big makeup

296 confirmed

This is the first time that Ji Zhenyuan has officially praised his subordinates in this way. This is his honor, and it also represents that his status among the students of Jifu has been raised to more than one level. His contribution this time has made him become Ji Zhenyuan's chief confidant general.

Xie Rong is very satisfied with this result.

Although he was also confused about how Mr. Qi arranged a little beggar at such a coincidence - he was also surprised by the appearance of the beggar. He originally suspected that it was arranged by Ji Zhenyuan, but Ji Zhenyuan told him that it was Mr. Qi's arrangement. But if you can arrive just at that time, you can't help but say that it's a clever calculation.

He has a new curiosity about Mr. Qi.

Xie Qi's life, in exchange for him to become the number one general beside Ji Zhenyuan, is very worth it for him.

Xie Qi would have died long ago. If it weren't for her, how could Xie Wei have said such a thing to Wei Siam? If it weren't for her, how could Mrs. Li have brought so many people to his door to sweep his face? If it weren't for her, how could Cai Wei not even be as good as a maid?

If she can take advantage of Yin Yu's opportunity to die so valuable, she can also close her eyes.

After the case was closed, he asked people to pull Xie Qi's body back to Qinghe, and by the way, he gave twenty taels of silver as a cocoat. Wang once cried for most of the night with Xie Qi's body in his arms, and he only thought it was funny. Wang doesn't necessarily love this granddaughter so much. This cry is just a sad cry for her own fate.

He sometimes thinks of his life. Originally, it was a cluster of flowers and glory, but now he is only accompanied by Cai Wei. Xie Wei has never come back since she returned to her mother's house. He has also learned to forget. Huang has also converted to Buddhism and became a monk. Except for Qiutongyuan, she is in the Buddhist hall.

On the day Xie Qi's body was dragged back, Huang chanted the whole night in the Buddhist hall.

He sat under the wall of the Buddhist hall across the wall all night.

Huang doesn't know. She is kind in her heart. He always remembers her light smile and gentleness when she got married many years ago, and he has become more and more dirty on this road. Over the years, she hasn't seen him, and he no longer goes to her. It's not that he doesn't miss her, but because they have deviated from the original point too much

The reality forced him to rush forward with all his strength in the official career. He has sacrificed the Huang family and Xie Wei. Now he has sent a Xie Qi, and his nephew's son-in-law to be assigned to the army - if he wants to talk about the crime, his guilt is unforgivable.

But even if his sins are unforgivable, he can't be left with nothing. If he turns back, he will die, and if he moves forward, he will die. Why does he turn back? These sacrifices and losses have come true. What he can do is to get more on this road. If he is destined to lose family affection, then make up for it with supreme power.

Sometimes, he also feels like a gambler who is very jealous.

The screen sent by Ji Zhenyuan was put in the study.

He knew what the tiger on the screen meant. Ji Zhenyuan was guarding against him and beating him, but he thought it was funny. Even if he was a tiger, he raised it, didn't he? Isn't he just hoping that he will become a fierce tiger to defeat all sides for him? Maybe people are all from Longwang Shu. They not only hope that his subordinates will be strong, but also hope that he will not be a threat to him.

He can't move Ji Zhenyuan yet, although he also hates him. Before entering the cabinet, he still needs to wait and obey.

He picked up his pen and clicked a little ink on the tiger's eyes. It seemed that there was a little more gloom in the brutality that could devour people.

"This screen is so beautiful."

Cai Wei came in with tea and said as he squinted at the back of the bookcase. The candlelight projected her delicate figure on the screen, and the exquisite-looking place was more exquisite, and the concave and convex place was more concave and convex.

At the age of 19, she is more and more mature like a round purple grape.

Cai Wei couldn't get his response. She turned her head and met his deep eyes. Her heart jumped, she lowered her head, and reached out to take the tea cup out of the tea tray.

A hand suddenly reached over and held the back of her hand.

Then he stretched out her hand and heard the cup fall to the ground, and she fell into his arms.

His strange and familiar breath swept over her face. Her heart beat wildly. She looked at his chest and dared not move. She said, "Master, I'm drinking."

Xie Rong lowered her eyes, gently scratched his fingers down her face, reached her lips, and wiped them with his fingers. Drink a little."

Cai Wei smelled the faint smell of wine from his breath, and then listened to the lazy mute from the bottom of his throat, as if the wine had all spread to her, making her whole body hot.

She paused, looked up boldly, and looked at him in the candlelight.

There was only a candle lit in the room, shining from his left side, so his face was in the light and in the dark, obviously a little mysterious and charming.

But when it was illuminated like this, the light and shadow just highlighted his straight and tall nose.

He is no longer confused, but he is by no means what an ordinary person should be.

His age has not reduced his charm at all. It seems that he is only in his early thirties at most. The bridge of his nose is really straight and straight, like hand-carved, and there is nothing that is not smooth at all. The shadow on the tip of his nose covered half of his lips, and his lips were also thin and neat, usually tightly squeezed, while under the eyes, the lip line was slightly loose, without the self-restraintance and seriousness, but a little wild.

Yes, wild. Because of the starry candlelight reflected in his half-hanging eyes, the candlelight flashed, which immediately made the word pop into her mind - a man who maintained a decent appearance almost all the time, and in his eyes, there was a kind of wantonness and wildness overflowing silently from his bones.


Cai Wei suddenly felt a little thirsty, and her voice was not so lubricating.

He stretched out a finger and covered her lips and said slowly, "Take off your clothes."

Cai Wei raised her eyes and stretched out to his skirt with her hands trembling.

I used to learn a lot of ways to please men in Xiangyuan, but now, it doesn't work. Her ten fingers were obviously flexible, but at the moment, she was so clumsy that she couldn't catch a belt. Her breathing was already gritting her teeth to control, but when his breath swept slightly to her face and ears, it was all in chaos.

Xie Rong sat in the circle chair and quietly looked at her movements on his knees. Suddenly, he stretched out his hand, pushed her to the ground, pushed her to the body, and tore off her robe.

Although there was no enthusiasm in his eyes, Cai Wei also indulged in this bottomless wave.

Xie Wan closed the door for a few days, and Qin Fang came back.

"There is indeed a team escorted by the bodyguards in the palace to the northwest, but they don't let anyone get close, and even the people of the Protectorate can't visit. On the way there, my subordinates happened to meet those people of the Protector's Mansion, and the other party only promised to accept the clothes and money The reason is to prevent prisoners from robbery. However, they promised to let the person who was detained write a note and send a message to the Duke of Protector. My subordinates read the note, and it was my grandfather's words.

Xie Wan raised his heart: "He wrote it on the spot?"

"Then I don't know." Qin Fang said, "I heard that it was the bodyguard who asked me to write it from the roadside teahouse before giving it to them."

Xie Wan's eyes flashed.

Since it was not written with your own eyes, it is likely that it has been written for a long time to deal with these people.

She asked again, "What else did you find?"

"The little one also found this!"

is a man's handkerchief embroidered with pine branches!

"This is my lord's. Where did you find it?" She asked tightly.

Qin Fang said, "When my subordinates found this handkerchief, it was arrow-shaped, and the direction with bamboo leaves was pointing in the other direction. Moreover, the handkerchief looked very flat and fell on the tip of the grass. The wind in the wild did not blow it off, so my subordinates judged that someone deliberately put it here, and it had just been put here.

"And we all know that the master has always cherished the things given by his wife. Even if he may be bound by his hands and feet, it is impossible to drop such a precious handkerchief. We guessed that this should be put by me himself, and he should know that we are behind.

When Xie Wan heard this, he couldn't help tightening his lips. Yin Yu was indeed not a person who put things randomly, but Qin Fang's words showed a key point, that is, if the veil was put by Yin Yu himself, doesn't it mean that he is actually free to act along the way? And more importantly, he took the veil as the guide. Did he deliberately point them in direction because he knew that they would follow behind?

"The Lord will never do anything meaningless." When Pang Bai saw that Xie Wan was silent, he was so sure.

Xie Wan nodded and said, "What is the direction on the veil?"

"Southwest!" Qin Fang nodded with burning eyes: "It's pointing to the southwest!"

Guo Feng's family is located near Dali, Yunnan Province. The handkerchiefs are folded into arrows and point to the southwest. Isn't it to explicitly tell them that they really went to the southwest? And the reason why the people of the Protectorate can't see the prisoner's face is that the man is naturally pretending! Is the emperor using his own soldiers and bodyguards as a cover, and he is playing a play for hundreds of officials?

"What else? What else did you find?"

"In addition, we found the code left by Liao Zhuo all the way. From the code, we can know that they did go southwest, and they left a very clear message, indicating that the master was about to go south, and there were two guards of Qianqing Palace! So they can only follow each other secretly and can't turn around in time!"

He took a note to Xie Wan, which was a piece of paper commonly used in Yinfu, drew a few people driving horses with simple strokes, and then printed a few fingerprints.

"Everyone around us has fingerprint archives, and it is also a common way for us to pass messages and leave fingerprints to prove our identity. My subordinates have confirmed that this is indeed the fingerprints of Liao Zhuo and the three of them!"

Xie Wan stared at the painting several times, and then asked Pang Bai to take the fingerprint and archive it for comparison. It's really right!

In this way, the speculation that Yin Yu went south for the Guo family can be completely confirmed! RS