qin Fang gave her a piece of cloth that seemed to have been torn from her robe, and said with a little excitement.

Xie Wan looked at the fragment and recognized the inner cloth of Yin Yu's robe, but there were only a few strange symbols drawn with soil on it, and there was no text. She looked up and said, "How did you see it?"

Qin Fang pointed to the mark above and said, "Look! This symbol represents the palace, this represents the emperor, and these - because these symbols are closely related to the master and were commonly used by us in the past, so we can understand them at a glance! This means that the Lord went to the palace and was summoned by the emperor. But no one knows about it!"

The emperor issued an order to summon him to the palace before he was sent out of Beijing. Why didn't they know about the Duke of the Protector? There was no news in the palace. After Qin Fang inquired, he didn't find out who knew. Could it be that the emperor gave the secret order?

Thinking of this, she was slightly excited.

Under what circumstances would the emperor secretly order Yin Yu to let him enter the palace at this time? Why did he secretly go to the palace before he was assigned? Distribution... Distribution means that he can't stay in Beijing. In other words, he can go out of Beijing. After leaving Beijing, if the emperor provides conditions and wants to do something, he will not know it!

Guo Feng!

Thinking of these two words, her blood all over her body rushed in her body!

Yes! When Yin Yu used this as a guide to the emperor to throw a condition for forgiveness in Dali Temple, the emperor said firmly that he would privately deal with Xie Rong with 10,000 taels of silver. If it hadn't been for the sudden return of the people of Dali Temple with evidence, I'm afraid that the matter would have been settled! Since this matter can prompt the emperor to make a decision on the spot, how could it be ignored because of Ji Zhenyuan and other questions?

And Yin Yu, not only did he enter the cell obediently, but he also obediently did not resist in the prison when she went there, and he didn't tell her how to save him at the first time when he saw her! It's because he has been confident for a long time, right? He covered her mouth and didn't let her say anything, and repeatedly said that he would be fine, not purely to comfort her, but to believe that he would be fine, right?

It is impossible for the emperor not to know that there are tricks in this case. Yin Yu was cultivated as a great-grandson. As the future heir to the throne, will the emperor ignore him in more than ten years? Now he often asks Yin Yao about his homework. It can be seen that Yin Yu spent a lot of time in front of him at that time. In such a long time, their grandparents and grandchildren really won't form some kind of tacit understanding?

Jin Yong went to see the emperor. The emperor stopped him from seeing him all day. Ji Zhenyuan said he went in and went in. Isn't this abnormal? Even if he doesn't feel sorry for his grandson, Ji Zhenyuan hit him in the face and Tianjia in the face like this, will he treat him so much? Would you rather not see Jin Yong than see him?

When she went into the palace with the pile of evidence, although she couldn't see his expression, she felt that he was obviously silent for a while, and he didn't return the evidence to her when she came out! Now I think that before she went out, she had been held in his hand! If he really doesn't care about these things, if he is indifferent to the case, why does he hold them like this?

In the final analysis, the mystery that has been in her mind for a whole day turned out to be here!

There was a tacit understanding between the emperor and Yin Yu as early as when everyone could not notice it, that is, to take this opportunity to hide it from everyone, including the Protectorate, and dig three feet in the case of Caoyun!

The two of them managed to get things this way. There were so many people in prison at that time. Of course, Yin Yu would not tell her clearly! He only asked her to take the evidence into the palace. First, he could show Ji Zhenyuan and others how anxious they were about this matter, and secondly, he reminded her that this case was the key to this matter!

They did so really that they even hid it from her!

Looking at the rags in her hand, her chest suddenly opened like a cloud and the sunrise, and there was no more feeling of sadness, but an incomparable gushing out!

Originally, even if Yin Yu got this evidence, it was difficult to go into the palace and ask the emperor for a thorough investigation. Even if he got the emperor's will, it was difficult to hide his eyes and ears. The people behind this are hidden in the capital, and Ji Zhenyuan is staring at him in Mingli. Any breeze can attract their attention. What's more, it's not as simple as bringing the Guo family back to Beijing to handle this case. It must take some effort behind it. This is what Yin Yu must be present.

But he has a part-time job, how can he leave Beijing at will? If he has any movement, Ji Zhenyuan and others will react. Under such circumstances, if you want to investigate smoothly and thoroughly, the difficulty is unimaginable!

This time, the emperor's "delegation and distribution" can not only leave Beijing justifiedly, but also not to alarm any of them - no matter how capable Ji Zhenyuan is, he can't imagine that his private distribution is for the investigation of transportation!

And Yin Yu will definitely not work for the emperor in vain. They naturally agreed on the conditions in advance. After the case is found out, he will definitely make enough money for himself!

"Mr. Pang and Mr. Gongsun, please!"

She ordered with bright eyes, and her voice was calm and firm.

The lights in the main courtyard turned on until dawn this night. Before the lights went out, Pang Bai and Gongsun Liu came out of the main hall, but there was no wilt after all night, but with unconcealed excitement and expectation. Half an hour later, Qin Fang quietly drove out of the city in the morning and went all the way to the northwest.

At the same time, Xie Wan officially ordered to inform Yin Yu that he had been "distributed". The people in the whole house did not show any smiling faces from the same day, but the sighs of worry increased. Whenever a guest comes to the door, the forced smile under the worry is more obvious, and every time people see it, they can't help sighing secretly.

Yinfu no longer talked about it, and the news in the capital about Yin Yu being sent to the northwest quickly spread.

This result scattered the cloud that had been hanging over people's heads. Everyone suddenly found that Yin Yu was indeed a tyrannical madman. There began to be all kinds of discussions in the teahouses and restaurants. At the same time, people also expressed their great appreciation for Xie Rong's fear of power and dared to fight against evil forces.

For a while, Xie Rong became a synonym for justice in the center of public opinion. When he went out, there were more people who stopped the sedan chair to greet him. Whenever Xie Rong didn't have to hurry, he would stop the sedan chair to respond. So soon, Xie Rong's gentle gentleman image was once again pushed to a height that was difficult for others to reach.

Xie Rong's limelight was unmatched, and Ji Zhenyuan's person sent out by Xie Rong reported that there was indeed a team escorted by soldiers and bodyguards in the palace who personally reached the northwest a few days ago, and then he fell into a big stone in his heart. Although most of the prisoners are escorted by car or on foot, Yin Yu is the emperor's own grandson and the eldest son of the prince. If he is not given some preferential treatment, it will make people suspicious.

He asked the person who was tracking: "Have you ever seen Yin Yu?"

The man thought for a moment and said, "Because I didn't dare to get close to the front, I didn't see the front. I only checked my body four or five feet away when I was about to the northwest camp. I was as tall, fat and thin as Yin Yu, and my hair was just like Xiao."

Ji Zhenyuan was completely released. There will be no second prisoner in the world who can get the emperor's own soldiers and guards. The emperor is willing to let Yin Yu go. When he stays in the army for ten or eight years, he will find a name to release him back. Yin Yu is still justified. If he is released halfway, he will not want to appear as a Yin family in his life.

In addition, these days, the Duke of the People's Republic of China and Wei Bin are unlucky every day. They frequently enter the palace, but they often hang their heads out of the palace, like an eggplant beaten by frost, and they are no longer proud of the previous scenery, and the door is closed day by day in the Yin Mansion of Liuzi I entered the Northwest Camp to join the army!

Ji Zhenyuan was completely released.

Yin Yu has been assigned, which is always the most important thing they have done in recent years. Whether he will make trouble in the northwest or not, and whether he will be exonerated and return to Beijing, it will not be done in three or five years. And what they have to do must not be spent in three or five years. He began to prepare for the seal of Yin Yao as his grandson.

When the students gathered in Jifu for discussion, he first praised Xie Rong. After all, not everyone had to fight for their niece's life to drag their opponents into the water.

Xie Rong's performance this time could not be appreciated by him. He wanted to let him take the old story of Xie Wei and Wei Xian to sue Wei Bin in order to compete for the position of the cabinet. At that time, he looked like he was not as good as death, but in just a few years, he was able to take the initiative to sacrifice his niece Of.

Although one is a biological daughter and the other is a niece, it is always a life. At the same time, it also shocked him.

After the transformation, Xie Rong's goal was clearer and he knew how to make trade-offs, but he also gradually became vicious and vicious unconsciously. He was like a qualified politician. Such a person was certainly a scarce person around him, but he gradually developed the feeling of cultivating the good tiger he picked up into a man-eating beast.

If such a beast can't be well controlled, it is very likely to turn around and devour him. Of course, he is confident that he can subdue him, because Xie Rong's power is firmly grasped in his hand. If he wants to climb up, he has to cling to him and listen to him.

It's like holding a piece of fresh meat. As long as there is meat, the tiger has to listen to you.

He sent a screen with a tiger going down the mountain to Xie Rong as a compliment.

Xie Rong accepted it respectfully. RS